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Everything posted by Tetraca

  1. Hmm...I'd give that a 9 out of 10, because chances are I probably wouldn't be able to do that...
  2. 5. I cannot see your full sig - the link to the image doesn't seem to work for me...
  3. It looks good, but I have doubts on whether it will perform good in a server environment.
  4. It's way to colourful. There isn't a real theme. I cannot judge anymore because I do not have any source code to judge upon.
  5. There are salt water refinement facilities out there. The cost of maintaining them is usually what makes them unattractive, IIRC.
  6. I use percentages for my just about everything so I don't have to worry about designing for a particular size. This list is also incomplete. http://catb.org/~esr/html-hell.html That link has just about everything you shouldn't do on your webpage.
  7. I'm not a real fan of playing sports, and I absolutely hate trying to watch them. The closest thing to a sport I do is song remix contests.
  8. Usually I test with one of my hosting accounts, though I used to have an Apache 2 environment with PHP 5 on my computer I ran locally. I have a router so I don't really have to worry about anything else...
  9. There are basically three modes you can go with your diet:1) Feast & Famine - the diet of our ancestors where we stuff ourselves silly, then don't eat for longer periods of time(about a week). You can pull it off and live a healthy lifestyle, but it also assumes that you excersize to use up all of what you ate. 2) Three square meals a day - the American diet plan, consisting of large portions of food given three times daily. Combined with the problems of the amount of calories in Fast food it can be a regiment for disaster.3) Small, controlled meals - the European diet plan, consisting of eating small meals(that are nutritious) throughout the day when you are hungry(not I feel like eating hungry, but rather my stomach is rumbling hungry). It's probably the lesser of the two evils as an alternative to Feast & Famine, IMO. "Just eat what you need when you need it rationally".I'm guessing you threw up because you tried and pulled a #1 with #3's food plan, or something similar...
  10. XEROX PARC made the XEROX Star, a computer with a fully functional GUI, before Apple made the Lisa, which was the first GUI made by Apple. All concepts that the Star created were enhanced and pioneered by MacOS, OS/2, among others who had come up with interesting features.
  11. It was a hoaxed pirating incident by the guys over at SomethingAwful, made to look creepy and odd.
  12. This was just a false positive. However, if you look at their past business practices, you will see that they have gone much, much lower.
  13. The "Wyoming Incident" is a series of fake broadcast piracies forged be a few of the goons at SomethingAwful. The videos always start out in the same odd way: Stripes of text that read 333-333-333 WE PRESENT A SPECIAL PRESENTATION, then the same message in reverse. Then text with an odd phrase is shown, followed by disturbing(in a way that will creep you, but isn't at all disgusting) pictures of models of heads filtered to be almost alien-like. To add to the aesthetics creepy music is added into the background at this stage. Afterwords another message related is sometimes added to the closing area. You can see the entire "Wyoming Incident" videos at YouTube. Here is a link to the first video. It isn't as creepy as the others, however...
  14. I believe that you can run MS Works via Wine or Crossover Office in Linux, so it's not really true that you couldn't run MS Office on Linux.
  15. The logo is unreadable. The links to two images are broken, possibly more. You use a table based design. The design is copied from the Runescape website. Be a tad bit original, it can pay off.
  16. If you only have 1.24 MB of RAM left for programs to stay resident in, it's not a matter of HD space that a simple removal of programs off the HD would do, but rather you have too much loaded into memory, and you have to shut down the programs in the system tray. See the besttechie.net forums for programs you can use to remove programs from auto-loading from memory(it is stickied in one of the forums). Chances are none of those programs are required for the OS to work - not even the virus scanner if you can trust yourself.
  17. Yes, you cannot get it for free unless you get it illegally. You can, however get OpenOffice, which is just about as good, though it lacks features. Chances are you won't be using those features, however...
  18. It seems fine. I don't see anything wrong with it other than it's just little too dark.
  19. The best antivirus is yourself, because only you can screw up your system with a virus. They don't just waltz into your machine, you have to download them manually. Due to this, I do not have an anitvirus because I don't download applications from anywhere without verifying that spyware is not attatched somehow. Spyware is a little different, though it can be solved with NoScript.
  20. Although I don't use it because it is incompatible with my computer and expensive, eComStation is my favorite OS. It can support many binary formats, it's stable, and so on. Plus I don't need to worry about the confusion of configuration files and odd directory structure that I have to deal with in *nix systems.
  21. I don't even use my Linux partition that often because it simply doesn't have the applications that I want to use. Fireworks is the main culprit. Usually if I go into my Linux partition I use it for testing my web designs and testing Unicode since it seems to have a better grip on unicode than Windows.
  22. It doesn't stop the government from rewarding those who drive fuel efficent cars with a tax break, and increased tax on those who do not. It's that simple, and if they do that then maybe the american auto industry wouldn't be in the position it is in now.
  23. I simply do not like the interface of a Macintosh. If it had an interface where it wouldn't clutter the desktop into an anarchy of windows but rather several fullscreen, tabular windows, I wouild probably have a Macintosh, but apparently developers of the system like to use 50 different windows! It irritates me! That's one reason why I hate the GIMP! The interface simply sucks for me! I can handle Linux, however, because many of its applications seem to use the fullscreen tabular(or not) style. OpenOffice, for example.
  24. That's quite odd. I'm having no problems accessing it with Opera. Maybe you're typing in the wrong URL? That's the only thing I can think of that is happening.
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