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Everything posted by Inspiron

  1. Yap I've seen many articles on the internet regarding about predictions and many predictors did say something about a World War 3 happening in near future, which happens to fall within the years which nostradamus had predicted, 2006-2012. I though it was fake and probably those people wanted more visitors to their sites. But as more and more predictions saying about the World War 3 in the near future, I became scared and of course I didn't want it to happen. Those articles that I've read was quite some time ago, predicted by a Chinese fortune teller. I forgotten how did I got into that site so I can't post any links now.Anyway I remember that in that Chinese fortune teller's predictions, he said that China, Russia, Japan, UK, and USA will be fighting for something. Somewhat among these countries, there were internal allies so hence they split themselves into 2 huge groups. Indeed, the fight was related to nukes. It didn't say much about that but I guess it could be that each country wanted another to stop producing nukes while another secretly research new nuke technology. The terrorist may join either side of the groups. And of course, World War 3 will involve nuking. Let's not assume much and just pray nothing will happen.After sometime, countries had enough of war again. They had a world conference and come out with something related to the UN (United Nations) again. I forgotten what they will name it but I guess if I didn't remember wrongly, there should be a word "Conference" inside the name. After that the world will join force to develope some advance space technology.Well these are what I've remembered from what I've read sometime ago. Hopefully nothing will happen, really.. If it really happens, I might not even survive to see the new world space station..
  2. oh okay... I managed to find them..Finally I know where my emotions are stored. They are stored as *.DAT files instead of *.GIF files.. Nice hideout but disclosed anyway.. :lol:Thanks midnitesun...
  3. If you are looking for an LCD monitor for gaming, perhaps you would like to check this guide out.. http://www.thetechzone.com/?m=show&id=390
  4. Not to critise but i think PHPskye is not a very advance forum, and yet it still charges for a copy. Unlike the pretty well developed InvisionFree boards and phpBB, just to name a few, they are well developed and many people are already using them at no charges at all, free! There had been many support for their boards as well. Addons and plugins are well established too.PHPskye interface was pretty disappointing as well. Its pretty much beaten by InvisionFree default skin. There's definately alot to improve from PHPskye. Firstly, make it free so people will try it and the name will become better known. After that, start charging for additional features will not be a big issue. Otherwise there issn't any huge attracting force for people to look into it.
  5. You see, most of the emotions that I find them cool are animated gifs. Hence it cannot be done simply with copy and paste as it only resulted in having only the first frame of the animated sequence instead. I want the entire gif files with all the animations in proper conditions. I believe after adding the emotions, those gif files will go somewhere into my computer. But I don't know where to find them.
  6. I've a question and I've googled for it and found no answers. People here might help.So the question is, where does MSN messenger store those custom emotions which I've added from my friend's emotions? It's like when my friend sends an emotion that I think its cool and decides to add to my emotions, where does that GIF file goes to? I couldn't find those GIF files in msn messenger installation directory.
  7. Try these... They are freewares.. http://www.avira.com/en/free-antivirus-windows http://www.avg.com/de-de/free-antivirus-download
  8. If you searched through the forums, you might find similar topics comparing AMD and Intel.I have not used an AMD computer yet but I think I will choose and go with AMD for a gaming PC because it basically has more processing power at a lower electrical consumption rate. It does not get hot very fast as well and a proper cooler will make the AMD machine a powerful gaming computer. Besides, AMD is way cheaper than Intel.
  9. wow 8GB for a mobile phone is really alot. What's there anyway to store in a mobile phones besides games and less-frequently used applications? But it think it will be useful in future as technology advances. Definately large storage demands will be needed.I guess PDA phones will benefit the most from this.. PDA phone owners can now carry the entire office along with him. There issn't a need to consider the space required to store anything. 8GB is way alot for a mobile office. Probably installing Linux on it will be possible and becomes a mobile computer, smaller than conventional notebooks.
  10. For a hobbyist like arboc7, Picasa will be enough for a proper photo management software. Unless a professional photographer, PhotoShop will be best for him. What I like Picasa best is it's animations and smoothness when scrolling through images. It does have a feeling of a Vista installed though its fake. Picasa gives a very professional interface for photo management as well.. That's where I like it..
