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Everything posted by Inspiron

  1. I'm trying to create a website with a form that collects some user information to store in MySQL database. However, I've a problem when I want to dynamically add new rows and columns in the HTML table so that the user can add more information in the dynamically added textboxes. Here's what I have: <table border="0" width="90%" align="center" id="itemsTable"> <tr> <td width="20%"> Quantity </td> <td width="80%"> <input type="text" name="txtQuantity" value="" size="20" /> unit(s) </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%"> Dimensions </td> <td width="80%"> <input type="text" name="txtDimensions" value="" size="50" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%"> Amount </td> <td width="80%"> S$ <input type="text" name="txtAmount" value="" size="20" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%"> Remarks </td> <td width="80%"> <input type="text" name="txtRemarks" value="" size="50" /> <span style="font-style: italic; font-size: smaller;"> (optional) </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="2"> <!-- Center Space --> <br /> </td> </tr> </table> I want all rows and columns in this table to be repeated everytime the user pressed a "Add more infomation" button. So basically the entire table gets repeated again, printed out on the screen. Likewise, I'd also want the last set of rows and columns being dynamically added to be removed when the user press a "Remove last information inputs" button. So according to the codes above, I'd expect another set of "Quantity", "txtQuantity" textbox, "Dimensions", "txtDimensions" textbox, "Amount", "Amount" textbox, "Remarks", "Remarks" textbox, to be repeated again. And this set could be removed when the user press a "Remove last information inputs" button. How can I do that? Thanks alot.
  2. It worked! I'm quite surprised that you said you didn't test the code. A very big thank you to you.But now I've another problem. It seemed easy again, but I took hours to use your codes and re-edit them to suit the SQL statement when the invoice numbers are arranged in decending order. Your code only works in acsending order, perfectly. Another Question Do you know how display those invoice numbers when the SQL statement is "SELECT * FROM Table ORDER BY InvoiceNumber DESC" ? Thanks again for being such a great help.. You saved me and my brain cells and helped me from going crazy.
  3. This great software from Adobe is adding on to a new generation of Acrobat PDF files, now with 3D interface. You can now click and drag a 3D model in the PDF file to view an object in 3-dimensions. However, it's not a free software. This is certainly a great tool for the machanical and machinery industry. https://acrobat.adobe.com/us/en/acrobat.html Sample PDF : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  4. No Way! Norton is using too much resources and slowing down my computer alot more. It's irritating when a notice keeps poping up when an application is trying to access the internet. It will not ask once. It asks at least 3 times. And these popups are more irritating than web popups. Their popups are configured to be the front-most window. So whatever you are doing at the moment will be interrupted. I dislike it when I was playing a game in full screen and that popup appears and brought me out of the game so it could be the front-most window. After I return back to the full screen game, that popup took control again, and repeated more than 3 times. No longer will I go with Norton anymore. I'd rather have peaceful moments with free security tools than to pay for irritating software.
  5. At first I thought AdBock was a great addon for Firefox. Well it did great for blocking ads on webpages. However, it also blocked Flash components as well. I need to disable AdBlock and refresh the page for the Flash component to load. It's really annoying factor from AdBlock. I cannot find any settings in AdBlock to stop blocking Flash companents. Since then, I've removed AdBlock. I'd rather live with Ads than forgiving away Flash components.
  6. We cannot rule out that possibility. Thanks for voicing out. However, chances are slim that voice numbers missed are greater than those that were entered in the database. Usually when a company misses an invoice number, it would most probably be that the order of the invoice has been broken such that the particular invoice number is being cancelled. It can also be that the invoice is torned or destroyed upon natural disasters such that a new invoice is being issued. But anyway, that a very good point voiced. Now another question. How to check for invoice numbers for the point voiced by jlhaslip?
  7. If that is the case, then I'll request for a userbar there. Can I use your userbar as well? It gives me a good feeling to be proud as a Xisto user. Thanks.. I'll fill a request soon..
