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Everything posted by Tramposch

  1. Just remember that not everybody has a monitor with 1400px width, so you might want to look into making that dynamic when you code it, or just reducing the size.The copyright should be white, or a different colour that is not black.I look around and i see like five different colours of green, choose one and stick with it! Is there any noise on the bottom of the gradient below the banner? the green part? it looks like there may be some noise there, if there is, maybe reduce it, but that might be my monitor.If your going to turn this into a blog layout, the position of the text that shows the date, and who posted the post should be moved possible under the title with a small font.On the right column with the gray and white, you should turn the white into a light gray and make sure the bottom box doesnt extend to the very bottom, it makes it look.. incomplete.and yeah just over all change the font.
  2. I have a custom 1GB usb stick :)Very cheap, FREE! haha
  3. I agree with most of you guys. You should use a different font like different spacing and sizes, as well as anti aliasing. I think that the airplane should have the shadow dropped, and have a little more space between the fuselage and the wings so you can distinguish that it is a plain.
  4. Could you... update the signature image possibly?Thanks..
  5. The render that you chose blends in with the background too much, you should either choose a different render, or change the background to different colours so the render doesnt look like the background. Or maybe you can make the cubicle affect appear more cubey to set things apart. But over all good job for not doing a signature in a year.
  6. I'm looking at it, and it always seems as my attention goes to the building on the right, I think you made the building on the right too clear, and it is hard to focus on the true focal point of the signature. Just kind of brush up the building, or do something there, and I think the signature will look complete. The border also looks good..Why so evil SM?Good job.
  7. I used callwave. It was a great service. But if you are sending it to one person, and know what cell network they are on, you can email it to a designated email provided by most carriers. They usually are something like @sms.att.net. Before it you just put the number. I used that for a while. But as for a site, I recommend callwave. Edit: I forgot to add that most instant messaging apps allow texting through them. In aim just open a new IM and in the to portion, just put the number. Also, if I remember correctly, gtalk allows it too. But not positive on that one.
  8. It doesn't require anything more complex. But it varies for what carrier the phone number is supplied by. So the @mms.att.net will only work for AT&T phones. I am not sure if any other companies support this. But a lot support it for texting, so MMS support is a no-brainer. But before I had an SMS plan with T-Mobile I would just send emails. Which is weird because I had a data plan first, haha. But if you live in the UK, I am not sure. I would just search for UK carriers that have MMS emails. That is probably your best bet.
  9. I used Ubuntu for about a month, and thought it was absolutely amazing. The only reason I would boot into Vista was for syncing my iPhone. Then I wanted to install OS X and had no room for it...Then I got Vista Ultimate 64bit and never looked back. But from my experience with Ubuntu it was great. It took a while to get used to it from using Windows so long. The main hump was the installing business. I still don't fully understand it. But if it was in Synaptics package manager, I could handle it. I even consider myself a pretty advanced user. But I guess that is in Windows and OS X. Ubuntu definitely earned some respect in the time I used it.The massive amounts of themes available is great too. And, while I couldn't get it to work, Beryl with Emerald themes would be awesome. My friend uses it and he just raves and raves about it. And you can get it to look exactly like Vista, and it will use less power than actually running Vista would. Funny, isn't it? Ubuntu definitely was a lot more power-conscious. I noticed big speed differences between it and Vista and even it and OS X or Windows 7. Ubuntu is definitely something to check out. Just plan on spending a bit of time to get used to it. It is something you can come to love.All of this IS coming from a person who only used it for a month and doesn't any more. I am writing this review using Windows Vista Ultimate. So if you think I am a fan boy, I am not. I am more of an Apple fan boy than anything.
  10. Thanks for the help. I'll ditch the idea until I can figure out how to modify that haha. Or if somebody provides a good alternative
  11. I'll stick with the server side method until it is more widely supported.
  12. I would say around 30 characters would be a good size. I haven't counted it out but I assume I can change it if I need to. As for the width, I am uncertain of that. The whole menu bar is 490px, but not all of it is part of the output.
