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Everything posted by round

  1. do you mean the links are a different size. just select them, individually and assign them a size..... just rename the file your working on to index.html and upload that. What's the name of the html editor your using, all of them are different. round
  2. do you work for them? are you trying to advertise their services, because i'm not sure what the posting is about. If it's working for you then who cares how much your paying. They're not the only ones around, i mean there are millions of hosting companies out there offering tons of different things. Go with what works for you...... round
  3. i had that problem too, which was dumb cause no one every posted on my blog. I think it's an auto thing to increase link popularity on google. It's an script which searches and posts on everything. At least that's what i've been told. round
  4. i don't like it at all, just looks like a spam page to me. If your having problems designing sites then look around the web at pages you do like and work with that. You can also find free web templates that you could use, and change around. It's just that your page doesn't have any really defined area's and the banner on the right just really makes it seem like a portal page someone put up......... round
  5. i did think that until they got all stupid about posting, and not letting you know when your low on credits. I've had my account suspended becasue of it, spend hours posting stuff just to get it back up. People post tons of stuff that's really meaningless but the best is those that post their html code asking people for help, pages and pages. round
  6. I've never had problems with spyware on limewire at all, it's the easiest to use of all of them and doesn't crash all the time like some of the others. round
  7. i always used smartftp on my pc at work and had no problems with it at all. round
  8. I'm from canada, and i like canada. why would anyone want to rename it. We're a peacefull lot. round
  9. I realise that the posting thing is a pain, but i wish you wouldn't post your code. It's really a waste of time. You could put the link to file instead which would be much more helpful. round
  10. it's working but i don't get why you have to open the player in a new window why not just imbed it in the page like they do on flashkit.com(the sound loop section). that would seem much more convinient than add the popup code. round
  11. I like the site but it really doesn't need and intro page, that's just old and outdated. The only thing that really, really needs work is the inside pages. Once you click on games (they're alot of fun by the way) the list shows up in a not so nice table with borders, just think you could do tons better concidering what the rest of the site looks like. round
  12. I did so change the audio, i added controls and Xisto doesn't allow php email functions otherwise i would have add an email form in my flash. The window is a dif. problem, my site is dynamic auto loads text files and images like a gallery so i can update it without opening up the flash file. It has to be big enough for all my image sizes otherwise i would have to put in a popup code and that's really no fun at all to update. round
  13. I noticed that everyone responded with php sites but your post didn't mention if you knew php. I think you might get better info if you could explain if your looking for php, javascript or flash apps and games. may be able to help you out. round
  14. Would be nice if you could be alittle more specific about the project. But i may be willing to help. round
  15. Hello, is anyone else having problems logging into the site. I can't even access it at all in ie, had to change over to mozilla. As we all know you have to post post post. Wondering if it's a problem with the site.......hope it gets fixed soon cause i hate ie. round
  16. Thanks for the input - but the logo - i wasn't allowed to touch at all. I will pass that along to the client though it may make a dif. The languages was not my idea, but i think most their clients are spanish, and portagese but speak english. About my site....not sure which one you saw cause i just changed it. round
  17. i'm just wondering about medical discount cards. You know anyone whose acutally signed up for one over the phone and it just turned out to be a scam?? I'm asking because i recently got a call from some company from company who was offing me like 50% off on everything of course but hey wanted my checking account number......i was wondering what that was all about. Is that really the new scam going around round
  18. You can download and add flash games to put on your site at flaskit.com There's tons more there you could add and huge tutorial section if you want to learn flash or need help add the games to site. round
  19. hey thanks again, that sort of clarified thing a huge bit........I noticed that your new only three posts......hope you stick around. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  20. It doesn't seem very abstract to me, just looks like a banner. I would agree the person above about the red not the text. I would change it to another color and have it blend in better with the background. What's it for??? round
  21. I'm asking if anyone know what happened to this show here witch hunter robin it's gone and i'd like to know where it went. round
  22. It seems like i've made my life more complicated or easier depending on how the day is going. The music swf file i've added to every page of the site is caching on some computers and not on others. So now if you click the music off on one page it's off on every other page. Here's the link to the site i'm working on ugosys If anyone can tell me how it's loading on their end that would be great. And how to to ie from caching an swf file or any file for that matter. It's the first time i've run across this problem. round
  23. Oh god guys thanks but i think i only put up the link to intro of the site. Here is link to acutall site ugosys site I'm in the debugging stage and finishing it up. I think (or someone has said) that the music doesn't load on every page when you click it off and navigate through. The strange thing is that, the site is in php and not flash so the music swf file reloads on every page in the site. Hey if you have any problems with flash, i'm more than willing to help if i can.....you can get email me, sue_c@sympatico.ca. Or more like you can share my misery.......
  24. What happened to witch hunter robin? (by the way it's a show on adult swim and ytv) Things were going well, i was getting hooked and boom pooh it's gone. the ytv site says coming soon but I'm hoping that they haven't cancelled it. Does anyone have any ideas. I've lost all my other anime shows hope this one hasn't bitten the dust. round
  25. I've created this php site for someone and they want to add music, so i made a player in flash mx which streams and loops it. Here's the question - how to get it not to restart on every page. I mean is there anyway to make them cache it or something. Need a solution which doesn't involve putting the site in frames which is all i could come up with. round
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