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Everything posted by Inspiron

  1. Thanks tt3.. But I don't think I'm going to look into for RealPlayer anymore. I already don't trust that software. It just brings problems and spywares into my computer. I'll just have to forget about streaming any RealMedia formats from the internet and stick with Windows Media Player streaming.At least Windows Media Player is working effortlessly then RealMedia streaming.. I cannot deny that..
  2. Before I start anything, I have to declare that I'm a total Linux noob. So please treat me like an idiot when replying to this thread because I really don't know what is going on in Linux. Step by step guide will be very much appreciated.I've been exploring Linux for the pass few days. I've tried Knoppix, Ubuntu and Damn Small Linux (DSL). Knoppix was pretty well build among the rest that I've tried, however it's rather complicated to use as well (remember I'm a noob!). Ubuntu was the worst, I can't even boot up from a Live-CD. It prompted me an error stating that my CD-ROM device hardware wasn't found, which was worst that in fact it was a Live-CD. I was, duh?, get what I meant? The booting cannot continue until this problem was fixed. I gave up in the end as this same process looped for almost 3 hours. Then I've tried Damn Small Linux (DSL) and being fascinated by it's "damn" small size. It was 50MB, small enough to fit into my USB-drive. I was thinking if I could create a booting DSL on a USB-drive, my life would be much easiler, as we all know that files and configurations can be then saved directly into the USB-drive, while a bootable-CD doesn't allow that. I tried its Live-CD, for testing and trial purpose. It booted up pretty fast, in fact in just 15 seconds and I was in the working desktop, which was called FluxBox in the DSL language. Everything was alien to me there, except Firefox. I tried connecting to the internet to get the rest of the guides that I need for DSL, but was unable to connect. I am using a Linksys WPA 11 version 4 wireless card. I've read the forums in DSL and the people there said that wireless cards require some ndiswrapper stuffs to get them working. I don't know what is ndiswrapper, and I don't know how to use that thing. The command prompt, or rather called the Shell in Linux, was what I believed that is used to launch ndiswrapper. Again, I don't know how to use their Shell.I wanted to post questions in their forums but I see that their threads were not replied fast. So probably some people here in Xisto can help me instead. Any Linux and DSL experts here are able to guide me?How can I get that ndiswrapper working and what should I do with it? Step by step please, I'm a noob. I'll appreciate if screenshots are accompanied. Thanks in advance.
  3. This will help for those who likes to know if they are using one of the best Anti-virus programs. 1. Platinum Internet Security 2005 2. PC-cillin Internet Security 2005 3. BitDefender Professional Edition 4. ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite 5. F-Prot for Windows 6. Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal 7. G Data AntiVirusKit 2005 (AVK) Reference: https://www.lifewire.com/top-windows-antivirus-153030
  4. Since the thread starter stated that the virus happened 1 year ago, Symantec and other anti-virus companies should have patched and added definations to their products by now. So you need not worry much. All you need to do is just continue updating your anti-virus software. That should be sure that your computer is protected from most viruses.
  5. They are all mobile games and applications.. Mostly for mobile phones.. You can definately play mobile phone games on a PC. You will need the wireless toolkit to do that. It's basically a J2ME, a mobile application, emulator that programmers uses to create and debug their mobile applications before sending them into mobile phones as official complete applications. You can get a copy of J2ME wireless toolkit, free of charge, here.. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/index.html
  6. The problem will most probably come from this line in bold. Be sure that the server hosting the scripts where you typed in the "action" parameter is working without errors and they accept requests at anytime. Some servers due to lag issues or overloading are unable to process your requests, will result in a ping timeout and/or return an invalid page. If that happens, it basically meant that the servers are currently unable to perform your request. Also notice that in your "action" parameter, it's a https but not a normal http protocol. That would probably be that case where the user, which probably is yourself, has logged into their servers to use their scripts, but did not perform any requests or remain on that particular page without moving into other of the pages in the server, will automatically log you out after a certain inactive time period which is set by the servers. There's no way to solve this issue as this is a configuration on the servers, unless you are the server administrator. However, an alternative to this is to use another external script, or 3rd party scripts. that does the same function on a public domain, that is without https. Maybe you would like to tell us that you are trying to do with your form, we may be able to find and provide you with some other alternative scripts that you can use. After we've found that scripts, you just have to change and edit the "action" parameter. Nothing else to be edition in the rest of your form, so you need not worry.
  7. Google is the better choice as it's faster in it's searches and is pretty much more accurate than the others. I've tried yahoo and msn search engines and they both produced not very accurate results. Their results are rather general and some are not what I was looking for. On the other hand, google found what I really wanted and most information that I need usually resulted on the first page of the search result. Hence it saves time for searching for information.
  8. Inspiron

