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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. sorry- i will have to strongly disagree with SM on this one. i have followed this thread from the beginning. yes, in some areas you handled yourself maturly, but you definately did not end things maturly. she didn't ruin your reputation YOU RUINED IT. don't blame others for your own actions, i told you right from the start that you are border line on sexual harrasment in the workplace. as a police officer you should have known this. if you don't, you shouldn't be working as one. as you may also recal, i said that people could lose their jobs over this. you didn't listen. you pushed and pushed and pushed. she hurt you, yes, but there is no excuse to react the way you did. she's married. it was a tricky and sticky situation that you chose to be a part of. you played your own self knowing the possible consequences. if you didn't know them, i listed them for you in my previous posts. i didn't write them for my health. you should have respected your talk with her. you didn't. she set the rules after your talk. you broke them. you had absolutely no respect for her OR her husband. now this doesn't make ya a bad person or anything. this was a learning experience. you handled yourself well through about half the drama and that i can respect. what i don't respect is that you intentionally put her full name and address in your last post. for that, i will be reporting that post. you obviously didn't put that there to be nice and her personal information has no business here bud. you are still acting like a jerk and it needs to stop. go on with your life. you let your feeling get in the way with what is right. it could have been anybody's mistake but right now it';s yours and yours alone so own up to it and move on. she doesn't even want to be friends with you anymore so leave her alone. now i'm sorry all this blew up to hurt ya. nothing you can do....and your car....jeeeez. well, life goes in cycles from what i've learned from it. i also learned that what goes around comes around in mysterious ways. when you do bad things, bad things will happen to ya oddly enough. if you do good things, then the good will come back to ya in the same mysterious ways. chalk it up as a learning experience, know that it was YOUR fault and not hers. YOU are the one who pushed this whole situation when all she wanted was a friend. feel LUCKY you didn't get slapped with a lawsuit yet. even though you quit, she has an EXCELLENT case against you now sorry for being blunt. you needed to hear it bud. i like ya and i always respected you posting your situation here. you may be mature for 18, but you still have a lot to learn and a lot of growing up to do. don't think for one second you have experienced everything at age 18 or 19. i gave you good sound advice for your benefit and you failed to take it. i appreciated you listening to it and maybe what i have said and these recent consequences will make you think twice in situations like this. if you need a friend, i will be here. i know you must be hurtin' really bad because i know how much this woman meant to you. it was a hard lesson. don't let it ruin your new years. i was married on new years day. it's a day for new beginnings. a good day to say.....heck....i'll start my life over and do it right this next time around. it's never too late and you are still very young and i'm sure when you are ready, the right girl will come along. until then, keep studying to become a responsible police officer. we need good ones out there. not ones that will use their authority in harmfull ways towards others. so i really hope you fogive her and fogive yourself especially and know that what you did was wrong. that's important to admit that and be honest with yourself. if you can't do that, maybe if you get married one day, someone from your wife's work will be driving her home and buying her phones and writing deep letters of attraction.....then you can REALLY know how it feels. -still a friend
  2. i'm not going to do this post justice. maybe i will expand on it if i get any response from this post. to me, dating is dating no matter which means you choose to communicate. you can communicate on the phone, in person, webcam, typing, etc...i was in my early 30's and wasn't looking for anyone. in fact, i would rarely date at all. i knew in my soul that i had to be patient and i didn't want to date the same person several times just to satisfy my emptiness or lonliness. i LOVED the chat rooms though. mainly i was very sarcastic and witty and would just say some of the weirdest stuff just to liven the place up. i met some girls that i thought had potential but never really was fully in to it. something was missing.anyway, one day, i met someone how wrote something in several peoples emails. it was a cummonity environment and i recieved one of the select few emails sent. i was intrigued because this person sent something from their heart and explained why they were hurt. such a magical thinking person to write someone like that and stay positive after being hurt. we got to talking. was intrigued more by other things.eventually, i was thinking about this person every day and would be empty inside if i didn't have the chance to talk to her that day. we started talking on the phone, showing webcam, etc....and i was falling in love. i was falling in love by what was inside this person rather than the physical aspect. i told some people about how i was feeling and they all told me i was nuts. some who knew me very well even went so far to say that i have always been attracted to those who need help in their lives and it wasn't love i was feeling. well, they were right and wrong. only i could be my own judge in what i was really feeling.5 years later, we got married. now, relationships are tricky. marriages are tricky. most people don't hold relationships or