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Everything posted by Tetraca

  1. That number probably only works if you strip away the load time for flash banners :XD:But seriously, Google has the edge in searching quality for websites over Yahoo, but I still prefer Clusty because it allows me to not wade through as much junk as Google would. In addition there are several other factors that would contribute to the speed, including geographic location, coding quality, and amount of content.
  2. Good. I'll tell people how to do it in Fireworks.1. Write your text with the text tool. Copy the text layer and do NOT apply step 2 to it until I say.2. Apply whatever filters you want to it. This will make your text a bitmap. If you don't want to use filters you can go to Hue/Saturation, then press okay without clicking on anything.3. Flip your other text layer upside down. Then use the gradient tool - the first color being the color that the text layer originally was, and the second being the color of the background. Move and manipulate the gradient so that the text layer looks like the color of your text on top and the color of the background on the bottom.4. Move the flipped layer down using the arrow key for precision close to the bottom. Apply the filters you chose for your original text layer.5. You're done!
  3. Well, it really depends on what you want to use it on.DokuWiki is good for small time developers. PostNuke is good for clans. Siteframe is good for blogs and community based sites. Drupal is a little better with some communities. Coranto is good for sites that just need news updated frequently, without extreme bloat.However, there are bad content management systems. Joomla is rather bloated, with a poor interface, and an even worse templating system. I wouldn't reccomend it to anyone. Siteframe can do what Joomla can with half the bloat and twice the performance. Joomla is suberior to any given content management system, I believe. phpBB is even worse for forum environments - it can't contain spambots, its CP is out of date, trying to remove multiple users is like pulling teeth even with a mod, and there isn't even a decent moderator CP. SMF is much better at what phpBB does.
  4. What are they going to do, stick a police officer in every house? The law will never work outside of police presence! I also believe that children need spankings sometimes. They don't understand words or have restraint. Pain is primitive enough for them to get the point that something is bad and it does it decently.
  5. Despite its slight effectiveness, there are easy loopholes that they can exploit to continue to irritate you about products or services. In particular I get annoyed by the Lupus Foundation and a loan company every other day because charities and people you've done business with before can still solicit you. Luckily I see them on caller ID, and just turn the phone on and off in rapid succession. Tom Mabe in particular likes to mess with them. However there are ways that telemarketers have been exploited by people not for show. For example my father will answer the phone, and if it's a telemarketer he will set the phone down on the table, and watch football or eat dinner while the telemarketer is stuck on the line (they aren't allowed to hang up, especially if they're soliciting for something that isn't charitiable) wondering what happened to their customer. An hour or two later he comes back to the phone and says "If you want to waste my time, I'll waste yours.", then hangs up on them. I do reccomend using the "Do not call" list in addition to the rapid hanging up method for telemarketing calls. When they start to realize their potential customer isn't interested at all at their service. That two hour method really rings up your phone bill if you aren't a privliged customer like he is (he gets 200 hours free per month IIRC because he's consistently on the phone being an advertiser selling ads to local businesses and inserting them into displays in local markets and sports venues.). Or you could pretend you have a politically incorrect Tourettes Syndrome.
  6. Web design is a task only you can master by expirimenting on your own. You must play with CSS, expiriment with divs, try your design on multiple resolutions and browsers, and see what you can do with a design to make it look like the best design for the intended purpose. It's something that should go hand-in-hand with administrating if you are a webmaster. I believe that no webmaster should not know how to design their site and create something unique rather than using some cookie cutter template like half the webmasters do. I also reccommend that you use dreamweaver to layout code, but hand coding to refine it and do the main CSS. I definately don't reccomend using photoshop to create a full layout unless you are really willing to cleanup the code - with such a layout you'd easily be able to cut down on load times by doing even the most simple modifications like replacing tables with divs and graphic text to real text.It's a form engineering, and like any job in engineering you are doing you need to balance usability, with looks, and code cleanliness. It's even more of a balancing act with flash, but with flash you exclude certain people from your designs - the blind (who rely completely on text browsers which read the text aloud for them and/or enlarges text, which flash excludes the ability to do as it's goal is visual entertainment and interactive information here and there for kicks and NOT to layout an entire design) and those on 64 bit operating systems probably make up the most of the issue.
