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Everything posted by Tetraca

  1. As an Anarcho-Communist I must believe all should be equal in any way possible. However the reason Capitalism has succeeded so well is because it isn't against human nature, just logic. For this reason I can safely say that Men and Women will never be equal becase one will try to dominate the other through religion, through sexism, through descrimination, et cetera.
  2. I usually use Opera with plugins disabled, though I still use Seamonkey because it has some of the CSS 3 effects that Opera does not have.
  3. Chess is the closest thing to a strategy board game I've ever played...
  4. If you are superstitious, crazy, or work on a marine setting then yes there is some influence on YOU. For us as a whole, the only seen influences are on the tide.
  5. You're not really much of a programmer. You're more of an experienced scripter and artist . Well, any which way you call yourself welcome to Xisto!
  6. You can shove this presentation down every web developer's throat, but not every web developer is going to go into div based designs. I've tried, and tried again, but many people simply do not want to convert to non-table based designs.
  7. phpBB is a sad excuse for a forum system when matched up to IPB 2.x(note: Those are the boards that power this site, not the invisionfree junk). phpBB's CAPTCHA is absolute junk, it's admin CP is inferior and old, it's just not a decent forum system. phpBB 3 might be a little better, but it's not out of development yet.I personally like FlatForum the best, but chances are you will probably think it's junk or inferior.
  8. Simplistic games are good. I still play the Atari 2600 from time to time, but I can't stand to play some of the newer games more than once.
  9. Easily editable into a list on your page. http://social.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Upload Wikimarkup will work pretty well, and I don't think users really deserve CSS on a social networking site. If you've ever looked at any MySpace, you'll see how much it's abused - to the point where the profile is terribly ugly, unreadable, and choking CPU times. So: is much harder to type than: I certainly like using Wikimarkup whenever I can over HTML! Don't even try to give your users the ability to customize with PHP! That can be abused rather easily to deface and shut down your website. If you don't like wikimarkup you can use HTML and CSS within the "style" attribute on your page. It's actually not a social networking site, or rather that's not it's intent initially. It's just a host for a bunch of wikis with a login system integrated for every wiki so that everyone can contribute. The goal is to share knowlege rather than petty vanity like a social networking site on most of the pages(with the exception of that one wiki and the User page on each wiki). What it seems to me like you want is a loose community based website based on Drupal, which will have the features you want with the restrictions you need.
  10. http://www.wikia.com/fandom One of the Wikia wikis I remember seeing is one dedicated completely to creating profiles of Wiki users. I don't know what it's called or it's URL. I know you'll be able to find it, though. I personally find the idea sort of dumb because all users on wikis get userpages, and in Wikipedia and Uncyclopedia you can stick pretty much whatever you would like in your userpage, though there are some limits, and those limits pretty much equate to what MySpace or any other Social Networking site would probably think is the limit in their TOS. Edit: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ <- There's the exact site.
  11. Carbon dating is used only in dating recent history - history that happened during the span man has inhabited the world. This is due to the time Carbon-14 runs out. For the long periods of time we used radioactive dating and potassium-argon dating, which can be figured for billions of years and is quite more accurate than Carbon-14 dating. Using radioactive dating on moon rocks we have found that the Earth is roughly 4.5 billion years old, possibly more if you assume that Earth was a hot ball of molten rock very early in its life. This makes sense since the oldest rocks that haven't been destroyed by plate tectonics or the forces or weathering and erosion date back to roughtly 3.3 billion years using this dating method. An 8000 year old world is a Christian/Muslim/Jewish belief. There is no scientific basis for it.
  12. The main reason for not terraforming Mars from the ethical standpoint(at least from what I have heard), is because it has some form of primitive life that was fossilized many years ago, and people debate whether it is ethical to terraform the planet when it is possible that there could be some form of primitive bacterial life on the surface today. Venus is the real nail in the coffin because in order to deface its atmosphere to mere dry ice to transport a decent percentage of it to Mars(so the atmosphere would no longer be hostile) would require us to build a solar shield around the planet, otherwise any attempt to transport the atmosphere without the dry ice operation would be extremely time consuming, extremely hard, and extremely dangerous(the atmospheric pressure on Venus is so high that all the landers we had sent to the surface of Venus were eventually crushed by the sheer pressure within minutes of landing).Venus has such a thick atmosphere filled with Carbon Dioxide that you cannot see into it without radar technology, which we were able to do at one point. This atmosphere makes it so it's even hotter than Mercury, which is closer to the sun but doesn't really have much of an atmosphere. Mars is a very static planet which even lacks plate tectonics like Earth and Venus do have, and the planet is slightly smaller than both Earth and Venus, so it's sort of logical that it would lack a large protecting atmosphere like Earth or Venus of without some large terraforming operation.
  13. Converting water to energy simply doesn't work, really, unless you extract the hydrogen from it. It works for steam engines, but otherwise, it doesn't pack a good enough of a punch to make good fuel. Right now we could switch to hydrogen fuel cell technology. But the problem is this country is a free market, and it takes people to sell fuel cells and hydrogen powered cars to have the market shift to a hydrogen powered society. Because gasoline is all too profitable people are unwilling to switch to anything else that isn't going to give them the convienience of gasoline. E-85 is that "viable" alternative, but it sucks in terms of performance head to head with gasoline.
  14. Right now we could probably send in the materials needed to terraform Mars and Venus into earth-like planets(terraforming them together is only logical, as the atmosphere on Venus is too thick and the Martian atmosphere is too thin, so resources between the planets can be shared to terraform). However, the ethics of doing such things inhibit scientists from trying to do so, and we are limited by our current technology which would make such a process very time consuming and nearly impossible if equipment needs to be serviced.
  15. Certainly it's going to be promising if it has better CSS 3 support and JPEG 2000 support. The more web technologies the better.
  16. If it weren't for psychiatry it might be have been likely that I wouldn't have been able to call my mother anymore. Psychiatry, however, is a tricky field because humans themselves are tricky(i.e. psychopaths). It is understandable that there are mistakes made in the field.
  17. Some Pierogi(A dumpling of sorts), Kielbasa(Polish Sausage), Bread, Golompki(Cabbage leaves stuffed with meat) and Flaki(Soup made from the stomach of a cow) are some of my favorites to eat when I am able to eat them.
  18. The menu does not contrast enough. It uses the deprecated font tag. It also uses a bad font for the menu. What ever happend to good old sans-serif? Try fixing the color scheme too. To make it presentable I'd say go with shades of grey, light blue on white background.
  19. Rather stored on than played on...on some USB memory stick of some sort...
  20. I don't even have a cell phone or an MP3 player, so I'm forgetting about the iPhone. I don't want one.
  21. It's all fun and games playing Half-Life on your Ebola particle until someone gets a cut...
  22. Doktor_M lvl 18. I'm not the best player, and I'm not on often. It's a fun game, but I don't have the time to play it, and when I do have time I usually fill it up with Counter-Strike.
  23. If you don't code in CSS you are really behind in web technologies - techniques not using CSS end up being more bloated than without, and plus you are unable to do many things without the knowlege of CSS, or you are able to do them but not at all efficiently. To make a decent design it CSS is pretty much required. Javascript isn't needed, however.
  24. Well, eDuke32 with HRP is free...in a way. You still need to have a shareware or full version of the original maps from 3drealms to play the game. A friend of mine who calls himself syn9 is making a free 3d futuristic racing game called Zero G you might want to check out.
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