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Everything posted by darran

  1. I would like to ask your opinion in thisWould you accept a relationship whereby there is a different race shared by the 2 lovers? For example, the guy is of different racial color from the girl. I am in this kind of relationship and I certainly do not appreciate the stares and glaring I get on the streets. For example, at a bus stop, the entire alighting bus would just turn to stare at us. And I would glare back at them in response to their stare. I accept that this is a very unique and different relationship from the rest in my country (Singapore). But aren't the world equal with each race or religion? Isn't that what we are trying to promote all across the world, to not have dispairing difference or biased opinion between races? At least in my country, we are trying to promote racial harmony every year, equality between the Chinese, Malays, Eurasians and Indians. But with this kind of staring going on whenever there is an indifferent couple, how could you say this is achieved? The staring begins because we are of different races, and why is that a problem? It is not as if an american can't be with an african or that an asian can't be with a european. I have undergotten a lot of tribulations to be with my current girlfriend, and this unique and pathetic response I get from the public is just one of the many ridiculous problems I am facing. However I would not consider them as a problem because this is not going to affect my close to 4 years relationship with my current girlfriend. I noticed we do not get much attention from the foreigners, it is only within our country that this staring is going on. For example, I took my girlfriend on a trip to a nearby island called 'Sentosa'. We took a cable car, and there were 2 foreigners with us. We engaged in a healthy conversation and there was nothing which suggests that there was any racial disparity argument issues. Would you be like the majority on the streets? Stare at an indifferent couple or will you be quietly rejoicing because there is yet another couple bringing 2 different races together?
  2. Since I am from Singapore and my mother language is chinese.I like you我喜欢你 (Wo Xi Huan Ni)I love you我爱你 (Wo Ai Ni)
  3. First of all, I would like to commend you for having the strong courage and openess to post your problem in a public domain such as the internet. There are so many people out there who are too embarassed to be talking these topics to doctors and these people are fully grown men. I take it that you are a teenager like myself. I take my hat off youAs for your problem, I think it is just pure down to tiredness, for you to have a really enjoyable sexual feeling, you need to have a clear mind and not be thinking of any worries. And of course the most important thing is to have the body for it, if your body is physically exhausted, there is no way for you to have the mood for it.
  4. I voted for drugs to be illegal. Unless you are working in the medical profession it is not wise for you to be dealing with them. Usually this drug are being made use of to sell and earn lots of money from it, and on top of that they affect teenagers and get them addicted to it before holding them to a ransom, they will get so addicted that they would gladly pay $100 or even more just for a packet of those drugs and I am not talking about heroine only, there are so many other types of drugs and they do not have a good effect on your body. Just take a look at all those drug addicts who are sent to the drug rehabilitation centre. So much suffering and all these because they took drugs and it is very difficult to get it off your system. Just like smoking, it would be pure physical torture if a regular smoker does not get his/her 20 cigarette buds everyday. And drug traffickers are just as guilty as the ones who take them, they are encouraging drug taking as a means to make more money. So for me, NO NO to drugs.
  5. It is always nice to have far targets and to work towards them but with regards to being a moderator in any forum, not only Xisto, you have to prove your dedication and also your posts must have been of a certain quality. I am sure Xisto would not hire anyone as a moderator if they give 1-2 sentences of reply in each post they make. Quality speaks a lot in this forum, and if you have that, I am sure in time you would be considered. As for me, I have no wish to become a moderator simply because I can't commit enough time everyday to the forum, and that is required of the moderator to ensure there isn't 'problematic' posts. But nonetheless, I am very active on this forum and I intend to try keeping it that way and at the same time posts constructive messages to each topic I find interest in
  6. So if the games you got aren't pirated version then it should not be a compatibility issue. So the 2 games you got have different serial numbers and probably you can't install disc 1 of the first game and disc 2, 3, 4 of the second game. I think you should contact Sims 2 and see what they can do for you. But what fffanatics said is right, you must make sure the registry of your installed Sims 2 with the first disc has been cleared and you should then install the game using your 2nd bought game. PS: I feel that whenever you get any game, make an image of the CD and store in your computer. That way, you won't have any problems about having a cracked disc or whatever. When you want to play the game, just mount that image and everything would be fine
  7. But doesn't .tk pops up an ad when you visit the site. The thing about all these domain stuff is that you never know what they are going to install to your visitors computer. I remember whenever I go to sites with .tk or .cjb, I always get ads popping up and it really irritates me. As long as you have quality hosting, the domain getting should be your 2nd priority, wait till you have enough dedication to commit to the site and then you get your domain because it is pointless if you do not have enough time for it and you get a domain name for it. Although the cost of getting domain names are getting cheaper every minute, but you should not really pay for it unless you are really sure that you are going to spend time maintaining it.