marriages sacred as i do. divorce rates are too high and everyone is dating everyone under the sun. me, i didn't date much. and at the age of 38, i entered in to a life long commitment of marriage which i don't plan to break. my patience paid off in the long run. my morals and values paid off in the long run. my understanding of who i am paid off in the long run. my basic knowledge of life paid off in the long run. i was LONELY people, and i had the discipline to not lead others on because of it. i stood firm n my beliefs in who i was. i didn't dress to impress. i didn't go out of my way to be someone i wasn't. anyone who saw me as attractive on the inside or out would get me fully with no games and no misconceptions. internet dating is looked down upon because people don't understand love. they don't understand soul mates. they don't understand friendships. they think the internet isn't real life. these people live their lives in a hole that they can't escape from. these people limit themselves to the possibilities of real life.i want to add this though. internet dating is alot harder than in person dating. it's also more dangerous for women. i went through a lot while i was dating over the internet. i was tested in life. it was a huge test. i'm glad i passed it and i'm glad it's over because there were very sad and scarey times. life threatening sometimes. when someone lives 1800 miles away and there are scarey times, you want to be there for that person no matter what....and you can't because you are seperated by 1800 miles. in person relationships are easier, but people take advantage of that and don't hold relationship as sacred. they date to use people. they date to test the waters and lead people on. they get along sometimes and decide to get married before they realize it was a mistake. if you ask me, a lot of the follish people are holding the in person relationships who aren't open enough or strong enough to get close to someone online.online, you have two choices. since you can be whoever you want online, you can lie and decieve like a lot of people do. or you have the opportunity to open your heart. it's alot easier online to open your heart for some reason because it's not face to face and people get embarrased or think too much. sometimes it's easier to just type it, and walk away from the screen in embarrasment and then come back :)anyway, my wife and i have been married for almost a year now(we got married on january 1st, 2007). we have struggled, but we are making it. we are soul mates. we are so much alike and our differences compliment eachother. what i am weak in, she is strong in. what she is weak in, i am strong in. it's a perfect sceneario of compatibility. if i were to have limited myself to just an in person relationship, then i would have never gave the relationship with my wife a chance. so thank god i never took the advice of my mother, some of my friends, and some of the close minded people who have responded to this thread. thanks god i had a brain of my own that i used and became a better person for it.sorry. i love my mother and i respect other peoples opinions, my mother knows now she was wrong. hopefully some of the people who responded negatively opens up their minds to the limits of all possibilities that is REAL.i know i've rambled but hahaha i have to laugh knowing that some people called what i did as desperate. i have never been desperate my whole life. i was in fact the OPPOSITE of desperate since my problem wasn't getting people to date me i just knew what i wanted and needed and i waited and waited for it. i would have waited a lifetime if i had to. i will never sacrifice my principles on loneliness. so sorry to disappoint all those who think it's a desperate act to date on the internet hahahabtw- i do love to help people. funny that the people needing the most help are often found in the chat rooms. i needed help with my lonliness and that was satisfied by guiding people within their own unique situations. i still do. some of them are women. my wife gets jealous. doesn't if i am helping a man though. go figure. she still has trust issues but i'm patient
  3. you weren't a sheep lead to slaughter. you were a sheep that was trained to stay in one place for good reasons and decided to stray on your own. google adwords is not easy to master. first, even if you recieve a $50-$100 credit when you join, that is still not enough for an effective ad campaign. you will need at least $1000. then, you need to target the best keywords. the best keywords wont be the ones advertised by your affiliate program since there will be many competing for them. best keywords are actually key phrases that are very targeted that may get 10 clicks a day or so. it may not seem like alot, but those keywords are VERY targeted and less competition so if your website is built on making a sale, if you have a 20%+ conversion(which you should have if your using very targeted methods), then that's 2 sales a day off one keyword or phrase. now the problem with beginners is they will choose the most obvious keywords which will be clicked on 100+ times a day and eat your adsense account literally over night if you don't set a limit per day. but even when you have your keyword and enough money for a proper ad campaign, you still need to write your ad effectively. this is where you REALLY need to target your visitors so that you don't attract lookie loos that will eat up your ad campaign money. the mindset i like to guide people in when setting up a google adwords account is to think small. just try to set up a system that creates only 1 sale a day with the least investment possible. the people who have the right mindset(with little to invest) may not make a sale for the first couple days. GOOD! think small at first. that way you have enough money left for change. keep changing your ad wordage until you make that one sale. then duplicate it trying