  7. Think about all the people in China that probably can't browse this site for whatever reason, live censored from the government's wrongdoings, can't see news which isn't positive, and have food contaminations every other day due to poor regulation of the food industry, maybe even work in a sweatshop making your shoes, or imprisioned and killed even for minor issues for organ transplant operations to gain money from desperate westerners who would surely die on the waiting list. Now think of yourself living in the US - you are free to browse uncensored by the government (maybe by your ISP trying to stop you from browsing your competition), can see the government's wrongdoings and make fools out of the politicians that did it without being wrongly imprisioned, and a slightly dysfunctional food regulation that needs a letter written by you for your Senator to get regulation more funding, making a possibly decent wage (if you stay away from Wal-Mart), not to mention the people who are donating organs are ready and willing, no matter how few. How do you feel about your life now? Also http://www.greatfirewallofchina.org/ If you don't want to stay positive, read below: You can't really stay positive even with this, though, because the whole country is headed for economic collapse from incompetent senators, a poor foreign policy, the debt accumilated between the two, illegal aliens artifically keeping wages down while inflation ensues, taxpayer's dollars going towards these people promoting their amnesty, lying self-or-party-serving(note the lack of the word country in there) politicians, people not getting the medicine they need because of the lack of socialized medicine or caps on how expensive medicines can be, censorship on the behalf of companies and impeding of technology due to cheapness and locked contracts, outsourcing, et cetera.
  8. Despite it being amazing, it is still bound by the laws of physics. Because of the laws of physics, we won't be visiting any celestial body outside of our universe any time soon...even with the Albecori drive (or whatever it's called) which can theoretically bend the laws of physics. Chances are we won't make any significant inpact on anything but ourselves and the 8 some planets that orbit us...well...there are the Voyagers, but they're not going to do us any good when they can't even send back pictures at the state they will be in by 2020. Complete creation and destruction of matter is impossible within this void, and certainly a thought expiriment that would deserve the attention of some person in the world. Well...not really.1. We don't really have the capability to destroy most asteroids that you would consider asteroids (asteroids can be pebbles in size). For some of them, especially some of the monsters that might come to us in a few thousand or so years, not even Tsar Bomba could obliterate them, and I don't think we'll come up with anything worse without another Cold War. 2. If we were to obliterate an asteroid, the remnants would probably not have the escape velocity to escape from the sun's gravitational pull. Thus, anything we obliterate will only effect us locally at this time. Unless this object hits Titan, and this is probably very unlikely due to it's position and what celestial bodies it orbits, there wouldn't be any new major developments - the gas giants just suck in whatever gets put into their atmospheres and ends up probably getting obliterated by tons of pressure in the middle. Stuff like this has been going on since before people walked the earth. We could only effect something majorly if we were to launch an asteroid outside this local system into the coordinates for a possible life bearing planet, whether in this galaxy or not. If one planet was obliterated even though there was life on it there would be no major effect in the grand scheme of things. The universe will still expand. If 100 large non-life bearing planets were obliterated it would still not matter. Matter cannot be destroyed. What you destroy is simply decomposed into smaller elements. I'm no physics genious by far, but since this means that the matter of the Universe stays the same, it shouldn't even have an effect on if our Universe collapses or not so that new forms of life can dwell in existence after our time has come. I would certainly not like the idea of a cold universe which would mean that there wasn't enough mass to begin with, and it would mean that we were the first and last generation of life forms in this place.
