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Everything posted by Inspiron

  1. That's pretty nice for every single button by itself. But what I'm requesting is a bar which all 3 parts merging together, becoming as if it is 1 picture, 1 bar. Pretty nice though.
  2. Changing the extention can be an added security feature. Scripts that hackers created would most probably bypass that URL as it could be treated as an invalid URL since the extention is customised.It can also, on the other hand, be a dangerous script running on a private server that could be programmed to steal information. Scams, and look-a-like webpages can be done with such extentions, and obtain user's information without the user knowing. Because the extention can be customised, it's sometimes not easy to spot the differences between a real URL and the scam URL in a glance. Users may just click the link in their email without much thinking, assuming the email is a real document.
  3. I thought it would work. I tried out but it failed. It displayed nothing out. I've actually tried to integrate rsort() with the codes provided by no9t9. But it wasn't possible. In my script, I actually use the "SELECT" SQL statements to retrieve all the data from the database first. Then I store the total number of entries in the database in the array. With that array, I then used your codes which you've posted earlier on. Because initially I used the SQL statement "SELECT * FROM Table ORDER BY InvoiceNumber ASC", the Invoice Numbers extracted from the database are in accending order in the array as well. Hence your codes would work since it compares the current element in the array with the next element in the array. Your algorithm, let's call it a "+1" type, meaning it only compares the data in the element with the next (+1) element. However your codes cannot compare the current element with the previous element. Currently, I'm extracting the data from the database in decending order, with the SQL statement as "SELECT * FROM Table ORDER BY InvoiceNumber DESC". Because the SQL statement is now in decending order, the new array that it stored the invoice numbers are also ordered in decending order. From then, the codes that you had provided is not possible to detect the missing invoice numbers, since your codes are the "+1" type as I've defined above. I believe you will need to edit the codes to become a "-1" type instead to work. But I don't know how. I've also tried the suggestion from jlhaslip by using the rsort() function. I was trying to use the rsort() function to re-arrange the array order, which was then stored the invoice numbers in decending order with the SQL statement as "SELECT * FROM Table ORDER BY InvoiceNumber DESC". The rsort() function that I've used attempted to re-sort it back within the array itself, such that your previous codes can be used, using the "+1" type. However it failed. This was what I've did, trying to use the rsort() function with the codes you've provided $query = "SELECT * FROM Table ORDER BY InvoiceNumber DESC"; $result = mysql_query($query); $num = mysql_numrows($result); $i = 0; $tempinv[] = ""; while ($i < $num) { $tempinv[$i] = mysql_result($result, $i, "InvoiceNo"); $i++; } rsort(tempinv); for ($i = 0; $i < count($tempinv) - 1; $i++) { if (($tempinv[$i+1] - $tempinv[$i]) > 1) { for ($c = 1; $c < ($tempinv[$i+1] - $tempinv[$i]); $c++) { echo $tempinv[$i]+$c." "; } } }It did not worked. I believe the codes which you've provided earlier on should be changed to a "-1" type, such that it can compare the current element in the array with the element of invoice number smaller than the current one. In another words, the codes should now do the opposite. How do you do that? Let me know if you are using the rsort() function or not as well. Thanks..
  4. Agreed. Besides, most email providers has blocked access to foreign protocols, especially from using telnet, to prevent spam. Telnet was a common tool that spammers used in the pass to send multiple spam messages using the email server's smtp servers. Now many access to these SMTP servers are already blocked. Otherwise, you will need an account to that email server, and a new guide will be needed to do in another way. Nice findout. I've tried that some years back. Now it doesn't work on hotmail and yahoo anymore.
  5. Actually you don't really need to setup anything related to NS or whatsoever. You can also go to http://www.noip.com/ and register a free account, then signup for a free domain there and link to your computer's current internet IP address. Give the NS (nameservers) at no-ip.com about 5 minutes to update their records. After that, try going to the new domain which you just registered, you should now see the contents on your computers, now hosted on the internet. So whoever that accesses that domain name will point to your computer's host directory.
  6. Try these.. Wallpaper Changer http://ww8.wallpaperchanger.de/ BGChange http://www.cutajar.net/owen/BGChange/ A more professional version will be Webshots Desktop. Download a set of background photos will also include a background changer. Webshots http://www.webshots.com/
  7. Since you got the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 operating system, it should include whatever that you need in it. Read it through its manuals. I'm sure everything is stated there, since the operating system is built to be a server. You should also check on Microsoft's community for more troubleshoot and guides if there's any.Apache is not an operating system. It runs on any operating system that is installed to. Hence if you are trying to look for a free operating system that is also a server, then I suggest you to try Fedora Linux operating system. It's well known for its server capabilities on a Linux platform, backed by RedHat. Of course if you can afford it, go for RedHat for it's professional server capabilities. Anyway, since you got the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 operating system, then just stick to it. Switching from Windows interface to Linux is not an easy task. You might give up in the end if you don't know anything about Linux.
