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Everything posted by delivi

  1. I didnt make the design to be valid XHTML and CSS because it makes use of several plugins that insert the codes that will me the code invalid.I want you to suggest the subcategoreis for the main categories Web Development, Graphics, Application development etc.
  2. The Mysql server was down only for a free minutes, now it is up and ok. Try your site now.
  3. I'm currently working with my dream project at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I developing each single section and then updating the website. Now I've added the "Toolz Vault" section, this section lists a collection of hand picked softwares that are very useful to web designers, application developers, graphics designers and administrators. You can find the new section at, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I've used WordPress to provide the Content management facility. I've made a Custom theme for Wordpress that matches with the Main website and also makes the Wordpress blog appear as a website rather than a blog. I've tested this site in IE7, Firefox 2 and Opera 9. Please test the site, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and tell me any errors so that I can rectify them. ---------------- Now to continue this project I need your help friends. Since this site will list software products, I want them to classified under several categories. But instead of deciding on my own I want the users to suggest the categories you want to be displayed. Once the categories are finialised, I'll start adding the information I've got related to the softwares. Please review http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and suggest the categories you'd like to see.
  4. I prefer Cats.I had 3 cats before and now I've a white kitten. The cats are the most cutest and interesting animals to have as a pet.I love cats, because they are more gentle and always keeps themself clean. They love playing with us, and are more intimate with us than dogs. I love the entie Cat family, the Leapord, Cheetha, Tiger, Lion, Lynx, Panther.
  5. Windows Vista Home Edition dosent have any restrictions on the applications you can run in it. It just lacks the cool Aero interface and other frills that windows vista comes with. You will not get the Mediacenter, Inbuilt games, DVD Burning features etc. You can check and compare the different features of various editions of windows vista here. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/products/windows
  6. Cracks are the small software that are used to remove the restrictions the software developer has made in the Software product. The creation and distribution of Cracks is Illegal in most of the countries and also affects the revenue of the developer.Mods are the Modificatios that are made to the actual product especially Games. Most of the Game publishers provide community MOd Kit for their popular games, Like Max Payne, UT,Quake. You can use the official MOd Packs to create a mod for the game and distribute them freely. But if the Publisher dosent allow you to MOd a product, then you can ofcourse create mods for it if you've paid for that product, but you are not entitled to distribute the Mods, it is Illegal.
  7. I used to play Ragnarok Online RPG, but I love FPS rater than strategy and role based games, so I quit playing it .
  8. Wow a huge collection of useful resources, thanks dude for sharing them. I already knew a few of them, but most of them are new. I've gotta learn more,
  9. Macromedia Fireworks and Adobe Photoshop are both great Graphics softwares. With the Adobe acquiring the Macromedia, the newer versions of Photshop and fireworks will include greater features that were not present in each other. Both Macromedia Fireworks and Photshop have their own benefits and features over other.
  10. hey guys Google Earth works in Dial-up, I'm using idal-up and Google Earth works flawlessly. But you've to wait for the images to load slowly. You can also use Google Earth Offline. But you've to have the data available offline to view the satellite images Offline. This page gives you a way to use Google Earth Offline, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  11. here is the original header, I've configured my domain email with Google Apps.
  12. The new Google Desktop 5 has improved a lot. Some of the new features are, * You can filter for a particular type of item by using the links at the top of the page. * You can now also preview your Desktop search results right inside the browser. * The Sidebar is re-designed it to blend better into the desktop. * Improved Add Gadgets Interface. * Whether youre clicking on links from documents, IMs and e-mails on your desktop or browsing the web itself, you may receive a warning when youre about to visit a site that might be trying to steal your personal information or install malicious software on your computer. * Supported browsers are Internet Explorer 7 and Mozilla-based browsers. But it dosent support Opera. * Supports Windows Vista. Get the Google Desktop 5
  13. I received an email today with the subject "Disk Usage Warning (critical)" from my a server named "server1.djbw.com". The message is, I dont know from which hosting account I got this, is this realted to the Xisto network, the website, djbw.com, gives the server status of that website. please help me. I've used only 50MB in Xisto and 10MB in Xisto.
  14. I've completed the Max Payne 1, I liked the good story and special effects,
  15. I usually stay all the night online, as I'm working as a freelancer I find this time comfortable. Usually I spend about 9 hours daily online. But I find this time inadequate. I'm a guy with the motto "Born to Live Online" so I love living online, If I dont go online each day then that day will seem empty to me. I think I'm addicted to internet
  16. wow that is a great find thanx for sharing, this will definitely benifit all windows users.
  17. thanx for sharing, actually I was looking for a way to do this, now I can test my site for compatablity in the various versions of IE.
  18. I think that all the new users who signup for GMail will be offered to select their choice of domain names for their mail ID's just like a few free email providers offers.
  19. as technology evolves the crackers evolve to find flaws in it and exploit them. But we've to keep an eye on all the technologies that we are using and keep us afar from those exploits whenever they are found and upgrading or patching our softwares or devices to prevent any possible damage. Thanks for sharing your findings.
  20. This is what I got, I dont think that this is true, but maybe true
  21. Probably one could be old and other new, but both are released on the same day QUOTE(dhanesh @ Feb 26 2007, 10:45 AM) EDIT: I am confused on which version of orca should i download >>THIS<< or >>THIS<< , one is installable bits and the other one is normal. whats the difference ? There is no difference in the versions between the both files, they are of the same release. They are different only in the way thy are gonna be used. If you use the Installer Bits download, once you download the various parts of the file, you'll extract them to get an Installer that will install the new SDK kit just like any other Windows Installation. The other is a Virtual Image. Once you download all the files and extract them, you'll get an Virual PC image that can be loaded as a Virtual PC using the VirualPC software which you can get from the sites I've mentioned in the previous post. There is no need to installl this version. So there is no chance of getting your system files corrupted. You can test this software without harming your OS. Microsoft has recently started giving Virtual PC images of all its Softwares that are in Testing so that the testers can test them without harming or losing their data when the Beta software fails.
  22. Thanx for sharing the info and alerting us. I was planning to upgrade all my WP 2.1 blogs to WP 2.1.1, but thank god I didn't do it. I've to upgrade them to WP 2.1.2 or wait till the cPanel guys update it in fantastico.
  23. thanx for sharing, this is a really good script. I'm gonna try it and let you know the results.
  24. I'd definitely say WordPress, because it would allow us to cahnge whatever we wanted it to be, we can change the blog into a professional websites and even make a complete portal by integrating it with bbpress the forum software created by the creators of Wordpress. So go for it.
  25. Both the files you've downloaded are the latest files available for download. Microsoft Pre-release Software Visual Studio Code Name "Orcas" - January Community Technology Preview (CTP) (Installable Bits) Version: 1.0 Date Published: 1/19/2007 Language: English Download Size: 133.0 MB - 4333.0 MB This is a installable version, whereas the other is an Virtual PC image. You can use the image version by just loading the downloaded image file using the Virual PC 2004, you can get it here or the Virtual PC 2007, you can get it here. The best feature of the Virtual PC image is that it requires no installation. So you can test it without harming your system files. If you need help for programming using the .NET 3.0 visit the Microsoft .NET 3 Official user community forum to get help there,
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