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Everything posted by delivi

  1. if you want a background for your page, you should'nt use <IMG> tag, use the following css code include the code in between the <HEAD> </HEAD> <style type="text/css">body { background-image:url("URL_OF_IMAGE"); background: no-repeat;}</style> replace URL_OF_IMAGE with the image url that you want to be your background
  2. Google has release GMail for open registrations in India. No more invites are required. Now all Indians along with the citizens of Europe and US and few other countries can now register for GMail without an Invitation. Just head on to the GMail home page, https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=mail&passive=true&rm=false&continue= https://mail.google.com/mail/ If GMail is available for Open registration in your country, you can find a Sign Up link below the Login form.
  3. your site is inaccessible, please check it--------your site is accessible now, but I dont find anything realted to copper board
  4. IE 7 has several CSS incompatabilities, I'll check the theme and get a solution for you, i'll be back soon.
  5. I've the following games, Half-Life Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2 Episode One Counter Strike Need For Speed 2 Second edition Need For Speed : Hot Pursuit 2 Need For Speed : Underground Need For Speed : Underground 2 Need For Speed : Most Wanted Need For Speed : Carbon Blood Omen James Bond 007 : Night Fire S.W.A.T. 4 Spiderman Trackmania Nations DeltaForce3 Freedom Fighter Hard Truck 2 Microsoft Monster Truck Madness Microsoft Midtown Madness Microsoft Motocross Madness Max payne Comamnd & Conquer : Regenade Rage Incoming Return to Castle Wolfenstein Unreal Tournament Heavy metal
  6. Visit the following link to find your rank based on Number of Posts http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?&amtoonly=&st= The members are displayed in Descending order of number of posts. You've to count the place your name is displayed, its easy as each page displays 20 members, you can count by the method used in the following example, If your name is displayed in 3rd page, then 20 * 3 plus the number you name is listed in that page. If you want to view the rank based on number of views, just select that option in the drop down list.
  7. You can use Google Analytics, just embed the code in all the page that you want to track and you can check the detailed statistics from your Google Analytics account. https://www.google.com/analytics/
  8. could you provide me the source where i can get the community builder for Joomla
  9. thanx for sharing your great find, that was really veryuseful. But I think the newbies can use the addons for browsers that block Ads.
  10. The art of Designing websites has gone very popular and you can find everybody with a little basic knowledge about how websites work or HTML creating their own websites. But do we consider what we should follow and what we shouldn't. I've found a website that describes about the do's and don't s of Web Designing. http://www.secretsites.com/do_dont_part1.jsp This will be very useful to all web designers and add extra glow to your website.
  11. this page was created by goolge for the April fool's day of 2005.
  12. If you want to learn anything related to computers, just reading the book wont help you, you need to try it and learn more off the book on your own. You've to explore the possibilities and try each and every option available to gain complete knowledge. Books act as only the source for the knowledge to begin the quest.
  13. you can use the code I've given for any number of forms/text areas in a single page.
  14. http://www.bicubica.com/ This website explains everything about PHP, right from the basics. it also explains about Installing apache and PHP and configuring them. The site is very useful for newbies and also experts.
  15. Hi Newt welcome to the Xisto family.This forum is really buzzing with activity that will keep you updated and interesting.Contribute to the forum and please do not spam.Enjoy the time being here in Xisto.If you are well versed with GIMP please share your knowledge with us.
  16. cool effect, thanx for sahring this tutorial. the sig tutorial form the kink was also very useful
  17. that is a great peice of code thanx for sharing, it would be better if you added a live working page for us to see it in action.
  18. here are the few problems I'm facing after the Xisto forum is upgraded,* I need to login each day from the same computer , even when cookies are enabled.* If I'm idle for a long time say 30 mints, by keeping a Xisto forum page , I'm not able to continue browsing Xisto forum, I cannot access the entire forum from IE 7, I've to shift to Firefox of Opera to access the forum.
  19. The following code is working in all browsers. <style>.highlighttext{background-color:yellow;font-weight:bold;}</style><script language="Javascript"><!--/*Select and Copy form element script- By Dynamicdrive.comFor full source, Terms of service, and 100s DTHML scriptsVisit dynamicdrive.com/ specify whether contents should be auto copied to clipboard (memory)//Applies only to IE 4+//0=no, 1=yesvar copytoclip=1function HighlightAll(theField) {var tempval=eval("document."+theField)tempval.focus()tempval.select()if (document.all&&copytoclip==1){therange=tempval.createTextRange()therange.execCommand("Copy")window.status="Contents highlighted and copied to clipboard!"setTimeout("window.status=''",1800)}}//--></script> <form name="test"><a class="highlighttext" href="java script:HighlightAll('test.select1')">Select All</a><br><textarea name="select1" rows=10 cols=35 >This is some text. This is some text. This is some text. This is some text.</textarea></form>
  20. What is your current rankings in Xisto? here is mine, This is gonna be interesting, cone of friends view your rankings and post them here.
  21. thanks for throwing light on this term, I've never heard of it before.
  22. AVG Free 7.5 is the best Free antivirus that I've come across, it has all the needed features and also consumes less system resources.
  23. I use a Logitec Optical Mouse, but I've voted for Microsoft because their Mouse are very high quality and good egnormics, but they are too costly.
  24. that is a great description about Windows Vista than for sharing your review.
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