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Everything posted by Tramposch

  1. I just want to make this kind of quick. I think that the theme is too dark to have that style of text (as in it blends to much with the text and may be annoying to read) I hope that helped, maybe change the text colour, or have a text background.
  2. :s The image is no longer valid. Could you please re-post it? I would like to critique
  3. Over all it is a GREAT effect! I would give it a 8/10 for looks but a 5/10 for being too simple :/ Simple is not bad though! Don't take that the wrong way, sometimes if something is too complex it can put away the actual effect of the signature Over all you did a great job! Maybe you should try and see what the signature looks like with the border on top of the rays!
  4. Oh wow, very nice signatures. I do not have that much time to critique all of them though! I apologize! You have very good artistic, photographic, and photo manipulation talent! Congrats, that is a great set of gifts to have and I hope you use them well!
  5. I think these signatures over all look great but seem kind of simple. Don't get me wrong, that does not make them bad, but I can visualize how to do it in my head, and it doesn't seem to take that much skill in your graphics editor, but it does take good artistic skill. The first one seems like it may just be a stock image (with text added), but since I do not have the stock image I can not say for sure! Overall you did a very good job!
  6. I usually put a link to download the video but since I have had and still have multiple servers it is very hard to keep up with! The only problem with that is that I have to make my copy right pretty clear because then people could copy it!
  7. He/she wants a critique on the signature that they made. The title is a bit misleading though. I think the graphical aspect of the design looks good, but it doesn't make any sense to me. I think it is also a bit small. Good work though!
  8. I think this is a great idea. The problem that I think is occurring is that we are unable to GIVE mycents! I would be more than grateful to give away my mycents as a prize but it is not a current feature! I think that is partially the reason that people to not participate in the recent signature activities, the other reason is that I think the design is to restrained! I think that it should have more general rules such as free style but just limited size of the design. I guess I will be working on this from now on.
  9. I use photoshop cs4 It is the greatest graphics editing program that I have ever used.
  10. I am just voting null for the sake of leaving it to the owners of the website. I think if they keep adding new moderators it could possibly be a hazard, and then there would be a lot of new people learning the ropes, which also means more work. I'll just leave it up to the admins.
  11. I have to say my two favourite sports (I don't have one!) are Soccer, and Crew. I now plan to play soccer, and row for crew for the rest of my life. Right now I do soccer in the fall for my school and do Crew in the spring on the varsity team. I seem to be very decent at both of them, but I don't want to sound like I am complimenting myself, but I make a very good contribution to both teams. Other than my school teams, I do not play on outside teams, I may start in the near future to bring up my skill. Those two sports are two that I will never stop playing.
  12. Although they make it seem as people only attack "sites or services hosted on high-profile web servers such as banks, credit card payment gateways, and even root nameservers," I do not find that entirly true. Often times it is what i just previously said, or the fact that somebody has a grudge against you. What I found after a quick research job, it seems like Linux has built in kernels in their system which you could edit to limit the amount of simultaneous connections to your server (may not be a good idea if you get a lot on a regular basis) and I am not sure about what windows has to prevent a DoS or DDoS attack. I just think for basically overall better security (I'm guessing that is what you are looking for) a Unix built operating system is probably the best choice. I hope I helped.
  13. Do you guys really see much spam, much advertisement, or breaking of rules? I can tell you that I don't That must mean a staff member is doing their job by enforcing all those rules, and deleting, or dealing with coincidence such as spam advertisement, spam, et cetera. I think that we should just leave it at that and let the head of the forums, the administrators, choose whether or not the staff members are doing their job (Which i believe they are doing it very well).
  14. Idea. If somebody has a serious case and really thinks that they lost money, why doesnt a staff member delete the topic and repost it, im not sure if the credits would go away if they were never received though.. Worth a try
  15. Staff members don't really have to stay active posting, but other staff members have been still working behind the scenes, even if you do not see them posting.The important thing for staff to do is regulate the rules, and such. There are members, like you and me, to be actively posting, not the moderators because they have much more work than we do.Also i think somebody suggested pruning topics?That would not be a good idea for several reasons; one being that credits may be lost by users who posted, and the other being that all these topics are often looked at. I have noticed over my years that I get tons and tons of problems and I google them, and most of the time Xisto has a topic that provides the answer.I think we should just leave the administrators to do what they want, because not only do they have to control this forum, they have to deal with Xisto, which has many other branches.Moderators don't have to be actively posting, although that would be nice, but they should be providing good answers, support, and enforcing rules.
  16. Spamming CAN get quite hard. You can always find time for spamming, spamming is more important than school..
  17. He probably stays invisible to hide his spamming. Or he is on vacation, it is kind of summer. I just think that we should leave the choice up to the owner of the website, because when it comes to staff, i generally think they don't like suggestions on how to do that stuff, I wouldn't at least.
  18. I think what they are looking for is a person who has been posting here for a long time and is a very old member because they then now how trusted the user is. Also I guess they are also waiting for a more elder member because they are more wise and are usually better at making choices then younger people. They will probably also look at the persons warn histories, et cetera. I think when they come across an applicable person they will probably relieve a previous inactive moderators position and replace you with he or she.
  19. I think that this could be useful to many people but maybe adding restrictions Make the change available for every month and like 6 times a year so it is not abused, and maybe next to there name have in like brackets their old name for a month. If that is done I think it will work out.
  20. I just recently made another video tutorial on a web design. I hope you guys like it. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ There may be a second part covering coding, but i am not sure of that yet. If you have any questions or need help please tell me!
  21. Tramposch - It.. was.. my best friends middle name.Kyle_vdk - My name plus my last name abbreviations.
  22. all the files end in .html, but Im not quite sure what you are saying, could you go into a bit more detail maybe?
  23. I was wondering if somebody out there had already created an HTML page aggregator. What I want to do is that i have like 50 HTML pages in one directory, just containing a little bit of styling and a little bit of text, no php, js, or anything like that in there, but I want to make an Index.html page that brings each and every one of those pages, and shows ALL its contents in ONE page.Any ideas?
  24. If you forget it like that, just open notepad and pretend you are typing your password, then your good.I type really fast, sometimes my password under 2 seconds.
  25. I was thinking of offering a style file with my video, but i decided that would make it too easy for people.What i mean by style is when you are in the blending options you can actually LOAD a style which will automatically do the style.
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