  8. Besides anti-Spyware and anti-Adware programs, this thread includes other security tools that are free to use and download. Do contribute any free security tools that you know of to make a better list for all of us. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/34146-free-security-software-list-antivirus-firewall-antispyware-gather-and-make-a-list-of-free-security-software-here/
  9. Ipod is good and is considered one of the high end MP3 players in the market. I like it's sleek interface and the nice feature of viewing album pictures and lyrics while the music is playing.However comparing Ipod with Creative Zen, I'd prefer the Zen for it's superb sound quality. Somehow I can never get the same sound quality on the Ipod. I've tested sounds of different bitrates, effects, THX and surround sounds on both players and realised that the Zen produced a movie-like sound effect. It really sounds like I'm watching a movie. I just love how the sound transitions in a the effect of a circle or as though something fly passed you.Besides the sound quality, Ipod has inbuilt battery while the Zen don't use an unbuilt battery. I think that's a major disadvantage of the Ipod when in the case of the battery mulfunctioning. That Ipod owners probably have to carry their whole Ipod for servicing. If worst, there could still be extra charges. The Zen however, if the battery has a fault, simply get a new battery to replace. It saves time and money for servicing.Interface wise, both Zen and Ipod works pretty good. Each has their own specialty in interface, hence no much comparison. It's still the user's preferability.
  10. It's Tanya.. She's just a female elite solider but I can easily take her out with a sniper. I usually use her in backstabbing missions. I'd bring my full force attacking on the front line, while sending Tanya to go behind the enemy's base where they are now weaker at the back with diverted attacks and strike at their buildings while the army at the front is diverting attention. Snipers are also good in covering attacks for Tanya's missions.
  11. I would like a new userbar graphics to add on to my signature. Can I request for userbar graphics in " Request Free Sig Or Banner" forum? Or should I request it here?
  12. I've seen many pictures on the Internet with orbs in them. But I don't think that's something special because it's usually caused by dirt and dust on the lens on the camera at the time when the picture was taken. However, I've also seen videos of orbs moving. That may probably prove something, or else it can be a hoax created by some video editing software. I've taken a few pictures on several cameras that I owned since a few years ago and noticed orbs as well. Immediately I didn't think much and expected that to be dirt or dust. I realised in some experience of photo taking, those orb effects on the pictures usually appear when the environment is dark. Therefore you will usually see orbs on pictures that were taken in the night or in a dark room. In a hot afternoon when the sun is shining brightly, seldom you will see orbs. I would expect that the dirt or dust on the lens of the camera can easily be seen when taken in dark places as the dirt usually is white in color. Therefore these orbs are easily seen. Otherwise during daytime, those dirt cannot be easily seen as the sunshine probably is too bright for the white spots to appear. I've read many articles on the Internet as well regarding of this paranomal orb sightings, some glows while some looks translucent like a ghost orb. But I don't quite understand they are they related to ghost or souls. Why would they appear in the form of orbs? That still remain a mystery to me.
  13. If you have Nero, it should include a DVD mounting as well in the Nero ImageDrive. Microsoft also provides a free CD emulator, similar to reading ISO files by mounting them. I've not tried that, but I think it may be useful for you. http://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/virtual_cd_rom_control_panel.html Otherwise you can try a popular emulator, DAEMON Tools, which supports both CD and DVD emulation. http://www.daemon-tools.cc/deu/home
  14. It's looks pretty useful to astronomers as Google is giving out this Mars exploration free from Earth in front of a home computer. But however, its quite useless to many people because I wil not find anything interesting on Mars until someone finds something unusual. But by then, Nasa should be the first to know of such findings and probably the rest would then know it.Anyway, its kindda boring viewing rock patterns on Mars. I was thinking how Google got those pictures from Mars. As if they really had photographed the entire Mars surface or something. Pretty weird for Google to do that as it probably gonna cost them a bomb, on top of providing many great free tools. I was thinking if that Mars exploration was a hoax or something.
  15. Wow.. great tutorial.. :(I'll copy this guide some where and wait til I get back to my workdesk, I'll test it out..Thanks alot..Please leave this thread opened, as I probably will need to post again if I have anymore problems.
  16. You probably will not need any drivers if you use a USB port. Windows will automatically detect your device after plugging into the USB port.
  17. Yes, this was what I really meant! Thanks for that nice rephrase of what I'm trying to say. Also, since you got the picture of what I'm thinking, can you explain what your code does? I don't quite understand. Probably a little bit more explaination will do. Thanks..