  11. Wow nice script... I've never seen that animation before..Anyway it works for Opera browser as well.. I'm seeing things what it should be...
  12. Your link goes to an invalid page. 8 versions is over being for crazy. What's the point of having so much versions when people simply wants the best, which is the Ultimate version. I think its all the same with minor changes here and there for each version. Such many versions can let people thing that microsoft is working hard enough to produce 8 different versions. On the other hand, they are also trying to make money 8 times more. We'll see if every of its 8 versions gets a bug.
  13. I did some googling and found a way to hide the folder options through registry settings. You in turn it the other way round to show the folder options as well. Source:http://www.pctools.com/guides/ Please be reminded that modifying the registry can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Use this at your own risk.
  14. When you turn on WEP encryption on your router, make sure you enter the correct key for the notebooks that is connecting to the encrypted router network. Only if the key, or the password, matches the router's key, the connection is established. Otherwise, you will be treated by the router as an unauthorised user of the network.Therefore, make sure you enter the correct key for all your notebooks that are connecting to the router wirelessly. Also, make sure that DHCP is enabled on your router so that a connected computer will be assigned a valid IP address automatically. Otherwise, remember to manually set a static IP address for each of all computers, wired or wireless, connecting to the same router.
  15. Wow... I didn't know that way is possible to hide your files. Well it is able to, at least, hide itself and turn it's look into a shortcut for the Control Panel. Basically nothing inside the folder can be seen from Windows Explorer. It is able to hide from many people, even computer geeks, if this method of hiding is not told to many people.Good code. Probably considered as a Windows cheat, and a working one!
  16. Seems like you are asking how to escape and break out from a frame. Try this.. Include this code in the HTML which you didn't want it to be in a frame. <head><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!--function breakout_of_frame(){ if (top.location != location) { top.location.href = document.location.href; }}--></script></head> Change your body of the HTML as well to use the breaking out function. <body onload="breakout_of_frame()">... (the rest of the document) ...</body>
  17. Here's what I've found. Microsoft decides to make more versions and make more money out of it. Well does it meant more bugs as well? Upcoming will be 1 Starter/Children version, 2 Home versions, 2 Professional/Business versions, and finally the All-In-One Ultimate version, summing up to be 6 different versions of Windows Vista. That's crazy! Source:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  18. I believe Windows XP wasn't made in preparation for SATA drives. Therefore there's a need for manual installation of drivers from your SATA driver disc or manufacturer's website. I'm not too sure about SATA drives as they are still new to me and I don't own one. After some googling, I've found some related articles that might help you. http://www.techspot.com/community/topics/windows-xp-installation-stability-problems-with-sata-raid-h-d.15463/ http://xphelpandsupport.mvps.org/404.html http://forums.windrivers.com/showthread.php?74358-Hard-drive-not-recognised http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=972802 http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  19. Hey thanks.. I've read the sites you provided. However I don't know how to start. Do I enter those commands in the Shell? The drivers site which you provided doesn't provide drivers for my wireless card. But I found a Linux driver at Linksys website at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ What is RPM Package Manager? Does it include in DSL and will I have to bother it? And by the way I think DriverLoader is not a free product. I think I've downloaded a trial, I'm not too sure. Anyway, how do I install DriverLoader to run that product?
  20. The thing is that he is sometimes able to boot to windows and sometimes not. And while in windows, sometimes his PC just halts suddenly. Hence it's nothing got to do with the BIOS settings nor the boot sequences. Simply, his harddisk is failing! Probably too old, or not well taken cared of. I suggest that when times you are able to boot into windows, copy all the important files into another harddisk. Or another alternative way is to buy another harddisk and clone your existing harddisk to the new one. That will save the trouble of copying files by files. I guess this is the most efficient and fastest way to solve your problem already.
  21. Unfortunately, I don't think it is possible for image stretching in CSS. That's the problem which I faced as well and I had to decide a standard dimension to follow.
