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Everything posted by Tetraca

  1. I beg to differ. Defragmentation increased my performance significantly after it fragmented quite significantly. I don't even use commercial defragmentation software. I use the XP defragmenter several times. After a certain amount of GB the Windows installer won't even let you use NTFS. So if your hard drive is over about 40 GB it's safe to say you have NTFS. I recall from a Digg story that you should NOT empty the prefetch folder. XP doesn't preload anything. That's quite rediculous if you even think about it. If that happened my 256 MB computer I'd be running Duke Nukem on virtual memory. An even better idea: Download a Mozilla browser like Firefox or Seamonkey and install the NoScript extension so you can't get spyware in the first place. Of course, this relies on the fact that you would in fact use the browser and not anything else like IE, to browse the internet. Do NOT use MSconfig to disable things at startup. It was meant as a troubleshooting utility, and not as a permanant solution. Using it as a permanant solution can cause what you call a memory leak. Microsoft even has documentation on this on their site. If you have a newer computer(probably in the ballpark of around 3 years or so) active desktop should be automatically disabled because MS realized it was not the best feature in the world. Anti-Virus software is just bloat, and a waste of CPU cycles. If you just use your common sense, run LUA with DEP on, and follow the advice on my response to #10, you can be just as secure as you are without an antivirus. Plus, most virii that are active and dangerous already know how to circumvent virus protection software.
  2. Nepotism in the workplace is pretty much patronage by the sounds of it. Patronage was banned in government practices years ago at the turn of the century because so many politicians were doing it. This is something that you could talk to your senator about and possibly outlaw(of course, if the family member was more qualified then you, it should be justified).
  3. HTML is a markup language. It is meant for creating and laying out documents of information just like an MS Word file. It is not meant to process information.PHP is a server-side scripting language. It is meant to process information on a server and dispense it in one way, shape or form.Javascript is a client-side scripting language. It is meant to process information on the client side before information is sent to the server again, or it is used in conjunction with HTML to do some effects of some sort.They are three completely different things. You cannot convert one into the other under any circumstance. You can use them together, however. Plus, Proboards is a generic forum host - no generic forum host is going to give you access to a scripting language. That's suicide for their business since you could easily strip ads or inject things into a database.You might want to consider hosting a board on your own using YaBB(which, by the look of things, is what proboards uses, albeit a deprecated version). This would be the easiest option for you, and you can install pretty much anything you want. However, YaBB is written in Perl. You could try SMF, which is written in PHP and should work well for you.
  4. Odd...is this something of your own invention or did you find this in some file somewhere?
  5. It's quite an old one, but it was a good one when I first saw it on W3Schools. Someone has to do an updated version one day...
  6. If you're not too active I'm guessing that your cholestorol would be through the roof. Your pancreas might be on its last leg as well. It'd probably be through the roof anyways because fast food does have quite a lot of trans fats, which your body cannot naturally remove. Of course, this depends on how long you've been eating like this.
  7. This is quite strange. I redirect from ~/public_html to ~/public_html/folder all the time with no problems. If you want, here is an .htaccess file of mine that I use to redirect to a higher directory without a single problem: RedirectMatch permanent ^/$ http://infrosoft.phatcode.net/phpwebsiteJust replace my site with your site. Hopefully that will work well.
  8. That's a very unfair comparision. HTML is a markup language. It was made to display text and stuff like that in a fancy way. PHP was made as a scripting language to do things like access files, solve mathematical problems, and do repetitive tasks easily. If you're referring to the use of PHP on the web, well, you're going to need to use HTML with PHP anyways if you want to do anything worthwhile. HTML by its own isn't very convienient to update.
  9. The goal in seperating code by files is to organize the functions by what they do so then you don't get confused. For example, in a CMS that I had written I have one main index.php file which passes parameters to the other PHP files. Each PHP file is organized by the task it performs - news.php dispenses news, admin.php reroutes all admin functions to their proper functions, securities.php contains all functions for security of the scripts. I couldn't manage everything if I had everything in one single file because if I did, it'd be 278 KB of text to sort through and I can't bookmark where each specific thing is. The larger a program is, the better it is to organize it into seperate modules. If you have a small program that has 3 or so functions, there's no reason to organize your code into seperate modules.
  10. In America, I'd say it's a pretty average height for one in 7th grade around the part of the country where I'm from. Since males grow at a slower rate than females(heightwise) this isn't really anything I'd say is a worrysome thing.