    Phpnuke Themes

    A very popular site wouls be http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You can also try searching in google for "PHPNuke Themes".. I bet you will find dozens of those..
  9. Hey.. try these.. StorageCrypt 2 http://www.magic2003.net/ Lockngo v.2.5 http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Pass2Go http://www.roboform.com/for-usb-roboform2go-windows Other Guides http://www.newsoftwares.net/
  10. There might be some plugins in your Firefox browser that is causing this.. Everyone knows that the script will definately put Yahoo.com in the middle of the page, so it can't be the script error. Tyssen has provided a CSS type alternative but the HTML code from yours should work as well.You may like to reinstall your version of Firefox, or go find out which plugin is causing this matter and remove them.
  11. I've read the article you posted. But I don't understand what does these hacks do? Basically I think it's just making your pages looked weird and not what you supposed to be.. Well but no one wants their pages to look awkard so I don't think people will bother to use those CSS "hacks" to make their pages look dumb or something.. :huh:Unless you are trying to say that those CSS hacks are able to shutdown or force IE to prompt an exception error or crash the system or something.. That will probably be a good hack..
  12. Oh.. I've seen a model of this technology being built on a remote-controlled toy helicopter in my school. It hardly crashes when the "driver" forces it near the wall, it just simply move backwards like a magnet being repelled or something.The developer also demonstrated how he could land his helicopter without controlling it, allowing it to decent by its own using its sensors. It did successfully and landed slowly with a slight bouncing effect at mid-air, and then landed smoothly.I guess such technology can be implemented to real helicopters and probably aircrafts too. At least it minimises the risks of crashing.
  13. Oh.. I thought Artificial Intelligence is some sort of talent and intellegence that wasn't initially made to have. Only humans create artificial intellegence for non-living things so they can move and generate their own senses under the command of their programmer or "master". Why would a living thing gain another artificial intelligence when it has already got some sence? Probably a robot or any other electronic stuffs needs artificial intellegence to make them look more life-like.. Anyway, here's what I've got from google. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_intelligence
  14. Inspiron

    Msn 8.0

    Oh well.. hardly.. Microsoft is charging for it's coming MSN 8.0 browser. What's the point of this anyway? Firefox still survives, Google Talk as well.. What a tragedy for Microsoft.. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. Yap.. it's just a simple Javascript that does For-Loops 2 million times, creating the table fields and inserting random pages in each of the fields. Actually think it small, try using For-Loops to create 5x5 table. If you succeed, just change the numbers to make it 2 million fields. It will work as well..
  16. Full article :http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Ok, the future of networks is becoming crazy and unbelievable.. 630Mbps will be sufficient in many commercial usage, be it transfering huge images or high-defination multimedia content across the local network. I believe the 100Mbps wired lan stardard will one day become obsolete once this new standard takes it's place. No more wires in future, except for your power cables.. Yeah!
  17. Full article : http://betanews.com/2006/02/02/uspto-to-reconsider-jpeg-patent/ This is going to be crazy. If Forgent Networks continue sueing companies that uses JPEG without license, this world is going into chaos. Definately this company will lose its reputation as more people and organisation is using JPEG as a standard picture format. On the other hand, Forgent Networks will be making tons and tons of money by sueing companies, or rather they can do that for a business already. There's endless number of people using JPEG files.
  18. I've a project on creating a Movie online booking website that is powered with JSP.Now I'm trying to write and read from the file I wrote, but didn't know how.Can anyone with such expertise please teach me.. It has to be done with JSP.Thanks in advance..
  19. According to Symantec, this virus executes on the third day of every month if the system remains unclean. Hence it will remain active always until the user removes it from the infected computers. If that's the case, will people in India not use the internet every third day of every month? Full article from Symantec.. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  20. You can capture players that are playing video as well. But you need to change some of your Display Settings because your video affects the video buffer, which in turns affecting the screen shooting. See how you do it here.. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  21. jlhaslip had gave a nice link to a freeware program that can do screenshots for you. But if you didn't want to install another program, alternative manual method is also available.Take notice on your keyboard. There's a "Print Screen" button. Press the "Print Screen" button captures that very frame on your screen as soon as you pressed that button. The picture is copied and saved temporary on your computer's memory. Open up Windows Bitmap/Paint or any photo-editing software existing on your computer and paste the picture on it. Then save the document to a JPEG file or any graphic file you desire.Combining "ALT + PrntScrn" button captures the current active window.Pressing only "PrntScrn" button captures the entire screen frame.
  22. I think it's a good idea for Xisto forums be available on Wap. Cases when members are out of their houses or without computers for the wholeday or even overnight elsewhere is unable to join the forum community and earn hosting credits.There were times when I would really appreciate if Xisto is wap accessible. Once I was in a camp for 3 nights and all consecutive 3 days I didn't have the chance to touch a computer. Another time was when I was in my friend's house to do a project until wee hours that I had to stay at his house overnight. He didn't have a computer a home, hence it was another day I missed posting in Xisto forums. I understand new users need of hosting credits as they've got none for a start and try hard to post as much as they could for some credits. Missing a day or two can be pretty critical especially when their credit banks are pretty low. Having the forums accessible through wap can solve this problem and make forum access possible while on the move.Good suggestion though. I really support this idea. Probably the administrators may consider.
  23. Afew suggestions though, can we have the reputation points back as well? And probably a forum shop where users can "purchase" with shop credits for, say example, signature request or avatar. Probably an exchange of shope credits for hosting credits may be possible as well.And also, maybe we can have our team of graphic designers to design and create a whole new set of template for this board dedicated to Xisto. That would make us all a sense of belonging here.
  24. It didn't happen to me either. A few hours later will be 4th Feb. Hopefully nothing will happen. I've updated my AntiVirus as well and it didn't prompt findings of new viruses. Probably it didn't reached to me. Or probably it'd bypassed the AntiVirus and now inside my computer already. A full system scan shows nothing. So just hope nothing will happen to my computer.
  25. You can check out detailed explaination from Wiki.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandwidth
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