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Everything posted by Inspiron

  1. Here's a very detailed guide on how to make your computer run faster without upgrading.. http://www.thetechzone.com/?m=show&id=347 I find it very useful and it should be done to every computers at least once a month to keep a computer in working at the fastest possible rate. And I like Sla6 comment, to buy a new computer.. Very true, but unpractical because new computers will one day slow down again..
  2. I was thinking something simple yet sounds pretty powerful.My idea includes sub-ranks which might encourage posters to contribute more to get to the next ranking level faster.500 posts - Official Member800 posts - A*Star I900 posts - A*Star II1000 posts - A*Star III1300 posts - Marshal IV1400 posts - Marshal V1500 posts - Marshal VI2000 posts - Grand Marshal 1*Star2500 posts - Elite Marshal 2*Star3000 posts - Prime Marshal 3*Star
  3. Honestly, if this thread wasn't started, I won't be think anything about it. But I like what ebula has commented. I guess everything around us are actually another thing which we all don't usually see. Even if they are right in front of us, we might misinteprate their existance.Who knows if the real Pluto is really round? It might be oval shaped or even a square, we all wouldn't know because none of us has seen with our own eyes. Their existance are probably just our imaginations that it is round. I guess we are really living in the Matrix. Pretty complicated but comes to think about it, sometimes alot makes sense.Well said ebula..!
  4. Inspiron