  11. Auto-Opening Toilet seat, well, that's just plain lazy, almost up there with the auto-opening trash can. There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to open up a toilet seat. It's a perfect modern invention. :)This would be a good idea if the toilet was modified accordingly, because when you let go of the button, the porcelain seat is going to hit the toilet, and that could be a bad situation, since there is a possibility the seat will shatter after several uses without some form of cushioning between the seat and the toilet, though this wouldn't be much of a problem if your toilet seat was made of plastic or wood.Now, what would be a good idea to accompany that is a flushing pedal, so you wouldn't need to make contact with your hands to flush the toilet(might be a good idea especially in public restrooms).
  12. Wouldn't it be easier to do this server side with PHP? By the time you get to using javascript usually the browser matters less.
  13. Usually when you are using an i386 processor you are limited to up to 4 partitions. If you had something like Hiren's Boot CD or some other boot disk you could use recovery software and partitioning software to try and merge partitions or back them up onto CDs, delete the partitions, and replace them with larger partitions. It might be a wise idea to use folders and 7zip/RAR archives next time on a single partition rather than partitions to separate data. The only 2 partitions you should have are:1) Your main bootable partition with Windows XP2) Your backup partition with files you want to back upAny extra partitions would be used by other OSes that windows will not protect. They should use 2 partitions as well - One main, and one swap partition for virtual memory(unless you're using eComStation, BeOS variants, or some other OS that does not use such a partition). I wouldn't worry about Windows not detecting partitions. I've heard this problem many times over and usually it's just Windows being Windows.
  14. An actual decent quality free(to play) game that can replace Runescape is Guild Wars. Unless you have a relatively poor computer, you can run that. I personally don't like java games that run in small windows with mediocre gameplay, so I can't reccomend you anything else. I do, however, remember a game very similar to runescape, but I do not remember the name nor can I find the link in the Unyclopedia article anymore.
  15. You can. What you need to do is setup two accounts. The extensions for each account should be seperate from one another.
  16. Protein is quite good for you, but remember that there are other things that your body needs as well other than proteins that grains, dairy, and fruits/vegetables give you.
  17. HP is the lesser of the two poor evils. I personally prefer IBM to any lower end computer manufacturer.All I know is I absolutely dispise dell. Their computers waste electricity with all those wasteful LEDs decorating the computers to make them look like UFOs. Their customer service sucks. In addition their computers are of shoddy quality - I've never had any trouble running Linux until I installed it on a Dell.
  18. Really a lot of these aren't even in the same class of purpose.We've got markup languages which go hand-in-hand with client and server-side scripting languages which can also function outside a web browser, in a terminal. Then we've got C# and possibly C++ by the looks of things whose purposes are programming! The poll is illogical, and so I cannot vote on it. If we had a race between XHTML and HTML, a race between PHP and Perl, a race between Javascript and other EMCIAscripts, and a race between C++ and BASIC, then it'd be logical.
  19. When it gets to be too large, you'll know, because then the scrollbar gets quite small and even you yourself will think it's rediculous. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and http://ytmnd.com/sites/667861/profile At the length of these pages the reader will stop probably halfway before giving up.
  20. If I have a true domain, I prefer to use sub.site.com because it looks cleaner.If I have a subdomain only, I prefer to use site.com/folder because it makes the URL looks less rediculous.
  21. The sixth sense is Deja Vu, then the sixth sense is your intelligence. If you are a very right brained person and find yourself to be quite creative your brain could have imagined a situation based on the personalities of the people that you know and how you expect people to work, causing you to hypothesize a situation and create DejaVu.
  22. My little dog is sort of odd. He sleeps with me on my bed, and he goes to sleep belly up with his paws bent sticking out on top of the sheets. It's sort of funny.
  23. It's a UNIX problem, so unless you're running something based on a 30 year old kernel, you should be fine. This means Linux, The Windows NT series, and *BSDs such as OpenBSD and OS X shouldn't have these problems. The only people vulnerable are those using SCO operating systems, possibly IBM, HP and Sun operating systems as well. I wouldn't be too concerned about such old technologies being used in 2038 with emulation of these applications on BSD systems if there is no possibility for port. But really, what is a flip of a date going to do? Say you wrote files 50 years ago? Cron jobs wouldn't be affected greatly. There might be a slight problem with reminders, though.
  24. I wouldn't be surprised that this happened. There are people that had attempted and failed to hold up a bank with a slice of cheese. A marijuana addict called the police to tell them that someone stole his marijuana.
  25. No single browser is fully standards compliant. Opera still doesn't have decent CSS 3 support and I often see it misrender pages that will otherwise render fine in Gecko browsers. But, it works, and I still like its interface much better than Seamonkey's or Firefox's.
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