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Everything posted by Tramposch

  1. except i posted two pictures after the tweak, and in the picture they are both about equal amount apart from eachother, I am just showing how it can fluctuate. here are more tests i did AFTER the tweak: Just to test for consistency. I don't think it helped, sorry.
  2. Here are my results before the tweak: And after the tweak: And another after the tweak: My internet is rated 25 down 15 up. Didn't work.
  3. I was thinking the same about the dullness, usually bright exciting colours are less associated with gray, it can be, but as long as the gray is not a very dark gray. I am starting to like a Gray and bright blue theme. Ill try to pick some colours and see what I think of those, and post them here shortly.
  4. ok So colours. What colours do we want this to be? Somebody had mentioned gray already, which I think is good, but just plain gray can be boring, what other colours can we add to it that will match? Blue? Green? Here is a possibility of a colour pallete. http://i.imgur.com/removed.png I think it may be too... "boring" though.
  5. I agree, since you recently bought it it is most likely under warranty and if you call them manufacturer, it will most likely get repaired free of charge, may be a hassle, but don't mention the power outage. I wish you luck, get back to us if it works.
  6. http://i.imgur.com/removed.png I just made a very quick sketch of how I think it should look, any comments are welcome, note that it is a very very very very rough sketch.
  7. I agree with both aspects, and also to add to the fact that the forum is at the bottom.I just had two or three people who i was talking to have NO IDEA there was an SOTW occurring. I think graphics could be great for Xisto, like it used to be, it just seems to be.. hidden.
  8. This is the link to SotW #4 if you are having trouble locating it. And no problem for the quick reply, that just means I have no life .
  9. I would be interested to see some examples of this. I have never worked with any of those systems, so I am not exactly sure what would be better, Joomla! or the other system, so I am leaving that to the professionals. As for a design, does any body have any ideas? I am going to lay down a sketch of my idea pretty soon.
  10. I actually really like it. it is great.The only comments i have is where it looks like you used a clipping mask below the text, it might look cool if you added a drop shadow to the clipping mask, and also for the text, it would be cool if you took a black rectangle behind it, and then faded it on one of the sides. I think the border is a bit large as well.Over all you did a GREAT job! Enter in SOTW 4!!
  11. I can begin to work on the graphics, and see how that turns out. My only problem is I don't really do programming (html, php, rss stuff) I just texted GhostRider to see if he wanted to help.I also asked an old buddy of mine, who used to post here and work with me.Anybody here want to help me put this into full speed, and crank out a website?
  12. There is currently an SotW going on right now >.<I revived the SotW a few months ago, and we are on number four (it halted for a short time).I think your colour idea is quite fine. Long live GFX.
  13. I may be able to answer the first question;when you plug the device into the TV through hdmi, if it is a laptop, you need to actually disable the laptop screen to get full function from the tv screen. that is just from my past experience. I will try to research more, I'll come back if i find more information
  14. Kay, so I have no experience with AMD processors, and I know that intel processors that come with their stock H/S has pre-applied thermal paste. There is nothing wrong with this, as long as you don't plan on overclocking extremely, or running your computer 24/7 while overclocked a bit.If the H/S has thermal compound already applied, I would not worry about going out to buy any thermal paste unless you are doing what i said above. As for cleaning the cpu or heatsink, i just use like a micro fibre cloth, or paper towel, i have never used rubbing alcohol, or anything like that. Neither do I use any anti-static systems, and I have built multiple computers, and have never had any static discharge on any of them, just try not to work on a carpet (i have done that, still no static discharge). It is really up to oyu whether you want to take the risk or not.
  15. I have had a DeWalt cordless drill for over 3 years (maybe even more, i believe) and it has not died on me yet. Still running strong, and I love it so much more than their new cordless drill designs, which are terrible in my opinion. I love DeWalt products, you should try them
  16. Come on! try the sotw. we need more entries.
  17. :/ 10 minutes is better than 2 minutes i guess, i still don't like the idea of EVERYBODY having limits.Looks like moderators may be getting many more reports on edit requests
  18. I guess since we do not have toomany entries, I can see that as winter/winter holidayish.:PWe need more entries.
  19. Thanks for basically summing up what i said. :-p I just find it quite annoying that I cannot edit certain posts.
  20. I went to watch it a couple days ago.Stunning.I loved it.I have to agree that some parts dragged on a bit, but over all it was great!I plan on going to see it tomorrow in IMAX 3D, and see how that is.I was talking to a few people, and they were saying they wanted to watch it, but in a different point of view. I watched it in the view of the aliens, and supported them, but now I want to watch it in the opposite, and see what I think!I also think the animation was truly stunning and inspirational. It made me want to race home, open up things like Adobe After Effects, Maya 3d, and things like that I start working on my animation skills again (since I recently dropped the practice).It was truly inspirational.
  21. from my past experience with xisto (which I have had a lot, which I cant say is necessarily good) even after more than a month of not paying, I was able to get my account with all the previous information on it.Just to be in the safe, although you have gotten it back already, just try not to leave it in suspension for over 30 days.
  22. I just read the whole topic, and I don't really support the idea fully. If the data you collected on spammers editing their posts to cheat the systems is from members who have been warned in the past, or have a low post count, I think you should not award them the edit feature, but maybe people who have a couple hundred posts, or no warns, or have been members for a long time should be able to post, because they are generally more trusted. I am having a problem with this also because I am trying to run a Signature of the week competition, and I often times need to edit/modify the rules of the SOTW, or things of the sort. I believe the editing ability should be awarded to maybe people who have a clean record, and maybe people who are part of the T17 graphics crew .
  23. I have decided to extend the SOTW competition 1 more week, in hope of having more entries.May i ask you if you can explain the winter/winter holiday theming in the signature you entered deadman7?
  24. Along with rvalkass' comment on the drumsticks making your name look different, I think the colouration, the angle, and position of the drumsticks are not very "pleasing" Otherwise it is a very good signature. good job, dont forget to enter in the SOTW!
  25. The first one is quite good, I just have a hard time distinguishing the render from the background a bit, and the colour scheme does not look all too pleasing. The colour of the text could be altered to match the signature much more as well, and it may look nice with a border. Overall these are good signatures.The second one, I like the whole idea, I actually really like the whole idea, it just seems as if it is too faded, and does not have enough depth. I border would not hurt either.Otherwise these are great signatures! You should enter in SOTW 4!
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