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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. hmmm you make me want to disect your brain sometimes.... haha
  2. wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong! what you are describing isn't human nature. you might as well be talking about natural instincts in humans. you have to find one thing that will describe EVERY SINGLE human being or it cannot be called human nature....unless the person we thought was human really isn't human but seriously. you are misguided in your post about what you think human nature is. i personally cannot get in to it. it's just too much information and i don't write too well as it is. just because people learn things in life(we will call them learned experiences) doesn't mean that can be substituted as equaling human nature. there is only 1 thing that can actually be argued in regards to human nature....and that is breathing. aside from that, everyone is different and controlled by learned experiences, what is in their own personal nature, and the choices they make in life. when you talk about human NATURE, you are talking about someone in all humans that is NATURAL. your whole post was based on generalization in SOME humans
  3. i really hate it when 1 person can take away from other peoples faiths and religions to suit their own selfish needs. just because he doesn't consider christianity a religion doesn't mean other people don't. his beliefs are personal and he is trying to impose his personal beliefs on others. what a typical born again. this sinner has spoken!
  4. i knew someone would get confused about those topics and threads eventually. order directly through xisto. order the cheapest plan for now since you can always upgrade later when you NEED to. in your shopping cart, there will be an option to pay with your mycents account. choose that option. for the cheapest plan, it's better to pay yearly which will only cost you less than $30. or you can choose the monthly rate of $1.99+9.99 for your domain=$12 your first month and $1.99 there after until your domain needs to be renewed in 12 months.(it's $1.60 per month average if you pay for a year at once).for you, i suggest doing the monthly rate and paying more....only because it will be a motivation for you to get started and not wasting the monthly payment. if you pay for a whole year, you can make excuses that you have the time to do it and will procrastinate more.gl bud
  5. exactly! i agree 100%. i also believe all states should ave the same standards as california for cars. those cars that on't pass those standards should be the ones that are able to get help. setting the standard and getting help getting around the standards balances out and not such a one sided giveaway.
  6. ok. now we are getting somewhere. having thoughts are considered actions to you. so obviously any homosexual would at least have the thoughts of being homosexual....if they didn't have those thoughts, they wouldn't be considered homosexual. good we cleared that up. i don't really agree with that scenario. i've thought evilevil thoughts before but i don't consider those "actions" making me evil.
  7. i'll bet my life that you understand parts of the bible and actually live by some parts that are written in the bible. you just don't know it yet. you also haven't read the bible cover to cover to know any better. i would refrain from posting about something you know nothing about. the bible was in fact written by many people. not one person....but i'm kinda with you in a way. 1/2 of it is full of @#$%
  8. just because you aren't religious and believe in any one religion doesn't mean he should take christianity down. what the heck though. i vote with you. i say take down ALL the religions because i don't believe in any one of those as a whole! TAKE IT DOWN!!! TAKE IT DOWN!!! TAKE IT DOWN!!! the sinner has spoken...
  9. so thee is no such thing as "in the closet" then? you can have 100% homosexual thoughts and 100% homosexual preferences, but if a homosexual hides his identity by not committing a homosexual act and maybe living a lie like some do, then he isn't homosexual? is that what you are saying? are you saying that if you marry a woman and promise to love her til death to you part, but during the marriage, if you fanasize about being with other women BESIDES your own wife that you have grown tired of, that that is not cheating? still dealing with preferences now. should that man be married to that women that he doesn't fantasize over? come now truefusion. that's like saying if magic johnson visits a high school and players a high schooler in one on one basketball and lets the guy win. magic isn't being magic, but he's still in the top 5 greatest basketball players of all time.. my point is. just because one hides who they are doesn't mean they aren't who they are. you are really gonna sit there and tell me you believe different? you bury yourself at your own funeral then like you're doing now.\ so what if a straight guy never had sex and practiced abstinence his whole life? he never commited any act, therefore he doesn't have a sexual orientation? haha what exactly are you trying to say because i am having a hard time gettin' it
  10. hands down sandisk with u3 tech is the best usb flash drive out there... HANDS DOWN
  11. be daring. how about a crispy cheese omelet
  12. ye with no faith. the economy run when money exchanges hands. i'm not really a first believer in credit, but it DOES help money exchange hands. this directly HELPS the economy whether you agree or disagree doesn't really matter. yes, possibilty of long term loan failure again. what's new though. it's easy enough to repo the car, buy it back at auction and resell it. like i said. nothing new. this is how we got by for years and years...i don't however agree with the government promoting people purchasing with credit though. i'm a firm believer that if you don't have the cash, don't buy it. if you DO have the cash, i do believe in purchasing with credit as long as you can make more with the loan money than the interest rate they charge for the loan. otherwise, again....i am against credit. also, anyone who buys at msrp is a sucker has anyone really ever paid full price. try taking 4k off that original figure. and yup! you come up with over $300 a month. a hefty entertainment or emergency fund cut.