  8. So let me understand this:Your first copy of the Sims 2 is a pirated version while the 2nd one is an original? From what it seems, your computer is more than capable of playing Sims 2, my computer is far worse than yours and yet it can play Sims 2 without any problems and glitches. I think if you had installed a pirated version, uninstall it and reinstall it with an original version, it could have caused some problem but that is what I think though
  9. I agree it cost quite a sum of money to get a really good DVD Recorder, but I am sure it is worth it. Imagine you could record many things and everything you want, for the DVD Recorder I know, it allows me to record 60 hours of shows, imagine that! And if you do not want to lose the show you can record them to the DVD or store in your computer or any external storage like a hard disk. But this is definitely the way to go with recording items from a t.v.
  10. Here is my idea, but I hope it will give more suggestionsPost count: 500Member rank: Trap-minnowPost count: 1000Member rank: TrapbeaniePost count: 2000Member rank: TrapamodPost count: 3000Member rank: TrapacomPost count: 4000Member rank: TrapasterPost count: 5000Member rank: Divine Trap17er
  11. I believe IE 7 is still in its beta stage, I tried it and I don't really like it. 1 thing about IE 7 Beta was that it automatically configures anti-liasing within your text. For some of us, it may look cool and smooth but for people like me, I prefer not to have it because it directly affects the visuals of the text I would like to see. Security wise, I have not much confidence in microsoft either. Firefox still works for me as the best browser.
  12. I did a record on an advertisement shown on T.V. the other day using a DVD recorder. It is really a simple process, the DVD recorder allows you to burn them into DVD Roms and you can simply rip them using Magic DVD Ripper or other software which you prefer and they will be extracted to your computer in the format you want. I prefer MPEG or AVI so that works for me. I hope I understood your dilemma well enough
  13. I am sure you are on a misconception at least for me. I believe many of us are talking about a desktop. For me, my desktop is used for playing games and browsing the internet, I do not have any important issues with it. If the games are gone, so be it. They are not very crucial anyway. But if you are talking about school issues, of course there will be backups whether in the form of email attachments, thumbdrive storage ... etc whatever you use. For example for me, I always keep copies of my school work in my thumb drive and duplicate the works I have done in both my desktop and notebook.
  14. From the topic I saw, it asks what do you enter in Google the most. Well I am sure I don't enter the same thing everything I need information on. Since I am basically someone who would like to learn something new and interesting, so it doesn't limit to anything. For example, I could be searching on stuff like 'how to rip a dvd' or sometimes I would search for 'MPG encoding'. And in other cases when I am not looking for these stuff, I could be on for some software downloads like Riva FLV Encoder ... etc, it doesn't have any limits so for me, this topic really has a problem in a sense that it doesn't direct the user to answer properly as the queston itself is so vague.
  15. If you ask me, the way the website is projected, I do not really trust it very much. Is there any proof that anyone can get a domain for free at no charge because it is just too good to be true. I am worried about the spyware and adware I will receive if I go through with doing what they are telling me to do. Why do you need a domain name? You can get free professional top web hosting here and all you have to do is contribute to the forums with active and yet constructive posts.
  16. I think the current system is pretty fair, with the account being suspended until it hits -30 credits or if it has been inactive for 30 days after hitting 0 credits. To be honest, I have not seen a 1 sentence reply from any of our members, the majority if not all of the members are posting constructive replies and this is very encouraging. But I have a question:Lets take this situation for example, a situation which I will be in about a year's time. As I have reached the appropriate age 20 next year, I would have to serve my nation for a compulsory period of 2 years. And although I would have the weekend off for every week. There is a period of time I would be stuck in camp, and that is for the first 2 weeks. And during that time it is near impossible for me to post since I will not have any access to the computer or internet for that matter. Will you be making exceptions in cases like this?
