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Everything posted by delivi

  1. The best Extensions available for Firefox that will ease the work of the Web Developer and provides very useful features. Aardvark Extension Accessibility Add N Edit Cookies Adsense Preview BBComposer Checky Chickenfoot Clippings Codetch ColorZilla CrossFTP CSS Sync CSSMate CSSViewer cuneAform DevBoi Dom Inspector Drag de Go Dummy Lipsum Event Spy Fangs Screen Reader Emulator FireBug Greasemonkey HTML Validator IE View Link Checker Live HTTP Headers Load Time Analyzer Measure It MetaTags Sidebar OperaView ScreenGrab Search Status SEO Links SpellBound SplitBorwser Table Inspector View Dependencies Web Developer Toolbar XML Developer Toolbar
  2. XAMP, WAMP are some good alternatives for EasyPHP.The major fault in EasyPHP is it lacks documentation and also no updates are released.whereas XAMP and WAMP have full documentation.
  3. Oops 1994!! Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brinthey first met as Stanford University graduate students in computer science in 1995. Then how come you get Gmail in 1994 GMail wa launched for public beta testing in April 1st, 2004.
  4. you can run ASP.NET in Apache using either Opensource Apache modules or commercial packages. here are the few resources I've found online. * How to make Apache run ASP.NET / ASP.NET 2.0 * How do I run ASP on other web servers besides IIS? * Apache Modules for running ASP * * Apache::ASP - GPL * * Chili!Soft ASP - Commercial * * ModVB - GPL * * mod_mono - Apache License * * OpenASP Module - Apache License hope Opaque finds any of these solutions feasable and provide the hosted memebers the facility to host ASP pages in their sites.
  5. I usually hunt for information by searching for the information on various topic of my interest. I usually use Google and Live for searching and occassionally Yahoo and AskJeeves. The strange thing I found in Google is that I dosent allow me to view the search result beyond 1000 reaults. I dont face this in other browsers. I got the following message when I went further beyond the 50th result page, Sorry, Google does not serve more than 1000 results for any query. (You asked for results starting from 980.) I knew that google had this restriction on the thirdparty sites that use Google's Search API to provide search in their sites, but I'm facing such restrictions in the main Google site. Ok then IF google wants to restrict the number of results then what is the use of displaying all the result pages ???
  6. yep here in India we get all Softwares for the lowest prices you'd ever get, but they are pirated.I've planned to join the anti-piracy leauge. SO I've stopped getting pirated softwares for the past 3 months and also stopped visiting warez websites.I'll use only opensource or paid softwares.I'll be conveting to orginal dreamweaver by purchasing the Dreamweaver CS3 when it will be released [Planning to purchase but nor sure ].
  7. I'm using the Internet Download Acclerator, IDA for the past 2 years it is the best download manger and it allows multiple downlods and downlods in parts. It speeds up the downlods by nery 30% than othe download manger I've tried.
  8. google is strictily following its policy of fooling its users every year with its Pranks and make the ignorant user belive some cool ideas.
  9. this is really an April Foo's Day Joke by Gooogle.The Google Guys really work a lot to make the people fool by bringing out something that seems really possible.
  10. this is really a new exciting offer by Opaque. I think that Opaque is also following the method of Google to introduce undelivable services on April Fool's Day.
  11. THANKS a lot Qpaque, Xisto is getting a lot better.First We got a No ADs Forum, then we gor upgraded to 500MB space and now free domains. This is really exciting.Now I've another reason to stay with Xisto, I just love Xisto.
  12. Yes he must call the Microsoft Support or get in contact with the Computer Vendor to revalidate Vista.
  13. Actually the problem is not the entire databse server was down but some access problems.The functions in my CMS were not able to access the database yesterday but they are back to noraml today. I first thought it was I who mad a mistake, then noweverything is back to normal so there should have been some problem yesterday, may be server overload ...Any how I get the best from Xisto.
  14. Google is today launching a new service called Google TiSP (BETA). It is the new FREE in-home wireless broadband service. When you sign up for this service you'll get your TiSP self-installation kit, which includes setup guide, fiber-optic cable, spindle, wireless router and installation CD. The Google TiSP has revolutionized the way you access broadband through WiFi. Read More about this innovative service here, https://www.google.com/tisp/ ha ha this is the Google's Spoof for this year's April Fools' Day.
  15. the databse is still down, I'm using Wordpress, the Counterize plugin displays full databse errors that it could'nt connect to database. I get the following error WordPress database error: [MySQL server has gone away] I can access the databse through phpMyAdmin and the tables are intact. I was able to access it without any problem till yesterday, today I see a a lot of MYSql connection failures.
  16. The MySQL server is Down, please look into this soon.I'm with Xisto for nearly an year but never faced any issues witht the free hosting so far, but his is the first time I'm facing this. Please kindly look into this.
  17. delivi