to reduce your previous costs for that one sale. once your happy with your profit, target another keyword and set up another ad. the goal making two sales a day now. then grow from there. if you have even a 1% sales ratio to your clicks and each click is .10, then you will have to spend $10 before you even make 1 sale which means you will have to sell a product for $20 just to make $10 profit(not including your time). if you are selling an affiliate product that you get 50% commison on, then out of 100 clicks where you make that sale, that commsional product or service needs to sell for $40 just to make $10 (40-50%-10)= profit. now, sometimes, your google adwords campaign is perfect, but you don't make any sales. that would be the fault of the website they visit. when you are paying for people to visit your website, you better make sure it's sellable and can create the sales you need. it has to be user friendly and easy to get around. it will have to be pleasing to the eye and you will have to capture their email somehow. most people wont buy on the first visit. this is a FACT. that's why you can either trust that they will return to YOUR website and not a competitors, or you can capture their email address and start another advertising campaign through email. most people will visit a site at least 5 times before they buy from them. during this time, you want to keep them coming back and keep emailing them with who you are. you want to basically be building your reputation and credibility and portray yourself as professional. there is alot that goes in to effective marketing. much much more than i can ever write here. this is some of the basics though and the basics are complicated. so do your proper research before you jump in. be business smart and very creative. nobody succeeds online without being creative. you also need to be able to take a risk. unfortunately, like you who got burnt because you didn't know how to effectively market yourself and product/service, you will be less likely to take a risk in the future. people who give up never succeed in anything. that's why that saying "if at first you don't succeed, try....try again" is so true. a saying we learned as children a long long time ago and a concept most forget when older and not wiser. if it makes ya feel any better, most people fail in their adwords campaign the first time around. if you try again, then i suggest spending a week doing research and preplanning everything. chalk it up as a learning experience that most people go through so you don't make the same mistakes the next time. there are some GREAT free ebooks out there and marketing articles related to google adwords campaigns. but don't just concentrate on the campaign, concentrate how your website will effectively make a sale as well along with your email campaigns. if you think it's alot to think about, you're right! it is! but well worth it in the long run. unfortunately most people think short run and fail.
  4. polter explained it in plain english and if he's not a native speaker then could have fooled me. i AM a native speaker and i can say that anyone could have been mislead. and this SHOULD get a partial bad review because of it. also, from my own experience with companies and my own extensive research through a variety of companies, if they have to hide paid services within their free services intentionally, then i wont trust them and i wont pay for their paid service PERIOD because they are trying to hide something. yes, this particular web host is one of the better ones but is not on my top 10. not because of the misleading adverts, but for other reasons that were already mentioned. they offer less free services than other companies. trap is good for the hosting alone(forget about the community environment) because they offer more free services than even the paid hosting accounts at other places. also, their paid service is cheap and affordable and still the quality i would look for. they are relatively new and need improvements, but quick to respond to any help needed and the staff is VERY VERY friendly. i look highly upon good customer relations and Xisto - Web Hosting has it. trap has it....and i'm sure all the other co's affiliated with xisto has it. trap is honest and up front and these are some of the reasons why you are here, polter is here and i am here. in my strong opinion, i wouldn't recomend ANY site that would hide paid services and waste my time. my time is valuable and the paid services should be seperated so i know EXACTLY what's i'm getting. any good and reputable co. would do that and be smart enough to know this. why i believe this inparticular hosting co. has something to hide wether you go with the free service or the paid.
  5. i just came back from the site. i believe they get paid from their advertisers that post an ad on the bottom right hand side of the page. they are VERY new it seems but they are offering a $50 money order from the first monthly draw. that's all i know about it right now my screen name is calkid and i reached the highest level so far....3-4 of them are really tough
  6. the site he's talking about is one of the better free site but if they don't even let you use the sendmail feature, i wouldn't touch 'm. it may not be false advertising(i haven't gone to see the hosting page) but i do know some ads are very misleading and when you combine the free stuff with the stuff you have to pay for, that is INTENTIONALLY misleading for a reason because there shouldn't be a problem with just listing what you do get with you free hosting all by itself, listed out in plain english and no astricks. so this guy did have a valid point. he just misused his wording a little bit because he was disappointed. this website wasted his time. if it can happen to him, it can happen to others so this company should change the way they display what you are actually getting. that would be fair to all.
