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Everything posted by Tetraca

  1. It's moreso just proof of concept that greenhouse gases can increase global temperatures. Whether due to human activity or not, that is up to you.
  2. She's too provacative for some stuffy executive that only cares about ratings and money to pull her off for good. She'll return as a guest, no matter how much people hate her and want her off the show. At least, that's what I would think would happen.
  3. My worst cooking disaster was probably when I was trying to make mashed potatoes. I took the shaker and started shaking salt, but its holes dispensed so much salt per shake onto the dish that it made it taste more like eating salt than potatoes.My grandpa once tried reheating a Arby's sandwich with the wrapper still on it. It started on fire in the microwave. Luckily it stopped after we opened up the microwave.
  4. I've had a few spam mails in my gmail account that are unfiltered, but none in my hotmail account from anyone but Microsoft, but that is due to the account that I do not use it for registering for anything, or for anything for that matter anymore. My Lycos account used to get a lot of spam as well, but thanks to a simple filter I don't get them anymore....
  5. I try to make games. It often doesn't work out too well, though I try to hand code my own engine since it gives me the satisfaction that I didn't use a crutch to make a game - I made the entire thing using my own talent, though I've only successfully completed one game, and a poor one at that.
  6. When people say global warming is a myth and I just point to Venus. It's an extreme example, but it's proof of concept that if there is enough CO2 in the atmosphere, we can really screw it up.
  7. Usually I try to, but I guess my brain failed me this time.
  8. Violence will not be the best solution until the stalker gets violent, because you will certainly be charged with assault if you just walk up to him and punch him in the face rather than letting him make the first move allowing you to use the self-defense strategy in any legal situation. Let it be until it gets to that point, because right now he's not doing anything particularily terrible to you other than creeping you out.
  9. I don't watch many movies, but I've got to say that one of the best movies in terms of special effects has got to be 2001: A space odyssey. Space is like space. All technology is based off of scientific predictions in the 1950s-60s. The movie doesn't even need all that CGI to make it look believeable. In fact, the lack of CGI makes it look all the more real than any given movie that exists today.
  10. They call Linux a cancer and now this. Frankly I am not surprised because everything that isn't Microsoft is apparently bad according to them.
  11. Browsing the internet on a game console is like inserting a square peg through a round hole - it's just not meant to be. Controllers make it harder to navigate the page than a standard keyboard and mouse. If you do by chance have the proper attatchments, then still, with the little hard drive space and incompatibility with the most common applications, I would not really use it. Besides, TVs display things in different colors than monitors.
  12. iGB was a great free host...until it didn't offer free hosting anymore. I still like it, and they keep my site up on it to to this day even though iGB's main site doesn't really exist anymore. It's the only host I've used that had PHP 5, so I could install the latest version of Mediawiki, a must for my coding wiki. They were really lax about posting too. There were no hosting credits, and you didn't have to post if you didn't want to, but it would be appreciated. I tried to post when I could, but many others stopped when they got the required amount of posts. You can see why it didn't work out too well later on, as ad revenue from forum posting wasn't doing too well. Still, I'm glad that they haven't pulled the plug for any of us with free accounts there.
  13. I'm probably too out of shape to participate in a Triathalon. I could most likely do it, but I'd probably finish last especially since I am not the best swimmer in the world.
  14. Yes, I do have to wonder why you would need to change the name of your recycle bin. It's too perfect of a name for what it does anyway.
  15. For the first time in a long time, Microsoft is actually the underdog...
  16. I was glad, since I had a better interface and a decent spam filter.
  17. Until there is a theory of Quantum Gravity I guess that nobody on this planet will ever know and there will only be theories.I do not think that we will ever be able to amass any sort of technology that would be able to do so unless one heck of a scientific discovery is made...
  18. I don't remember what college it was, but an old music teacher of mine had a son go to an New England college to study music, where they are a bit more rigorous in their application acceptions. I think that if you should go anywhere, you should go there to get a degree in composing music. It might be wise to not use an online course because it simply isn't the same as being in a classroom and doing the work hands on there. Personally, I don't think you're going to get far in the entertainment industry - the failure rate is quite high and it takes a very creative mind(or a very clever one) to stay afloat and not get washed away via the lack of public appeal. If you really want to be in the industry, try composing for movies or video games rather than record labels since it's going to give you a much more secure financial future(if you pull if off right, you'll get a good rep in the minds of the developers and producers, and you can remain a popular choice in their minds, which will be much easier since games and movies will have scores tailored to time periods rather than the current trends).
  19. The problems with royalties over the years will make it improbable that it would ever be made. Knock offs could be made by you and a few friends if you have enough time, but companies wouldn't waste the time in making an engine and a roster of characters for such a ripoff. Ideas on gameplay could be accepted, however. Any piece of software can be created by one person. CP/M, an entire OS was. Counter-Strike had a core team of one person. Many early DOS FPSes didn't really have large teams of people either.
  20. I like to play Counter-Strike and GunZ, but I for some reason neither of them have gotten me addicted to either. I get sick of playing them after three hours max. It's fine for them to talk about the game a little bit, but not often, because chances are people will not know what they are talking about and it will just be annoying.
  21. I'll bet this is some sort of a retort to iGoogle...or Microsoft's profits are dwindling...but it's probably the former.
  22. Black holes don't seem to be wormholes. Rather they either: 1. Are just extremely dense compacted stars that have such high gravity that light cannot escape it, and so you will be sucked into its pull, become spaghettified, and then fuse with the compacted star. 2. Are sort of like a vacuum cleaner from hell - they suck you in, spaghettify you, then tear you apart into the very dark matter that makes the universe. At least that's how I was taught. I could be wrong, but I do certainly know that Black Holes are not wormholes like some unrealistic science fiction novel.
  23. This would be a good email for trolling forums, but other than that there isn't much of a good purpose for using such a rediculously long email address!
  24. If you're talking about a torrent tracking mod, I have no idea of where to find one. Usually people use dedicated servers and C based CMSes for the big torrent trackers.
  25. OS X is 0% Linux kernel. It used Darwin, which was based on the BSD kernel. I personally don't like the interface stylings(tons of windows rather than one large one, fitts law menubar, useless GUI effects), but it's good for people that don't really know what they're doing and need some sort of a backup behind them to fall back on if they screw up on the internet(you can run a Windows without a backup and be perfectly secure if you set it up properly and follow common sense). It's also a good choice for those in the music industry and graphics industries. You probably will like it, though.
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