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Everything posted by Tramposch

  1. Haha, i didn't mean that to sound Rude or anything. And thank you, your comments are also really good. Keep up the good work Reaver, i will comment the other batch of signatures you posted up as well. (soon)
  2. Thank you. When you say that I may be able to improve it by changing the way its surrounded by gray, what do you mean? When you mean the gray at the sides, do you mean the kind of drop shadow gray that is very faint? And I will test it properly and make sure it works in all browsers. The current site looks much better in internet explorer though. Thanks again!
  3. Yes it hurts to look at in firefox! Yes text will be on the menu on the top (the navigation). The text format, and all the image placement and those type of things will be up to my partner who will be coding this, I just put content in with photoshop to fill it up, and for a better preview to the owner of the website. Thanks for the critique. I think a two column would be too squeshed. It seems like in the original website like it has two, with the news on the left then actually content on the right, and I thought it would seem squeshed without making a wider layout so I just kept one column. I'll pass this tip on to my partner who will make the final descision. I am just putting text and images there Like it was before to provide a general suggestion of what is to come, it, again, is up to my partner. Now the banner, I was thinking the banner was looking pretty good, I really did not want to clutter it too much. I just picked any colours, I tried to stay away from the colours in the camp logo because they seemed kind of dark and dull. It started off a darker blue, then I made it lighter because it looked boring, and dull. I really got no suggestions from the owner, he just told me to do it, and then he would look at what i did, and then make me change things. I don't think a camp site is supposed to be PROFFESSIONAL, but just look good and fun.I chose those colours because they seemed kind of neutral, and weren't to dull, but not too out there. Thanks for the critique guys.
  4. I am no moderator, but it sounds like you have been warned. You can check if you are warned by just going to your profile, or looking under your name in this post. It will say warn : 0%, 10%, et cetera. If you have been warned it means you don't get mycents ( I think ) The warning will be removed by a moderator when the time is appropriate. I think that is correct, if any moderator wants to explain fully, if I am wrong, why the mycents are negative please do
  5. The cell phone is abig thing in my life and I would hate to lose it because i text almost 24/7 but I would live without it, it is not like i would kill myself if I didn't have a cell phone for 24 hours, even a week, or more. I would continue living. I fork out a ton of texts a day, I don't even bother to count the hundreds after hundreds of texts a day. But I can totally live without it for a day, and I already have in the past, even for longer when I am away for a week in places without reception. I think people who can't live without it for a day need to think a bit more about it
  6. I need some constructive criticism please ont his template. It was created for a Camp. Their current website is anokijig.com
  7. I think testmod is one of the most active mods we have here. I just want to add a bit more.. Talk. I just noticed how every moderator either registered in year 04 or 05. Do you guys think this is a coincidence, or planned. Just curious on what you guys think.
  8. I agree with most of what you said. Except for the parts where you are like "No comment" then you make a comment about it. I guess since I didn't critique each one my last post, i will do it now. 1. I looked at it at first, and I didn't know what it was, I just kind of saw an arm which didn't really work, and then I finally saw the iron dude from that movie/comic. I don't think there is a lot of flow or depth in the signature, and its focal point (which there isn't one at the moment) could use some work. It is also a bit over saturated. Good job though. 2. Now I'm not sure what is going on here. I can't see any real focal point, any render, or any theme except kind of an abstract theme. I also think you used the wrong type of border because this signature is a little over saturated. 3. I think this one is actually quite good. It seems pretty simple with maybe some blurring, smudging, filtering with motion, sharpening, etc, but it created a good effect. I think you should have made the glowing on the hand un effected by the effects though so it kind of looks like iron dudes center shiny piece. Over all this is quite a good signature, but the text you used could use some work. 4. This also is actually quite good, I just feel like the render does not fully flow with the background, but the effects on the render are great with the blurring and maybe sharpening. but it doesn't completely flow with the background. I also see some text to the right of the render? I cannot tell what it says but I can see it. 5. This is a great photo manip, but with these photo manips, it would be great if you could possibly post the original piece un-manipulated. 6. This to me is a great manipulation, but in my opnion you should have made the blue a bit darker. 7. This also looks great, but I am having a problem matching the green to the blue in the sky, and the smoke coming out of the volcano doesn't look very real (I'm not sure if that was originally part of the picture or not, but it could use some work) Good job though.