  7. haha you find some really odd stuff sometimes. i couldn't stop laughin' when i saw that rabbit picture....but seriously...i don't know if i would be afraid to pet that thing or not.as far as the rats in indonesia, i would have liked a link to the article and some pictures. that's really freaky. i don't like rats at ALL! but i did like the movie willard
  8. i created my first website on freewebs. it was GREAT. it allowed you to edit the code or use their wysiwyg capabilities. GREAT for beginners and i rate them a 10 for anyone who is just starting out trying to learn how to build a web page and a website. they are limited in their free service, but that is good too since beginners shouldn't be too everwhelmed with everything at once.i recomend freewebs highly as you can see. for the advanced user, it's good as well when you can put a page or two together in minutes. after i learned html, i used freewebs to create personal pages for people @ $25 minimum a pop. so it's good for the advanced user as well. i don't know why someone rated is 5/10. i rate it a flat 10 and a rarely rate anything the highest # since most everything can be improved, but freewebs has a great service for the beginner. best out there if you're just getting in to learning how to create a web page and an html novice
  9. yea, i'd like to know what hosting co. since i research most all of them before bedding down with Xisto. i may have something to add if i knew the co. :Palso, there is no ripoff when they are giving you something for free btw and when you gave nothing for their services. maybe false advertising? name the hosting site so we can review this site.
  10. i haven't read through this thread to see if anyone has the same opinion as i, but in the united states, the legal age depends on the state you reside but it's around age 16 that you are able to drive. i would like a standard age of 18. i would like it increased by about 2 years because a car is dangerous and can be considered a weapon wether intentionally or unintentionally. the worst drivers on the road are teenagers. and to be more specific, male teenagers. increase it two years, insurance premiums go down and you increase a safer road. 18 is a good age if that's the age our government can ship us off to war. i still feel even at 18, it's not considered adulthood, but it's a good compromise
  11. rss feeds. don't over do them though(two is a good #) and add your own original content at least once a week.
  12. cool site there bud. i donated a couple times. don't know if it will help much even if each donation is worth a penny as they will be donating a max of $5,000 as advertised on their website and they already have over 575,000 coins donated. if that is 575,000 pennies, then that equal over $5,000. fun to watch though and maybe they will increase the max donated. i suggest everyone try it just to see it. it fits in with the christmas spirit if nothing else
  13. good job. nice blog. i want to add to the comment thing that you changes. leave it so it states how many comments were posted, but include the words"post a comment" or something in the link text so it's more user friendly. some people wont realize that they can post a comment the way it's set up. just makes it more user friendly for those who wouldn't know any better. also, in your original post were you gave us your link....don't put "click here" where you are advertising. put a one liner and include 1 or two keywords". do this whenever you can post your link in html. this is just fyoi in search engine optimization to help you get your site more easily visable. again, nice blog. i read it all
  14. well, this has been discussed on other threads so i don't know what the moderators will do with this one. in the meantime, i will respond by saying that i like coming here every day. i like to read the new posts that interest me. posting is a different story. some days i don't feel like posting. some days i do. some day's there isn't anything to post about in a reply. some days there are. it depends. that's another reason i like to come every day just to look at the top 20. i average about 5 visits a day here so it's no problem for me finding things to post about and leave myself a big cushion. if you don't have time to come here that often, i would at least visit once a day and try to post at least once a day with a 5-10 line post. if you don't have the time to do that, then come once a week. any day of the week is good. but since you are only coming once a week, now you are pretty much forced to post or lose your hosting unless you have 100 credits or so to spare as a nice cushion(like i have and many other have). and not only are you forced to post, your forced to post to gain back 7 credits you lost during the week. so that will require about 3 5-10 line posts that visit and every week there after. now what i did at first was force myself to remember to come here every day when my credits were low(under 30 credits) and post post post until i reached over a hundred. after that, i didn't have to worry much or stress out that my hosting would be suspended and the posts that i did post after that was because i wanted to and were higher quality and just more natural. after a while, i started to like posting and coming here is just a habit now as i enjoy just reading the different new posts and topics and it's not a chore as some people feel. you have a lot of posts under your belt so you are not new to this. you should know how it works already. i hope this response helps ya though. take care!