  17. I was fascinated by this application. I tried it on my Sony Ericsson k508i phone and I have GPRS but for some reason or another, I could not browse the web with it. Ever since then, I never used it. A pity though
  18. Well I was always taught in high school that a number can never be divided by 0, even the calculator shows you an error. So anything which divides by 0, is infinite or in graphical terms an 90 degrees anticlockwise inverted 8? So it would not be logical to have 0 resistance because that would mean infinite current which could be very dangerous. It is really interesting how Math can teach you how certain calculations of things we can't see really works. Since the resistor pretty much plays a crucial part in determining the current, are there any resistors which are over 1? From what I understand, resistors are the thrump card to vary currents from circuit to circuit am I right? Each circuit will have a standard amount of current and that is where the varying of the resistance power is decided?
  19. I just want to give my 2 cents on this matter. As joining Xisto.com, I have 37 credits to my account now, I am also a relatively new user to Xisto.com. I am amazed by Xisto services, giving what a paid host would give you with the exception of a domain name, and all this for FREE. That for me is the major plus, the simple requirement of keeping your credits above 0 stands, but when you come onto the forum, you realised that there is so many things to discuss about, learn and even teach to others. You will never feel that that there is nothing to post about. What Xisto is doing, an ad-less site hosting with all the latest up to date features like mySQL ... etc, should have at least cost us a minimal fee, but it isn't here. On top of that, there is NO free hosting service out there who can match Xisto, I am not sure where they get the money to do all these things for free. But my guess is that it is done through the countless number of people visiting the forum which is giving them the necessary funds to keep their members happy, and I am sure it would be appreciated if every active member would visit the site regularly. Is that how you guys at Xisto earn your finances to keep the servers going? And now with the free domain name, of course I would love that. It would be much better to get http://www.darran.com/ than http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but I would leave it to Xisto. I am already more than satisfied with Xisto and if they want to make it even better, but at the same time not compromising our site's availability, I would say "GO FOR IT".
  20. I would like to think life as a test from Jesus, there are so many things happening everyday, and it is a judgment of how you handle, sure bad things do happen but it is how you deal with it which makes anything meaningful. I believe we should treasure our loved ones, we never know when they will just leave you one day, and when that happens it is really saddening because it is as though a huge part of your heart is taken away from you like that. The phrase 'think before you say anything' really holds a lot of meaning, it is often through not thinking do we say things which hurts very badly, and we should always try to avoid that but with us being humans, saying and doing are 2 seperate entities and we always end up saying it but not doing it in the process (myself included). But I am already trying my best to think twice before saying anything and believe me, it helps a lot in calming arguments or quarrels by a huge mile.
  21. Yes you can use the method getElementById() Why getElementById() ? When the web document is generated, there are so many methods which can be used belonging to the document object. Since you want to use an array to control validation of all your fields, you can opt to use a String array whereby you input all the names of your fields like txtName, or whatever you call your textboxes. And another array whereby you store your error messages. Using a for loop to loop through all the values in the String array. (for int i=0; i<aryFieldName.length; i++) {/* This is where you can pass in your String array values into something like this*/ var objControl; objControl = window.document.getElementById(aryFieldName[i]); intValue = objControl.value; if (intValue = "") { alert(aryErrorMsg[i]); }} This is how I feel things should be done, feel free to try it. If you have a better solution do propose it
  22. I recommend Audacity. It is a very good music editing software, very simply steps to cut portion of songs and adding other portions from a totally different song onto it and create your own title. On top of that it is completely free. It is open sourced and you can download from sourceforge.net
  23. I am quite interested in this concept. Office with a web browser and an internet connection. Do you have more information as to where I can download this?
  24. Despite the much talked about hype on Vista, I am not going to take the risk. I will most probably stick with Windows XP or switch to MAC. If I am ever going to try Vista, I would wait 2-3 years after its release so that there are less usual screw ups by Microsoft.
  25. I hardly do backups unless there are huge screwups within my system or that my system is running too slow because of the number of applications installed in it and the also the number of files I have in it. As for backing up, I guess I have a unique way of doing things. At first, I was burning my crucial files in DVD-RW and then transfering them to my other PC for back up. But then I realise how long it took, and most of the time there is a data cyclic redundacy check which signified the problem with the disc or my drive but I am guessing it is the latter since this always happens on PC rather than other PCs. I switched to using FTP because I do not have a USB hard disk whereby I can just put my files there and transfer to my PC.I configure my notebook as the FTP server and I use a FTP client to connect to the notebook via the Local Area Network and everything is done just like that.
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