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Everything posted by Inspiron

  1. An edit for myself.. You can change the size of your scrollbar manually.. Thanks to the information from truefusion. Here's a screenshot..
  2. See complete article at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Better get your anti-virus updated by 3rd Febuary before seeing your files go missing. It's kindda scary worm if not handled properly. The date is near so get updated fast. Notice from mayank: Edited topic title.
  3. Try CSS tooltips with mouseover like what moldboy suggested. Refer to these sites: http://psacake.com/web/jl.asp http://www.mikezilla.com/exp0004.html
  4. That's just a news saying the hack was blocked. For better and proper way to obtain Free Skypeout, refer to the following site. Whenever Skype releases free skypeout, this webpage will change for you to obtain a skypeout code. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  5. A few other distributed computing projects and processing powers which you can donate, and similar threads: https://www.google.com/intl/de/toolbar/ie/index.html http://forums.xisto.com/topic/32887-donate-idle-cpu-time-to-google-for-research-donate-without-spending-a-cent/= http://seticlassic.ssl.berkeley.edu/windows.html
  6. Having webpages with scrollbars are normal and probably pretty much required to get the interface much in-place. Unless you are using iframes all over your webpage to squeeze contents in a small area, the scrollbar will only appear inside your iframe. Otherwise, having a recommended template size of 800x600 will be just nice for many users and web-browsers because every web-browser generate the outlook differently. Each computer screen resolution also takes the matter of how websites will look on their screen. Scrollbars will automatically be generated if web contents are out of their screen resolutions. Different browsers may support differently as well, and some may not follow the proper web standards.Therefore, there's no standard way to force a standard size of your web contents because every user views your webpages differently, although the contents are the same. If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera to surf same sites, you will see their differences of how different browsers display the sites to you. They are minor but pretty major if you are concerned about its interface. Having Windows skins replaced may change scrollbar layout and graphics. Width can therefore be edited. However, you cannot manually change the size of your scrollbar, be it in your browser or Windows Explorer. Neither can you change the sizes using javascript or any other codings from your webpages.
  7. Yes, most probably it will detect 100% of all spyware, provided you do consistant updates to your software. Also, it depends if the anti-spyware support in detecting a spyware. Some anti-spyware programs can detect some spyware while some others don't. But generally, most anti-spyware will detect most spyware programs. Refer to the documents of your anti-spyware program for any related notice regarding about this.
  8. If you are not connecting using a router or a hub, you will require a crossover ethernet cable, which is pictured by DeveloperX is his previous post. By connecting both computers together, it will work exactly like how it will work in connecting through a router or a hub.Making a folder shared will enable other connected computers in the same network to access its contents. For example, if you share a folder on your notebook, the desktop PC will be able to access the contents of the shared folder on your notebook.Typing the IP address of the computer that has the shared contents on the web browser will access it's shared contents. For example, if your notebook IP address is, then you type "\\" on your desktop computer web browser to access your notebook's shared contents. In this way, data can be transfered to and fro from computers to computers.Regarding with sharing the wireless internet connection, it is unethical and wrong to connect and tap onto other wireless networks without permission. It's the same as Unauthorised Access, and Network Hijacking, which can be penalised and charged in court. But assuming you have the permission and authorised to use the network, you will need to share your wireless connection on your notebook. You can do this by configuring the network settings of your wireless connection and set it to be shared by other computers. In this way, the desktop computer connected to the notebook through the wire will be able to access the wireless internet, with the notebook as the middle-person. Both notebook and the desktop computer can now surf the internet at the same time.
  9. Firstly, making a login script and anything related to storage onto a database, you cannot simply rely on HTML pages. You will require a webserver to be installed on your system, such as Apache. Next, you will need a server script processor to process and execute all commands from the web user to store, edit or delete entries on a database. Such server script processors are PHP, JSP, ASP... Then, you will require a database software such as MySQL, Microsoft Access... Microsoft Office Frontpage 2003 is just an editor with a nicer graphical interface. In fact, you can create your scripts using Notepad or Wordpad and they will work as well. If you insist on using Frontpage, access it's help section for more of its interface usage. Otherwise, typing codes in Frontpage will be similar to typing them in Notepad. Here are some examples for making a login script done with PHP: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.free2code.net/plugins/articles/read.php?id=99 If you need full working scripts to install on your webserver, try these: http://www.hotscripts.com/category/scripts/php/scripts-programs/user-management/ http://www.hotscripts.com/category/scripts/php/scripts-programs/user-management/ Remember, Microsoft Frontpage is just another text-editor for webpages. It may not do what exactly you desire. If you know what is going on with the programing codings, I'd recommend Notepad as it will not disrupt your architecture and layout of your website.
  10. If that's the case, there isn't a need of special softwares. You will basically need to scan your hardcopy drawings on the paper into your computer with a scanner. Once it's in digital form, send that file to your friend to share his brainstorming on it by editing the picture file which you've sent him (the scanned document). You friend can edit using PowerPoint and save it as a JPEG file and send it back to you. Other picture-editing software include Microsoft Photo Editor and the default Windows Bitmap Paint. Otherwise if you need fancy effects on your document, use Photoshop or other advance photo-editing software.
  11. Ultilities... Good alternatives to games which I always wanted to find for my mobile phone. Perhaps you would like to send us some of your creations.. :)Anyway, some utilities which I always wanted on my mobile phone:1) Personal Notepad2) Note Message Storage3) Message EncrypterI couldn't find such programs as yet. Probably you will be the first.
  12. It's not recommended to rely solely on Microsoft Windows updates and Microsoft Anti-Spyware to keep your system safe from uninvited guest. Additional Anti-Spyware programs, full version, not trial or betas, are recommended. Microsoft Anti-Spyware is currently a beta version, hence it cannot guarentee removal and detection of any existing spywares on your computer. I'd recommend "Spybot - Search & Destroy", a very good anti-spyware program that is recognised by many users. Scanning for spyware at least once in a week will keep your computer away from spywares. Any amount of Anti-Spyware programs are okay to install in your system. However it is not recommended to have more than 1 anti-spyware to auto-detect the presence of spyware real time. Hence you will need to disable all and only allow 1 program to auto-detect spywares. THe anti-spyware programs will probably crash or unable to detect spywares with multiple auto-detectors running simultaneously. Also, refrain from doing full scanning with multiple anti-spyware programs together. You will have to do it one anti-spyware program at a time.
  13. Good good.. That's what people really wants to know how to get around with Linux after using Windows for years.Perhaps having screenshots on the steps to install a program in Linux will be better because that's somewhat a basic that a Linux newbie should know to get things started.
  14. Inspiron

