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Everything posted by Tramposch

  1. I would do what Saint_Michael said. A subnet mask will free up your domains very quickly. You can have theoretically an infinite amount of computers under one IP. If you have 64 IPs, I would put at least 10 per IP (going off your info, that should be good). That leaves room for expansion. And you can always add more to an IP if necessary. Of course, you might be able to request more IPs from you ISP, of course that will cost more.
  2. It expires in 2011 :PI will probably end up calling the number.I do already have a domain for my website, I just want this shorter one for email haha. Possibly easy access to my mobile site version too.
  3. I will have a dedicated address for it, too, but I also want it to check for the mobile browsers and direct it to the mobile site or at least a page to choose whether or not to go to the mobile site. That way if somebody doesn't know there is a mobile version, they have the chance to learn about it.
  4. I want to create a mobile version of my website, and I need to know how to check for mobile browsers. I am thinking of creating an iPhone specific one too. I looked around and all I really found were shaky solutions that didn't check very well. I think that PHP would be the best language to check, as it is pretty universally supported, however, if there is a more efficient way to check in another language then please tell me!
  5. Latin is a lot of fun, it is very... exciting to play.I have a piece o' drum set, not worth even telling you the make, and series.
  6. It wil be two years for me in march..Except I had almost a year of inactivity. haha.
  7. What series of Yamaha electric drums do you have? I have played from jazz to heavy metal.. I found my favourite just to be latin and rock, they are fun.. Check out these people they are a great inspiration: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  8. I havn't been here nearly as long as you..Just stick around with us :PI wish the graphic section was more up to date, and there were SOTW competitions again.
  9. in the css attributes you can set it to "fixed" so the background scrolls with the page, and never moves.
  10. Uh..i have an idea! Make the background fixed! I think it will look much better then, i can't fully critique it because im about to go crazy.
  11. You can edit 3d objects within Photoshop, although it may not be very simple to the basic user. It is included in the extended version of version CS4 and CS3. I don't believe you can "create" 3d objects, but only edit textures, and colours.I think you have to use another program to actually create the 3d object.
  12. I have seen tutorials for making 3D water, objects, and other things like that from within Photoshop. I would consider that rendering. Also, http://effectica.com/ is godly. The guys there are pros. The tutorials can be pretty hard, but the results are absolutely amazing. You might wanna check that one out.
  13. I just swim and play golf and I am in pretty good shape. I am pretty naturally gifted with muscle. And a high metabolism. I have to say, it is GREAT!
  14. I really like http://www.pslover.com/. That is the first site I started getting tutorials from. They have tons of different tuts for anything from text to rendering.
  15. It is just a bug in the script. OpaQue is probably working on the spam detection or something, which explains the negatives. There might be a variable that is slightly off or something.
  16. Get going on the game. I am not going to spend time developing a website if there isn't a game to match it. If you can assemble a team, tell me via PM or something. I would be glad to help.
  17. I love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love adobe products. I have been using them for about three years. I have been working on website design, graphics design, and so an and so forth. It has been really great working with all these programs, and to be able to see them develop so greatly over the years, especially photoshop, the development of photoshop is amazing, the new features they add every time are just mind blowing, but its the same with Adobe After Effects. I would have to say my favourite Adobe After Effects effect is the Pixel Bender effect, which you can use to re create a droste effect. Just appreciate all that Adobe has done for the world, many websites were made using Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, and flash. Many of the graphics out there now were created in photoshop. Just thank hem that they were nice enough to provide a free program so you can read PDF documents (i personally just straight out hate PDF documents though).Adobe has really created a revolution for programs related to graphics, and design. It is truly stunning in which these programs can do.
  18. SM needs to retire!The goddess (yes, SM is a women) needs to be banished from this communityThe goddess has brought too many quality posts, and too much of the things he was awarded for.
  19. Ah.. Music is just purely awesome.I have been playing drums for about four or fives years, and I absolutely love to play drums, but I tend to not have a lot of time.I am in my school's "advanced" band, which has some odd 20 members, and we play regular concerts, and we play as a pep band for basket ball games..If you have a drum set, baniboy, which one do you have? just curious.
  20. Well it seems as if you already have a website, which i guess is being hosted by Xisto, just be patient, sometimes they have problems, sometimes they don't. You should just know it will be solved in the end, it always is with Xisto.
  21. Contact sales@xisto.com. This happened to me too. It ended up my account was locked or closed or something. Just tell them that is what is going on and they will fix it right up.
  22. I would say C++ would be a good language to use. I don't know it. At all...Haha.But I could help with any web design you need. I'm pretty good at that.
  23. What is the URL of your board, I would like to see what you are talking about.
  24. That sounds really awesome. Incredibly, painstakingly long. But awesome. I would like to see how all of that works. Especially upconverting the film to HD.
  25. What do you mean the shoutout is as a link?
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