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Everything posted by bishoujo

  1. I don't think its this problem. I'm having the same issue with other forums that aren't a part of Xisto too.
  2. Please reset my password. Thanks! Notice from BuffaloHELP: Sent new password.
  3. Recently, I've been having problems staying logged in on certain forums. when i fill up my username and password, the page reloads and goes to the member page, but when i try to click something only applicable to members, it brings me to the guest pages and asks me to log in again. This has happened to me on the Credit system on Xisto and a couple of other forums as well. I've cleared the cookies, reloaded the pages and stuff but to no avail. Any ideas?
  4. I think they are trying too hard to encourage everybody to get their own individual copy. But now, as the original source says, they are just going to encourage more illegal cracking, sharing and downloads, be it for convenience or out of vengeance.
  5. I tried to send a support ticket to Xisto Helpdesk. However, when submitting it, I needed to fill in text from a captcha image "Please enter the text you see in the image at the right into the textbox below.", but the image just won't load for me. I tried in both firefox and IE. On IE, it shows a cross. Please advise me on this or point me to another source that can give me the help I need. I'm trying to get xisto to help me reset my Cpanel password. Thanks!
  6. lol yes that's what I always do. I try to brush my teeth right after dinner. Then I won't be tempted to take a midnight snack because I'd be lazy to brush my teeth again.
  7. Scroll down to Post #8 for Admin Support Ok I've read stuff here and there in the support forum and shoutbox about the recent Xisto server problem. I'm extremely confused. Some people say that their websites are working fine. Some people are experiencing different issues from mine, had their website reset or something. I can access my website on the gamma server, so I assume that if I unpark and park my domain again, I can get it to work like the last time. I accessed my cpanel at bishoujo.trap17.com/cpanel because the 'Access CPanel' link on the forum didn't work. But I can't log in with my username and password. I read something about having to reset cpanel passwords, which will cost 10 credits. Yet some people say they are not getting the new password emailed to them, so I'm not going to take a risk with this. However, if this applies to all members, I wonder if the 10 credits can be waived. After all, I would have kept using the same password for the rest of the time I'm being hosted here if not for problems like these that are not the fault of mine. I'm sure people who have less than 10 credits will be worried and indignant about this too. And do not ask me to visit other topics. I've checked out the relevant threads. They don't answer my question and get me even more confused. I'd like an answer from someone who is actually in the know. If there is no answer yet, let me know and I'll wait for an official announcement. Apologies if I sound frustrated and impatient. I understand that the admins are probably just as bothered about the problem, if not more than I am. I'm not annoyed with the downtimes. I understand that its unavoidable, even for paid hosting. But I'm more bothered with the fact that there is no organized method of summarizing all the problems and solutions for members, and we have to do a lot of experimentation and spend time looking for answers (or rather speculations) all over the forum.
  8. The forum forbids posting of referral links. Suggest you get rid of your referral id before the moderator does something.
  9. don't use tk sites. it blasts visitors with a full page advertisement and that's just plain annoying and will put your visitors off. I've used co.cc before. It's not bad. A piece of advice though. If you have a co.cc domain with a domain you are planning to use when you buy your top-level domain (e.g. you have ivantoear.co.cc and intend to go with ivantoear.com), and your website becomes popular later, chances are, someone may snap up all the main tlds ivantoear.com, ivantoear.net etc if you are not quick enough to buy your domain before that. This is because those chaps buy these domains to sell them back at high price.
