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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. for an unprofessional forum as you call it here, it sure is successful. it's one of the more busier forums on the internet. it also offers pretty much free domains and web hosting services. why don't you use your words more carefully when talking about this place because i am going to start wondering why you're here. this thread was about suggestions for trap. do you have any objective suggestion?
  2. don't be a fool. you are a fool. you don't know anything about this woman from another country. there are many reasons why she may have acted like this. if what you said is true, when she was in your country, she showed no interest. maybe she had other alternatives knowing you were going to pay her way anyway. so don't be a fool. don't ever think that any woman deserves it all. you deserve things too. a relationship is a two way street, but it sounds like there wasn't really any kind of relationship and she used you for her own benefits. ok. maybe this is a little harsh seeing as how much this hurt you, but you need it. try to move on. don't talk to her. she had her chances with you and blew it. sounds like someone who will continue hurting you and take advantage of your generosity. why are you talking with women from a diferent country anyway? there are probably plenty of locals in your own country you can connect with...local women who are easier to see on a daily basis which would make getting to know them easier as well.
  3. you are full of crap. i don't even know where to begin with this one. god created homosexuals so he created crime and violence and rape and torture.... get a life. your arguments stink. should homosexuals have the right to marry the same sex? yes. i believe they should hold this right in the united states as our own motto is "the pursuit of happiness" and openly state that everyone has a right to liberty. is homosexuality natural? in a way yes, in a way no. no in the sense that you cannot bear children and two males will always be using the wrong holes in an extreme unatural way. although two women together is a sight to see, that is also unatural. BUT!!!!!! what about love and companionship. i do believe some homosexuals are born that way to be attrated to the same sex. i think their genes got crossed somewhere but they shouldn't be punished for how they were born. i don't look down on homosexual at all. i just think it's not natural....but to each their own...even if they weren't born that way and got use to daddy raping them as children or whatever other excuse....they should have a right to choose their own lives without interferance from the government if it isn't hurting anyone. and what the heck was this other post about tax breaks and government beneits?!? that's not why homosexuals are getting married you moron. sure...a few bad apples may ruin the bunch.....but come on now. what crock of crap. i guess this is why heterosexuals get married too? maybe just a select few? bah...whatever. both of you are full of it
  4. you have to look at the bible like anything else in life. the bible is not a higher power. it is a book written by man. you have to separate the b.s. from what makes sense to YOU. you don't have to believe in the book itself...but there are some things in there that are insightfull and true. start with the new testiment and disregard the majority of the old but continue to separate the b.s. this is what you have to do in every day life anyway.
  5. i'm not offended. by no means. i just don't like people coming in to these forums to preach. yes, you preach about being born again. it's obvious you are. i am not offended by this nor do i dislike you. i just don't like the preaching. this isn't church. sometimes even christians need to know right from wrong and respect certain aspects of situations they walk in to. i think you have little regard so i can clearly state right now that i don't respect it. i do respect your beliefs. heck. what do i know. i don't have any factual data to support any arguement against what you say even if i do have my own opinion and beliefs. no nee to appologize to me. i am as blunt as they come. i know it and i know i offend people by it. but if one can't be blunt and honest, then we might as well cower behind some bushes so nothing gets noticed about us. anyway, i don't look at appologies. i look at actions. actions tell the story....more than words.....i do believe however that you will make a difference in peoples lives. i hope you are responsible on your journey when you have the power to influence another human being.