    Java Or C++

    I like java more than C++ mainly because of the Platform Independence. When you create a C++ application in Windows and if you want to run that application in Linux you have to create an executable for the proram compiled for linux. Where as Java simplifies the task. I still use C++ for programs whre the system internals need to be accessed.
  18. The best solution is Google Docs, https://docs.google.com/ Once your dad uploads the document to his Google Docs account, then he can Invite his friends/colleagues to view or comment on the document, they can be also given permission to edit the document. This is the easiest way to get the document shared online and reviewed by other securely. There is no need for settingup a seperate website for this single need.
  19. Please view the Software description in the page http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and post your suggestions, is the number of information fields provided enough, should i add more, any changes in design please help. I've also made an alternate description layout, you can find it here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, please post your suggestions.
  20. Hi Casino.Royale welcome to the Xisto Family. The Best Free Web Hosting with No Ads Available in the Internet. Hope you'd stay long here in the Xisto forum, there are numerous topics that can keep you informed. You can share your knowledge and get help here from the experienced. Enjoy the time being here in Xisto. Please read the Xisto Readme before proceeding deep into the forum.
  21. http://reseller.ijabry.com/ is a great site that offers free ASP Hosting with no ads, as a trial basis they are offering selected users free ASP.NET 2.o Hosting with SQL Server. Normal Account includes * 100 MB disk space * Microsoft Access DataBase * For Limited Time, No Ads * Web-Based File Manager * FTP Access Account * Standard ASP Scripts * Unlimited Bandwidth
  22. I swear by Dreamweaver and GoLive.I do most of my coding in Dreamweaver 8 and use GoLive CS2 if i've working with a very big Style Sheet.There is no Opensource or freeware editors for coding with features as that of Dreamweaver.
  23. I'm using AVG free edition for the past 5 Years.I've also tried Norton, Avast but I was not statisfied with them. I like AVG especially because even though it is free it has regular daily updates and also consume lesser system resources than othe Anti-Virus softwares. It provides a neat interface and all the basic options we ever need in an Anti Virus.
  24. TinyMCE is a great Javascript based editor that can be easily integrated into any website or CMS. you can get Tiny MCE at https://www.tinymce.com/
  25. 1. Here is a collection of some good Live CDs, * Ubuntu - https://www.ubuntu.com/ * Puppy Linux - http://puppylinux.org/main/Overview%20and%20Getting%20Started.htm * GeeXboX - http://www.geexbox.org/ (Linux Media Center) * Adios LiveCD - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ * Fedora Live CD - http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraLiveCD * WOMP! - http://womp.sourceforge.net/ you can find a huge list of Live CD's here, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://livecdlist.com/ 2. If you need to access NTFS partition from a Bootable CD with full read and write access you can use any of the following Bottable Live CD's * BartPE Live CD - http://www.nu2.nu/pebuilder/ * SystemRescueCd - http://www.system-rescue-cd.org/SystemRescueCd_Homepage Complete Tutorial from Life Hacker - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
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