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Everything posted by round

  1. So if i get this right, your the one whose going to get paid if i sign up. I mean it is a refferal program right. Because i'm thinking that if you were really making money that easy you wouldn't want to advertise that fact. Most people i know would keep that kind of info for themselves for very close friends. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  2. having watched the show yesterday, i have to say that it was the dullest ever. I'm not a fan of pink floyd so the reuinion bit was kind of lost on me. Everyone else was just average, and i thank got i never went. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. I never thought i would see this kind of posting on Xisto.com and think you should be banned just for suggesting that you can make money at an online casino. Worse yet is that your a suggesting this to kids, cause most people here i've found to be really young. I want to make it clear that i have no moral objection to gambling, but i've worked for online gambling casino's and know that you don't make money, you lose money.If your posting here, then your probably having problems attracting players to your site, which isn't the hardest thing to do at all from my experience.
  4. the thing i have to ask is, where do you live? I don't think i've ever been asked about what religion i was so i'm just wondering if your living in a hyper religious community. I mean if you are, then the question isn't really that strange or out of place, and kind of natural. You ever get the feeling that people are less interested in what religion you are, and more interesting in how to convert you over to their's? round
  5. Not sure why anyone would want to use ie on the pc, it's like the worst i've seen in like forever. It lets everyone install just about anything. I mean i use it everyday when i'm on my mac, with no problems i might add, but on my pc it's just crazy. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  6. the question i have to ask is why? no one ever does that and you wouldn't be able to upload the site to a sever and have it work that way. why not just open up photoshop and in the actions just create a picture gallery. That takes like 5 minutes, you could play with the html afterward if you wanted. They have several different designs. round
  7. what's up with this css thing anyway, why not just keep it really simple. Maybe just giving it a much more readable font, like verdana. But i think you might want to check out the site in different browsers, it looks kinda weird on my mac ie. Not sure what your seeing, but it's a good start. Keep up the good work. round
  8. your colors are fine in my opinion, but what i would do is sharpen up the images, of server's i'm assuming in the smaller boxes and get rid of the outline around the text. Try large font size with a drop shadow, they will show up much better. Or don't do it as an image and just leave it as html text with the images as backgrounds. But good job none the less, better than most. round
  9. I'm really not sure what site people are commenting on northernflava.com or my own site round for my site, people have said that i should pixelate what i drew, not something that i would concider doing. I'm mean i'm and designer and illustrator which is why i put her up there. Without her there really wouldn't be much of a site, a couple of borders and some text. Not much of anything really. I was posting mostly to find out what people thought of the northernflava.com site. It's the one i'm working on right now. round
  10. I would just do the thing in flash, seems tons easier than doing it php. round
  11. I don't think there's any difference between the phones really. I've had lots of different brands. All i've managed to figure out is that spending too much is a complete waste. Only reason is, no matter what your going to want to get another after a year. Even if the one you have is still working fine. Also jumping on any new and improved ones is really not worth it. Always wait, the price goes down by about 200 after a month or two. round
  12. I think you've lost your mind. I love my mac desktop especially osx. I think if the windows pc would navigate more like the mac then you wouldn't feel that way. In fact i think more and more sites are trying to dupicate the mas os in flash for sites. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  13. I just recently started working on a windows pc machine and this has been really helpful. I don't have any of these problems on my mac thank god! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  14. I would suggest not using iframes. Not sure why they're so popuplar anyway. I always design sites for firefox and it always works out in ie. Seems simpler. It's probably not your code, unless you wrote the thing yourself, but the code that's generated from the editor that your using. You should really get rid of all redundant tags. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. My opinion is that image maps are outdated and not worth the trouble plus they cause problems. Search engines have never been too too fond of them, and if you were to cut up your image you have tons more alt tags which search engines really do love. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  16. round

    Im Here

    welcome! be merry! and don't forget to post post and more posting. round
  17. It might be more intersting if you could describe what the links are. What type of informative information they contain. Cause it's kinda vague. round
  18. not sure where your from but i'm sure there're are web jobs around. I'm from montreal canada and i have to say that it's like the hardest place to find a job. One because there're aren't that many around and students always end up getting the jobs because they never ask for lots. Kinda sucks. round
  19. try graffiti.net. the only drawback is that they're not php enabled but, you don't have to post to keep up your site and there are no ads. Plus there're reliable, i've never had a problem. I came here to Xisto because i really needed a php enabled site, but all this posting is very tiring. round
  20. sushi, sushi, sushi and more sushi. I like sashimi, no reason to get filled up on all that rice. I would die for some barbequed eel right now. Shouldn't start topics like this, just makes me hungry. round
  21. I actually learned flash on my own. It took me awhile, and i really should have taken a class. I've been thinking of doing just that, to really really get the hang of action scripting. I've bought books but I have no real energy for it. It would really help, because i want to start scripting games. I would say that finding a job isn't really all that difficult, they're out there, just keep applying to anything. But you might end up making more money and have greater job security working for a fast food joint. round
  22. I've just been hired by a company full time, inhouse because their old flash designer said he was too too busy to do work for them. So when asked for the fla files he send them all messed up. I really hate that. Plus he's not the greatest designer but thinks he is. I mean he's open about using other peoples scripts so that the sites he creates are really just patched versions. It's taking me like forever to get just the simplest thing done, and i'm just waisting time. Plus i'm really feeling like i'm giving off the impression that i'm totally incompetent to my bosses. Which totally sucks!!!! round
  23. I would suggest that people start designing in flash, it's really hard for people to steal a flash site and most people don't. It's not really worth the time or energy to do it. But anyway, it's flattering that people think your design is nice enough to steal. That plus the copy right info is meaningless. I mean did you really copyright your site cause if you did then you could sue, other companies do it all the time. Calvin Klien sued a site for just stealing their meta tags. round
  24. Here's another site i'm working on for a client and i was wondering what people thought of it. It's not yet finished but it's up and running none the less. Please no one tell me that it's not a good idea to make a whole site from flash. these are the usual comments i get here. Or that it will be hard to rank the site. The client doesn't care, and anyone whose ever worked for someone knows that, what they want is what goes. One issue i'm having right now is how to embed video into the site. I'm not sure why, with everything that flash can do, we can't just load a quicktime file dynamically just like an swf file or a gif or jpg.round
  25. It's been awhile since I worked on a pc but i never realised how bad the net had gotten. There's no way right now to surf using ie. Ie is what i use on my mac and i've never had any problems with it, plus it's acutally faster than mozilla, when loading pages. But my god on the pc ie is constantly being attacked.round.trap17.com
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