  6. i don't support ignorance. i do support and try to validate opinions though. i keep bringing up ignorance because you have no facts supporting your case against homosexuality. i on the other hand have given real life scenarios that support the fact that homosexuals do not have equal rights compared to every other human being and specifically the united states where i reside. so you say the difference is the interpretation of equal rights. obviously interpretation is a factor here....but lets go beyond just an interpretation or ANY interpretation. let's talk about a realistic and just interpretation by asking one question that has to do with equal rights. we can start from 1 question and work our way up. the first question to interpret fairly would be "are homosexuals treated the same as other human beings". obviously this answer is NO because everyone is different. therefore everyone is treated different. so then we get to the question "why are homosexuals treated different". if we took a survey, i'm sure there will be a lot of discriminating answers. now....lets ask the question "if it is written in law that homosexuals have the same rights as heterosexuals, does it now have to be proven in a court of law or can the truth be determined out of a court of law allowing a judge or jury to decide and interpret a homosexuals rights in any given case" further more, what if i can show you direct evidence that in a court of law, a heterosexual man commited the same exact crime as a homosexual. the heterosexual recieved a slap on the wrist while the homosexual recieved jail time and a fine. would that prove that homosexuals don't have the same rights? see TRUEFUSION. you asked for evidence...but no matter what evidence i throw out, you will debate it with ignorance or a devil's advocate theme to this subject....downplaying it an he rights of homosexuals....so i am not going to give you ammo. i already stated real life experienced that i have witnessed first hand. an btw- just because the government handed out rights to others, doesn't mean they intend to enforce them. if an agency never intended to enforce certain rights in the first place, i can't for one second believe any individual had those rights to begin with. government is all about paper trails and covering their asses and preventing lawsuits and keeping the people happy with the laws they pass and the rights they hand out to others so not to cause a riot or another civil war. as far as other topics, i don't read every topic i ever posted in or you posted in. sometimes i am gone a long time. i only search out the newest posts when i log in. if i don't see an interesting topic, i don't read it. so i may have missed a lot of your comments. you can't assume ANYTHING from me not responding. also, you just told me another false assumption that i read with avatars and signatures turned off. that is false. you are 0 for 2 now. doesn't surprise me. you are a one sided thinker and think there can only be one conclusion to a situation. have i ever clicked on them? no. never will probably. i like to find my own resources...not ones that are freely advertised like they have something to prove to the world. i have my own agenda in life and i am proud in what i know and how i gain my own knowledge from experience and my own research without the free advertisements from sigs. talking about depression or suicide and how to get someone not so depressed or suicidal is off topic. i used that as an example for a comparison. don't think too much on it. i've dealt with a lot of depressed and suicidal people as well...i think i am more knowledgable using that example and comparison with homosexuality. not because they may be related in how you were trying to insinuate. you say preferance implies choice. this again is ignorance TRUEFUSION. your statement is true to YOU because you believe homosexuals aren't born that way. i believe some are, some are confused, and some like it both ways...and heck...some just like to experiment until they know what they like. THAT is preference where choice is a factor. when you are born a certain way however, there is no choice. so NO, preferance does not imply choice.....you silly silly child. you need to rethink your logic there. you say rights will be aknowledged in a court of law. sure they will. you said especially with a jury. sure they wil but the actual rights will far short more on a jury than with a judge since the lawyers pick the jury to win their case. you could have a few homophobes on the jury that know nothing about right or the law. they just see a flaming *person* that they don't want living in their neighborhood and rather see them in jail. you see this especially in the kangaroo courts(a popular name for the smaller town courts in the midwest and south). you ever been in one? i have. it's one room with a few chairs and a judge siting in a foldout chair behind a foldout table. they really know how to hand down their own unwritten laws. if you never been, i suggest you get a taste of other parts of american culture....but i think you would probably be happier where you are and not really notice the other realities of life. don't appologize to me. in fact *I* am the one who is sorry for not being explicit. i was talking in general on EVERY LEVEL in EVERY TOWN, CITY, COUNTY, STATE, and including the whole United States government. have you figure out why i capitolized the words in United States yet and why i didn't capitolize them in my last post? no? keep reading the constituation....you'll figure it out maybe...i think you may be smart enough to pick up on something that few people know about our beloved constitution. homoseuals had the same rights since the declaration of independance??? hahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't even comment on that absurd comment. i'll just let my laughter speak for itself and you can assume as you please. it never stopped you before....even when you are wrong. since you are all about the written law and not the enforcement of it....let me ask you this. did homosexual women have