    Cs Movie

    Wow the show is so cool. They dressed up almost the same as the characters in the game. Even their weapons are almost alike. Except the hostages, the rest looks real cool. The idea is good..
  5. Weird question but anyway, the backbone has the fastest speed and bandwidth an ISP has and it transmits data from your country or state to another through an optical or multiple optical cables. The linkage of these optical cables makes the logical web connection to all over the world. That's where it got that name, World Wide Web or the Internet.It cost a bomb to maintain and build such backbone. The ISPs uses its subscribers money to pay for its maintainance and bandwidth. Practically, no one is able to build that individually because of its cost. Furthermore, it is not easy to maintain as well and it requires a high standard of quality of service and it can never be down. So don't even think of making one..
  6. I'll prefer PHP as compared to any other server-sided scripts. My lecturer once told me that Java is the future, so does JSP, but I don't agree that JSP will be the future. These are my reasons:JSP - Java Server Pages1. PHP is widely supported2. PHP has huge communities that you can find help easily with3. PHP applications are easy to find and they work faster than any other server-size scripts4. PHP is easiest to install5. PHP is freeOn the other hand, in the case of JSP,1. JSP does not have any huge communities2. JSP is harder to learn3. JSP needs to be compiled before running, hence it is slower4. There isn't any much help you can find for JSP5. JSP is not easy to installI'm not sure about ColdFusion, probably it may be worst than JSP because it pretty known to many people? I'm not sure..
  7. You can always do a search on google for j2me tutorials or some j2me applications to download to your mobile phone. Some of the tutorials I would recommend are as follows: http://www.palowireless.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  8. If Apple really makes mobile phones, the mobile phone industry will certainly be hot. Looking at what Apple has been producing, iPod, its feature pretty well in mobility. They can port the entire system of the iPod to their new mobile phones. And definately the phones will be running on some Apple OS or a Linux OS. Interface will sure be cool.
  9. Cool.. Yeah.. But what's the point of having a projector on a mobile phone? I don't think currently anyone will need that, even big bosses or some other big people don't need that. Probably owning one will make people think you are a techie person, but anyway there won't be of much use.The phone will definately be alot heavier, and hence it defeats the purpose of the objective of a cell phone being mobile. After all, the quality of the image produced from projector on the cell phone will definately not be any much better than the standalone projectors. This integration will render either the projector or the cell or both to be pretty useless.But who knows what is it in future? Nice findout..
  10. I've tried before leaving my computer on for 2 days as I was downloading some huge file on a lower broadband speed some years ago. I came back to my computer to find it alot more sluggish and reacts weirdly. There seemed to have many processes running and they would sometime stop and then start again. The CPU was really hot. The mousemove was laggy as well.I rebooted my computer and it was slightly better, but somehow it did not recover from its sluggishness. Just that many processes were then cleared from memory and the computer seemed working faster a little again.Hence I will not recommend leaving your computer on for days. Anyway it will be huge on the bills and there isn't any point there. Unless you are running a server, then you probably didn't have the choice..
  11. You may still need a firewall installed on your computer as a built-in firewall on your router may not block all of the intrusion. You may still risk being attack or even some scripts that make your router send unregconised data to your computer, making the connection crash or something.
  12. Hey one question.Is Google Pages a free webhosting service provided by Google or it's just a simple web-based HTML editor that will not be saved in Google server? The way you guys decribed seemed like it's a free webhosting service. If that's the case, I think all webhosting companies are in trouble including Xisto. Definately Google will make that service free of charge.
  13. It's definately safe eating chickens.. until when you see KFC fast food restaurant starts closing down. :lol:But I'm afraid that the population of chickens would decrease at a very fast rate since the governments of many countries started killing chickens, both sick and innocent. Not surprising that one day, the prices for a chicken will rise due to its shortage.
  14. You can try searching through the database with just SQL statements. Search within the column of the database where the given parameters are found. Something like SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName='Tove'
  15. I guess everyone can play them as long as them find them fun. There issn't any age limitation unless there's explicit contents in the games. Some may seem complicated for kids, but if they find them fun and adicting, why not. They are just games for leisure anyway.I'm over 20 years of age and personally didn't know what is going on in Final Fantasy. Probably this proves that age doesn't count?
  16. Welcome.. As for creating communities like Friendster, you will need to know alot more web related stuffs. You will need to know PHP or any server-sided scripts, MySQL or any database software languages, Apache or any web servers, and the web architecture. Not easy, but if you are willing to learn, it is possible. Many scripts had been and available for free for users to make their private communities. You may like to check them out at hotscripts.com http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  17. Why not? As soon as gigabit LAN is formed, gigabit internet service can come true. But that probably would take some time later for such service to exist. Currently the maximum broadband speed that I heard of is 25Mbps. Any faster elsewhere does anyone knows?
  18. If editing your registry also doesn't help, most probably your computer has already gone bonkers provided you didn't edit the wrong part in your registry. If that's the case, do a full system virus scan to your computer. Include anti-spyware scan as well. If all that does help, there's nothing else you can really do. Last resort is to reformat your computer. Since that computer is a school computer with limited functions, there could be some possibility that the folder settings doesn't appear. 1) The Administrator has disabled it 2) Virus 3) Spyware 4) Other unknown factors If the administrators has disabled it, there's nothing you can do as well. Just follow the rules set by the administrators. If you think its a virus, you can try doing an online scan to that particular. The following are some online scanning websites that you can use.. http://housecall.trendmicro.com/ http://www.bitdefender.com/scanner/online/free.html http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Do the same for a spyware scan with the following.. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://free.antivirus.com/us/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ If there are other unknown factors that you still cannot resolve, tell the Administrators. They know their systems best..
  19. Having an Intel processor 2.4 Ghz dual core will logically be 4.8 Ghz, because it is able to work multiple tasks simultaneously. Imagine playing your favorite PC game while scanning your computer for virus seemed impossible with today's computers, but with dual core processors, it becomes reality. Think of dual core as a head with 2 brains, it certainly works faster even with multiplay programs running.You won't be seeing 4.8 Ghz on your BIOs however, because it issn't, but you will feel the speed.
  20. Unfortunately, C++ is not a web programming language. It's a language to create software that runs on the computer, not on the web. Most of the programs in your computer are probably coded with C++ and its one of the most and common primitive language. If you want to learn C++, you can try searching on google for C++ tutorials. Some of these I would recommend are: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/ http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial.html http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You can also look for a book in your nearest library if it has one. Look for "C++ for Dummies". That dummy series will teach a new programmer from scratch.
  21. Where did you get the source from? I can't find any related articles about this type of watches..I agree with amhso, it seriously looks like a bandaid. It's too thin for a watch and I bet it is not waterprove. Even if it is, when water touches the hand, that "watch" will just slips and fall off.. maybe the owner don't even know it. It looks crappy wearing on humans. But anyway, it will be useful if it can stick on a bicycle or a camp bag which takes little spaces and easier to fix on than typical watches.
  22. I believe you can find tons of protocols down here.. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  23. The arrowhead mouse looks unique, really.. But I don't think it can be gripped well.. It's quite hard actually especially when the back of your palm rest on the narrow part of the mouse. A kind of style but definately not gaming prefered.Microsoft mice are pretty normal.. Not really unqiue.. Simply normal..
  24. Haha nice screen. Now screens can accept multiple and simultanoues touches, the new age computers will not require a keyboard or a mouse.I'll be very interested to see such monitors live soon.Nice findout...
  25. I'll give my vote to the vacation mode. Thinking that some members really need them when they are away from computers for sometime, say for a camp, over-seas trip or something, they might probably not have any access to the internet and they will lose credits points day by day. Having the vacation mode will definately help those who are loyal Xisto members that really require such feature to halt their credit system. This is especially good for loyal Xisto member like I've said.The vacation mode can, on the other side, suspend member's webhosting as well. And his/her site will come back when the vacation mode ends and the credit system resumes counting again. This will make the system fairer.Since many voted for this idea, why not we give a try and see how it goes?
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