  18. Wow.. so you are trying to create your own compatibility between your computer and the keyboard through the COM port? That's pretty interesting as no one will look into this obselete port again. Anyway, you can try looking to Linux drivers to see if they have COM port drivers as well. Usually they will work. Here is one site which I think might be useful to you. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  19. Inspiron

    Audio Editing

    You can try Nero SoundTrax and Nero SoundEditor. I've been using these 2 programs to do my audio editing for my projects for the pass few years in school. It's working great and I think it's somewhat nearer to the professional audio editing grade than a normal one. Nero SoundTrax: http://www.nero.com/eng/index.php?vlang=gb Nero SoundEditor: http://www.nero.com/eng/index.php?vlang=gb I think this merged with the new version of Nero 7 Premium. If you want a professional audio editor, and you don't mind paying, probably you would like to go for CakeWalk. This is the program used in generating the effects and the accompaniment for Kevin Kern's album. Cakewalk: http://www.cakewalk.com/ There is also a free audio editing software from sourceforge. Probably you will look into this program. It might not be very professional in terms of interface and workability. But anyway, if you read through its guides you should be able to get what you wanted. AudCity: https://sourceforge.net/projects/audacity/
  20. In my PHP application, I'll never had to touch the auto-increment ID column. Not even inserting a new data, editing it or displaying it. Everything will be based on the InvoiceNumber column. The auto-increment ID column basically contains dummy data to the project that every database needs to have as to follow a standard. I just need a script, done in PHP, to extract the all the data from the SQL InvoiceNumber column and checks if a number in the InvoiceNumber column is missing. The beginning numbers in the InvoiceNumber column can start with any number, making sure that from that number onwards, there will be no missing number until the biggest number. For example, the starting number is 4 and the largest or end-most InvoiceNumber is 9. The PHP script has to check if the numbers 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, are present in the column, and detect any numbers that are not present to notify the user. Of course in this example, the numbers are quite simple. But expect those real invoice numbers to be 4 to 6 digits in length. And if it starts from 1, it will be stored in the database as 0001 if its a 4 digit invoice number. 6 digit numbers will follow the similar format. I cannot write a PHP script that does the auto-incrementing to the invoice number automatically. Not because I don't know how, but rather it is not the way. Because the user might enter an invoice data information with a invoice number that is not followed on sequence based on the previous invoice number. For example, invoice 0001 is written in the database. The user now has an invoice, 0002, but it's on pending such that he/she cannot store the information in the database yet. So he/she has to skip this number temporary and carry on with 0003. So whenever the user checks on the database, the script will display a notice to the user that invoice 0002 is missing. Please refer to my previous replies. Actually, it's a pretty simple question that you guys might think it into somewhat complicated. Anyway I guess my examples in this reply shows a clearer picture of what I'm talking about. If anyone knows, how to detect and find a missing number in the Invoice column in the database?
  21. They are pretty much the same thing between VB.NET and the new Visual Basic. In short, they are just VB.NET languages in different versions. The programming method and styles are very much alike. Hence whatever tutorial you got from VB.NET should work on your version. The software with long name that you have is just the SDK. It's among the later SDK that was prepared for developers to develop software for the new Windows Vista. Likewise, the usage is still quite alike. Probably new features are now added to improve. Coding will be alike..
  22. Is Google Calender for mobile phones and devices only? I don't think so according to the website provided by the thread starter. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The screenshots looks promising and has a little look of Gmail. Hence it is more probably for a PC than any mobile devices. Also, this new service from google certainly will be useful when set as our homepage or a web-base desktop as we can see our appointments at the start of the day. Similarly, there's another working alternative from another provider call 30Boxes providing the calender service as well, based on AJAX technology. It's very smooth with no noticable refresh screens. It's in beta but worked pretty well.. Check it out on 30Boxes.. http://www.30boxes.com/welcome.php
  23. Try this.. <html> <head> <script language="javascript"> function refreshpage() { window.location.reload(); } </script> </head> <body> <form action="" method="" name="" onsubmit="refreshpage();"> <input name="submit" type="submit" value="submit"> </form> </body></html>
  24. I guess you can also create the directory yourself if there isn't an 'Optional' directory. Basically the idea is just move every single plugins away from the plugin folder so the PDF reader will not load them. Loading plugins certain takes quite some time. But of course, most of us only use PDF reader to read PDF documents. We might not edit the PDF files, hence I think most plugins ignored will not cause a problem. Probably certain non-english characters that require plugins to read them. Otherwise, no pluggins loaded will work as well..
  25. OK BuffaloHELP I've got the picture. I didn't know that it had been considered pretty illegal to download previous versions of IPB trial. Anyway, we all can use the Invision Free boards instead of the Power Boards. They pretty much work the same. And thank for not issuing a warning. A lesson learnt, by accident. Well this proves to people that you are an understanding admin.
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