the same right as any heterosexual man or woman? don't stutter when you answer this specific question that the true answer will totally negate anything you said about homosexuals. let's take this further. since you are so confident in our courts of law in america. our courts believe that if you lie once on the stand, your whole testimony should be stricken since the court will no longer be able to distiguish the "truth" coming from a persons lips when they already lied once under oath. so....i assume you believe in that concept too. so every time i catch you in a lie, i shall just not believe anything that comes out of your lips. it's the same system you believe in. ohhhh but hmmm i already do that since i have caught you stating many things in the past that weren't true....well there you have it. true fusion is guilty and is subject to the same rules of the courts he so strongly believes in. he would lie anyway because he is a god fearing man who would never do anything to taint what is written in the bible....oh....unless he believe he will be forgiven if he just asks for it ever time he does something that isn't god worthy. well truefusion. have you lied in your posts in the past? yes or no? please answer this one question. don't be vague. if your answer is yes, i will admire your honesty. if your answer is no, i will do everything in my power to discredit you forever in your posts on this subject and all subjects. since it's the court system you believe in the most. you've stated that several times. no. you are right. you need about $100 dollars to take even the united states government to court. although if one only had that much money for court costs which includes the subpoena, one would never survive. so just to take someone to court doesn't really cost that much. but for a trial that discusses state rights and constituational rights which just may end up in the supreme courts of the state or United States, $100 wont cut it since after a certain level of appeals, you are required to hire an attorney. but even if the attorney takes it on for free, it is still costing money since time is money in the research and the devolopment of the case. so sorry again for not being specific. you're usually an expert on assuptions....but this one flew right over your head. as far as you stating all you talked about were marital rights. well, maybe so, but you and i know darn well what you believe in....and that's why you took it upon yourself to argue back that homosexuals have the same rights INCLUDING marital rights. don't try to flip the coin now. you are already marked as being one who believes homosexuals have the same rights as anyone else. don't try and back down from anything now after responding as you did. i'll debate this all day and night with ya....and maybe if i'm feeling froggy and this conversation continues, i WILL provide the evidence...but you will have to tell me exactly what evidence you need. if it's something reasonable, heck....i'm an expert at gathering evidence and facts. i would love for you to bow down and appologize to all the homos(in your eyes) that will eventually be reading this thread from a christian.
  7. no doubt. death valley in the state i am originally born and raised is the hottest place in the u.s. on average. weather this year has been a bit strange. i live in missouri now and usually it gets terribly hot in july an august....but not so much this year thank goodness. i'm hoping that means a milder winter. i really hate the extremes missouri has in weather changes within the seasons since i hate extreme hot or extreme cold. but the heat really hasn't hit here in the midwest so much for some reason this year. people go to the beach on extreme hot days for the ocean to cool off....or work on their tan. i love the beach at night though myself. i like to hear the waves you can't see and take in the ocean air that is unique to any other place.
  8. as far as psychic abilities, that is just a name given to intuitiveness created by the energy that surrounds us all. so call it whatever you want. it's surrounds us all and we are all connected to the same energy. it's how one picks up that energy that influences the diferent levels of the so called psychic ability.as far as colors, i believe in a combination of truths that come up with one specific color. but just because there is one specific color to any one thing doesn't mean people don't see that color differently than someone else or through manipulation of one's own thoughts. who is right or wrong? that isn't the question that should be asked as there are a lot of variables that haven't been mentioned.if one is so closed minded that if he/she sees yellow and that s the only color it can possibly be, then he/she is limited and limiting their own selves to the possibilities of the universe and most importantly, who they are.
  9. i agree 100%, but there is more to it than that. i have always been a believer in the power of thought. i dont believe the power of thought will work for selfish reasons though. i also believe that certain religions that believe in their "spells" or "prayers" WORK because they believe and their beliefs creates a reality.
  10. actually all lightening shots normally should have no flash influencing the shot...indoors or outdoors since you are going to receive enough light with the low shutter speed. with a high shutter speed, you can still capture lightening, but you wont capture a lot of the dramatic effect lightening creates unless you just get lucky. so with the low shutter speed, obviously, it will brighten up the sky and the foreground which will make the lightening less visable and dramatic. so if you don't like the output, that's what photoshop or a darkroom is for. although i personally don't like to alter an original image too much.
  11. that would be the only thing that makes sense to me since adam and eve were not related and created individually....that is if there was in fact an adam and eve. also, that would only explain the first generation offspring. what about the second generation and up?