    Opera Mini

    If I wasn't wrong, Opera browser was made intended for mobile phones in its early years. Because of its technology of extracting data from a web server at a fast speed, they use the technology on mobile phones to increase efficiency in mobile browsing. Please correct me if this information is wrong.It was later the technology also proved useful on computers and that's where PC version of Opera browser came about, becoming the world's fastest browser.
  15. This is most probably a problem from your Windows Explorer.I'd suggest the following possibilities:1) Restore from a restore point2) Go into Safe Mode and undo any settings that made your Explorer disappear to reappear again3) Reformat your computer
  16. Yes I've to agree with you. But please don't misunderstand me. I didn't meant Linux operating system is 100% hackproof or virusproof. In fact, or rather, Linux should be easiler to intrude into because it's all code or command based provided the hacker and virus writer knows around about Linux pretty well as Linux is open-sourced. Firewalls and Anti-Virus is also required too. However Linux is generally safer than Windows, that's what many will agree. And again, I'm not saying Linux doesn't have support. They have definately, but much lesser than the support for Windows OS. You can easily find help on Windows OS on the internet and understand the guides of troubleshooting whereas for Linux, you have to find for a relevant helpline, which in your case might be in IRC and then solve your problem as immediate as possible without waiting any much longer for replies. Searching for help on the Internet for Windows OS can be as immediate and the search results and guides usually appear in multiple sites so the user may obtain help much easier, quicker and on-demand. I definately have to agree with this. Windows is well-known for rebooting again and again otherwise. Generally any installations that deals with system settings and configurations or component drivers, a reboot is required. Linux, I don't think reboot is needed. That's a very big obvious advantage after using Linux for some time. Anyway, you are a Linux user. Where did you usually get your help and guides from? If websites, what are the links? Because I'm trying to get into the Linux world too and I believe the future is Linux everywhere. I always have problems with Mandrake and I almost unable to get a single help from anywhere. Maybe you can recommend some with your experience. But definately for now I cannot deny that Windows still rule the majority.
  17. Nope, even if you do a proper shudown in Windows, everything will just turn off as usual, similar to pulling off a power plug while the computer is still on. Basically the shutdown button in Windows OS is just a proper way to ensure all your data is saved on the harddisk before turning the computer off. It's nothing related to damaging the hardware components, unless you try to overheat them. For example, you are working on a report on Microsoft Words. This document is not saved yet, so all the text you've entered in MS Words are stored temporary in your RAM, or swapfile. Pulling off the power plug while you are still working on your report will cause all your data to be lost. Whereas the shutdown button verifies and ensure that you intend to shutdown your computer without saving your document. The shutdown button also saves all your profiles settings and configurations, so the next time you logs on to your computer, your desktop background will remain the same as what you've configured, say for example. Pulling off the power plug will destroy all your settings which you've just configured and the next time your log on, the settings will revert back to the previous one where a proper shutdown was done. To summarise, holding down the power button or pulling off the power plug will not damage your computer hardware components. You will only lose your data if they are not saved. Using the proper shutdown method from Windows will be the same as cutting off the power supply, suddenly, but ensured that your data is all saved. Its basically for your data, to save or to lose. Hardware components are not affected.
  18. It's how you prefer which functions and compatibility issues when comes to select your best operating system to use.Windows is definately the more popular choice and well-known even for non-IT literate. Support and help can be easily obtained anywhere, even by stopping someone on the streets and ask for help with Windows OS. Installations are much a breeze and drivers compatibility will simply work without much reading to its FAQ frequently.Of course the most popular may be always targeted by virus-writers and hackers. Simply because its the most popular, spreading viruses and hacking can be easily done on the huge population. So Windows OS is never safe.Linux/Mac are Unix based OS that have much much lesser users. Virus writers and hackers find no point hacking users of these OS, simply because its pretty useless and doesn't do much damage to the major community. Unix based OS are harder to use and have minimal support. Installations are a hassle and cannot be done easily by a normal user. Extra time is needed to find compatible drivers, which may eventually not able to obtain one.Many will immediately say Linux is the best, but do they use Linux? For me, I'll say Windows OS is the best operating system for all general use, like now.. I wouldn't want to spend extra time and hassle to install Linux and try to make everything work just to use something that not everybody is using. I would say for general use, no point using Linux unless its on a server task or something related.
  19. Inspiron

