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Everything posted by delivi

  1. Use the following code to align the enite contents of the page in the center of the page, i.e the contents of <div> tag. This will also reset the alignment of the contents within the <div> tag to left. body{text-align: center;}div#container{margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;width: 50em;text-align: left;}
  2. these are really cool XP styled hi-res icons, thanks for sharing your find.
  3. The main reason that I suggest Opaque to offer cPanel X is not for the interface but for the number of packages that it provides and the support for latest version of MySql, PHP and other modules. The interface comes into consideration only in the last.
  4. The cPanel for Xisto Hosting accounts is reverted back tot he previous version ;)The cPanel X was really very cool and provide us witht he latest softwares.I'm using Cpanel X in another hosting account of mine for nearly a year, it has far more neat interface than the previous cPanel, everything is placed under the related category. The fantistico had the latest software packages, I was really very happy when the Xisto hosting account was upgraded to Cpanel X but now it has been reverted back.Please Opaque make sure that we get cPanel X back with Fantastico. I know that you really care for the members of Athe Xisto family. Expecting good results from you.
  5. If you are using a non-windows based OS probably Linux or Mac OS may be even Solaris or OS/2, you can preview how you website or new site design looks in Internet Explorer. A site by Daniel Vine provides you this facility for free, Just head over to https://www.url2png.com/?via=iecapture and enter your sites URL to preview. This site will automatically create a screen shot of your site how it appears in IE. Usually it will take longer to get a screenshot because always there will be thousands of such sites queued to be previewed. Post your comments and experiences.
  6. If you are using a non-windows based OS probably Linux or Mac OS may be even Solaris or OS/2, you can preview how you website or new site design looks in Internet Explorer. A site by Daniel Vine provides you this facility for free, Just head over to https://www.url2png.com/?via=iecapture and enter your sites URL to preview. This site will automatically create a screen shot of your site how it appears in IE. Usually it will take longer to get a screenshot because always there will be thousands of such sites queued to be previewed. Post your comments and experiences.
  7. The Games that I legally own are,Half-Life 2Half-Life 2 : Episode 1Microsoft Midtown MadnessMicrosoft Motocross Madnessother than this I own other 28 full games most of them FPS that I obtained Illegally.
  8. is there any last date for submission, i can create a cool new logo using one of the techniqes I discovered recently. But I need more Time as I'm currently busy with various projects. It would be more convenient if a last date is announced.
  9. thanks for sharing these wonderful tips.In this current computer literate worlds there are huge number of illegal sites and tutorials available online so that even a noob can break the security ring. But we've to greatly contribute by finding out the flaws and helping the developers to fix them or by informing them. Let what ever security measures you take there is no fool proof security mechanism that can give you the type of security that will keep you afar from seeking eyes of an hacker.
  10. Please share the code snippet that you used to do the process or the details about the CMS if you use any. Only then we'll be able to help you.
  11. I've a doubt what is the real use of Warning Level
  12. you can run ASP.NET in Apache using either Opensource Apache modules or commercial packages. here are the few resources I've found online. * How to make Apache run ASP.NET / ASP.NET 2.0 * How do I run ASP on other web servers besides IIS? * Apache Modules for running ASP * * Apache::ASP - GPL * * Chili!Soft ASP - Commercial * * ModVB - GPL * * mod_mono - Apache License * * OpenASP Module - Apache License hope Opaque finds any of these solutions feasable and provide the hosted memebers the facility to host ASP pages in their sites.
  13. thanks jlhaslip for quoting this, I used the Browser Find option to search for the module in the page. ;)I'm planning to use the cURL features to develop a new Bookmark management system.
  14. Is the PHP cURL modulte enabled, I didn't find it listed in the PHP modultes page. Please clarify.
  15. please enable the fantastico option.I love the virus scan it is a great feature and also helps us to check that our site is virus free.
  16. Thanx Saint Michael for point out the problems. :lol:I've updated a few and I'll update the rest when I get free time
  17. Thanx Saint Michael for point out the problems. :ph34r:I've updated a few and I'll update the rest when I get free time
  18. If you are doing a simple search looking for what you need, the first 5 pages will serve your need.But if you are doing research or looking for more resources then you'll have to dig deep into the web.Google shouldn't have restricted the results.I'm afraid that they may be planning for making their search service paid for unlimited queries. :ph34r:Becuse most of their services are going paid. Recently Google for Apps was made paid, by making the free service unreliable. they gurantee 99% uptime only for paid service and no gurantee for free services. Likewise if your GMail Inbox gets filled completely then you've to pay for the extra storage.
  19. The cPanel is upgraded to cPanel X (1.0 -RC36).Thanks Opaque for providing us with the latest cPanel. :lol:BUT the Fantastico is missing , this is a great disappointment. Please Opaque provide us with the Fantastico.
  20. This is a great news, that the HDD is being replaced, now we can make sure that the our site is accessible at all time .Thanks Opaque and that was really fast
  21. If you bought the Licensed copy of IPB you wouldn't any errors while installing IPB. So check whether your copy of IPB is legal or cracked.
  22. you could try all such cool themes safely by creating a System Restore Point before installing the Theme so that if anything goes wrong you can always revert back to the noraml by using System Restore.
  23. The best Extensions available for Firefox that will ease the work of the Web Developer and provides very useful features.
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