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Everything posted by delivi

  1. I love all the sigs , they look neat and professional.why dont you share your knowledge by making a tutorial on the effects you've used.
  2. I love Xisto and Xisto free hosting for no ads and the best service. the other best alternative i've tried is Smoky Hosts. they offer good packages. But you'll need to complete offers and such to keep your account going on.
  3. I used to play Ragnarok just to try out the MMORPGs but I was not intrested in contuning it after a few day. I'm a FPS and sports action games lover. The RPGs and MMORPGs are not the food for my play. So i'd stick away form them
  4. I was really surprised when I saw the Ads for Pirates of Caribbean 3, I think that this movie is being realeased within a short period after its previous part. The POC 3 is not yet released in India. It'll be released on June 1st.I love the entire POC series, I'd love to see more movies in sequel to this. Let it become another kind of Star Wars.
  5. I'm using GMail since June 2005. I love the sleek interface with no graphics and also the ease of use. I really went after it because it was then offering the highest space for inbox.I also have a Hotmail Account, eventhough I use Gmail I love Hotmail. The best part of Hotmail is that its spam filters are more strong than that of GMail. I receive an average of 50 spam mails each day, some even skip the spam filter and is displayed in Inbox instead of moviing it to spam folder.Whereas in Hotmail I seldom get any spam. The inteface is also so good and easy an now the Inbox space is also increased. So now I dont see any reason to say no to Hotmail.
  6. GTA San Andreas is a great piece of game, it is the only game that I like that is not a FPS.The game is very involving and also I enjoyed a lot playing it. B)But this game has several adult content including Nudity and also abusive words. Not good for kids.
  7. hi BreadMan for your kind attention Xisto is not a Hacker's community. Please read the Xisto Rules before your make any further posts.
  8. Before Microsoft started its Windows OS developement there was a UNIX os by Microsoft jointly owned by Microsoft and AT&T. This UNIX operating system was named as Microsoft Xenix, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenix This OS is now bought by SCO and called as SCO Unix. So the software gaint has its roots in the UNIX, before it ventured out with its own OS Windows. The Microsoft Xenix was the market leader during that time period, [Proof: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/] So even that OS had rivals and hatered as the current Windows face. Still microsoft has some links with linux. Microsoft's Linux Guru Woos Coders with Freebies Microsoft supports Linux via Novell
  9. Before Microsoft started its Windows OS developement there was a UNIX os by Microsoft jointly owned by Microsoft and AT&T. This UNIX operating system was named as Microsoft Xenix, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This OS is now bought by SCO and called as SCO Unix. So the software gaint has its roots in the UNIX, before it ventured out with its own OS Windows. The Microsoft Xenix was the market leader during that time period Google : Microsoft supports Linux via Novell
  10. there is another great Forum Software https://www.woltlab.com/de/ the wBB is available in both Commercial paid version and also a Free version.
  11. wow great tutorial,I needed this functionality a long time before, but never tried to do it. Thanks for sharing this tutorial.I'd prefer preloading images using CSS rather than Javascript, just for the crooss browser compatability.
  12. Microsoft has relaesed a Linux Distro in Late 2003, named Micorosoft Linux, http://www.mslinux.org/ This is what the site claims, This is just anot googfup like Micorsoft Firefox, http://forums.xisto.com/topic/45372-microsoft-firefox/
  13. it will take nearly 24 hours for your domain to registered with the DNS servers.
  14. It is really bad that Microsoft didnt include the support for PWS or IIS in Win XP Home Edition.But you can always use Apache , or get a package like LAMP or EasyPHP that will install Apache, MySql and PHP so that you can save time and get in designing your site.IIS are best used for ASP and ASP.NET sites or the sites that use MS SQL Server as Database. Go for IIS only if you are planning to using the Microsoft technologies to design websites.BUt if you love tinkering you can manually install PHP and MySQL for IIS and modify the environment variables to get your PHP site running on IIS.
  15. this is definitely a good advice and also each web master must give these points high priority to not be get ignored by the Search engines.
  16. yes gaming definitely affects the behaviour of the person, but it depends on how much you get involved in games.I read in a recent survey that people who play Racing games tend to drive more rashly and also break road rules.I am an avid player of NFS series where speed matters. I play an average of 4 hours each day. So as I get on teh road I get the same feeling as I'm in the game, and I tend to go faster zipping across the vehicles. But this happens only when I'm driving alone, when I've some one acompanying with me I'll be normal.But the best part of playing such games is it helps me to keep alert on the roads and aslo gives me quick reflex to counter any unexpected blocks in the road. So gaming does its benefits as well as ill effects.
  17. I've figured out some browser incompatability issues with my site mailnly the PNGs and the portfolio.Actually I test the site only with the latest browsers i.e. IE7, Firefox 2 and Opera 9.1 every thing looks fine in these browsers. But it is with the old browsers like IE 6 where the site becoes somewhat disloacted.I've used complete XHTML 1.1 so it will be mostly incompatabile with older browsers.I've to fix the PNG support for IE 6 and below. and also the positioning of the various blocks.Please friends please post here any irregularities you find in the site, and also mention the Browser version.If possible please include a screenshot of the page in your browser.
  18. Nice Styling using CSS, but I'd prefer using DIVs instead of using Tables.With using DIVs you can even customise your site with multiple Style Sheets and also make your site appear viewable in Handheld and Mobile devices.Tables have become the things of the past, but there are certain situations where only tables will be helpful
  19. my vote goes to Saint Michael, I love the colors and the effects it looks absolutely superb and stands out from the rest.
  20. I've posted my entry for the SOTW/ SOTM contest. I've also hosted the other outcomes I got while creating this Sig, you can view them here, http://delivi.blogspot.de/
  21. hi QuickGreen what browser are you using.
  22. The Windows Vista Kernel ( the base of the OS) will be updated to a newer and stable version with the Vista Service Pack 1.The Vista SP 1 is expected to be released as soon as the Windows Longhorn Server is released.The newer kernel will be more stable and secure and advanced than the present kernel of Vista.
  23. the windows Vista just brought the cool interface that was only available to Mac before to the PC. other than that it just has a few enhanced features like ready boost and excellent gaming support.whereas the next version of Windows is deemed to change the entire way we use windows, there will be an alternative way to access the files and programs no more START menu.
  24. hi garbage i'dont find any problem with the background image. try refreshing the page, as there is a chance that the image might not tbe loaded.if you still face any problem, please report it there and give me you browser info.UPDATE : I've added an AJAX Contact Form.
  25. The site is complete and up now. Please visit http://delivi.com/ and post your comments and valuable suggestions. Please report any incompatability or if anything goes wrong, or seems out of place.
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