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Everything posted by Tramposch

  1. What do you mean that is according to the mayans. To my knowledge thats just when they stopped the calender, maybe they were too lazy to keep making the calender .
  2. I just talked to a friend who works in the IT group of VCU they said they stopped monitoring bandwidth two years ago because it cost more to monitor it then it did to buy more bandwidth :(That is pretty funny.Now the problem he had, he was torrenting ubuntu, and the time was stuck at infinity and it wouldn't download, but he said the upload speed was going through the roof.
  3. Well if it helps he is going to VCU (Virginia Commonwealth University). So now I am wondering, is the only way to find out if they will do any blocking and stuff is to just torrent and see what happens?
  4. Yeah. horde. my brother is a gladiator.
  5. Hey everybody, I was wondering about college internet security. I am not in college, but my brother is going into college and had a few questions.Do they monitor connections? My brother is an avid torrenter (bit torrents) and torrents many LEGAL anime shows (yes, i know...) and he is curious whether or not this will arouse suspicion, and if people are actively monitoring all incoming and outgoing data and ports.If there is, what are methods of avoided being brought under suspicion, excluding the option of to stop doing whatever he is doing?
  6. Thanks, I'll try that and see how it goes.
  7. Yay, I have been here almost 3 years. It is a great community.Joined here a long time ago which was when i had almost no knowledge of web design, graphics, hosting, anything! and now I am filled with knowledge.Congrats to Xisto!! And its my birthday Tomorrow :angel: We are only two days apart
  8. I'll try what you said.Thanks for the post Appreciate it.
  9. I haven't done graphics a lot recently, and this is my first in a while, tell me what you think!
  10. I'll create a more custom logo now.I also fixed what lines I know of and translated them to English and fixed permissions with the validation for posting.Once I get a new logo, I'll open it up and if you notice any non-English words, please tell me.
  11. Oh wow, really interesting. With the logo, what is wrong with it? can it not be a replica of the windows logo to displace more of what the forum is about? Even if I made it in photoshop, would it not be allowed?And maybe I should close it until I get this sorted. out.
  12. Hey I want your opinion on one of my new sites: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Tell me what you think.
  13. I got bored one night, didn't take long, so I made a wallpaper pack! Its really simple, the reason for that is that Windows 7 has a wallpaper rotator that i set to every 10 seconds, and it rotates these wallpapers, and it looks amazing because it fades to the next wallpaper. Even if you don't have a rotator, it still looks great! preview: download: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  14. How about we stop trying to pick on things that people may be doing wrong because that is more the moderators job, and just makes you look bad.It is just makes people seem like kind of a suck up when people just correct people when it comes to forum rules, leave it to moderators when they find it needed.
  15. Kleong, it depends on the MKV.It is pretty simple to take the video out of its container for the mkv to avi, but when you have subtitles, it gets much worse.I can't give you all the ways to do it, but basically if you have subtitles, you need a splitter which will remove the subtitles from the video, save them in a separate file, then you need to remove the avi from the video, then you need to bind them both (the sub titles and the video) together (hard coded).I will try to post more information on this later.
  16. Well usually the operating system shouldn't slow down transfer speeds.Is it possible that your windows vista machine has a slower hard drive? If you installed vista on your laptop, laptops typically have 5400RPM hard drives, while desktops typically have 7200RPM, so it could be hard drive speed, not the OS. You should look into that.
  17. Is there a way to receive a notification on your phone that you got a new email? not send the email to your phone, just notify your phone that you got a new email?Thanks
  18. As for somebody saying they had a Trednet router, and somebody asking if it goes through walls well?Yes it does, Our school uses a mixture of trednets and airports, and the trednets get good range and penetrate walls very well.
  19. Ill go and look at it again when I get home.What makes it tough are the colours, they are kind of odd and not the easiest to match things to. Also it can't be a real graphicy/effectish banner because it doesn't have a solid background, and the colours wouldn't match.I'll see what I can do when I get back home.
  20. Each of these are a part of Xisto, the primary company.The differences are that each one offer different things for different prices, and different communities.If you want free hosting, don't want ads on your site, and want a community to be part of, Xisto does that. Its hosting does not put any ads on your website, and gives you a great community.Xisto has a community, but you don't have to get credits or anything, you can just.. GET. The only catch is that your website will have a small ad on it.Xisto - Web Hosting is the basis of all this. Xisto - Web Hosting is the professional host that hosts Xisto and Xisto, so technically Xisto and Xisto are professional. Xisto - Web Hosting is for those people who have the money to just pay up front, and don't want to deal with communities and advertisement.Correct me if I am wrong anybody.
  21. You cannot pay in advance, at least not to my knowledge.And if your account doesn't have enough money in it, then it will give you frequent warning emails, and you will have a month or so to pay, if you wait to long your account is suspended until you pay your invoice.So to answer your question, it gives you a long time before your account gets suspended.
  22. I am located in Virginia USA.I was initially born in Geneva Switzerland, but I had to move due to my parents job.
  23. Remember Dark Archer, these are MYCENTS, so he only has 33 cents. It is not all that hard to get 33 cents. The mycents system only let you see their cents, not their dollars, for all you know he could have 55 dollars and 34 cents (not likely AT ALL). Once the mycents get to 100 or above, it will convert into dollars which you can check in your control panel at Xisto - Support.comYou can get 33 cents from just a couple posts, even one good quality post.See you back at ITneed
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