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Everything posted by round

  1. It's all good managed to work out this dumb problem. The path was working fine it was the other parts of the code. IE didn't like. Seems like, which i have to say has never happened to me before, likes it when your param name is the same as the acutall name for the embeded file. Or that's just what worked out for me. round
  2. I find it really hard to modivate myself in the summer, i mean with all the festivals and it's (summer that is) is only around for like a month or two here in eastern canada. So i'm just waiting around for winter to hit so i can catch up on all my work. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. It's nice, but what is it for. I could give you better feedback if i knew where or what you were planning on using it for. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  4. I'm working on a site right now and everything's working fine. I had all the links and includes working but when i check the site in ie i found that the small flash movie which is part of the header and is included in the top php, isn't loading. Anyone here ever had that problem. I don't remember ever myself but i really need this stupid thing fixed. round
  5. I like all of them, but they seem very typical to me. Something that you would see all over the net. I think with your talent you should go for something more unual that would catch people's eye. You've proved that you have talent now i think it's time to see a real personality come through in your designs. I hope i don't sound harsh cause it's not my intent at all. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  6. I've only been suspened once and had the same thing happen to me but i've noticed that i've actually been able to get down to 1 credit and my site doesn't get suspened. It seems like if you post alot over a long period of time the admin's get alittle lax about suspeneding accounts. I mean i could be wrong about this. Just seems like it to me. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  7. god i don't know who still uses ie on pc. I mean only those who enjoy spyware i guess. the thing just lets everything in i guess that's why people are pushing of ie still. too many people are making way to much money off of spyware. I'm a web designer aswell and i still think that firefox is better. I've heard rumors that they're going to get rid of ie. most people working at micro soft use firefox http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  8. I like it, and not so so bad for six hours work. Nice combination of colours too. different. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  9. Just wondering what you meant. The site i'm creating is for work. If your talking about my own site - round - i believe that flash is totally cross browser compatible. I mean all you have to do is download a plugin which is now included in all browsers. can't get anymore compatible than that.round
  10. does anyone know where i can get a really good, reliable pulldown php script. one that is cross browser compatible. you know the drill, mac - pc, bla bla bla. I'm starting a site right now would like to start it off right. round
  11. you'll never get a warning before you get suspened. but i would suggest you try getting in touch with theme directly. pm them. would be faster. round
  12. from someone whose got hosting and is tried of posting. My god it feels like all i do is post and post and post. takes forever. wish all these free website hosting places would find a better way to get people to post. but i'm just tired of it. may be on my way out. round
  13. I love the fact that people here have actually responded to my posting. A minor miracle around here. The truth is that designers are like a dime a dozen. Always someone out there willing to do what i'm doing for less money and with less skills. I've been at this for awhile now and things are getting worse for designers not better. Everyone is a designer so i'm betting that the web will get more and more bogged down with more and more crap. round
  14. got a new job and it's kinda getting on my nerves. I hate working with people trying to design a site. Acutally i was hired as a web designer but as it turns out i'm just the one coding these really idiotic sites. trying to explain to people that sites aren't just about pretty pictures and more about having clear and maybe interesting navagation. One that people feel is interesting and different but still easy. I'm stuck working with people who like to lead people dead pages and making individuals have to move all the way to the begining of the site or section to move to another product or other. I'm very very irritating. I've vented so i'm done now. Have to get back to work. round
  15. Well not sure how much you like your parents. If you like them alot then i would say, have them pay for your daily needs. but if it's unbareable then move. The one thing you do learn when your on your own is whether or not your going to pay your bills on time. It's a crap shoot that. I mean when i lived with my parents, i always paid all my bills in full and on time, when i moved away things kind of got crazy and i sort of didn't. round
  16. I think it would be fun to see a new section where people could post pictures of where they live and play. low rez pics i mean i'm sure you could limit the k to a reasonable amount. It's not that i'm interested in seeing what peope look like but rather what city or town they live in. round
  17. i'm apathetic. Either way it doesn't change my life in least. I do wonder about all those people who are going around saying that i'll will damage us as a society. I mean i think all of that is very funny indeed. It's certainly given the evangelists and puritans much to talk about. round
  18. Right, once again i'm going to point out that if you had already made a million you would be waisting your time posting here or giving away any of your secrets. also going to make a complaint because i concider this type of posting to be spam.
  19. I'm not sure what kind of quality your looking for but if you do a search on google you'll find what your looking for. There were tons of free programs out there i'm not using any of them anymore but i do remember that they didn't exactly create the best quality animations. round
  20. i'm wondering where you live, cause all get is pop. I hate pop makes the radio completely unbareable. And it's kind of ridiculus to think that mtv will cater to your particular needs. They follow the general trend, cater to a much larger group of people. If your really that mad then right a letter. round
  21. what's really strange is that when i did a search in google, on how to remove red eye i found that there were pages and pages full of the same info.round.trap17.com
  22. I'm working on a new site, and would really like to use the opacity functions in dhmtl but i'm just wondering how stable it is. It is super important that most browsers see it so i've found a script for both mozilla ( very difficult to find) and one for ie. but now i'm just at a cross roads. Anyone have any thoughts, has every used it and it all went bad. Seems stupid but the site i'm working on is like over 500 pages and i don't want to start out bad. round
  23. i like the second link much better. It's tons easier on the eye. But if your really not sure about designing or if your runing out of ideas then you should check out monstertemplates.com you can get inspired they have lots of sites in the same theme as yours. but really stick to second one, i think it was the one you did. The colors are much better less stark. round
  24. I've asked around and no one seems to be able to help. Has anyone here ever managed to create a login page in flash and have it connect to a cold fusion server, add names ect. I've been trying for what seeems like ever. I downloaded scripts that others have done but nothing seems to work at all. I really really wish someone here has spent the time but succeded where i have failed. Help please. round
  25. things must be getting really bad here, because only today i've run across two postings that i would concider spam. One was a posting concering how much money you could make at an online gambling casino. The other was, and i've run across this much more often is people referring others to a money making sites. I'm going to point out once again that if they were really making money they wouldn't post about it. I mean why give away a huge secret. I wish the admin's would agree like i do that these posts are really just spam and block them. Plus the shout box scoll bars keep moving around on my page and sometimes it's difficult to even post because they're in the way, or more like i can't see what i'm typing because the page is rendering badly. But that's only a side issue. round
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