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Everything posted by bishoujo

  1. I don't think they exist. Our senses are easily misled and we can make warped judgments under stress, fear or exhaustion. A lot of sightings could actually be attributed to light from airplanes or military aircrafts. Obviously when these sightings are reported, nobody's going to step up and admit that they were undergoing secret military training or spying activities.
  2. Well she said "It's about a Jewish boy and a German Aryan girl who fall in love during the holocaust." so it looks like it could be a romance and tragedy. Why should a horror movie be set during the holocaust anyway? The holocaust is a major historical time period with great tragedy and should be incorporated with great relevancy and great respect or it would only draw flak. I don't see how it could be a comedy if it's set during the holocaust, but this could be possible, maybe dark comedy, sattire or something... difficult subjects, and hat's off to Mermaid and team if they can pull this off well. I think sex scenes should be one of the last things to consider in a movie, unless it is of utmost relevancy to the progression of the plot. I absolutely hate movies that include intimate scenes just for the sake of including them, they make a movie look cheap.
  3. Paedophiles are sick! I don't think all of them are having real mental issues, as in an upset in their hormones or something. They are sane people but with very warped and twisted ideas of pleasure, and that makes them even more dangerous. Anyway, this isn't a unique case, it happens quite frequently and child prostitution is rather prevalent in backward countries. It's horrible that people not only do not report them to relevant authorities or try to get help for them but actually patronize them!
  4. Have you read Friedrich? It's set during or slightly before the Holocaust. In one of the chapters, Friedrich, the Jewish protagonist falls in love with a non-Jewish girl. Both of them are walking in the park and Friedrich doesn't want to sit down although the girl wanted to, because the Jews face prejudice and they can only sit on benches meant for Jews. Friedrich didn't want to sit down because he didn't dare to let the girl know that he was Jew. But she chose a Jewish bench to sit down and told him that she already guessed/knew he was Jewish and she didn't mind being him despite of that. Shortly after, however, he chose to leave her because he did not want to get her into trouble Apparently if she knowingly associated with a Jew, it would be a crime. Hope this gives you some inspiration.
  5. Yes it should be. Now I love art, and I draw and paint myself, but I believe there is always a right place and right time to do things. If graffiti artists want people to respect their art, they must first learn to respect people's property. They may be proud of their art, but not everybody would like their work enough to want it on their possessions, and without seeking their permission too. Furthermore, not all buildings or construction works can accommodate artistic graffiti. Examples are commercial buildings, religious buildings and cemeteries. If graffiti artists wish to do their art in public, they should do it in places that are put aside for them (in my country, there is a place where graffiti artists are allowed to paint to their hearts' content), obtain permission from the authorities or the owner of the building/wall they are doing their art on, or rent a wall to paint on. But there should definitely be a penalty for artists who don't obey these, otherwise, people will spray wherever they want to.
  6. bishoujo