  22. I agree with you.. I'll definately use purely Windows Media Player if Microsoft includes RealMedia plugins and RealMedia streaming formats. Probably nelarozi has already been infected with spyware and he didn't realised yet. We can't be wrong about RealPlayer. There has been negative comments about it in this thread. Perhaps only nelarozi is the only person saying something positive..
  23. It can be done with just javascript. I've typed this HTML file and javascript on my own on notepad and tested it. It's working. Just change the variables in the selection tags <select> to suit your desire. Add another <select> tag to make a second dropdown menu. This code is an entire HTML file. Simply copy the all its contents and paste it in notepad and save as a HTML file. <html> <head> <title> My Page </title> <script language="javascript"> function checkSelected() { if (document.myForm.selection.value == "page1") { window.location = "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;; } if (document.myForm.selection.value == "page2") { window.location = "https://www.google.com/&%2334;; } if (document.myForm.selection.value == "page3") { window.location = "https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/?utm_source=getfirefox-com&utm_medium=referral;; } } </script> </head><body> <form name="myForm" onsubmit=""> <select size="1" name="selection"> <option value="page1"> Page 1 ( microsoft.com </option> <option value="page2"> Page 2 (https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl; <option value="page3"> Page 3 ( getFireFox.com ) </option> </select> <input type="button" name="submit" value="Go !" onclick="checkSelected();"> </form></body></html> Phew.. Took me 15 minutes to figure out this... Pretty simple logic..
  24. Yap, Nintendo Ds will include a web-browser. And it will be Opera browser, and it's official already. I've seen this announcement from Opera website while I was downloading a latest version. Well I think Opera browser will dominate the mobile community for web browsing. Likewise for RealPlayer. Now it's mobile phones, Nitendo DS, and palm computers. I'm not surprised in future it will be on an iPod or a Creative Zen Micro. http://www.operasoftware.com/press/releases/devices/giving-gamers-two-windows-to-the-web-the-opera-browser-for-nintendo-dsa Companies now refer to another company to do the job that they are best suitable for. It's called "Out-sourcing". Take this as an example: Nitendo didn't want to create it's own web-browser not because they couldn't. It's because it's cheaper and more efficient to let Opera Inc. which has already developed that speedy mobile browsing technology and proved to be working and well regconised, to put their browser in compatibity with Nitendo DS. At the same time, Nitendo will not need to form another sub-group to develop its own web-browser, thus they can save this cost and place more efforts and priority on Nitendo DS device instead. Also, because both companies had coorparated, and in their future, they both again can do better in their products while relying on each other's technology at a lower cost and higher efficiency. It goes the same for other companies. Some companies out-sourced for Google, and many people know it. It's the same for Nitendo and Opera.
  25. You have tried opening your PC case and looked into physical wirings and found no problems.There's a possibility, as what terminal2k suggested, that some Windows critical data might be corrupted, which might be still in handling at the time which you thought the PC had freezed, and manually forced the computer to reset by pressing the reset button. Likewise with powering down a computer while it is will processing data will most likely to cause data lose or corruption.However I think that your harddisk might be failing due to the fact that it is bought pretty long ago. Harddisk machanism will wear and tear everytime the disc spins. In other words, they will continue to wear and tear once your computer is powered on. This is unavoidable. However you can reduce the chances of damage and extend a harddisk lifespan by frequently defragmenting your harddisk partitions. Along time, file clusters are spreaded into many fragments on the physical disc when you create, modify, or delete files. Whenever your harddisk searches for a file, its acuator arm needs to locate the positions of the clusters and deliver them as a complete single file back to the user as a result. With multiple fragments for a single file, the acuator arm is stressed to search for those microscopic clustors. This will therefore degrades your harddisk lifespan faster. To solve, do defrag your harddisk frequently so as to extent its lifespan, as well as allow your harddisk to perform searches faster.I can suggest you to scan your harddisk for bad sectors and defrag all partitions when you are able to access back to your desktop again. Remember to backup all your important files as well. Otherwise, if you are unable to return back to desktop and the same error message keeps prompting, you might have do a full reformat to your hard drive. Also, be prepared to purchase a new harddisk to replace the faulty one if reformatting will not help. Please also note that you will not be able to recover any of your files on your current harddisk if you are unable to boot back to your desktop.
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