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Everything posted by darran

  1. As for the validation, I am only checking for the numeric numbers using is_numeric() but also I need to validate whether a radio button is selected and whether the user has entered anything. All that is fine with the exception of the reset button not doing what it should. Resetting the result to 0 or emptyI did as you said, setting the initital value of input fields to '0' but when I clicked the reset button, my $result variable value did not reset along with the form entered by the user.
  2. I played Silkroad in the past and I did not like it at all because at certain times of the day where the user activity is at its peak; it will encounter lag and that is something which brings the game down. If there was any MMORPG I would enjoy playing, it would be something without lag. I am currently playing a game called 'Hero' but a pity it is only in Chinese and it does not encounter lag at all 24/7. However on a positive note, SilkRoad is a game with a very wonderful graphic animation based game, you would be impressed on how much quality and effect there is in their screens. Unless you have a decent computer, it is not recommended for you to try their game, have fun while you can because I fancy SilkRoad will request users to start paying once the game reaches its final release, similar to another MMORPG game which I liked did (PristonTale).
  3. I have been registered on Xisto and hosted by them since 31st August 2006 but I have yet to make a proper introduction of myself on the forum. So here goesI am 19 this year and I wanted to get hosted on Xisto with the primarily purpose being my wordpress blog. I am currently pursuing my studies in Mobile Application Development in Information Technology. I believe my greatest strengths are doing programming (Java in particular) and also playing football. Other than that, during my free time I love to head down to the gym and work out. I am a huge fan of the Italian football team; S.S. Lazio and love to listen to mandopop songs as well as some english songs particularly sung by Natasha Thomas. At times, when motivated; I would come out with some graphic designs (mainly signatures and splash pages to showcase to my friends). I also post a lot on forums, I have 3 to my name at the moment (Laziofever, Rainie Yang, Natasha Thomas) in addition to XistoIf you would like to know more about me, do not hesitate to PM or even add me on MSN through this addressdesirematters[at]hotmail.com
  4. After the problems encountered with my former host, Digital Pulse. I decided to go out and look for a new free host which could provide me apache, mysql cgi bin capabilities and at the same time ensuring there are no displaying of ads on my site. This was very difficult to find but I stumbled upon Xisto in this website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I saw the requirements of Xisto and found them not difficult to adhere to and on top of that, I get to join a community full of quality discussions, not like those 1 liners you see in 60% of the forums in the internet today
  5. This was one of the animes I liked, really exciting over 200 episodes of constant sagas and fighting. Really keeps it going, it is worth a watch
  6. If you ask me, I would say Megapyxel's suggestion would be over the top. Although this is something which would really benefit us programmers on the move, but this is unrealistic IMO. Programming on a mobile phone would be absolutely crazy, creating an 'if loop' would be madness, much less a whole class. I would go crazy just programming with the mobile phone if this was actually created. However I do have some suggestions for you, I think the most obvious choice would be to do some mobile games because that would be interesting wouldn't it? To be able to play while on the move, kills a lot of time. However if you prefer applications, why not do a currency converter application retrieving the data from a web service or maybe a simple application, a BMI calculator?
  7. Is that the security issue you are talking about? I thought it had something to do with Apache or on the server side. Another PHP question from me, I want to create a button to handle the clearing of values, but from my understanding, only javascript is able to do this but what if it was disabled by the user, how am I to interact with the button in a php page? How about the reset button? It does not reset the value to 0.
  8. I am pretty new to testing php pages on a live server. Can you give me a guide as to which security changes must be made? And can all these be done on the CPanel? I believe my first php page is more or less completed with the exception of some minor glitches and also the security regarding XAMPP. PS: Changing the value of $result to 0 did not reset the value when I clicked the reset button.
  9. I did some modification to the codes $_1stNumber = $_POST['txt1stNumber']; $_2ndNumber = $_POST['txt2ndNumber']; if (!is_numeric($_1stNumber) || !is_numeric($_2ndNumber)) { echo("<font color=#FF0000>Enter a number in the textbox</font>"); } else { if (isset($_POST['rad1'])){ $rad1 = $_POST['rad1']; switch($rad1){ case "Add" linenums:0'><?php $result = ""; if (isset($_POST['submitted'])){ $_1stNumber = $_POST['txt1stNumber']; $_2ndNumber = $_POST['txt2ndNumber']; if (!is_numeric($_1stNumber) || !is_numeric($_2ndNumber)) { echo("<font color=#FF0000>Enter a number in the textbox</font>"); } else { if (isset($_POST['rad1'])){ $rad1 = $_POST['rad1']; switch($rad1){ case "Add": $result = $_1stNumber + $_2ndNumber; break; case "Subtract": $result = $_1stNumber - $_2ndNumber; break; case "Multiply": $result = $_1stNumber * $_2ndNumber; break; case "Divide": $result = $_1stNumber / $_2ndNumber; break; } echo("<font color=#FF0000>$result</font>"); } else { exit("<font color=#FF0000>No operation selected</font>"); } } } ?> However I am left still with the placing of the php code as well as the reset button. I want to place the error message in a particular place but at the same time I want the php codes to be at the beginning of the <body> tag. And the reset button, I want to reset the $result as well. I have done some validation, and you can preview this page at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  10. S.S. Lazio is a football team based in Italy. Well being a football fan, I guess I started supporting the club because my then favourite player and still one of my favourite; Alessandro Nesta was playing there. As time grew by, my support for the team became stronger and they were one of the most important parts of my life. Due to the political situation in Italy, some fans believe in the far-left or far-right political beliefs (Communism or Fascism). Unfortunately, the political world in Italy is very chaotic but I try to support my team without the concerns of these outside problems.