  9. Yes his name is Alex, although I am not sure if he likes to be called that, or dgalexc. Already he seems like a great new addition to the forum, and seems to be doing his job! Hopefully this reply with a new moderator will end this *topic*
  10. Thanks I really appreciate it. Xisto are one of the greatest communities out there. And they do that while offering free hosting to many of its users. I just really hope Xisto has a long life.
  11. Yes I would keep posting even if i did not get credits for it because I am not even hosted through mycents right now, i pay! I think this is just a great forum community and I hope it continues to thrive, and I can continue to help with my posts and topics. Long live t17!
  12. I would say a Toyota Yarus, a Vdub golf, or a vdub polo, or a fiat 500. Hope that helped. I would choose one of the Vdubs
  13. Supposedly the newest browser is the safest. Like at the hacking convention thing I believe Chrome was the safest because it was brand new and had not been exploited yet. Yay chrome! hah
  14. Let me put it into simple terms. Itunes for windows is a nuclear bomb waiting to go off. Just try uninstalling and reinstalling...
  15. As far as I am aware, rvalkass is completely correct. All I remember is that you have to log into Xisto - Domains.com from my past experiences, but I am no longer sure.
  16. Kel-F, with all do respect there was nothing wrong with the old moderators. They were getting the job done behind the scenes, and I think that the complaining should be at a minimum, considering we hardly have any spam, or rule breakers here on Xisto. That means that all the moderators are doing their jobs. Congrats again Galexcd
  17. Congratulations galexcd, I still liked your old name about a year or two ago, much cooler :-p I think you will turn out to be a great moderator and good luck! Good luck with dealing with SM's spam! Hehe
  18. That is just straight up rude! First of all you have NO proof if he has ripped ANYTHING, and unless you can provide proof, don't accuse! Of course he did not write the template. What you are saying here is that if something has Latin Dummy text, it means they didn't make it! I use Lipsum (Lorem Ipsum) on all my templates! You do not need to know latin! Go look at the templates I have posted, they have latin, and I don't know latin, did I rip them? Nope, i can provide PSDs. Lorem Ipsum is very very common. http://www.lipsum.com/ Check that out, that generates Latin Dummy text. And there is more information on their website which I stated above. Really, it is rude to make wild accusations. Now back to the actual designs. The first one, the text on the navigation needs to be a different colour, it is very hard to see. The second one is just kind of disorganized, and does not make much sense. Overall good job for your first couple layouts.
  19. I agree. *Hums some Sugar Hill Gang*
  20. I completely agree with every thing you just stated. I just want to state again, just to make things clear, the moderators are doing their job just fine. Teamviewer is a freeware software which allows users to view each others screen free of cost (if it is personal use) It is widely used it tech support, transferring files, and showing presentations. Teamviewer is not a feature of this forum. I would also Like to say (I forget who said that OpaQue and BuffaloHelp are not that active) that the moderator can do a lot of the work, and the Administrator is not needed as much unless it is creating new forums, changing names, et cetera. The Administrators then can focus their time on other things because they actually run Xisto, which has many branches such as Xisto - Web Hosting, Xisto, and Xisto, and work on the technical aspect of the systems (such as credit system, technical support, and so on).
  21. I think they should be, but if I am not wrong, there was one not too long ago and there was only one entry (I didn't enter either :-p I was busy) I think our problem is that people don't have the motivation to do it. Ill create a new competition tomorrow when the new week starts.
  22. It is not like we can really make many decisions we are just members . I would like to see what input they have though.
  23. On the old credit system for hosting you were able to transfer "credits" which is now, in a way, known as MyCents. I think that the option of this should still be allowed because I think that many people would utilize it. A sure common way I would utilize it is make competitions (probably weekly) in the graphics section for signatures, designs, and so on, and provide MyCents as an award. I also think this would be great exposure to the Xisto graphics community, bringing in many people who want the prize of mycents so they can get hosting, and overall bringing more traffic to Xisto! I am not sure how this would completely work, maybe deductions during transfer, limit to amount of transfers per week, et cetera. Please share your ideas! I will be tacking on a poll so we can easier display what people think!
  24. Well no you cannot give mycents, and I want to work on that. Try to convince the admins to add that feature.
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