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Everything posted by Inspiron

  1. 50 cents? For how long? I'll take that if its also paid annually. Anyway, but why get paid domains when we can get them free?Sub-domains work fine without ads and they do looked like top level domains in some.I would highly recommend .co.nr domain. They are free, no ads, and provide URL-cloaking..Check it out this free subdomain at http://www.freedomain.pro/ Of course if that 50 cents domain is a valid one, that would be an exception for me.
  2. I use Skype because I think it's the best choice among all VoIP providers, in terms of voice quality. It's free PC-to-PC calls certainly rule out many other VoIP providers. Also, Skype sometimes surprises its users by giving free Skypeout minutes which you can use it to call lanelines and mobile phones free for that total minutes provided. Other than that, it uses encryption for the voice data that sent into the internet. Besides, file transfer and text messenging are also encrypted. That makes Skype one of the most secure Instant Messenger (IM) as well.I would probably just stick to skype for personal use. Probably Google Talk might be the next provider that I might be trying out..
  3. May I ask you what kind of script is this? What is the programming language used? It doesn't seem like a programming language that I know of..
  4. Usually the best software to create any pictures would be Photoshop. But the shortest way to get your banner done, with you are without any ideas, you can always request for a banner in this forum too..The people here makes great graphics as you can see in some of our signatures.
  5. There are many tweaks for Windows XP for better performance, by turning off unwanted applications for example. Refer to these sites : http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2003/05/sgp-tweaks/ http://kadaitcha.cx/xp/performance.html http://tweaks.com/
  6. Yes Linux is always open-sourced and free for download. But because these few people came to form RedHat company and put alot of effort in development, enhancing, troubleshooting and maintaining RedHat, they've decided to charge users for a fee to use their operating system. It's the kernel in RedHat that is free, which they got from the free community. But it's the effort that they put in that they decided to charge.Besides RedHat, Linspire and Mandrake are also other Linux distributions that charge for usage. Mandrake however only charge it's subscribers for releasing the latest versions to them first before releasing into the public afew months later for free.
  7. If you have an antivirus software or firewall installed on your current computer that you will use to connect to your external harddrive, the data transferred into your external harddrive will automatically be protected by the antivirus and firewall software. There isn't any extra steps to install into your external harddrive to protect it. It works the same way as a flash drive, except that your external harddisk contains more storage space. You don't install another anti-virus software or something into your flash drive, don't you? :DAnd also remember to disconnect your external harddrive if not in use to prevent excess memory being used for that connection. In another way, it's still safer logically to disconnect if you are not using it. Apart, it saves power too..
  8. RedHat is probably one of the Linux distributions that is not free.. It's a paid operating system and require licenses like Microsoft. You can purchase the download here : https://access.redhat.com/downloads/
  9. I've found some nice tutorials to do this... I'll be good for me too... https://www.sitepoint.com/how-to-code-html-email-newsletters/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (See the attachment for download)
  10. I don't think anything will happen. The people in Rapidshare would probably ignore the problem unless being reported by the orginal user. There are alot of users to Rapidshare. Definately they wouldn't check them one by one until someone report a case. The error probably just a script running on their servers to notify the users if there are any errors or exceptions that occurs. It would be best if you can screenshot the error and paste it here to clarify.So don't worry. The internet is big. A little problem wouldn't result in a lawsuit unless it's really big and broken any laws. Breaking rules and regulations or terms and conditions of a company or service will only result in ban of account, or in worst case, removal of user subscription. It certainly will not come up into having police coming to your home. So don't worry.
  11. Paste your Google Ads codes scripts inside the Board Wrappers if you are using Invision forum boards.
  12. Yeap I do wear glasses. Started wearing since about 10 years old. I think it was because I kept reading books with dimmed lights that made me started to wear glasses. The degrees are increasing by the years since I've started using computers too..I'm not sure but I somehow discovered that girls prefer guys without glasses. Glasses somehow make someone look nerdy, especially those with frames. Frameless glasses make someone look more like doctors. But between glasses and contact lenses, I'll still prefer glasses because I wouldn't want to take the time and hassle to put on contact lenses. They are somehow more dangerous too if not handled properly..Yep.. So that's what and how I think...
