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Everything posted by Tramposch

  1. The 5 addon domains (if that is what is making you think you get a free domain) means that you can point UP TO 4 domains to that server (correct me if I am wrong) it does not mean you get a free domain.Me personally, when I was hosted by Xisto, i had the unlimited plan Loved it. haha.
  2. Thanks I appreciate that you used my tutorial :)It looks good but what you could work on is make the edges a bit skinnier on the bottom left and right, and make them proportional. otherwise it is great.Good job.
  3. I have a custom built rig. I think thats it...
  4. I'm sorry about Honahara Uttarajivi, that is really sad...You did a great job with the signature, it looks amazing..
  5. I think they are good, the only problem is, they may look good but a lot of times vectoring uses a lot of creativeness, but not that much skill if you use things such as presets.Right now it is a "No" from me because there is a lack of variety.
  6. They are alright, just the one thing that is bugging me is everything is so damn big!I'm too lazy to make a full post now, but like navigation, text, et cetera is so big! It adds an amateurish feel to it.
  7. I only use logitech for their audio systems (speakers and such) their webcams, keyboards, and mice.I use skullcandy for my headsets/headphones. You should check them out they are very good quality and well priced, and often times have lifetime warranties.
  8. I honestly have no clue what my blood type is.I have no real need to know unless i plan on getting seriously injured and losing a lot of blood.
  9. That is pretty absurd. You don't just clone the dog. Maybe the dog doesn't want to be cloned? Its just pretty immoral. Sometimes people do stupid things. Oh yeah you should put it in quotes because the article is found here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  10. seeing as this topic is three years old and the user has eight posts, is it not obvious that he has most likely left this forum?I just don't see the need for three people to say please replace the link....I was just thinking :-p
  11. What I HATE is when people think that torrents, just torrents are ILLEGAL.THEY ARE NOT ILLEGAL.They are files containing information, of WHERE to download something. Even if the torrent file is FOR downloading something illegal, it isn't illegal.At least I don't know how the laws work in that situation, it may be considered illegal since its kind of helping somebody do an illegal action.but it still makes me VERY angry when people say in general that torrents are illegal and things like "Torrents should be shutdown" or "You can't talk about torrents! they are illegal" so on and so forth! It irritates me very very much!TORRENTS CAN BE LEGAL.
  12. It is amazingly tasting. Everybody should try it, put a lot of vanilla in it.
  13. When you say "When I trying running the localhost" do you mean you are LITERALLY using the world local host, or If not the latter, then try the latter.I am not a professional at this, probably someone like truefusion can answer, but I was just double checking with the above^^
  14. Hmmm, he never make clear if it were THE admin account or not.Windows XP comes with a hidden admin account which is hidden by default, and you can unhide it by going into registry, ect. If you have not un hidden it, then it still may be there. on boot, at your login screen hit "Control alt delete" twice in a row. it should open a different login screen, and just type in "Administrator"with no password.You didn't exactly specify which admin account you were using.Oh yeah and Bux ^^ I don't think that really helps, clearing cmos wont really do anything.Oh and if you cant get into admin account, then use ophcrack, it works well.
  15. I'd say all torrent files are technically legal, even if its for an illegal file, it just the action of using it. It a suggested illegality, idk how to put it.But yeah contact support just to double check.
  16. Sorry for going slightly off topic, but since I was living in english (around that area) during the mad cow disease I am not allowed to give any blood in America. :)But It was still over reaction, it was probably something the government might accidentally let out and tried to cover it up.
  17. Don't you guys know that god created earth just so he could play around with it, have fun, then destroy it and build another one, just like a little kid making sand castles and such.Actually I am Agnostic, so I can't really say much.
  18. I have your best solution, better than all this mumbo jumbo.It is all Saint Michael's spam which is slowing down your computer. It all makes sense.
  19. Thank you. Appreciate it.Global warming is a very serious matter if people consider all the causes and consequences, but when people just focus on what they want to focus on, it does not help much.
  20. I think the H1N1 influenza is just an over reaction to a flew.Really.
  21. But if you think about it, its not only the type of emissions from cares that kill ozone, its also other things like old fridges.Gasses in old fridges is a Cfc gas (R12, R22o, R502) or (chloro, fluoro, carbon) The chlorine changes the ozone by attaching to the ozone molecules and destroying it. The other problem with old fridges is the yellow polyurethane insulation which contains chlorine, and is often times just thrown in junk yards which effects the ozone as well.There are many things, many things.
  22. Mine was the first matrix, it is the best matrix ever.The other two were just bad.
  23. Well scientists seem to only consider their theory about global warming, but we, as people, mostly do not understand why, when, how. Scientists often times have their own theories and after trying to prove other peoples theories wrong they blatantly disregard them.I just don't want to worry about it, it is too much to think of because it is most likely a mixture of each and every scientist's theory, and what happens on Earth is natural, and we shouldn't try to reverse it, we will adapt.
  24. I never have, and it is funny, whenever people try to I yell NOOOO DON'T DO IT IT IS A TRAP.And make them not click it. haha.
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