  13. umm...you are missing one key ingredient to your areguement. everyone is different and not the same. everyone is born different. this is a fact. to compare yourself to and animal or another human being is irrelevant and your whole argement gets trashed if you DO try to compare TRUEFUSION- homosexuality is not an act, it is a sexual orientation. let's not try to change the definaition of what homosexuality is just to suit your biased arguements. we cannot choose who or what we are attracted to. if it IS an act, it is a natural one. not a forced one. sheeesh....i remember hearing these arguements when i was a teenager. nothing has changed unfortunately...
  14. or not starting it at all. hey bud...work on your site a day at a time. just START it already. doesn't have to be finished in a day. work on it slowly. also, you seem to have what it takes to succeed...a dream, vision, the ideas...now ya just nee to put in the effort in other ways. don't be afraid of it or yourself. now...start thinking about when you will actually start the project, and how much time(even if for 15 minutes) per day you're willing to dedicate to it.....and DO IT. you can....you know you can...and the only one holding you back is YOU. so get over whatever you are afraid of. if it's a fear of failure....get over that issue. evry day you do something else to buld on that website/s, you are succeeding in what YOU want to do, and that's all that should matter.
  15. well that's what i call a vent! haha umm hating life seems a bit extreme. it sure can suck though!!!sometimes on has to treat their own selves to the peace and happiness the world has to offer. don't grow resentfull or bitter. ya probably have a lot more to offer than that....although i know you did post in the perfect place ;)hey gis, i know you feel you deserve more from life....next time you feel the way you do, take a good look around and ask yourself how happy THEY are with their own lives...take a REAL good deep close look. you said a couple things that drew my attention.if YOU know what choices you want to make with your own life, that is all that matters. parents and friends are their to guide. sometimes that can be tiring when you know the time isn't right for certain choices or advice in the wrong direction in where you feel you need to travel. don't ever let anyone hold you back in life....not even friends or family....but heck...you already sound like you have a good head on your shoulders and strong willed so i don;t think THAT will be a problem. tiring maybe...if you DONT know, that's ok too...heck, there is no rule to say you have to map your whole future out straight out of high school.now...take a deep breath, relax, and think of all the things in life that makes ya smile. sometimes thinking about those things takes away or balances out all the B.S.
  16. haha how in the world did this thread turn so quickly on healthcare and an obama haters thread? all i have to say on that one is that if you can't stay on topic, then why argue about what other people are doing wrong. gimme a break.although i do see a lot of reasons why clash for clunkers should have never been a thought in anyones mind, it IS helping individuals directly. this is NOT worsening the economy, but strengthening it by the loans given out to people. hopefully this time the banks are running proper credit checks and references. this directly HELPS the economy when the banks were so tight with their money after the economy crashed. so whoever said it's bad for the economy should think again. what it DOESN'T help actually(in the long run) are the dealerships because there is such a thing as supply and demand.as sheepdog had said as well, it only benefits those that are in the market for a new car and up until the cash is depleted. although...this is with any form of government help...including grants and loans...so this isn't anything new....so i guess if you snooze, you lose. beggers can't be choosers etc....etc...
  17. it's all relative. what looks good to one, may look bad to another. my point though, which you want to argue for some reason had NOTHING to do with what you just said.
  18. i was thinking the same when i first read it. didn't seem to get that much response. i was curious what the proportions were for the ingredients though.
  19. *sigh* i see so much ignorance in this world. it's a pretty sad place to live sometimes surrounded by it. i know it's what's needed sometimes to learn and grow...but sometimes the cost seems relentless.i was never attracted to men. the closest i got was hearing my two sister debate which guy was cuter on the television or real life. i do remember however questioning my sexuality when i was a teenager. i remember wondering if i was gay for some reason. so i really gave it some deep thought. i asked myself if i was gay...over and over again. i would try to picture any guy i would be attracted to. the closest answer i ever got was yes, i can be attracted to a guy on an emotional level....but never a physical one. in fact...the whole physical attraction turns me off completely. so i love women over guys. no big headlines there since i'm a guy and usually that just something natural.see, i was born STRAIGHT....just like a true homosexual was born attracted to the same sex. but sometimes i wonder if everyone is bi. i mean....where o our friends come from? why are we attracted to the same sex and call them "friends"? so i di think a lot about this growing up. i was never a homophobe....thus, all my homosexual friends...mainly male. pretty cool people to hang with....and they knew their limits and respected my own orientation. if they didn't, i doubt i would be calling them my friends to this day. they taught me a lot when i just listened....and sometimes asked questions. i am curious about everything in nature and how life works.problem getting to know homosexuals though, i had to put my curiosity on the back burner and gain trust first. they go through so much non acceptance which is the reason most don't like to talk about their orientation. many get beat up and even killed for who they are. it's really a hard life to live. so whoever says that these types of people are not born this way and CHOOSE to live unaccepted and tortured with hatred is FULL OF IT!yea, there are exceptions to everything....but for the most part, homosexuals are born atttracted to the same sex. you are either born with what is inside you, or you learn to choose a way of life whether those choices are the right ones or wrong ones for ones own true purpose in life. there is no solid proof that homosexuals are born that way, but THERE IS undeniable evidence showing that it is a good possibility. there is