  12. moon colonization is definitely not a fantasy just like traveling to the moon was not a fantasy. just like our "brave new world" now is not a fantasy.when? year 3000 at the latest through the beginning stages? who knows. all i know is that it's possible, but many many factors that will influence that project that will provide self sufficiency.what would the factors be? transportation(including fuel) and oxygen would be two biggies
  13. glad you got to experience the good ol' US of A. although sometimes not all that good unless your vacationing in one spot :Dmusta cost a small fortune, but worth it for the experience. a lot more to see than florida though. hot in florida? yes it is. now you know why people from all over the u.s. go to retire there. gets a little humid too over there.13 bucks for an individual pizza? boy....you shoulda tried to find a pizza hut or somethin' :Pstayin' in the pool while raining a little or thunder stormin' is the greatest....as long as the lightening doesn't strike the water hahaso you hit all the touristy spots i see. although fun(and expensive), i always like to hit the non touristy spots when i travel to get a feel of the culture and natives n/w floria woulda been good for that experience.i agree. the food is great. so is your European food. you add a lot of different flavors that one just likes to savor.anyway, glad you liked your stay. come back soon haha! hope you came prepared or i bet you got a little sunburn!
  14. i don't think you can calculate pain OR damage. only estimate. damage would have factors like bone structure....while pain would have factors like tolerance. i don't think there is a way to factor in any specific data for those things when comparing one person to another. even if there was a test done on one subject, how would you know how much pain that person can tolerate(more tolerance=less pain) or bone structure an other factures that would influence tolerance.
  15. no. ignorance is not an excuse, and you are ignorant in what you are talking about in this thread. you are awaiting my evidence on several areas. YOU research it your own self because i have no time to prove my points just to have them shot down by ignorance once again. if someone tells me they are depressed and about to commit suicide, yes....i will believe them TRUEFUSION. i am not going to wait and gather evidence to support any claims. i am going to try and help them and TRUST in them with my own faith just as you believe in your own beliefs with faith....not evidence. you are a hypocrite when talking about evidence and needing substantial facts based on scientific evidence or whatever other proof you need to not be so ignorant. so when i have personally talked to others who are attracted to the opposite sex, and they tell me that THAT is their preferance and they were born that way and had nothing to do with their upbringing and environment....yes TRUEFUSION, i will believe them because they have no reason to lie to me. i sometimes think deep, talk deep, and dig deep to find answers that i am curious about in life.... so either you are calling me a liar or you just don't believe me when i tell you from my own personal experience with friends and aquantances that were homosexual. you degrade human beings with your filth and lies....no doubt from your own belief and religion. what happened with this lezbian friend was she had to find another place to live when there were over 10 empty units at the other place. yes...it was personal and the manager took it upon herself to make a decision for the hud/usda federal governmnet program that the management agency works under. this is not only discrimination, it is preventing rights to an individual that would normally have them in a court of law. BUT! who has thousands and thousands of dollars to take big companies to court? when rights are violated, it's the same as not having rights if nobody will stand up for you and succeed in the fight against discrimination. why don't you tell the blacks they all have the same rights too....tell it to the families that watched their relatives hang from ropes just because they were black...even after the 14th amendment. rights are only as good as the enforcement of rights. THIS is why i say homosexuals don;t have the same rights. oh. they most definately should....but they don't. also....there are written laws....and unwritten laws. just because there are laws, doesn't make them 100% right....and visa versa. just because there aren't laws....doesn't mean there shouldn't be. i will provide no evidence. you are suffering from some bi polar cycle right now that will pass soon probably....i have noticed those cycles you go through. anything anyone says right now will be struck down by the all mighty moderator. i have known people who have LEFT Xisto just because of you. i don't understand and never will understand how you got put in a position to shoot down so many people with your ignorance. t's YOU who maybe understood 45% of what this guy was talking about in regards to his own brother and his own opinion. there were no contridictions. everyone understood what he was talking about EXCEPT YOU. YOU were the only one who didn't understand and thought it was a contridiction. i am originally from los angeles california(now living in a small town with a population of 350). back when the blacks were moving in to certain neighborhoods, they were beaten up and told to get out and stay out. this was in the 1970's after i was born. are you going to tell me those blacks had rights even though they were beaten up and sometimes left for dead because the blacks thought they had rights? all that happened was the proof that they had a right to DIE. you make me SICK!!! you want to make people believe they have the same rights as everyone else. you ever heard of a second class citizen TRUEFUSION??? the united states government is treating a certain governor of california right now as a second class citizen. certain people can run a state of the United States, but NEVER can they run the united states. do you know why i capitolized United States in one section of the sentence and not in the other? read the constitution one day and understand the difference and understand how some rights people are born with and other rights people have to earn. everyone does NOT have the same rights. THIS is why i call you ignorant. although i provide no evidence, if i did, i would make you look more stupid than you already look right now. you are barking up the wrong tree with the route your going... last but not least....if you are going to ask others their evidence, i shall ask you for YOURS in your own arguements. fact is though, you have none. you shoot people down. why? because you don't believe or trust in people. you are also a hypocrite when we all know there is no evidence to support that there is only one god. or even any god for that matter. thank you for helping me rack up credits. you are helping me build my website. i can't believe i am benefiting from ignorance....