  13. Wow.. This is definately a gaming machine. I bet playing DoomIII on it will be smoother than playing PacMan on a Pentium 1 machine.As what moldboy said, using this computer for simple office work, a webserver or something that doesn't require high performance, why get such a good one? It's going to be expensive for something that you wouldn't make use of.
  14. Last time I was playing with my boot sequence and I also had this problem. There wasn't much alternatives to solve this problem so I went to reformat my computer. I prefer reformating because it is more direct way of solving this problem. However if you do not want to reformat, I suggest you to refer to these articles : http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000465.htm http://www.tburke.net/info/ntldr/ntldr_hacking_guide.htm https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/318728
  15. Intel certainly has a high amount of reputation through the years. Many companies go along with Intel for these years also. However, AMD was born to challenge Intel in terms of power of their processors. Intel processors definately works fine. AMD counters by making their processors work even faster by adding more transistors. Intel processors uses high power consumption. AMD counters by reducing the amount of power required yet producing high performance. Intel processors get hot very fast. Again, AMD counters with the low requirement of electrical power, lesser heat is generated. And because lesser heat is generated, even higher processing speeds are initiatised. Tech geeks improved by tweaking, overclocking and ultra-cooling the system for enhance and superb speeds which wins Intel processors many times. Intel processors however are much protected such that they are not very tweakable, and not overclockable. The advantage is this step is to prevent accidental error tweaks that can damage the entire processor.Therefore, in my point of view, AMD is generally faster, cooler, cheaper, and consumes lesser power than Intel processors. However Intel is generally safer, more recognised, and more stable than AMD.It all depends on the user's needs. I've haven't tried AMD. The next computer I'm getting would probably be a customised AMD for me to explore and experiment. Definately AMD will be the better choice for a gaming machine.
  16. Erm.. If there's a choice, I'd prefer reddish-orange jeans.. But among the ones available, I like dark blue because it suits well with many tops.
  17. The weird thing is, if this news is true, why Sophos or Google don't expose which is the anti-virus provider? If they exposed that Sophos is the provider, then Sophos would definately win reputation immediately and their shares in the market definately go way up beating Symantec. Probably they are under trial or something so it wouldn't expose, that is what I can think of now..Anyway if it is really Sophos, i'd for sure change my norton antivirus now to Sophos. Hopefully Sophos doesn't take lots of memory and slows down my computer when I swap provider..
  18. Yeap.. This Wmf so far is not patched, and probably impossible to patch. I've read somewhere detailed before.. Here's the link http://www.updatexp.com/wmf-exploit.html
  19. A simple that doesn't consider professional editing.. Try Google Picasa.. http://picasa.google.com/index.html 4MB file, probably the smallest sized known photo editing software...
  20. Crazy but definately cool.. I believe it will be one of the coolest product for the decade of its release sales.. It saves space, certainly.. And doesn't require any maintanence for its just light beams.. It's certainly mobile..One biggest disadvantage probably is that it consumes high power..I saw it somewhere at some technology roadshows.. find it cool..
  21. Wow.. that's GodSpeed.. Travelling that distance is certainly a challenge.. I wonder if the signals are still strong communicating from the probe back to earth.. If it is, than probably, if aliens exist, they would have received earthling signals too.. And to them, our signals are their alien signals. But anyway, that is something that I thought it wouldn't happen.. Probably possible with a high beam laser or something that can calculate stuffs to far distance, but not a probe that goes to pluto.. Pluto is the last planet on the solar system.. And I wonder if it would ever get there.. Because there is a line of comet belt across Jupitar or somewhere near (I forgotten exactly where) that can smash anything that crosses it (I've read somewhere too).. Even if it gets through, some aliens that probably exist may destroy it, for an alien craft to them as well.. No one knows what's beyond.. So definately this experiment can show alot of earthling adventures beyond earth..
  22. Haha.. Thanks to Avalon..Happy New Year 2006 .. btw..
  23. I believe these might help you... https://enaming.com/exclusive/domain/manda.com/ http://www.yourhtmlsource.com/frames/inlineframes.html
  24. I'm not sure about MySQL but I guess you can get some references here.. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/password-hashing.html https://www.experts-exchange.com/questions/20678779/how-to-change-the-root-password-in-mysql.html
  25. You can also get more stylesheet references at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/css/
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