  11. I have checked the structure of my code, based on the difference, I am missing a hidden input type and my php code is being placed at the bottom. Based on my understanding with your code, the isset() method checks for whether a variable is null or not, and this checks for the submission of the form. Correct? However I am not too sure how the hidden field 'submitted' works, does the boolean value changes after I submit. For e.g. will the value of the hidden field be false until I submit the form? And also the reason I put the php code at the bottom is because I want to print the error message in a particular td of the table. Is there a way I can do this but at the same time putting the php code at the very beginning of the body tag? The issue with you seeing all the tables and divs being mashed up is because I wanted to organise my simple calculator page in a table layout and do some centralising. The centralising was done using the GUI of Dreamweaver, and I am sure that there is no problem since I did not move the codes. However there are such redundant codes in there, I will clear that up. I do not recall installing PHP in my system. XAMPP only provides Apache and MySQL, and I am using easyPHP for the server. Clearing the result value? I am not too sure how to do that, I just need to reset the $result variable to null right? But where is the place which allows me to do that? I am thinking along the lines of this, do look it through <?php if (isset($_POST['reset']) {$result = null;} Am I right or is there a more appropriate way of doing it? Thank you for the compliments, I will continue working on it to make it a perfect page, but I do need your help in certain areas.
  12. I was reading this topic and I really would like to commend you on this wonderful post. I feel this is the right way of thinking, how do you enjoy life if every moment of your life is spent on ideas like 'Oh the world is ending', 'What is the point? We are all going to die' If your life is spent in this manner, what happiness can you achieve? Enjoy the world and cherish the ones around you. Of course life is unpredictable and there is no certainty that the world will last forever but thinking of its destruction is not the way to go. You should cherish what you have now, and life will be over before you know it.
  13. tdktank59 says it. I have got apache and php installed in my system and the problem should not be anything pertaining to these services not installed in my system.
  14. I did a calculationHeight: 5'6Weight: 143 lbsBMI: 21.7I don't know whether this is good, could my light weight be attributed to the fact that I am rather short and I exercise regularly? I am carrying weights regularly as well as keeping up my athletic shape because it is very important in football. However my ideal weight would be 155 lbs
  15. I am a very passionate supporter of S.S. Lazio of Italy. I have been supporting them since 1997, almost a decade now and I would like to know if there is anyone like me? I know they have a very bad reputation especially on the wide scale because of the media exaggeration. Most probably when you hear of Lazio, you will associate us to facism, hooliganism and the Nazis. But do not get the wrong idea because the majority of the Lazio fans are not like that, this is a misconception I would like to clear up
  16. I believe php works when opened in a browser, I mean I uploaded the php page into my Xisto host and it works fine. However when I do it on a localhost, I have errors coming. I think when you upload it, for security reason, Firefox or IE will simply format it. Anyway do you know what is wrong with my page? They both have the same code except 1 is previewed using my localhost and the other, on the Xisto host
  17. I do not know how many times I have reiterate this on the forums, but there is no harm in doing so to enlighten 1 more member. We post for hosting because Xisto is getting no charge whatsoever from you to give you the best in hosting, mySQL, php, Fantastico, apache, CPanel ... etc exactly the same thing as paid hosting but only on a server whose uptime is not 100% like the other paid server. Right now the server hosting the free accounts is GAMMA, there are other servers such as ALPHA, BETA, DELTA, ETA ... etc which have not experienced any downtime from what I have seen. But what can we complain about? This is an excellent service Xisto is providing you. Do not see as posting in the forum a requirement. In the beginning when I started this hosting plan, I was like 'OMG, I have to come to this forum to post and make sure my credits do not fall below 0, this sucks' but as I got used to the forum in a day or 2. I realised that how enjoyable and fun this forum is, there are just so many things to talk about. While the primary focus is on IT-related stuff, there is also room for sports, entertainment, gaming, theories, relationships and even theories. So there is never a day whereby you will go by without having nothing to say. Plus, the people down here are great, 90% of the members post quality messages, and not just 1 liners. If there are 1 liners post, we will guide them onto doing the right thing and observe the forum rules which emphasizes quality over quantity anyday anytime. This forum is more of an intelligient discussion if anything, and you can really get a lot of answers here with regards to programming; the more experienced guys would be more than happy than to guide us. You can also share your knowledge with the rest of the forum members, you will be teaching something that they did not know. So with so many benefits and advantages, I don't see why you can bear not to come to Xisto everyday if not once a week?