  8. In programming, whatever you opened in a code, you have to close it. So if you are asking about tables, the codes for the tables and whatever that is in the table should be opened and closed in a proper format. <table> is the opening code for a typical table. To close a table, you need to end it with </table>. You add a "/" within the code tag. <tr> means a table row. You will need to declare this 10 times to create 10 rows. Remember to close every row before creating a new row. Here's how you close a row, with </tr> <td> means table data. This is where you put whatever HTML information, including text and pictures, into the table. This also means columns. In your case you don't need multiple columns, hence one <td> per row is enough for you. Creating multiple <td> will also means creating multiple columns. Remember to close your table data before moving the the next column or row, with </td> So eventually, your code will be: <table> <tr> <td> Whatever you want to put in this Table Data (Row 1) </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Whatever you want to put in this Table Data (Row 2) </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Whatever you want to put in this Table Data (Row 3) </td> </tr></table> You can also take reference from the website that gaea has provided. However I'd recommend this page from W3Schools, which provides a detailed information with examples to aid you. http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_tables.asp
  9. This extention is similar to the desktop notifier provided by Google itself. But now it's a Firefox extention. Firefox users will find this useful as it takes lesser space and memory than the program from Google. Check this out.. Gmail Manager http://www.longfocus.com/firefox/gmanager/
  10. The topic title should say alot. For those who are using Paypal, do read this: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Also, I'd like to highlight the following, which is also the most common mistake that users doesn't check before clicking the link provided in the email. This page shows a scam paypal page. Watch for it's differences.http://www.fightidentitytheft.com/paypal_scam_webform.html Here's another point to take note from http://www.fightidentitytheft.com/
  11. Firstly, here's a definately of a RootKit. Hence from this defination, we know that RootKit is not something you would want on your computer. RootKits were actually used since long ago. However it wasn't pretty common so many of us didn't know of RootKit's existance. Until when Sony used a RootKit built into their music CDs to restrict users from copying and ripping music from it, RootKits become more well-known. Also since then, we know that Sony is using something bad to control the music CD that you own. They are using a RootKit! No fear. I've found a software from SysInternals that can detect RootKits that are hidden on your system. Won't be surprise, you can even find Microsoft RootKits installed on your computer when you do the next windows updates or verification. RootkitRevealer http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I find that public knowledge about the RootKits should be realised as companies are now using RootKits to control something without your knowledge. And the way of controlling might not be possible to detect with a simple Firewall or Anti-spyware scanners. Hence, a RootKit Revealer will help alot here. From then, we will also know which companies are trying to take control of our computers, and which companies that no longer should worth our trust.
  12. How about those who has already got the hosting account, like me?I may need it urgently some times. I hope this feature gets inplemented because I don't wanna leave Xisto and the community.
  13. Hey kvarnerexpress, I guess we'll get a clearer picture of what you are trying to ask for when you post your codes as well. Because there's different methods of doing, having your codes as reference will solve your problem faster. Your task should be rather simple to validate with just Javascript. I may be able to help you if you provide the codes of your work. Firstly, please place your codes in the [-CODE-] [-/CODE-] tags.Secondly, you codes seemed pretty weird. Or is it actually not a code?
  14. Hey kvarnerexpress, you will need a add a new Module into your project. 1. Click Project / Add Module 2. Select Module and click Open 3. In the new Module, create your variable as Public Creating your variable as Public should now let all the forms in your project to use the same variable. You can also use this method to pass data from 1 form to another. Also note that you cannot create a variable using "DIM" as it doesn't make sence in the module. The module is suppose to be a shared content among all the forms in the project. Dim watever_variable_name as String
  15. Among all, I'd still recommend you to use WordPress as it's by far the most professional script that is recognised by many people in the open-source community. However you can also try the following. In their online demo, they include a built-in gallery. So I'd assume these script includes a gallery. BLOG:CMS http://blogcms.com/ Chipmunk Blogger Script http://www.chipmunk-scripts.com/page.php?ID=9 LifeType http://lifetype.net/
  16. So it's a webhosting service from google or it's just a webpage creator, just like Frontpage but done on the web?If it's really a hosting service, then Xisto might be in trouble. Anyway I don't think google will provide special functions like cPanel, MySQL, or even PHP as that probably will take up a whole lot of their resources for the huge number of its subscribers. But anyway, if Gmail makes it all the way up, why not its webhosting service?
  17. My apologies... I've forgotten to close that code with a ";" character. $load_time = substr($load_time, 0, 6);Add a ";" at the end of this line. It should work now.. Haha thanks. Actually you answered her question. I'm just giving the support for shortening the length of the output timing text. That's where my sig comes into it's use.. "Inspiron, At Your Service"..