    Netscape Is Back

    I agree with michaelper22. I've tried this version of Netscape browser and find it rather bulky as well. The browser is feeling heavy in someway. The features really took me some time to understand their usages. As for the Site Controls, I guess it will be useful for multiple users such as the permissions and rights given by a parent for their kids. Otherwise if only ourselves as a single user to Netscape, I also don't think we will use that too. The buddy list is good, I've to agree. Pity they might have removed it in this version..
  20. It didn't work for me.. Basically I only get a blur image in return. Didn't look anything much like a cartoon..
  21. Inspiron

    Netscape Is Back

    Some additional features in Netscape 8.1 are: - Security Center - Spyware & Adware Protection - Real-Time Feeds - Profiles - Site Controls - MultiBar - Live Content You can get more details about these features at Netscape website itself ( http://isp.netscape.com/ ) You may say these features can be easily added to Firefox with addons extentions installed. However, it's just how you see things. They are simply quite similar. Netscape is packaged with these many features whereas Firefox has minimal features after installation. The extentions installed to Firefox will somewhat make it similar and function more towards Netscape. It's just how you want it to be immediately after installation.
  22. Inspiron

    Netscape Is Back

    That's another way you may be thinking. Netscape has added features and that's why some may think it is rather complicated to use, hence somehow looked to be unprofessional or some sort. Firefox may look professional to you and some others in a way such that it is simple in interface and graphics because of its lesser default features and functions. Additional plugins and features may be installed for Firefox though, and eventually if many functions are installed, it will look like Netscape again. Netscape didn't sacrifies security or speed either. It's just a matter whether you want those features that Netscape already provided, or just want the basic interface and addon other features later with Firefox.
  23. It's basically an additional search feature from Google that is capable of searching videos, just like searching images..
  24. Inspiron

    Netscape Is Back

    Well.. Netscape is the father of Firefox, and the Mozilla community.. Basically what you will see in Firefox, you will also see in Netscape. The usage of Netscape is pretty much similar to Firefox and Thunderbird except it has added features which makes Netscape a WOW factor that Firefox doesn't have.Basically if you are a hardcore Firefox user, you will be even more hardcore with Netscape with those extra features. Try that and you will know..
  25. For one that I can think of... acting as an auto-clicker for King of Chaos? Or someother clicking related games?
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