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Everything posted by round

  1. round

    What Program...

    itunes, it's the best even converts files to mp3 and you can burn from it. round
  2. It's good....but you should know that. You want a critique, then spend more time and care on shading but even that's a stretch. Not sure but you should post more and i might give an indication of your style. Would be easier to say what it is you should be working on. round
  3. not sure but why not just have it redirect the same way as the first page. I may not be getting what your problem exactly. round
  4. round


    maybe it would be better, or easier for us if you could post part of the doc online. something i never recommend to anyone but it's html and so much easier to read.round
  5. the homeopathic, naturopatic comment really scared me, because most/all that stuff is such bull. If you really are manic then the drugs work. I had a friend, lost a friend who was manic it was the drugs that brough him back. wish you all the best guyguy(i'm assuming here) round
  6. my god, was wondering when i myspace.com url would show up here. I signed up but never participated. Now they won't stop emailing me. round
  7. nope, no running here. I hate it, that feeling of going nowhere fast. I love snowboarding and other sports but running is really the pits. round
  8. hey, i asked that same question awhile ago. seems really hard to get one i don't think i do cause i gave up checking. This place is great but you have to keep posting posting and more posting just to keep your site. that's not exactly easy sometimes. round
  9. I always use limewire, because i'm on a mac and there's no spyware. It's amazing, lightning fast better than anything else i've used. Got really really tired of hotline. way too slow and everything is protected. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  10. what's wrong with double posting, adds to your credit so who really cares in the end. round
  11. round

    Include Help

    I don't think you can include a whole folder. I think you can work it out so that your directory list is included like a config file that gets updated when your directory is changed(when files are deleted or created. I would love to help but don't have time right now. If you look on php.net you might be able to something there that might help you out. round
  12. yup, i wouldn't bother with it. Just move on. It's not a good idea to spend the time developing a site, and getting traffic when he can just take it back at any time. round
  13. you site's not coming up but i think you need like 4 and above. That's from what i remember when mine was suspened. I was post, post and keep posting that should have it back up in no time. round
  14. weird the admin's never send emails telling people that they've suspended an account. If you check the hosting section of the forums. They say they don't have to time to send out personalized emails to people. It was probably spam... round
  15. Not sure if the problem relates but i haven't been able to log into trap at all using internet explorer. It starts loading the page and then just doesn't......I had to start using another browser. round
  16. i was in the same boat, and love flashkit.com but............get a book. I did and also.........read it first before you start programming...........i made that mistake and you wouldn't believe how many times i had recode stuff because of new stuff i was learning. I got two books, one on just actionscripting and one on games. working out tons better. I wish they had site like php.net for actionscripting so you could get peoples examples and thoughts on variables ect after the definition. round
  17. graphic artist, print and online......have been for years......seems to be less money in it these days. round
  18. Hey! i like it, very mac, style wise. not too too sure about the britney pics but clean and easy to read. round
  19. thanks guys, the paypal option has worked out the easiest for my client.........nice to know people actually respond to desperate pleas round
  20. I don't think you can get hosted here for free without posting.....not sure but that's what i was told.....boring but true. It's a great free server though, better than most. round
  21. I gather that the site isn't finished, not sure if your featuring the t-shirt or selling it......but you should have said it wasn't in english..... You should put news above the news scroll because for the rest of us, it just looks like a bunch of ????? and the time.... round
  22. the site i'm working on wants a shopping cart but i'm wondering which one would be best for a small site that wants to use paypal as a means of payment but have it integrated into their site. I've looked around and there are tons of them. Just don't want to work setting one up that will turn out to be the wrong one. Wants to know if anyone has ever set one up??? round
  23. You didn't mention what kind of script you were looking for so this is javascript one. Here's your script - copy and paste then name the file quotes.js function makeArray(len) { for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) this = null; this.length = len; } // you add as many quotes as you want here just make sure to change the makeArray(number) ideas = new makeArray(22); ideas[0] = "1"; ideas[1] = "2" ideas[2] = "3" ideas[3] = "4" ideas[4] = "5" ideas[5] = "6" ideas[6] = "7" ideas[7] = "8" ideas[8] = "9" ideas[9] = "10" ideas[10] = "11" ideas[11] = "12" ideas[12] = "13" ideas[13] = "14" ideas[14] = "15" ideas[15] = "16" ideas[16] = "17" ideas[17] = "18" ideas[18] = "19" ideas[19] = "20" ideas[20] = "21" ideas[21] = "22" // The random number generator. function rand(n) { seed = (0x015a4e35 * seed) % 0x7fffffff; return (seed >> 16) % n; } var now = new Date() var seed = now.getTime() % 0xffffffff Here's your html doc <HTML> <HEAD> <script src="quotes.js"></script> </HEAD> <BODY> <script LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> // this you put into you html doc where you want your quotes to appear document.write(ideas[rand(ideas.length)]) </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML> round
  24. yupper the account has been suspened.....sorry i couldn't comment on the animation. round
  25. does anyone use the asfunction in their links when the load a dynamic text file into flash. I'm just wondering if that the only way to use it........Does it always have to be in a link that you click????? Is there a way for it to execute an actionscript from the text file without clicking the link? round
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