  18. With reference to this thread, [ link ], I've come to make a request of a userbar. We all know its not a signature or a banner. But according to the referenced thread, it's considered as a banner request by BuffaloHELP. Thanks to them for encouraging me to carry on the request here. Ok here is it.. It's a userbar, but comes in 3 parts, Left, Center, Right. All 3 parts should be in equal dimensions (length x height). But somehow the entire bar length should be the same as my current signature graphics, 400px. The height will be 30px. This is the details of 1 part of the userbar. Size: 133 x 30 px -- This is only 1 part of the bar. The total length of 3 parts should be 400px exactly. Theme: IT / Technology themed Render: Allows designer to use his/her creativity, prefered to base on the theme Render Theme: Allows designer to use his/her creativity, prefered to base on the theme Color: Shinny-Blue, Silver-Gray, Shinny-Black -- Each color stands for 1 part of the bar, order of colors goes according to designer's preferences and creativity depending on design theme and render Text: "cPanel", "Server Status", "Xisto Forum" -- Each text stands for 1 part of the bar, order of text, font type and font size goes according to designer's preferences and creativity depending on design theme, render and part color. Other effects: Allows designer to use his/her creativity, prefered to base on the theme, prefered to be outstanding or somewhat 3D and mirrored effect Do also make another set of the exact eventual bar of the above requirements, but now will glowing effect for each separated part. Assuming I can mouseover each part of the bar and that particular part will glow while the rest of the 2 parts stays the same. The glowing neon effect shall depend on the designer to use his/her creativity, prefered to be outstanding or somewhat 3D and mirrored effect. So the eventually outcome I will be expecting will be 6 picture files. 3 files for each of the 2 bars, Left part, Center part, Right part, and normal bar and glowing bar. Thanks a dozen. I'm very excited of this request because in my mind, it's a very 3D and mirrored bar which is extremely unique. I hope I can have a bar which everyone will drool on it..
  19. Hey dude, check this list out. It will definately satisfy your domain name needs. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Do add whatever free domains that you think in that list too. Together, we can make a better list and all of us can benefit from it.
  20. Try a hovercraft. Currently it can go on water and land, but not air. Wait till the hovercraft makers add those spinners from those helicopters on top of the hovercrafts. Or you can also pump in hydrogen air instead to make it fly.
  21. I agree. If private is not private, then might we well strike off the word "private" from the dictionary. We don't need word "public" as well, since there issn't an opposite to it and everything is public. Take your email messages or the messages sent from your lover being disclosed. Would you then come back with a topic stating, ""Should Public Become Private?" Again, I like that phrase: "Private is private. Public is public." Seriously there's nothing much about it that we can do. We cannot change it either.
  22. $load_time is the variable that stores the timing, which in your case is "0.00013999999999997". You can always treat that variable as a string and trim unwanted characters. I recommend the following code, using substring. $load_time = substr($load_time, 0, 6)You can also look into this page for information and usage of the substr() function.http://de1.php.net/substr You code will eventually be: <?php // place this code late in the page$time_end = microtime (true); $load_time = $time_end - $time_start;$load_time = substr($load_time, 0, 6)echo "Page Generated in $load_time seconds";?>
  23. Is there a link page in Xisto.com or in Xisto.com to check the server status without logging in?I'd need that to make a shortcut link from my homepage and probably in my signature to check the server status on the spot and it'd save me time from logging into cPanel.Also, if the server is down, cPanel would probably be down as well. Hence there's no other ways that I know of that is able to check for server status. So is there an alternative way or link to that for public use?
  24. Likewise you can also refer to these guides on an Apache server. Setting Up a Secure Apache 2 Server http://www.informit.com/imprint/index.aspx?st=61091&aspxerrorpath=/articles/art5&seqNum=5&rll=1 Setting up SSL and HTTPS http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  25. I'm using 512MB RAM on my computer and I've tested a beta version of Windows Vista some time ago. It was terribly slow, even for booting into Windows, and even shutting the computer down. Every single click took me some time. Afew times I was also prompted about the low memory available and Windows then would reorganise its pagefile to suit it's requirements automatically. I have not even installed any software yet. Anyway I was eager about Vista so I went to test it.I'm running, still, on 512MB and a GeForce 4 graphics card. The new Vista interface I must say really looks good. Especially it's animations and transitions between different windows. If I didn't remember wrongly, now each window has a drop shadow or alpha channel or something related with pretty high graphical content. So I guess even high quality of graphic cards are also recommended for Vista.Basically to sum up, to use Vista means its a huge investment. Not only the operating system itself is expensive, the hardware that it require to run Vista will sure to cost a bomb. If you are running a high-end gaming PC now, probably when you install Vista on it, it will no longer be considered a real fast gaming PC. Be sure you have extra fans for your CPU and GPU as well. And be prepared for high electric bills.
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