  13. If they do not include text-overflow yet, how would I use it?I am using FireFox 3, but I tested it on Chrome and IE too.Ill try out that script though.EDIT: I read over the script and I really don't know where to begin. I am not really that great with PHP.
  14. I tried the text-overflow method and it doesn't work. I tested it on multiple browsers and tried adding different widths and everything. Maybe I am just using it wrong. The string I am using to incorporate it is: <div style="text-overflow: ellipsis; -o-text-overflow: ellipsis; -icab-text-overflow: ellipsis; -khtml-text-overflow: ellipsis; -moz-text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-text-overflow: ellipsis;">
  15. The product is in my navigation menu right now. I might move it but I sill need it limited. On my website it's right below the banner starting with PTB. I'll check out the text overflow after I get home. I think I might have tried it but maybe I did it wrong. Thanks for the suggestions.
  16. I want to limit characters for a string so it fits in the designated area. I need it to be no longer than probably 20 or so characters, then it puts a "..." after it. Just a little direction is all I really need. I have searched around for the past 30 minutes trying to find a solution but have thus far failed. The string I am trying to limit is <li><a href="twitter.com/PassTheBoll/ twitter_messages('PassTheBoll', 1, false, false, 'all', true, true, false); ?></li> That is getting my first twitter update and displaying it on my website. Obviously an update could be a lot longer than desired and ruin the look of the website, so I need to lop off some text.Like I said, guidance is really all I need, though an AIO solution would make my life easier .My URL is in the sig.
  17. Thanks so much man, its working great now. The only things I have left to do are properly align the RSS image and make a navigation menu for when somebody scrolls over the PTB image (hint hint)
  18. Tried that, but it won't go outside of the wrapper's width.
  19. I am not sure how to word this, really. But on my website, passtheboll.com, I am putting in what you might consider a tab on the side of the layout. I can align it to work one way, but not dynamically. Basically, I want to know how to place the image so it is uniform in all browsers, regardless of the windows size or screen resolution. I don't really know how to word it better. So if you know something that might help, or have a question, please post.
  20. I'm sorry, is it that I didn't explain it very well, or is it because.. its just complicated
  21. Those images are great. The signature (the first image) is a bit... 'hard' for my liking.. The colours are a bit hard.. I don't know how else to put it.. Number two... I think it is a bit high contrast, you could probably insert, and bring out a few more darker colours that make the image more rich. Number three... It would be awesome if it was much higher resolutions, I would use it as a wallpaper myself. Just maybe add on some text. Also you might want to have a bit more contrast to your darks and brights, because right now it looks a bit flat. Ah, the canyon, image four. I love this. The colours of the canyon are so rich, and the yellow just contrasts so well with all the other colours, i just think that the dimensions of the yellow.. streaks like the angle of some of them could be work on in the bend. Maybe also lower the opacity slightly. This is lovely. The image with the lake, the moon, and the trees. The thing i don't get.. the water seems to displace the shape of the moon, but the trees still stay the same on the reflection? The.. Uh i lost count... sixth one? Yeah well its amazing. Really original, i just think that the noise could be a lower opacity with a smaller grain size. Are there colours in the grains? you should have made it black and white. the seventh one? Well yeah.. I find it hard to know what to focus on. It hurts my eyes kind of because i focus on the background, then the foreground, and it just hurts because i cant choose what to focus on, and I think its my eyes that makes the background image blurred. The eight one.. with the car. It seems a bit choppy. In my opinion i would think this might be one of your earlier works. Too much red that it isn't special anymore. You need to work a bit more on some of your things.
  22. Great work, The first one the flow isn't really working for me.The second one the skeleton doesn't seem all to blended in.The third one parts of the person's body are to high contrast and is sticking out too much from the background, there isn't good flow.The fourth one I can't judge it because i Don't know what the image originally was.The fifth I can't judge either.I know that the Xisto graphics people like to see a big variety so if I were you, put up some IPB designs that you have previously done, and any other types of works.
  23. Nice shoes! They are really pretty, what brand are they. They really go well with the purple chair and the jean jacket in the background..Looks great!
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