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Everything posted by Tetraca

  1. Well, since this is scientific research you probably won't be compansated unless you were to have a severe allergic reaction to the jellyfish sting. If the scientists compensated otherwise they'd probably go over budget and no anti-jellyfish sting sunscreen would be made. I would assume that it's a lighter stinging jellyfish, so you'll feel some stinging, definately, but no scarring. I'd certainly bet on it, because if they tested a man-o-war on your untreated sunblock, you'd be permanantly scarred and treated to something rather painful, much worse than that of your lighter stinging jellyfish, and I'd doubt they'd risk any severely poisonous jellyfish on the initial run as well, because some jellyfish have toxins that few others can top in potency - death to humans in matters of hours.
  2. Bars are the classic place where people hook up, though it looks like you're too young for that yet. If you can't meet with people there, the next best place might be a mall in the Food Court or Clothing stores. When you're a little older and going to college, the campus might be a nice place. Try your neighbourhood as well. If you are a person who can write, you could even try MySpace, or Facebook. I've been too content with being a hermit of sorts, so I'm trying my best from an old friend's advice.
  3. There are several reasons why people don't turn atheist:1. People want to believe in an afterlife. There could be no afterlife, but no matter the lack of evidence.2. People will not change their thousand year old beliefs, no matter how backwards some of them might seem.3. Christianity in particular teaches stupidity - I remember going to church one day and learning of the man that did not believe in Christ because he did not see him, so the desiples led them to Christ, who appeared before him and said that you should not need to see to believe in him. In genesis Adam and Eve bite into an apple from the tree of knowlege, leading to the downfall of man.The thing is, we are an insignifican't speck of dust suspended in a sunbeam in an empty space quadrillions of times larger than us with the potential for other races in other galaxies enormous. It is pompous to say that the universe revolves around us - a mote of dust in a 100 light year wide galaxy, and that a god would pay attention to this mote of dust and it alone. Imagine all the blood spilled for this insignificant dirtball - all the people that killed just to have a small piece of land, on a small planet, orbiting a middle-aged, middle sized star, inside a 100 light year galaxy filled with millions of these stars, trapped inside a spherical expanding existence of coldness with millions of thes galaxies existing in and out of our view. To say that existence is a test of our belief in god would be fallous.
  4. To be a good web designer, especially if you want to create truly web standard fluid designs, use scripting language like Javascript and PHP, or use Java and/or flash, you will need to know math and or computer science to be proficient and good at creating them, and that is taught in school - with the last class I mentioned a college course. Different strokes for different folks. Some people may think the medical field is interesting(it's certainly a high paying field to be in), just as you find web designing interesting. I'm sure a doctor would think your job would be boring. Really, if you want to get anywhere in life, you're going to need a high school education and college degree at the least. Most jobs out there aren't going to accept you if you dont' even finish high school. Of course, if you want to do an honest, but low paying but needed "manual labor" job in a field like a cash register operator or factory working, you probably won't need a high school education. If your a farmer, you'll need to know your math as well, though I'm sure family farms would have the run-down pretty much given to them as they grow, even though I'm sure that some farmers would rely on the schooling system to teach what they need to know.
  5. Yep, and red shift is a good sign, for now, as it shows us that the universe is indeed expanding.
  6. Also keep in mind that you are using XHTML, and so, you cannot capitalize anything in tags.
  7. The reason why ATI releases drivers more than nVidia is because they're coded shoddily. ATI can't even make a decent Linux driver, and those would probably be easier to create than a Windows one.
  8. C is the language that was created to help create UNIX. It is a language that is close to assembly, but not quite assembly - it's a medium level programming langauge. It's good for if you really want to get every last bit of performance out of your application without resorting to using assembly, but you'll end up having to juggle memory - great for making operating systems but sometimes tedious when trying to make applications. C++ is the language created based off of C. It is a higher level programming language and introduces object-oriented programming. Because of this, it is harder to create something like UNIX as it manages memory for you, but it's not completely impossible, as BeOS was written with C++. I personally like C over C++ because I'm not an object-oriented programmer, and C seems less confusing and more uniform in syntax than C++. iostream.h just ticked me off because it uses completely different syntax to do simple tasks. Where did ">>" come from? If that is supposed to represent a Germanic double arrow quotation mark why do you still need to use English dash quotes? Why can't you just use the same simple function syntax from its predecessor?Each compiler for the langauge is different - and have slightly different syntaxes to do the same thing if you are going outside ANSI standard libraries like stdio and stdlib. GNU GCC is more oriented towards *nix systems and so its syntax and libraries reflect that. It's free and tries to be as compliant as possible with standards. Visual C++ (also compiles C) has a syntax that is more in the Microsoft style of dumping standards and making their own - at least in some previous versions. I don't know if .NET is any less standards bending. Borland compilers are okay, though the DOS versions have bent syntax in order to speed up compiling time.
  9. If people had sense in them we wouldn't need money, nor would we need a government. We could live without such things, but the problem is people aren't going to work for free, and people won't be sensible if things are free. People are unfortunately, only human with the traces of the savages we were many centuries before, so we cannot work towards a perfect world free of such things.
