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Everything posted by Tramposch

  1. Must have been, but he was known in England, he was partners with Anthony Sullivan, who is English.I guess it was only in America, but I believe he was known other places as well. He was epic though.
  2. DON'T USE THE SEARCH FEATURE. It is a TRAP(17). use google. Something like Photoshop site:Xisto.com will search photoshop on Xisto, the IPB search system is not very functional.
  3. WHO IS BILLY MAYS?He WAS the GREATEST pitchman known to man. He did advertisements for many people and made them millions, he is recognized as the god of pitching. He performs on advertisements trying to sell products, and after watching his show it was amazing to see how much dedication and love he had to his products, and everybody else.He sold many things like Oxy clean, Mighty Puddy, et cetera.He was one of AJ Khubani (the As Seen On TV CEO)'s main advertiser. Billy was amazing.
  4. It is not my problem to deal with, I recycle, I do everything, thereis nothing else I can do except things for other people to do.Oh yeah try to make longer posts, you will find yourself making more money, and often times one line posts are considered spam.But everybody is confused about what is causing global warming, what is global warming, et cetera.
  5. IT WAS ALL ABOUT BILLY MAYS.They showed his last advertisments made (He has a show called pitchmen which shows the production of all his ads and his personal life and stuff) and the show was about what good he had done, how he had helped him, who he made successful, his history of career, ect.It was very TOUCHING.
  6. Oh wow, i totally forgot I ever made that post. Thanks for the info . Appreciate it. and wow i really totally forgot I ever made that post.
  7. THE LAST THING I WATCHED WAS THE BILLY MAYS TRIBUTE ON DISCOVERY CHANNEL. Sorry the caps were a tribute to BILLY to signify his yelling.I miss him.
  8. Well what are some pros :-p, Its hard to critique your own layout.
  9. Any files can be illegal, ^^, he is just upload the torrent, none of the file data is actually stored on the server, it is all on peoples computers, a torrent does not get files from servers, it gets it from other peoples computers. There are many legal torrents, such as Ubunut, and it is completely legal, people just get the wrong image about torrents. I don't think you should have any problem, but a mod, or Velma should clarify this.
  10. I wanna know which one you think is best. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
  11. torrents do not count as wares. Torrents are just a form of transferring files. the stuff being transferred may be warez, but people often times get the wrong image about torrenting, they always things torrenting = illegal, where there are many legal things to torrent, it provides much much faster download speeds a lot of the times.
  12. I personally loved it, and it surprises me that all my friends didn't like it as much as I did.I beat the game in around a week, casually gaming, on the easiest level. It is fun indeed.I suggest that everybody try it out!
  13. Well Core i7 CPUs come stock with a stock heat sink from Intel. the case you are looking to purchase is specially made for liquid cooled computers. To successfully liquid cool a computer, you should google on a guide. You would need to buy a CPU water block so the hot and cold water can flow in and out to cool the CPU, you would need coolant, check for leaks, et cetera. It is truly a lot of work if you have not done it before and I do not advise it unless your son plans to do extreme overclocking.
  14. Best anime = Code Geass, One outs, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, and Death note.But yeah there should be a section for this.
  15. It seems like some sort of.. architecture error. Do you have all the latest microsoft framework, visual C++ package, ect ect? I would think that is you rmost likely cause. Go to the source of the third party program.. wait... when exactly does this occur?
  16. Well do you want the case to be liquid cooled, and do you/him have past experiences with computer building/liquid cooling.And what are you looking to liquid cool, the cpu, gpu, northbridge, ect.I suggest that you stay away from liquid cooling just because it can sometimes be kind of overkill. As for a case, i dont know what your budget is, but i'd suggest a Lian Li if you have a higher budget, or a Coolermaster HAF, or an Antec 1200 (for lower budget).Tell me if you need anything else.
  17. I generally dislike tomatoes because they are too acidic and if I consume too many my stomach will hurt.But I love things like sun dried mangoes, now those are reallllylyyy good.
  18. Alright, thanks!That is great info.My case right now is very noisy, I would say probably around 30 dB, its hard to tell, I think it is my CPU cooler though.Thanks for the info again.
  19. That is very odd that it requires such an odd tool to take off a fan. Could they not have just used regular screws? jeez. They also should not have put the powersupply at the bottom because the 8 (or 4) pin CPU connector is one of the shortest cables, and I can tell you it will be impossible to make it reach from behind the motherboard up to the CPU connector without extensions, on most power supplies atleast.I have been thinking of buying either this case, an antec 900, or 1200. Also those wire management holes would only work well with a full ATX size motherboard.Hows the Noise levels? I know bigger fans have lower RPMs so it should be quiet, so overall how is the noise level?Also.... Does it come with all the motherboard standoffs? and how long is the esata to sata cable for the front connection panel.
  20. Dust filtres can be purchased, and are very cheap. It isn't all that odd for a case not to come with dust filters. It is just an added feature for usually higher-end cases.I went around dusting my schools computers, wow, there have been these computers which have not been opened in 10 years......
  21. Do you have an image of the motherboard tray? (I just want to see if there are good wire management options for behind the board.)
  22. Aww you fixed your double post within a post
  23. I update my computer whenever I can. I just received my new Quad Core (8400) and I just ordered a new motherboard yesterday, when I have the money next I am getting a new PSU
  24. Hey lets have some fun, post a picture of yourself! no spam! Post a picture of yourself! or a lot: (im on the right) I think I went a bit overboard.. And im 15 HAhaa
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