    Try to avoid consuming things like coffee and tea which have caffeine. These can stain your teeth. If you drink them, brush your teeth right away after consumption. And don't smoke too because it can badly stain the teeth and no amount of brushing will help.If you already have stains on your teeth, visit the dentist and have the stains removed. Then take good care of your teeth and brush them regularly and you be able to keep your pearlies white until the next dental appointment.
  7. Megaupload hates me. It's premium service is great (just like rapidshare). I know because I've used their happy hour feature before. But later, their happy hour feature became very picky on IPs too, and as my IP is based in Asia, there is never a time where I could download a file from megaupload. So I absolutely dislike this service. I don't like the fact that they use flash on their website too.
  8. The physical structure of your body could also contribute to weight. I had a friend who's very slim, but her weight renders her to be nearly overweight. She said that her doctor said it's because her bones are heavy. I'm never very interested in biology, so I didn't bother to do any research, and I can't ascertain whether it's true. But I suppose some people who don't look fat could appear to be actually heavier than they look. For example, muscular people look trim and lean, but their muscles certainly contribute to their weight.I do suggest though, that you try to reduce your weight instead of worrying about weighing heavier than you look. At least get yourself down to 200lbs as you wanted to, then you can worry about the charts. If you have a healthy weight, you probably wouldn't even need to worry about health insurance for the moment.
  9. Naruto is actually quite a nice series with a decent plot and interesting characters. But it is definitely way overrated. The art and design aren't even all that nice (totally agree with the orange jumpsuit. The green jumpsuit of Rock Lee's scares me even more but anyways...) and some parts of the plot are way too cliched! To be fair, it's really a pretty good series for people who like shounen action and stories about good being victorious over evil, never giving up and camaraderie and who don't mind extremely predictable plots. But yes, there are lots of better series out there. I have a friend who watches very few anime but she is Crazy over this series and loves to gush about it. I just put up with her because I suppose it's the best one of all the ones she has seen.Poor english dubbing does ruin a good anime. I heard that Naruto has a very annoying catch phrase 'Believe it!' which I believe would make anyone cringe. Try watching Japanese ones with english subtitles. You might appreciate it better.
  10. Previously, when I heard that people were actually rejecting the fact that global warming was happening and we need to do something to stop it, I thought they were being ignorant, because from a rather young age in school, our science teachers were already telling us about human atrocities causing global warming. After reading the responses so far, I agree that global warming may have seemed to be a natural process. However, our actions are definitely accelerating the process and making it worst than it originally should have been.
  11. I honestly do not know. I have never had any personal experiences. I've read stories from both the people who experienced ghostly experiences and skeptics who explained things from psychological and scientific point of view. The skeptics always seem more convincing, but I won't rule out the idea of the existence of ghosts because so many people from so many different cultures in the world believe in their existence. Still, from what I learnt about ghosts, I don't ever want a ghostly experience!
  12. I believe reading will help you in analytical writing. If you have no ideas on what to write about, you will not be able to write a good analytical essay, no matter how good your writing skills are. Reading also helps you to learn how others organize their ideas and writings, and this will help you in your organizational skills in analytical writing.Reading news articles online and newspapers will help you learn more about society and current affairs, not to mention, the English is of a good standard. A lot of news papers also have analytical articles and reviews by editors and journalists, which will make good model essays from you to learn from.
  13. I'm guilty of 5 and 6. XD The person who wrote this is right that sleep deprivation is bad for your health. During deep sleep, your body is at its lowest activity. You are right that the brain never rests. In fact, no part of your body ever rests completely, but they are indeed experiencing the lowest activity. Dreams would probably use up less cells than conscious thoughts, because dreams occur from the subconscious mind I believe. Furthermore, if you are sleep-deprived, you will realize that you have difficulty concentrating the next day. That's a sign that the mind is very tired. I totally disagree with number 10 though. What happens if one is deaf and dumb then? I'm sure people who are deaf and dumb are quite capable of intellectual thinking.
  14. Wow I think more women would want to go out with you after they see this relation between you and your girlfriends' weights! It could be just pure coincidence. How many girlfriends are you talking about? And are you perfectly sure it's all of them who are losing weight? Sometimes, people tend to just count the hits and ignore the misses and make relations between things that aren't relevant to each other.Or are you vegetarian or do you have a small appetite, or do you exercise a lot, and they follow your lifestyle and start losing weight too?Anyway, the main thing is they aren't complaining, and they are happy. So why even fret over such an assumption? Unless you are absolutely curious or have a lot of time on your hands, I don't think you should worry yourself over this or see a therapist.
  15. I agree that it's dangerous to push yourself too much. In my country, several fit and young men just collapsed while running and passed away. It's extremely baffling because they had no health problems and they were always so fit and did exercise regularly. I guess other key things you have to take note of is not to push yourself to exercise when you are under stress, or sick. Exercise is a good way to keep fit and unhealthy, but I guess it can sometimes backfire if you don't watch yourself and exercise the right way. I also think it's better to keep a steady pace instead of sprinting during certain laps and then suddenly slowing down. That's pretty bad for the heart.
  16. i have nokia 7250 too. I like Nokia phones. Very hardy and user-friendly. My friend drops hers all the time and it still works fine. I had a Samsung phone once. It was a flip phone and it's monitor died after about half a year.
  17. Hahaha at the first one! A lot of it is quite true. Some women are quite sloppy though, so the stuff about appearances don't apply to them. Then again, sloppy women are generally deemed to be tomboyish lol
  18. This is an absurd question. One would have to understand all the religions in the world to even make comparisons. Besides, everybody hails from different cultures and has different mentalities. Someone may think a certain aspect of one religion is superior to one aspect of another simply because of the way they were brought up or what they were exposed to in life. I believe religion is one thing that we could not rank.
  19. yes it's becoming a phenomenon in my country too. The sad thing is, the kids who are involved in it are usually young teens from 12 - 16. I think it makes them feel powerful and they can broadcast their 'power' to the rest of the world with the videos. But it really is a sick thing to do, and can be very traumatizing to the victim. Sites like youtube should ban happy slapping videos too.
  20. Does this really work? I wear glasses too because of myopia and astig, unfortunately. I sometimes do that blinking thing too, but only in the morning when I read at the breakfast table, because I'm too lazy to find my glasses. lol. What I do notice though, is that when I use the computer without my glasses, I find my vision disorientated (the kind of feeling when you wear glasses that have a higher degree than your eyesight) when I put them on. Is this normal? Is it also part of the effects of 'blinking'?
  21. Actually, all religion calls for peace and the good for mankind. It is the 'believers' who have altered the instructions according to their own warped beliefs.
  22. Symptoms of Cancer1. Lumps, especially those that are growing larger gradually, appearing on parts of your body such as the breasts, neck abdomen.2. Signs of injury not externally inflicted which do not go away after a long time, such as bruises and scratches on the skin or ulcers on the tongue3. Body weight keeps fluctuating or nutrition level decreases dramatically (e.g. falling sick more frequently or feel tired easily) despite the absence of sicknesses that also cause such symptoms such as Diabetes.4. Dry cough that does not heal in a long while, blood in phlegm, scratchiness in voice that does not go away (not inborn)5. Disruption in defecation habits i.e. experiencing a combination of diarrhea and constipation, or bloody stoolsIf you are experiencing the above symptoms, don't panic. They may not necessarily mean that you have contracted cancer. Go for a full-body checkup as soon as possible.Preventing Cancer1. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially dark green and orange fruits and vegetables. These foods have high amounts of Vitamins C, A, fibre, calcium etc. Eat a large variety of food and do not be fussy about your food. Vegetarian food should make up the bulk of every meal i.e. 2/3 of the meal.2. Keep your weight in check, avoid being obese or underweight. Prevent your weight from increasing or decreasing by more than 5kg at any one time with the exception of pregnancy3. Do not smoke, avoid habitual consumption of alcohol4. Do not over-exert yourself when you work, only handle an amount of work that is appropriate for you. Keep your working environment clean.5. Avoid salty food or smoked meat, such as salted fish and ham. Nitroso in such food may cause cancer.
  23. bishoujo


    How long does the acne problem last?
  24. It could be because you grew very conscious of it, so in your subconscious mind, you keep thinking about the number, so you keep seeing it everywhere when your subconscious mind tries to find a relation with this number on everything. Other than your clock, where else do you see the number?In my culture, if people start seeing the same number everywhere, we would buy lottery with the number.
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