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Everything posted by Tramposch

  1. Looks like hes gone now, thats good. Was trying to get rid of him...That is a 65" tv back there.
  2. The guy being stupid in the shoutbox..
  3. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I found a video on it, I couldn't turn the audio on, so I am not quite sure on the appropriateness.
  4. The part on the right where it looks repeated is just some effect that I added. I just had a long rectangle, created a drop shadow then added a clipping mask. I thought it looked kind of cool so I left it there.The font is called "Prototype" and you can find it on dafont.com.
  5. I just entered that in the most recent SOTW, what do you guys think?
  6. Haha, I was going to ask if you had had your coffee yet!
  7. Actually one says "My first sig" and one says "My new sig!"
  8. Nice signature for a first one! You should have seen my first one, it is really embarrassing. The comments i have are:I think you should have chosen matching colours for the background (that match the render) instead of using the same colours, there would be a sense of more depth around the render, not not seem like the render is flat.Also I would ad a border, even if it is something as simple as a 2px black stroke around the whole image, it can add great effect.Good luck with your sig making career! If that is your first I can't wait to see what is next!
  9. That is a great effect you have going there! Especially with he arm coming out. My only critique is the render quality, and the depth perseption. The whole thing feels completely flat, except for the arm coming out. the render just blends in with the background.The font fits well, but is not noticeable enough, maybe a black stroke with he opacity lowered would work.Keep working on it! It is overall a pretty good result!
  10. I really agree with his suggestion :-p Now to comment the sigs. The first one, I'd be really interested in seeing what the original background image looked like. The only things I have to complain about this one is that there is no border, and the colours do not match! The gradient border around the text doesn't match the background or the text or the heart, and none of the colours seem to match very well. The second one is interesting. I like the background, but again I don't like the colours, and I don't think you needed to put the "EDI" text in two places, one would suffice. I don't think the colours are matching all that well, and there is no real sense of.. depth. The third, its all basically the same comment as my last comments, the colours don't seem to work all too well, and the text is... alright. The fourth I have to say the same as I did with the rest, and same with he fifth. Over all they are pretty decent results! I think you should enter in the SOTW competition!
  11. Although a lot of it is about the graphics, and the coding, it is always good to remember things about how people look at it. I wrote something on this a while ago; http://forums.xisto.com/topic/64546-how-web-design-is-important-what-really-makes-a-design-good/ Feel free to read it, and use it to your next website you design, it is very useful.
  12. I wrote this article a while ago: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/64546-how-web-design-is-important-what-really-makes-a-design-good/ I think it is relating, and might help a bit .
  13. We have a Volvo v40 (2003) Mercedes R350 (2008) and an Audi A4 1.8t quattro (2000)My brother and I crashed the VW Passat just recently though, was totaled. It was a VW station wagon passat (2002)
  14. I extended the time because of the lack of entries.
  15. I voted for rvalkass' signature.To me, I can see a lot more work done in rvalkass' signature than Nameless_'s. It seems like rvalkass uses brushes more often, and does a lot more blending while Nameless_'s signature could have been as simple as adding a render on a background and fading it.Don't get me wrong, Nameless_'s signature is also great, I love the barcode you have there, but he words Trapper seem to be a bit squashed and out of place.
  16. Sorry for the extremely late voting poll, I have had school to deal with, and have not had the chance to maintain the SotW. Hopefully I can start it up again.Vote for your favourite and post who you voted for!
  17. No, its exactly $2,267.20............ :-p Sounds like you are spending quite a lot of money, but yet you could have been a bit smarter with the graphics cards and the cooling. I would get some waterblocks up on those cards, and change case. Antec 900 has great cable management if you cut holes in it, but not default, and the case is not particularly large to work with, you won't have too many options in it. I would personally go for a Li-an li, or some other high end case, if you are going that high end on the parts. 6GB of ram? Common man. Bump that up! you seem to have the money. Well to me it seems like the only downsides to this computer are the graphics cards and the case. I have nothing to say about the monitors, just overkill :-p Cost way to much, not all that great (on an iMac atleast) and you could just get a giant tv and plug it into your computer :-p
  18. In recent news, the competiton ends this weekend!The band has been slipping in and out of 2nd place about TEN times in the past few days! I'd really appreciate it if you voted to help out my Cousin's band win!Thanks!
  19. Power Pirate! Important links: Voting guide: http://powerpirate.com/vote/ Youtube Interview: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Music: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Website: http://power-pirate.com/ (Quoted from Power-Pirate.com) As you read, Power Pirate is a fairly new band that was opened in 2007 by my cousin, Emily Pakulski, and her friends, Michael, and Annika. The band recently entered in a competition called "SchoolJam USA." (Quoted from https://www.nammfoundation.org/why-music-matters/why-learn-play-music ) Their band is pretty high up on the chain, currently fighting for 2nd place with 5 more days left in the competition, and a chance to jump into 1st place! http://powerpirate.com/vote/ That is the link for the guide on how to vote. The band was also locally interviewed on NBC a couple weeks ago. If you wish to see that, here is the link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . It would be great if you could help my cousin's band out!
  20. Post everything you have.I do not see anything significantly awe-inspiring when I look at these images. It looks like it could be simply done, and makes me have a hard time believing that you have been using photoshop for 4 years!It is hard to tell how good it is, sometimes, because I don't have any original images.Right now it is a "no" From me, post some more of your stuff, maybe my mind will be changed.Best of luck
  21. it took me less then 30 minutes to install it on two of my desktops!One quad core and one dual core.
  22. There are many things that could be occurring. It could be hardware based or software based.First what you should do is go to the back of your computer, and locate where your battery is inserted. Look on the battery and see if there are any buttons. Sometimes batteries have built in energy meters, if it does, it should look like a button with little LEDs following it, if there is a button, click it and it should Light up how much battery life you have (the more lights, the greater amount). If it shows up with 1 light or less when you do that, plug it into the charger and just let it sit, the computer does not need to be on for this process, and is probably better if it is off to eliminate software factors. If you have no button on the bottom of your battery, what I would try is shutting the computer completely down, plugging it into your charger and then into an outlet, let it charge for a day or so, then power it on and see what it says about the battery life, if it says 100% and is going down at a consistent rate over time, then it is most likely a software problem, and could require reinstalling of the operating system.If that does not work and you receive the same error, I would try to get a live cd for some operating system like Ubuntu, boot off it, and see how its battery meter works. If it works fine, then its software related of your computer, and you may need to repair/reinstall the operating system.If it has the same (ish) problems as you did in your previous operating system, then it most likely hardware related, either the battery or the form of getting the battery energy to the laptop. If that is the case, maybe ask for a replacement, or buy a new one, and try that.Hope that helps.
  23. Here are my comments :)For the first one:Its good. I was thinking what would improve this is adding colour effects around the face trying to make the face the focal point. you could do this with brushing, c4d, blurring, and many different ways! Another suggestion I have is adding a border around the whole image, maybe like bars at the top and bottom or something. Play around with things, give it a shot! Don't be afraid to post it either.For the second one: There is something about the render... hmm. I think it is either too small for the image, or it does not match the colour scheme. Or both. Overall good job, I'd just use a bigger image next time, and tint the colours a bit differently.For the last one:Ah, you changed the colours which makes it match a lot better, but like I said in the previous comment, you should change the colour scheme, or use colours that have many more colours that you can match to it easily.Great work overall! Just keep on chuggin, and try new things.
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