  15. yup. unfortunately you either have to be born in to it and taught at a very young age to "know" or practice it religiously to "know". then you get in to the term "witches" and such when they are born in to believing and knowing. but anyone can devolop the skill and it's very usefull for self healing and such. but you're right. it's more than belief. it's knowing. but people have to start somewhere and belief that spells and power of thought and harnessing the energy around you that most can't see is a good start in knowing.
  16. most of these make money to do something programs are scams that mislead the affiliates and the referrals. some aren't. you're right. there isn't much money in the ones that aren't scams, BUT if you are going to do something on the net anyway, might as well get paid for it. a couple hundred dollars a year can buy a nice toy a few pennies here and there adds up so if you only make a dollar a day, at the end of the year you would have about $365 for doing something you already do. secret is to find the right programs that wont stiff you or go under and out of business before you get paid and the right programs that pay you what they actually told you they would pay you.
  17. this guy wasn't a scammer. he said up front you wouldn't pay. that's not being a scammer. that is being honest. he left his email so others can get in touch with him. he probably knew he might not be back so he did that. nobody scared him off like the other poster mentioned. to answer your question quite simply in why not just do the work yourself to build a portfolio, the answer is real life solutions can not always be predicted. so to prepare for real life answers, you need real life problems. it's good practice to solve problems for others and it helps talent, knowledge, and you are also giving to another. it works out both ways and everyone is happy. i don't know if anyone has ever heard of an internship, but an internship is basically working for FREE. the company getting the extra help benefits while the one doing the free work benefits while perfecting his skills and training. win win. also note that in the united states, this country was built on giving. if they got something in return, great. if not, the act of giving was unselfish and that should count for something. on a smaller note, Xisto promotes free webhosting. although it's not really "free". you either have to put a advertisement on your site or post. but basically it's two entities getting what they need in a give and take situation. everyone wins. this guy simply posted about a partnership in which he couldn't pay. he wasn't clear, but he left his email. people called him a cheat and a scammer and good for nothing basically. i thought that was VERY harsh and unfair in judging without ANYONE trying to contact him through email to see what his post was all about. in my opinion. the people calling HIM are the cheats....cheating him out what he probably once had which is a good reputation. now it's obvious this guy probably wont be returning and if he does, i will feel sorry for this guy with all the critisism he faces here when it was a pretty basic and simple post. all he wanted was someone to help him out with php. sheeeesh.... not really directing all this at you sonesay, it was just you were the last replier and you had a legitimate question in why not just do it ones self rather than help another build what they already have. from my own experience, i have general knowledge on alot of topics only because i like to help people and i've done a lot of research because i like to help people. by helping others for free by finding solutions and answers, it helps me with the other people i need to help in the future. either i will already have the answer from previous research and learning and can provide that answer that much quicker, or, i have already honed my research skills where if i don't have the answer, i can get it quick. so in my own experience, i could only gain if others had problems because i am not going to try and think and make a list of all the real life problem scenarios and how to go about fixing them. i would rather concentrate on what is actually needed right NOW by others. help them is helping myself and we both win. so it's just the basic concept of if you have to do it, might as well help someone along the way. the only matter that would ever be in question is if it were a conflict of interest in a business sense. i mean. i own a little hamburger joint so if someone came to me and asked me how to cook a hamburger, i am not going to give them my secret recipe . if i were to try and start a web design company and i had to car dealerships, i wouldn't have the same design template as it would be a conflict of interest. what i would do is go around to different businesses to see if they needed a website built for their company and build one for free to build on my portfolio. if i were to do it just for myself, then i would get little exposure. if i were to build it for a real life person or company, i would get more exposure, built up my portfolio, honed in on the skills required, and made myself that much more well rounded in my knowledge. so this concept makes good business sense and even if you didn't need to build up a portfolio, it's nice to help people out once in a while. eventually it will come back to ya. if it doesn't, you still get the satisfaction and pleasure out of helping someone who would otherwise be stuck. i hope everyone sees the benefits to this concept because maybe YOU(in general) will be the one that needs help next and nobody will be there for ya. i personally wouldn't want to live in a society like that but that's what our society is coming to when all this man did was ask for help.