  9. We are actually part of something so big we don't even matter. It's called the Universe. Any action we do on this planet is rather insigificant in the grand scheme of things. We are a floating particle, orbiting a star in the wing of a galaxy which has millions, even billions of stars, which is part of possibly billions of galaxies inhabiting an ever-expanding universe that might collapse on itself (so the Universe will always be, but nothing in it is always the same each expansion). Many people turn to deities to create the universe. However it is possible that the universe was not created by a deity, and unless we could ever figure out what is on the other side of the universe's ever-expanding wall, we will never know how the universe is created and what it truly is. Scientists have theorized that black holes are the beginnings of such spaces. If this is true, everything is recursive and if we broke through the wall, this would lead to a nearly infinite amount of multiverses, possibly paradoxically recursive. If anything, your theory is just another incarnation of the ever popular brain in a vat theory that's completely unprovable. Well, the basic recipe of how life is created:1. You need the proper atomic elements. Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and most importantly Carbon are needed (for carbon based life. We don't know if there are other life forms existing that are based on other elements). Methane can decay into carbon dioxide to help life. It itself is toxic to life forms on Earth. 2. You need these chemicals to be organized on a body which has a sufficient atmosphere of these chemicals. This could be a simple isolated . 3. You need energy to excite the elements to unite in protein chains, the very building blocks of the most basic life. When all these conditions are met, slowly, but surely, life will slowly form, though whatever life that does form is very primitive - basically virii, which eventually become organed virii called cells, which then organize themselves into colonies to create multicellular life, evolving into simple carnivorous animals feeding on the virii, then plants, then more complex carnivorous animals to eat the plants, et cetera, possibly into creatures like us.
  10. I don't really watch a lot of TV because most of it seems to be trash (though most of that is shifted into MTV, VH1, and more recently G4), but I do have a few shows that I watch if I'm not browsing the internet.1. CNN2. Mythbusters3. Dirty Jobs4. Modern Marvels5. {Vacant}
  11. I use glasses because they're easier to put on and more convienient for me. I have no need for contact lenses since I'm never in situations where I sweat and look down. I don't really need to wear them when looking close up, though. The only thing that I think contacts have the up on that glasses lack is the fact that the lenses get scratched or a screw might pop out. Heck, with how much I wear them I barely notice them except for the top fringe if I need to look up. Plus, the glasses give a more intellectual feel to me than contact lenses.
  12. Physical attraction itself is simply a primitive reaction part of every sexually reproducing animal's genetic makeup. It is in the interest of such a species to have such a reaction to the opposite sex. Companionship is another which is the second makeup of love.
  13. If anything he uses a custom OS he stole from Paul Allen. I don't think I need anything that wastes my CPU cycles as much as an antispyware or antivirus when I have the software and the trust in myself to not pull something stupid to get it on my PC.
  14. Open Source != Free All Open Source means is that the source is available. It doesn't mean that the application costs nothing. Remember Free Speech, not Free Beer.
  15. Turn of chat and play the game. I personally play GunZ and many people call me a newbie even though it is very ironic that they say so considering they're still only on the second bracket. I just turn chat off because it's not really important even in team battles. Nobody has anything worthwhile to say except for accusing decent players of being hackers.
  16. Here's the thing about it: Open Source programs are released prematurely without rigorous testing from the authors, and so it appears that bugs and holes are patched quicker when it is released - it's opened to an audience with tons of bugs and holes, and then slowly patched as it goes on. Closed source programs made by some companies (but not all) have already been given rigerous testing beforehand so little bugs and holes leak into the final product (Adobe, for example) - it's opened to an audience with few bugs and holes, then patched occasionally or during the next big release. Because of this, there is an illusion that bugs are patched quicker on open source vs. closed source.There are exceptions to this rule, however. The best example would be OpenBSD. It's completely stable, and it doesn't really have to be significantly improved anywhere for what it's supposed to do. But when something goes wrong the team always quickly patches the problem for the next minor release.I personally like most proprietary software over free counterparts. GIMP absolutely fails in user friendliness. I can make better images in Fireworks and it has not even half the fancy filters of GIMP.