  10. I'm sure it is quite a good game that I would like to play, but unfortunately I haven't played a Wolfenstein game since the game was called Wolfenstein 3D! I still occasionally play it for nostalgia, but I'd like to get an update like this one to the series since it looks like it's advanced much futher from the days of those 3-D games plauged with numerous physics errors due to the use of 2-D models on a 3-D game (models will not turn, so a nazi will always face you regaurdless of how you strafe. Turning changes the perspective of the models such as the barrels revealing how cheesy the effect reallly is).
  11. I'd go to a local shop and purchase a map. Then I could navigate myself to somewhere where I would know where I am. Even easier is if I had a GPS system with me already, or if it's readily purchasable buy it.
  12. I'm not a fan of the Harry Potter series. I'm not one for reading about things like magic. However, I really do enjoy how people at the humor websites like YTMND try and spoil it - sometimes not really actually spoiling it but rather putting in some strange alternate ending.Let me dispense a few secrets about the book: Harry Potter Seven will be the seventh and latest book in the Harry Potter series. In it, Harry Potter will be the main character. It will be over three pages long and have more than two chapters. Events will occur in it. It will involve wizards and some sort of magic. The book will end with the last page of the novel.
  13. The basic software is free, though it only allows you to use the one pass zeroes method. There are other methods, but it's good enough for personal use. The software runs before boot time on a CD or a Diskette, so it doesn't use an operating system nor a file format - it just clears the disk of all information. Then afterwards you can install a new operating system (this will erase Windows and everything else).Google it. The first result should be the Active@killdisk homepage. Remember to back up any files that you want to keep, like family photos.
  14. For the qbasic community, theres an entire community that thinks signatures and avatars are a complete waste. They say that they don't really have any point and that text is just as good, if not better - it doesn't take as much to load, it's simple, et cetera.
  15. When you format, you don't really remove the files you just mark them as deleted so if extra space is needed the disk is allowed to overwrite it. This is the same thing that happens with the Trash can. You can recover the files quite easily because of this, though it gets more complex if you reformat with a different filesystem (the data will still be there, and readable...with whatever hasn't been overwritten). To really delete files completely off the disk you need a program like Active@Killdisk that you run before an OS starts. It will wipe out all the data off the hard disk by passing and replacing all the data with zeros. The files will be pretty much unrecoverable.
  16. I've heard this time and time again, and it's simply not true that you can get a speed boost by increasing the bandwidth. Microsoft has a FAQ entry on this saying specifically that you shouldn't do this and it won't increase your speed.
  17. You need to add it into your template. Assuming that you are using Xanthia, all your templates will have an .html extension. Put it somewhere in the code there. You should know where to put it if you're at least halfly skilled with HTML.
  18. It seems that KHTML renders much like Internet explorer as I cannot see any of my Gothic Characters on Unsaiklopedia. It it seems misrender more than it renders, but it isn't surprising seeing that it doesn't comply with web standards as much as Mozilla browsers or Opera, which I test my web pages on. Another hurdle that needs to be overcome is the fact that not all PCs have the same gamma on their monitor as a Apple PC, which uses standard gamma rather than the old CRT gamma which is used in most IBM compatibles (I personally like the older CRT gamma because it renders web pages with fuller color than standard gamma, which sort of washes out colors like #eee(it even seems to tint it slightly blue) and #f9f9f9 and makes the page appear less brilliant).
  19. All pokemon seems to be is the same game packaged 8 times, variating by graphics and creatures each of which is only slightly different from one another, none of them fun to beat like a Combine Soldier or Combine Dropship, for instance. It's the second reason why I don't like RPGs that much, the first being the usual lack of any real time combat. Do you have a license to create a Pokemon game? You could be sued by the creators of the franchise if you do not have clearence with them, as it is still under US and international copyright. Of course, if you live in a country like Iran, you shouldn't have much of a problem since they don't respect US or International copyright law. It might be wise to change the name of the game and say that the game is similar to pokemon. That way you curve copyright law since it's your own little world with your own little characters (unless you carry some of the pokemon characters).
  20. I highly reccomend against using flash, especially for navigation without a backup version in HTML, as it excludes 64 bit Linux users, the Blind, those on not on Unix-like or Windows OSes, and those with poor computer systems that can't go into high resolutions, nor use anything better than Windows 98 because they are either unknowing of Linux,?they?can't?understand?the?CLI?and?would?be?unable?to?use?a?light?enough?desktop?manager, or they are afraid to try it.
  21. Heh, this is kind of unexpected with how long you've been here. Welcome anyway. Enjoy your stay, read the readme, et cetera et cetera.
  22. The masterminds of the game were Ed Boon and John Tobias. I'm guessing the original games took quite a while to make as they had to use photograph actors to use their sprites in the game. The fact that they used this technique made the game look much better and more realistic than the other games on the arcade market at the time. I'd imagine it'd get done concurrently with the backgrounds, voices, music, and programming, so in total I'm guesing the game was made in a 9-12 months. Mortal Kombat is a childs play game. I'd say 13 year olds could play it just as much as Half-Life 2 or Resident Evil. The only real bad part about it is the blood and fatalities, but they're over the top effects and not even realistic. A game like Postal, however, is something that might not be great in the hands of a child.
  23. I don't have a cell phone as it is. If I don't have a cell phone, why would I need a cell phone that can do nearly everything but clean your kitchen sink? It lacks flash support so I'm not really going to bother trying to buy it anyways.
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