  18. he's hosted himself so he knows how it works. i didn't understand the post either since trap offers 17 megs and then some. mayb he's talking about an option that if you reach 100 credits. you can select a cheaper hosting plan which will take care of hosting for a year.only thing i could think of in what he meant by his post since he's already hostedmaybe he can explain further ***hint***hint***
  19. i don't think he was trying to rip people off as there are a lot of people willing to do services for free in the online market where people want to practice or perfect their skills and such. i've had people do things for free for me all the time. although i don't give them anything in return except the practice or something to add to their portfolio. i wouldn't be so quick to judge
  20. when you set up your paid hosting, you just need to set up your domain name system(dns) to point to where your website is located. right not it would be ns1.trap17.com or ns2.trap17.com this lets people find your website and helps route your mail. change this as soon as you get your website hosted and change the servers to where you are hosted at. "Xisto.com" was an example. after you get that done, post a new thread to any help you may need bud. you made a wise choice to pay for hosting with your bandwidth problems. your visitors will be gratefull too
  21. an atheist as president? hahah i don't think so. that only makes up a VERY little percentage of what the american public believes in. we have "in god we trust" imprinted on our currency. so whatcha talkin' about willis? changing our currency to read "in god we will never trust"? i would vote for a woman president over an atheist any day! i don't necessarily believe in god myself, but you have to gie the american pu blic something to believe in other than there is no god. that would create anarchy and another civil war haha so yes....i would vote for a woman president over and atheist. i will support a cookie baking class as a requirement in every school just because the smell of cookies is soothing and will create a less crime environment. but....there will never be an atheist elected thank god, and i will never vote a woman to be COMMANDER IN CHIEF. a woman who has never been in the trenches, but willing to give orders to 5 star generals....hahaha NEVER will i vote for a person that isn't or wasn't ever qualified to put a bullet in another man or woman's head to protect this country. an act that when the bullet goes through, will explode on impact leaving the guts on another human being on their pretty pink shoes. leaving a smell of death that will always suround her. oh yea....women are qualified for that......NOT! women are loving by nature. they are natural mothers and very nurturing. they are all about love and compassion....not KILL KILL KILL!!! see strong point in a previous post was on the protection of this country(i didn't even mention the smaller but still valid points). also, other third world countries that see us have a woman president will see us as weak. not because i think we will be weak but because the women are wall flowers in their cultures. not to speak, to to be seen....etc....and these cultures will attack us thinking a woman president will be about peace. doesn't matter if our woman president is willing or not. we get attacked eitehr way. then it will FORCE a woman president to make a decision she isn't qualified in making. voting in a woman to be commander in chief and in control of every aspect of our military means women and mean are equal in every situation....therefore since there is a woman as commander in chief, we will then be sending our women on to the battlefields and expect the same out of them as our strongest men who have DIED..... gimme a break. men and women are equal in the sense that they have certain stronger qualities than men and men have certain stronger qualities as women. our differences compliment eachother and this is what makes us equal. women's lib in the workplace is GREAT if they are qualified but some jobs they just wont be qualified. a woman wont have the physical strength as a man or the mental strength as a man in some situations since woman are more emotional(not a bad thing in certain instances) and not a good thing when emotions will be controling the decision making of a commander of chief SORRY! on the other hand, i would support a woman vice president if qualified. i think we need one to balance what is needed in this country. i've alread supported and voted for women senetors. i would not vote for a woman govenor however. i try to vote for what i believe will create an appropriate balance in the state and country and i always vote for who i believe is best qualified at the time depending on many factors.