  16. i quickly reiewed your articles. i think they are pretty good. i would check for grammer though. also, your latest article is on seo. i like that article as well, but it seems you aren' taking your own advice. keep it up though. if it's a new site, i understand...you have a lot more work ahead of ya...
  17. why do people keep posting the same questions? when i ordered my plan, i was able to upload instantly. domain propagation took less than 24 hours. in fact, whenever i ordered ANY domain in the past, it ALWAYS took less than 24 hours. 48 hours must be the max time it takes. on average, it's been 12 hours for me(half a day)
  18. first of all, that first response of your pisses me off. you are the one assuming that homosexuals have the same rights as non homosexuals. your statement is false false false. not only don't they have the same right where the law is concerned, they are discriminated against where the law should protect them and the laws aren't doing a very good job in protecting their rights. heck....i can take it further in stating that some laws have a hard time protecting non homosexuals. what pisses me off though aside from the ignorance is the platent disregard for the truth in what goes on in the united states which demeans and prohibits homosexuals leading the same productive lives as heterosexuals. there is no excuse for ignorance... i didn't really understand your second resonse. the original message was coming from two different points of view.....with one point of view being an assumtion on his brothers behalf. i read another comment of yours that stated that there is no evidense that people are born homosexual. i believed there was. in some cases....or at least evidense that supports it. even if there wasn't, why downplay homosexuality in all your posts? do you have something personal against them other that what is preached in some religions? btw- funny....someone close to me talked to an apartment manager the other day and asked her why she didn't rent to her friend. the apartment manager stated she was a lezbian and wouldn't be acepted there. this was at a complex where it's hud/usda regulated by the federal government. now tell me gays have the same rights!!!!! now if you want to talk about a subject objectively and with a little emotion and feeling, let's hear it....otherwise....these pointless argemnets of yours really get you nowhere. it also pisses me off because i had a lot of gay friends in the past who talked about their strugless and aceptance in society. your b.s. talk doesn't help them ONE BIT. so if you want to talk about my type of friends the way you have been going on, expect to get a rise out of me in a personal nature....and just remember this last point....ignorance is no excuse
  19. hmm....you give off something that girls may consider ya a little creepy. maybe you should work on being less creepy and desperate and let things happen naturally. if her parents know, don't you think SHE knows already? if she knows, then let it be. the ball is in her court to talk to ya. if it does become something more, then you should accept her parents as they should you in respect for this girl. don't ever think you have to change who you are though for someone elses parents. the relationship will be less real and a lot more fake putting on an act. so rule#1, be yourself as long as it's not creepy to other people
  20. sounds like only the tip of the iceberg to me. yup....scary i didn't read the book 1984. i did however read the book "a brave new world". when i read it, cloning had just begun around 1990. i'm not really familiar with the laws in the uk. in the u.s., there are no laws against someone not going to bed at a certain time or being troublesome in general. the government could be using the kids as an excuse for other hidden purposes. it's almost like the parental rights to raise their kids are being taken away. who judges the "troublesome" kids who don't go to bed on time??? haha that's funny to me....in a sick way. maybe the residents in the uk need to ban together because like i said before....it sounds like only the tip of the iceberg...