  18. This can be considered my first php page after a long while, I did a little basic php years ago and I have totally forgotten most of it. But I have come up with a page; a simple calculator if you will with the essential add, subtract, multiply and divide functions. When I load the page on my localhost, I get this error However when I upload it to Xisto, there is no problem, please take a look http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I know this does not matter but I want to find out where I went wrong on my first php page. The code listing for my calculator.php are as follows <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd;<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/;<head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><title>Calculator</title><style type="text/css"><!--.style1 {font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif}.style3 {font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: 36px; }body,td,th { font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif;}--></style></head><body> <form id="frmCalculator" name="Calculator" method="POST" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>"> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <table width="200" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="50" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#000000"> <tr> <td><table width="562" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><div align="center"><span class="style3">Simple Calculator</span> </div></td> </tr> </table> <br /> <table width="546" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#000000"> <tr> <td width="101"><span class="style1">1st Number </span></td> <td width="151"><span class="style1"> <label> <input name="txt1stNumber" type="text" id="txt1stNumber" /> </label> </span></td> <td width="110"><span class="style1">2nd Number </span></td> <td width="144"><span class="style1"></span> <input name="txt2ndNumber" type="text" id="txt2ndNumber" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"><label></label> <span class="style1"> <label></label> <label></label> <label></label> </span> <label></label> <div align="center"> <label> <span class="style1"> <input type="radio" name="rad1" value="Add" /> Add</span></label> <span class="style1"> <input type="radio" name="rad1" value="Subtract" /> <label>Subtract</label> <label> <input type="radio" name="rad1" value="Multiply" /> Multiply</label> <label> <input type="radio" name="rad1" value="Divide" /> Divide</label> </span></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"><div align="center"> <input name="btnSubmit" type="submit" class="style1" value="Submit"/> <input name="btnReset" type="reset" class="style1" id="btnReset" value="Reset"/> </div></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"><strong>Result:</strong> <?php $rad1 = $_POST['rad1']; $_1stNumber = $_POST['txt1stNumber']; $_2ndNumber = $_POST['txt2ndNumber']; $result = ""; if ($rad1 != null){ switch($rad1){ case "Add": $result = $_1stNumber + $_2ndNumber; break; case "Subtract": $result = $_1stNumber - $_2ndNumber; break; case "Multiply": $result = $_1stNumber * $_2ndNumber; break; case "Divide": $result = $_1stNumber / $_2ndNumber; break; } echo("<font color=#FF0000>$result</font>"); } ?></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table></form><p> </p></body></html> I would appreciate it if anyone of you can guide me in this?
  19. Regarding the increase of your weight, I believe there is a scientific solution for this, all the whole search for it on Google and I believe you can find what you want. But this is the glimpse of what they said. To effectively gain weight, you need to eat 80% of your body weight of protein. For example if you are 65 kg, you need to eat somewhere 53 kg of protein. But do be careful, do not do it on a massive scale because you will be tantamount to injuries and at such a young age, it is something you do not want to have burdened to you
  20. Oh thank god for thisI was prompted to update my Itunes a few days back to 7.0 but due to some inconvenience issues as I was super-multitasking at that time, I did not update it. I would probably wait for some clarification on this thread or on the forums at Apple itself. Anyone who updated their Itunes had this problem too?
  21. It is perfectly alright to leave your computer on. I have been to a server room, and basically there is a computer left on the whole day, 24/7 365 days a year. The ventilation is very cooling though and stepping into a server room is no different from stepping into a freezer. However if you want to leave your computer on, make sure that it is properly cooled, a solution would be to have a cooler. So far, I have not encountered a problem with leaving the computer on for too long, I try to keep it on for less than 24 hours though
  22. darran

    Files Required?

    I have had experience with MySQL as I have used it on several occasions whilst programming with Java but not with PHP. At the moment, I have installed MySQL Server, MySQL Admin, XAMPP and Dreamweaver. I am already on my way to learning the basic php stuff such as a basic calculator application. Do you have any sites which handles php alone? I will definitely download the guide at php.net to follow the syntax rules
  23. I want to learn php and I am already on the first steps to doing it. I have set up my server using easyPHP as well as XAMPP which is a package containing FileZilla, Apache and MySQL. Other than easyPHP, XAMPP and MySQL, what other softwares are required to be set up for me to successfully learn how to program with PHP?
  24. While browsing through the help section of the forum, I stumbled onto a broken link http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?actE=01&HID=18 When I click on the Rules For Topic Titles And Descriptions, there is a broken link. And also could you tell me where does it say how Xisto defines a post as quality?
  25. I can't vote because what I do on the combination of both, programming and my general purpose. Some of the things areListening to musicGraphics designProgrammingPlaying gamesSurfing forums
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