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Everything posted by delivi

  1. I was asking about transferring inside my hosting space.Say from folder, home/livi/examples to home/examplesI've seen this functionality in some sites.
  2. The DOS based programs run well in Windows 98, because Windows 98 is loaded on top of MS DOS i.e. you have 2 OS MS DOS and Windows 98. But in Windows XP Microsoft has stopped using DOS as a separate OS and added it as an Terminal Application. So it has to load in the memory and run from there and all the operations are done through the Windows XP core. Whereas in Windows 98/95, the moment you stat the command prompt, you exit Windows and load DOS. There the DOS has the direct access to the Hardware and other resources.And the Windows is loaded again when you exit DOS. In Windows XP and later versions DOS is available as Command Prompt application, it runs inside the Windows XP Kernel. In Turbo C++ all the functions called by the compiler interact directly with the processor, in Windows XP this has to be pass through several Kernel process so it consumes a lot of CPU cycles and hence the heavy CPU usage. This is not a Bug in Windows XP or incompatibility issue. You can try alternative free window based C++ IDE's like * Bloodshed Dev C++ - http://www.bloodshed.net/devcpp.html * lcc-win32 - http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~lcc-win32/ * Borland C++ - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ * Eclipse CDT - http://www.eclipse.org/cdt/ * GNU C++/C Compiler - http://gcc.gnu.org/ * Microsoft Visual C++ Express - https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/site/search?f%5B0%5D.Type=Affiliation&f%5B0%5D.Value=DevLabs&f%5B0%5D.Text=Microsoft%20DevLabs
  3. My lucky numbers are 3 and 7.Usually what ever numbers are involved in my life have these numbers.
  4. If you've created an account in addition to the Administrator account in Windows XP, the administrator account will not be shown in the Logon Scree, this tutorial explains you how to add the Administrator account to the logon screen. If you are using Windows XP Pro follow these steps, 1. In the Start Menu, select Run. 2. In the Run dialog, type 'regedit' without quotes, to start the registry editor. 3. Navigate to the key, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \Winlogon \SpecialAccounts \UserList 4. In the right pane, right click and select, New > Dword 5. A new item will be created, right click on it and rename it to 'Administrator'. 6. Then double click on the Administrator item and enter a value, '1' in the dialog box. 7. Close registry editor and restart your computer, you can see the Administrator account listed in the Login Screen. To perform the above steps you've to login with a admin user account. If the new account you've created is a limited user account, then you can access the administrator account, by pressing ctrl+alt+delete keys two times in the login screen. You'll get a login window. enter the username and password. Then do the above steps. If you are using Windows XP Home Edition, you've to boot into safe mode to perform the above steps. You can enter into safe mode by pressing the F8 key during the bootup process of the computer, and selecting Safe Mode from the list displayed. Still to make things easier, there is a precoded executable that will do this automatically. This file is no virus or anything harmful. i've personally tested this file. Get the file here, http://www.dougknox.com/xp/utils/XP_AddAdministrator.zip
  5. Fully Modded phpBB is the best package of phpBB available. It is free and includes all the Mods you'd ever need prebuilt in it. The only draw back is i dosent support the other phpBB Themes and only a few themes for Fully Modded phpBB are available.
  6. I've found the reason for the account denial, I had only 49 posts while making the request where as according to the TOS I need to have 50 posts. Sorry for this.
  7. I want to transfer files from one folder to another or an entire folder in my web space. I don't want to download it and upload it, can I do this using a PHP script. Please help me. I'm just learning the basics of PHP
  8. I don't think that this is possible, because even if we compress the files and store them in the USB drive, then while executing them we've to again decompress it. I'd suggest including anyother small software like PhotFilter can be used.
  9. I've got the required credits and didn't make any spam posts, then why was I denied for free Hosting account. I don't see any reason for denying the account.Could you provide an explanation.
  10. I've never heard of this exploit before.But it is really very bad to hear that a company with huge reputation and user base being so careless.First they should learn to accept their faults and then provide proper solutions and never repaet the same thing again.I wonder how many bugs are gonna be found in Vista.
  11. Hi Alon Gubkin, even if you've hosted account elsewhere, provide us the details about your host and the error messages you receive so that we can help you, and remeber the next time you ask for help please make it clear.
  12. I never knew this before, I thaought that this was completely impossible.Ok now I lnow this is possible, so my next step is to find a Mac OS that can run in my PC.Could someone post the minimum configuration to load a Mac OS in PC.
  13. that is a great tool, I just love it. The cool effects and transitions.For sure Microsoft is still one of the best Software developer with a lot of new ideas.
  14. Microsoft Live Drive, is the Online Storage Service of Microsoft that will enable users to store their preferences Online and can access it from any where else.This service is not yet releases, it is in testing for a long time. Microsoft is planning to integrate it's next OS with this Service to maximize user functionality.
  15. The Free Version of IPB 1.3 can be used only if you got it when it was available, now it is no longer available. So you cannot use it.Try the alternatives like SMF, XMB, phpBB with categories MOD. or better wait till phpBB 3 is released, it has all the features of IPB and it is free.
  16. I hate Smoking and Smokers. Because Smokers Hurt Themselves ans well those around them.One of friends Father was a Chain smoker right from his teenage, now he got Lung Cancer and couldn't breath on his own without the support of breathing equipment, now he cannot move around, just laying in the bed. He could have avoided it, but things have changed now. He had to resign his job and lost all his freedom and now crumpled within four walls.So all smokers just think before you smoke.
  17. thanks for sharing the tip, I knew how to change the icons for Cd's, but never tried it in Drives. Now I can also cuatomize my Drives and get a complete Uniqe PC.
  18. delivi


    When I was living in Chennai, I used to play CSS daily in a local cafe. but now I'm out of chennai so I could'nt find any Gaming cafe around.
  19. this information will be of great help, thanx for sharing it.Personally before I've lost huge amount of data due to my carelesness, and now I've learned to be extra careful and take preventive measures.
  20. that is a good collection of free News Publishing system, thanks for sharing the only exception is JPowered News Publishing CMS, it is a paid package.
  21. Hi admin some of the packages in the Fantastico like WordPress have newer versions, so please update them so that we can install the newer versions. WordPress in Fantastico is 2.0 but the latest version is 2.1 (Ella)
  22. I use AVG 7.5 Anti Virus Free Edition, this is the best anti virus I've come across. It has all the features we need and consumes less resources.I've also used Avast Free edition and Norton Anti virus OEM
  23. that is really interesting, and makes sense too thanks for sharing your findings with us, this will help us in finding the correct promotion partner
  24. she has really gone crazy, i was once a fan of Britney now I no longer like her
  25. hi alon tell us where you've hosted ur site and what errors do you get
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