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Everything posted by round

  1. Notice from snlildude87: Moved to Suggestions forum I'm not sure if i missed it somewhere but there's no pet section in the forum. I think it would be fun to have a section devoted to pets or animals in general. round
  2. who actually goes through the "opportunities" to make sure that they're not scams. Very well written scams? It's just that i got a job recently doing telemarking, was only there for like a day but realized very quickly that it was just a scam. Online is so much more difficult and could take months before you can figure out that they're really not legit. round
  3. if you do a search on the web or visit flashkit.com you can download a pre made intro and then alter it to suit your purpose. It would be much easier than creating your own from scratch. Plus it will also give you many more ideas than you might not always come up with yourself or mange to create yourself. round
  4. I was wondering if anyone could recommend a hosting company with cold fusion enabled. I've found tons and signed up with one but they turned out to be more trouble than they were worth so i'm out looking again. I would need the hosting just for testing purposes so it can't be really expensive. hope someone can help. Oh it would be really nice if they were located in canada aswell. It doesn't have to be, just would be nice if they were. round
  5. I never logout of my account and so everytime i go to the site i have to make sure that i'm on the right page to see how many credits i have. Wish it would show up when i clicked on the assitant list. would sure make my life tons easier. round
  6. I agree with above post. Tried it for awhile and just got bored with it. Nothing really interesting happens there and the games get on my nerves. They stop after like 5 minustes or alittle more. Not sure why either. round
  7. Email one of the admin's directly to get your problem sorted out, some other have had similiar problems and it may just be a glitch in the system. round
  8. link to site isn't working so i haven't been able to add my two cents. round
  9. I have to agree totally and one of the great things that's come out of the popup blocking that browsers are doing is changing the way flash sites are designed. no more simple intro pages and flash poping in a dif window. which i think is great! Now if only people would just get out the intro movie. round
  10. one thing, get rid of the counter. It's just way to old school and no one really cares. plus i think the site's not loading properly. the bottom links on showing up other than that the rest of it is nice. It's simple and the info is interesting. round
  11. fast loading so you've overcome the first and most important hurdle of any photo site. I like it, it's simple and the pics are super nice. Keep up the good work. round
  12. I'll be specific because i have tons of free and paid programs that create icons right now but i'm having a problem creating a ico file. Just made a site for someone and they want an icon so that when you add to favorites it'll show up in the favorites pull down. For some reason it's just not happening on my end. round
  13. they're nothing out there in terms of programs that will be able to do that. You can make pictures smaller no problem but big no. You've now run into the problem of the ages, no way to add pixels only remove. round
  14. i haven't been able to log into the site using my ie for like over a week now, stuck using mozilla which is much slower for me. I think something has changed round
  15. i haven't been able to log into the site using my ie for like over a week now, stuck using mozilla which is much slower for me. I think something has changed round
  16. I've just started a job and they're using cold fusion and have no intension of switching anytime soon. So i'm stuck trying to configure a login page in flash. Actually it's a mini site made in flash and was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction. I'm completely new to the cf stuff so i'm completely in the dark. No fun acutally. I thought it would be much easier concidering that macromedia owns both or more like adobe owns them all now. Any links would be a great help. round
  17. I made the site completely in flash, it seemed much simpler that way. The company does mostly print design and branding they haven't branched out into the web yet if ever. This project is like never ending with all the changes they've wanted. I'm mostly responding the post above, cause i would agree with everything they said but the client wanted it that way and that's the way it got done. One of the drawbacks to getting paid to design a site for someone. As for the search enging stuff. I haven't really had a problem ranking flash site, just make another html one and your all good. round
  18. i was also thinking about using pc to pc calling but the voip is more like a regular phone. It uses your high speed internet connection instead of your phone line to make calls. You use a regular phone to make your calls and not your pc, no mic or anything else. I was wondering if anyone had made the switch yet?round
  19. I'm thinking about moving over to voip. Sprint is offering this service and i was wondering if anyone here has made that same move. Is is worth the money they're charging or should i just sign up with some service online which would be cheaper but i'm not sure how reliable that would be. round
  20. I'm not sure why people bother to download photo gallery apps when there's a much quicker way of creating one. If you have photoshop installed, scroll down the file menu to automate and it's all there. Creates the web page, has a couple of different layouts, with thumnails and all the javascript. It sort of dumb that you can't do the same thing in imageready. I've been using it alot lately and it does what most of those free downloadable apps do but much easier i find. It also gets you used to using the automate feature of photoshop. Once you get the hang of it, it's the greatest time saver in the world. round
  21. I would suggest you try http://www.flashkit.com/. If you go into the movie section you'll be able to download fla files of just about everything including full sites, mind you that they're up for download by just about everyone so someone else out there may have the exact same site. It's also a great place to learn with all the tuts and just download fla files to see how other people do it. round
  22. this is a site i recently designed for someone. It's boring, clients boring but still here it is. now mind you i did in a day or two so but just wanted some feedback from people. cause i'm bored and i really really need to post. markus252.com round
  23. what's wrong with posting complains??? I would say it's better than all those "what are your favorite things" post. Or those that post their js, html or other code and then ask for help. I think that's a bigger rip. round
  24. anther reaally good one is media cleaner, i think there's a free light version of the program you could use, it also converts files to other formats. round
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