also NO evidence showing that there is no way a homosexual is born that way. so with the evidence at hand, talking to my friends over the years and learning alot, using logic and using my own intuitions in what i personally know is truth in life, it all points in one direction.again, it's really sad to see the ignorance in life. to see so much negative energy. i've been in the middle of it since i was born...almost attracted to it like a magnet to understand life more. it's a shame how people live and die and never really know #$%^ about the life they led or why they led it the way they did. sure. they probably accomplished some things....but what i they really offer our next generation to believe in and trust in and accept about life. how they some people can look down on others when they themselves have their own secrets they wont admit.i love watching movies. some movies have asked the question "when you look at me, what do you see". "you see a black man". like that is something bad. when i look at people...heck...i see black people. so what. i see all sorts of people. i sometimes see so much that even they hope i don't see them that deep inside them. i don't see a black man as the same as any white man because everyone is different and unique. just because there are differences though doesn't mean we should shy away from what we don't know. we are all human beings with a purpose in life.i have known and talked to the homeless extensively. the trippy part is that i believe that some homeless were born homeless. it is their own purpose to be homeless. to live that lifestyle.....not because they lost a job or their wife or husband left them....or lost everything in the stock market or just couldn't pay the bills and/or rent. some people are actually born this way....with the mentality of a homeless human being. a struggle for them....and people look down on them. why? because they think they are better than the homeless? a lot of the homeless are actually quite smart people....naturally and instinctively smart. they experience things and learn things from those experiences that other people will never experience or learn from....interesting things....fun and sad things....like everyone else in life that isn't homeless....just different. some people call the homeless lazy and good for nothing when it is REALLY hard to be homeless. it takes work and dedication and a willingness to live and fight for who they are. the reason why i bring up the homeless is that they are a minority just like homosexuals. most people shy away from them and never get to know them or who they are or what they are all about in life. maybe people are afraid that if a homosexual touches them, they will turn *person* too....or god forbid thinking that if they are associating themselves with a homosexual, other people will think they are gay. funny thing is, the more people stray away, the less they will know....and the more they will start talking about how they couldn't possibly be born that way. although i have experienced many things and somewhat a traveler and a seeker of lifes truths, i always wished i could write my thoughts down. for some reason i cannot do that fully and never knew why. i'm an ok writer...a very deep thinker....i always wished i could combine the two. i can't why? i was born that way as well. i know why i was born that way. writing would be a distraction to the experiences and knowledge i would gain helping others....by talking....watching....and listening.it's why i struggle posting on trap so many times in subjects i believe in deeply and why my writing have no order to them...just miscelaneous thoughts that pop out when the time is right to type them...almost if someone is helping me be distracted for the few minutes i have a deep need to write stuff down.i hope people reading this....will one day take time out of their boring lives to understand the things that they most fear. if one can't push themselves to be better people then we can't expect our children to give a rats #%% either...might as well give up on them too...
  20. i think this whole cash for clunkers is a crock of @$%^ for many reason i wont go in to. but i can tell ya this. many new car dealerships would already be willing to give $3000 off a new car for a running clunker. the only different now is that the federal government is fronting the bill. everyone is running to buy a new fuel efficient car. what happens when the demand for buying any new car run out in the next few years? anyway, i don't want to get in to everything i believe that is wrong with this program. it's all b.s. in my opinion.
  21. good for you....i personally am not arguing for or against. i was pointing out what the original poster was insinuating. but if you are going to argue that god creates violence for population control....you, my friend, are pretty sick in the head. i have never heard that theory about god before....and shall stay away from those you do believe that.
  22. if you are already thinking of selling your coin for money, i suggest doing it now. the price of the coin is geting a good price as of recently. it will go down soon i am sure. then work it's way back up in another 50 years or so. but yea, if you need the money, sell it NOW. but it would be something nice to hand down to your kids or someone else if you don't really need the money from the sale.
  23. Haahhahaha ummm i had to view sky's profile just to verify. ummm sky is a guy....honest mistake i am sure and yea, those hush puppies are definately unique. i never heard of them before when i lived in california.
  24. you didn't screw up your account. xisto need to allow users to change their email addresses more efficiently. do a support ticket and give them your Xisto email address and let THEM change your xisto email address and the address directly linked to your trap account. i am sure you did everything right in making your email address the same, but there is a hidden factor that they nee to change their own selves. don't worry though. your account is safe. just write a support ticket. i had the same problem and it took them about 2 weeks to fix after first notifying them of the problem.
  25. you're right. you didn't say that but to conclude that god created homosexuals and their way of life and choices and actions dictate the same thing in how god created rapists and murderers, violence and torture. you are concluding that god created EVERYONE and everyone doesn't have their own choices. you are trying to argue and make a point that absolutely doesn't make sense.....and personally, i don't care where you're from when you can make an arguement like that
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