  22. you sorta made a mess of things when you started changing things around with your hosting account and your redirects. i suggested paid hosting to solve all your problems. i still recomend it. it's only $2.95 a month at Xisto - Web Hosting. some of these errors aren't due to Xisto. your bandwidth in particular exceeded the limits. this should have been planned out to buy hosting and the appropriate bandwidth before you exceeded the limits. bud.....please....don't worry about your current problems. buy hosting so you have about 25 gigs bandwidth so you wont have these problems in the future. sure. you upgraded. even if they upgrade your account tomorrow, next month you will have the same problems since they will only increase your bandwidth 100%. since you exceeded before the 15th(was it the 11th?) then you will exceed it when they double it and end up with the same problem on around the 22nd of next month. i tried to help ya out by mentioning this before. your upgraded hosting will not solve your bandwidth problem in the future. so PAY for hosting or lose your visitors. i urge you to go to Xisto - Web Hosting.com right now and pay for your hosting.....please please please you only want to concentrate on your short term problem....but your long term one is a bigger one. i'm giving you some sound advice here
  23. i've been there in my mid 20's. maybe not your specific circumstance but relatively the same issues. the problem is you think too much if you are going to think too much, then think about what you DO have rather than what you DON'T have. postive thinking bud. that's key. ok. you're shy. i was too. still am. being shy though doesn't doesn't force you to not do things you would normally do if you weren't shy. YOU prohibit your own self. i've battled shyness. i have forced myself to do things that i normally wouldn't do. i see other people who aren't shy accomlishing the things i wanted to accomplish. i get embarrassed if the spotlight is on me. i don't like it. but, i learned to force myself and push myself to do things i felt i needed to do despite my shyness. i didn't allow my shyness to stand in the way of what i know is RIGHT in my life and other peoples lives. i will still always be shy, but i wont allow it to control me. you don't have a job? well first, make a list of everything that interests you. then keep reading it until something strikes out at you. you want to get a type of job that interests you so you don't end up quiting or being fired after only a month or two after working there. once something stands out, go looking for that job wether you need to grab a newspaper or go to school for it or even work for yourself in that job type depending on what YOU want to do with your life. suck up your shyness and discouragement and your probable fear of failure and disappointment and make some baby steps in the areas of your life you need to improve friends most people only have 1 or two good friends bud. you don't need many friends in this world to survive. outgoing people seem like they have many friends, but they don't. they are just outgoing and know how to strike up a conversation. your girlfriend issue....who cares right now. start taking care of your own life before you consider sharing your life with someone. i'm sure you agree with me on this one since i think you hinted to that point with no job, shy, etc... now, you take care of YOUR self by listening to YOUR self. not listening to what others tell you about you including ME! the person who knows you the most is YOU so don't expect anyone to understand you fully. i lived in limbo for a while in my early 20's. it was no fun. i figured out that during that time, i was meant to realize things about my life and how to change. i had to change my mindset in how i viewed life and not view it how society and family trained me to view it from an early age. basically, life is what you make it. it's true. you may feel you live in a negative environment so clean it up and change it. i remember when i was getting down on myself, i was a slob and got worse over time and when it came time to change, i couldn't because i created a messy environment that i had to clean up. i also had to change my attitude and how people viewed me so i can get a positive reaction from others rather than a negative one. there is a lot going on here and there is a lot i can say to the possibilities that might help. but having trouble with understanding fully a 2 line post i'm sure there is something more going on here on a deeper level that you didn't mention. in fact i feel it strongly can you elaborate on your situation? i'd like to know your age and your living environment and your interests. people are cool here bud. very caring and respectfull and if you ever need a friend...well....you know where to find me
  24. hey, great post! i appreciated it because i am not just a dog lover but an animal lover in general. after my dog "trigger" passed away at 14 a couple years ago, i have refused to get another dog but i think i'm getting one for christmas from my wife. she doesn't know how to keep secrets i mean.....i know how to get things out of people and can sometimes read their thoughts heheh... i loved your post because you were right 100% in what you said! and it's important that everyone understands proper care. i liked the postive reinorcement training rather than hitting a dog. getting your dog fixed will definately illiminate behavior problems. it was interesting to experience that first hand myself. i always thought it was cruel the i.d. tags are a MUST even if the owners don't think they will ever lose their dogs. my dog trigger ran away as a puppy and i didn't have an id tag yet. i thought our fence was secure but that smart dog found the littlest hole in a fence that was hidden by ivy. i was depressed for 2-3 days until it was returned back to me. anyway, GREAT post for awareness. couldn't have been better written. i used to train dogs and i was always having to train the owners as well aren't dogs great with their unconditional love? the owners owe them proper care. i can't wait to get my puppy. the only thing i don't know is the breed but i gave some hints. better be a golden retriever or a lab. i married in to a standard poodle. although i love this dog to death, i really never considered it mine. it is VERY attached to my wife with a freaky 6th sense. and "booker" talks to me all the time about my wife and her moods. it also sleeps on my side of the bed right now. i realized over time that dogs will talk to you. you just have to know how to listen. not with your ears, but by close observation and intuition and empathy so if i were to add anything to your post, i would add to observe your dog and try to figure out what your dog is trying to tell you. it's a fun and rewarding experience and your pets will love you that much more for it gauranteed!
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