  10. Lor Mee is a traditional Chinese hawker dish. This recipe is a result of experimentation. I threw in a lot of ingredients because I wanted to finish them up quickly. lol the outcome was rather nice and refreshing.This recipe serves 5. Ingredients:200g belly pork5 hard-boiled eggs, shelled1/2 cup chunks of fried fish1/2 cup 0.5cm thick slices of ngoh-hiang5 fried dumplings (either gyoza or wanton)1/2 cup sliced fried fish cake1/2 cup mixture of chopped spring onion and celery1 1/2 tsp minced garlic5 tbsps good quality black vinegar1/4 cup chopped red chilli padiGround Pepper1 kg Hokien mee (thick yellow noodle)250g bean sprouts, cleaned1 egg white1/3 cup potato flour1 shallot, slightly crushed2 cloves garlic, slightly crushed4 slices ginger1 star anise1/4 tsp white pepper corns1/4 cup dark soya sauce1 tbsp light soya sauce1 tbsp cooking oilSugar, approx 1 tbspSalt to tasteMethod1. Heat a deep pot with cooking oil and saute crushed garlic and shallot, ginger, peppercorns, star anise and sugar until fragrant. 2. Add belly pork, sear on both sides. 3. Add 10 cups of hot water, hard boiled eggs and dark soya sauce. Leave to simmer for an hour or slightly more. 4. Season with light soya sauce and salt (Use 1/2 teaspoon first because Hokkien mee and other ingredients such as the fish cake may be salty). 5. Remove braised belly pork and the hard boiled eggs. Cool before slicing them. Discard softened shallot, garlic, star anise, ginger and peppercorns.6. Bring stock to boil again. Stir in egg white.7. Mix potato flour with water to form a diluted paste. Pour over simmering stock, stirring all the time until gravy thickens. Taste, adding a little more black soya sauce and sugar if necessary.8. Divide mee and beansprouts in five portions. Scald in boiling water for 30 seconds. Drain well and put in large serving bowl.9. Pour thickened gravy, about 1 1/2 cups per bowl, garnish with sliced belly pork, halved eggs, fried fish chunks, sliced fish cake, ngoh-hiang and fried dumplings. Garnish with minced garlic and chopped spring onion and celery. Serve immediately with the chopped red chilli padi and vinegar.Yes cooking this was about as tedious as compiling and writing the recipe. But you will gain optimum satisfaction!
  11. Recently, I had to prepare some food for a gathering. After referring to a few Chinese cuisine recipes and my own innovation, I came up with this recipe! It serves 8-10 because that was the number of people I had to cook for. Note: Very time-consuming and requires a lot of ingredients! Ingredients: 1 whole fresh duck 3 1/2 tbsps sugar 1 cucumber, sliced 3 stalks coriander leaves, cut into 1 cm lengths (A) 5-spice powder Walnut size knob of young ginger - crushed 1 tsp salt 2 tbsps lor dark soya sauce (thicker than the standard dark soya sauce. For people living in non-asian countries, you probably can get it in your 'chinatowns' or places that sell Asian groceries) (_B_) 1 tbsp oyster sauce 5 tbsps light soya sauce 12-15 cloves garlic, slightly crushed 1 star anise 1 stick cinammon 1 tsp Sichuan pepper (you can use other hot peppers if you can't find this) Walnut size knob of galangal, sliced Preparation and Cooking: 1. Blanch duck with boiling water. Rub both inside and out with ingredients (A). Discard ginger and leave duck to hang at room temperature for about two hours. 2. Put sugar in a large wok and heat over moderate heat. Keep stirring until sugar caramelizes. 3. Sear prepared duck on all sides. Add ingredients ( and 2 cups hot water. Bring to a boil. 4. Reduce heat, cover wok and simmer for 45 minutes. Turn duck over and continue to simmer for another half hour. 5. Remove cooked duck and let excess sauce drip back into wok. Leave to cool at room temperature for 1/2 hour before cutting into serving pieces. 6. Serve garnished with the coriander leaves and sliced cucumber, with a garlic-chilli-vinegar sauce. Can be eaten with rice or porridge. Enjoy!
  12. Thanks spamimi! That looks fabulous! I love tofu, I'll definitely try it out when I have time. Glad you enjoyed my recipe too.
  13. Here's a healthy vegetarian recipe for those who are tired of plain old veggies and salad!Serves 2Ingredients: 150g baby spinach leaves, 4 medium-sized Portobello mushrooms, 20g chopped onions, 40g ricotta cheese, 60g mayonnaise, 3 sliced sun-dried tomatoes, 2 sunflower seed buns, salt and pepperNote: If you do not like sunflower seed buns or are unable to get hold of them, a good alternative would be sesame bunsMethod:1. Wash and chop baby spinach leaves.2. Blanch the spinach leaves in boiling water for 30 seconds.3. Strain water and place the spinach in ice cold water to halt the cooking process, maintaining the color of the leaves.4. Gently squeeze the excess water from the spinach.5. Saute the chopped onion and spinach leaves in a pan, add in salt and pepper to taste. Remove from the pan and allow to cool down.6. Mix the ricotta cheese and mayonnaise together until smooth and well-blended.7. Fold the ricotta-mayonnaise mix with the spinach leaves.8. Season the Portobello mushrooms with salt and pepper and olive oil. Bake in an oven for 10 minutes at 160 degrees celsius.9. Spread butter on the buns and toast in oven for 2 minutes.10. Spread spinach mixture on the bun and place the Portobella mushrooms on top, before garnishing with sliced sun-dried tomato.11. Place the sandwich on a plate with a side salad and serve. Enjoy!