  21. you can check your status of mycents in your user profile. once it adds up to 100 cents, they get transfered over to Xisto - Support and $1 is added to your account at xisto. after that, your mycents start at zero again and repeats the process. so in order to use mycents and your $ credit at xisto, you have to sign up for a xisto account and connect that account with your trap account with the same email address.
  22. anwiii

    Google Wave

    yea, i just watch the demo. all i have to say is UNBELIEVABLE. i usually don't get too excited right away in the devolopment of new technology, but this application has been long over due and i can't wait til i can start using it. this one app is able to itigrate so many other things. i was really impressed how everything is done is real time. i was also impressed by how it translates messages in other languages.....also in very real time. i suggest everyone click on that link and watch the 120 minute video. it's a mind blower and ready to come out before the end of the year hopefully to lead us in to the next decade of communications over the internet. anyway, this app is an email client, an im client and a networking client all wrapped up in to one package. you can also intigrate anything within this application to your web pages. you don't even have to belong to just one network for everything to interact. what i just saw just blows me away and i don't say this too often. thumbs up to google. there is just so much. you all have to see for yourselves. watch the video!
  23. anwiii

    Google Wave

    i never heard of google waves so i don't even know what this app is. i decided to click on the link, but it's a dead link. this post was posted today even....hmmmm.... ok, i am editing this post to say that when i type the url manually, it works, so if anyone is having a problem with the trap redirect, just type the url manually in to your web browser. i just quickly browsed. looks interesting enough.....and wow....the app is intended to be open source
  24. very interesting topic. after reading the first post, i was going to touch on the arguement similar to truefusion(god forbid we argue so much because we think alike). but specifically, i was going to try and define free will and then argue against it...or at least argue on more possibilities other than free will.free will to me are choices and actions that are not based on any controlling factorswe can say any choice or action we make is free will...but is it really? what about how we are raised. what about peer pressure. what about society in regards to billboards, commercials, movies and t.v. shows, etc... what about friends and family and how we decide how to act in front of them? everything we know DICTATES what our choices will be and how we will act. ignorance. what we DONT know may cause us to make choices where otherwise we wouldn't.tricky subject here. i'm sorta a deep person and i don't really believe there is free will. "free will" will always be dictated by something or somebody or past experiences.truefusion had a very good point about free will. what if our thoughts were being controlled by some other entity. how would you or i know differently? BUT! even though our thoughts are controlled, does that mean our muscle movements are controlled? people have suicidal thoughts all the time. do the thoughts alone dictate the action?well... i personally believe in free will. i believe people can do anything they put their mind to. i don't believe our mind or brain is controlled by any energy that is greater than our own selves in full. i believe we all have a unique purpose in life. i also believe we stray from that purpose BECAUSE we have free will. we also have the ability to learn from our mistakes and stray back on course within our unique purpose.because we all have a unique purpose, i do believe in enrgies or a higher power guiding us that will NOT dictate what we choose willingly....guide, yes....control, no. free will is not bound by any controlling influences.i do also believe there are LOTS of controlling influences in life that may seem there is no such thing as free will.now the question is tricky because it stated two questions in one. "do humans have free will" and "do humans have total control of their own lives". tricky tricky tricky. yes, we have free will in certain instances. total control of our own lives? no...because there will always be outside influences.this question reminds me of that movie with morgan freeman and jim carey. there was free will issues in that movie. can you make someone love you? not in that movie.....but you can in real life by portraying yourself as someone your not....and being fake. yea yea yea...but then people would question if that love was really real when someone loved only an image that someone else created.hmmm free will. yes, i can put a gun to my head and pull the trigger before my real time on this earth is up. not any god would be able to stop me....but i would have to relive my whole life again in another lifetime to learn what i need to learn for my soul to grow.(that's arguable too i know)damn if this subject didn't make me think here....let me get back to ya
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