  17. Ignore them. They have no lives. They have nothing better to do than troll and flame. Since they are trolls, the best way to deal with them is to give them no attention for what they do. Ignore them and show that the community could care less about their negative opinions on the subject. Now, there is a place which different opinions can and should be accepted, particularily in boards which discuss political and scientific reasoning. Different opinions are the cornerstone os such sites and should be respected. Sites which are tailored toward people who like a certain subject rather than hate it (for example the Tourettes Guy boards), there is no reason for such opinions to be heard because they are most likely made specifically for the sake of an unwinnable argument for the community (it's not winnable by either side because each side will still continue to have the same opinion no matter the other sides opinion. It's common when talking in terms of Operating system advocacy. Talking to a maccie about how good Linux is will fall on deaf ears and a talking to a Nixer about how good OS X is will fall on deaf ears. This ends up true for religous beliefs as well). To reiterate: don't add fuel to the fire, stamp it out my ignoring them. It ends up being better in the end, because the troll will just end up moving on, as he is given no attention by the community to continue his activities.
  18. There is a real Brasilian professor named Professor R. A. *BLEEP* (Ricardo Aldolfo *BLEEP*). Really. Search for Dr. *BLEEP* on google and the first hit will be him. He's apparently and Geologist and Petrologist.
  19. I think the movie was awesome. The only reason for this, though, is because Fourest can make fun of it so easily. For example:* Holding Toast *Nicholas Cage: How did it get burned? HOW DID IT GET BURNED!?Lady: I DON'T KNOW!I don't think you can make fun of most older movies (pre 1970) in the way you can with some of these poor movies of today.
  20. My personal favorite to use is FlatForum. If I need something with more power I go to FlingForum. If that will not do then I go to YaBB. If that will not do I will go to SMF. IPB 2.x is the best I've seen, and if I wanted to pay for it I'd use it. phpBB is the worst i've seen - it's too big for what it does, I hate working with it - you can't mass delete user accounts, or one account easily for that matter, the spam trap is absolutely terrible, and every place that would be benefited by the use of checkmarks lacks them, so the moderator CP isn't that good. SMF is actually pretty good. They've got the interface down. I still hate skinning it, though. YaBB needs some work on its captcha, too.
  21. I personally hate what ends up festering in those boards, but I do know that whatever the *chans run, it is a custom CMS. Flatforum already has threading, anonyimity, and an admin CP that doesn't require a user system + spam control. The thing it lacks is the hybrid view which 4chan uses, attatchment abilities, et cetera. This is what you need to implement to make the board a *chan. Heck, if you want you could probably try emailing moot and he might give you the CMS. After all, look at how many chans there are.Of course, if you don't want to go the free road I believe that Invision Power Board 2.x or vBulletin would be good as they both have hybrid views integrated into their software. You just need to set it up right, make a good template, and slightly modify the board to require images, but before doing this look at the license, as you might have something voided or legally you are unable to do this.
  22. Although I do not use it, I've always liked OS/2, or rather its successor eComStation. It's quite nice and can run several binary formats, but unfortunately it wasn't made for my computer, so I just use Ubuntu and Windows. For some reason it doesn't support most of my hardware, just like many Linux distributions I have tried. One of the biggest problems is the lack of support for my widescreen monitor.
  23. The problem is is that people think that it's there duty to yell and scream that people that Atheists are going to go to hell and it's the downfall of morality. They're fully aware that if the Abrahmic god exists, they will go to hell, and they don't need people to tell them this. There's also a flaw in their logic that Atheism is the downfall of morality. This is false. Atheists draw on logic to create morality, or even astronomy. Astronomy is a real builder of character and morality, as it teaches our true place in the universe, in addition to its beauty. You yourself are a Freethought (that is the proper term to one that doesn't believe in a major religion), but it seems that you are also Agnostic (A term meaning that you are neither Theist nor Atheist - you will neither confirm nor deny the existence of a god because there is no evidence of a god existing but at the same time there is no evidence that a god doesn't exist). I myself am a Freethought Agnostic Deist.
  24. There is one standard, but the problem is it changes so much that no browser can ever have 100% HTML and CSS rendered properly. However, it does seem that they're starting to obey standards more. I hope that there aren't any drastic changes that would screw this up. The only one I can think of that would sort of screw everything up is if everything went onto true XHTML mode (when the document is sent as application+xml/xhtml rather than html), which would force Microsoft to update IE because it can't support even this simple standard.
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