  14. I chanced upon a book called 'What Colour is Your Diet' by David Heber, which is about how different colored foods can help to nourish different parts of your body. Red and pink fruits and vegetables help protect the heart by controlling high blood pressure and protect against circulatory problems resulting from diabetes. Examples of these fruits and vegetables include watermelon, pink grapefruit, tomato, watermelon, strawberries, raspberries and beetroot. Green fruits and vegetables help to protect the liver. They are common in everyday food and should not be hard to get. Greens aren't just about leaves and veggies. You can also include avocado, green apples, green grapes, kiwifruit, lime, green pears, green peas and honey dew in your diet. Black fruits and vegetables, especially black beans, protect the kidney by lowering cholesterol and controlling blood sugar levels after a meal. So other then protecting the kidney, they are also good choice for people who suffer from diabetes or insulin resistance. Other examples include Chinese olives and black currants. White is for protecting the lungs. Examples include garlic, parsnips, white peaches, potatoes, pears, white mushrooms and white corn. Orange fruits protect the spleen, especially oranges, which are rich in vitamin C and Vitamin A, which are good for the spleen. Other orange fruits include tangerins, Hami melon, papaya and pumpkin. Purple foods are good for protecting the brain. They also help to control cholesterol intake by the blood stream when one is given a high cholesterol diet. Examples of purple fruits and vegetables include onions, blueberries, blackberries, grapes and purple cabbage. If you are interested in reading about the scientific reasonings behind all these, you can check out the book itself.
  15. very beautiful work. My favorite is Butterfly Beyonce!
  16. She likes art, doesn't she? If you have a few weeks, why not make something artistic for her? It could be a drawing, sculpture or whatever. It would be more unique and heartfelt.
  17. I absolutely know what you mean! The same thing happened to me too. I was all excited about picking up guitar, and I even wanted to buy a guitar. After a few weeks, I managed to borrow a guitar from a friend, but then I got preoccupied with something else and I didn't touch the guitar at all. I returned it a month later and had no desire to pick up too. I also wanted to learn cooking, but after being all excited about it and cooking some pretty good dishes for the first few days, I lost interest again!I think the only way to make u get into the habit of learning something is to make it 'compulsory'. For example, if my room mate didn't cook for us, I would have been forced to learn to cook and end up making a habit out of it.
  18. From personal experience, there was one point of time when I skipped school because I was having friendship problems. High school is very stressful academic-wise, and having problems with friends makes school a lot worst because there were no peers to support me when I was going through difficult times. I was 17 then, so this doesn't just happen to young children. What you should do is talk to her and show her that you are there for her. Watching her is not really going to help, because you may interpret her behavior wrongly and that is not going to help matters. Like so what if you notice that she didn't hand in her homework or was late for school? You wouldn't understand why, and you probably already know this anyway. Also, grounding is a bad solution. If I was grounded by my parents, I would dislike them and all the more wish to do opposite of whatever they want of me. This is how the mind of a teenager works, and that's why it's the rebellious stage. Now that I'm a little older, I think that some of my thinking was quite juvenile, but nevertheless, it was an unavoidable stage and there is no point trying to knock sense into your kids by treating them like kids. Do treat her like an adult and talk to her, and she will be more willing to share her problems with you.
  19. This will make a good plotline for an advertisement on safes lol
  20. I like PS3 because there's a wide variety of my favorite games that I can play using it, as some of the others have mentioned above. But I heard that the graphics are not as good as the other consoles though.
  21. I don't like rap too! It's monotonous, I can barely hear what the rapper says, and it get just irritates me like noise particles do. There is no musical quality in rapping. And I totally agree about some rapper being disrespectful to women. It really gets on my nerves.
  22. If a family can be detained at the customs just for being overheard saying the word 'bomb', your situation is no surprise, although it's ridiculous.(the child was actually asking the parent why security was so tight and the parent said 'to ensure that nobody's bringing bombs in, and the police swooped on them when they heard the word 'bombs'. By the time they proved their innocence, they had missed their flight and there was no compensation given!People are way too uptight about these little issues!
  23. some of these facts are interesting!Especially the last fact! But that's dangerous, it means we can't smell a fire or a gas leak.lol@totsuken. the gaijins would have serious problems with it. Sony is still easier to pronounce and remember.
  24. this is really awful! I probably wouldn't bring myself to live. This man is very strong-willed.
  25. website builders should strictly be used by people who have 0 html knowledge, have no time to learn and nobody to build their sites for them. Otherwise it is just a burden.Anyway, one does not need a free website builder host in order to have a free website. You can still have a free html website hosted on Xisto and make it look professional.
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