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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. lol in many ways. A girl might not have anyone look at her til it rains. Wet T-Shirt Contest. She'll have looks all the way down the street. It's just the way it is. No it isn't really the weather all the time. It is how you dress and the faces you make and stuff. Like SM in that picture he is real serious looking while on the one he has for MSN he looks completely different cause his hair is spiked and stuff.
  2. I also think it is of the fact it is black and white. It makes it look like it was taken in to olden days. You do look a lot different in that picture. I wouldn't recognize you if I saw that without you identifying yourself.
  3. I like America's Army. Just got it yesterday for Xbox. Actually my bro did cause it is his Xbox but I like to play it. He only has that game and Need For Speed. That would probably be a good game too. I think Halo is probably good I haven't played it but it seems really popular. It really depends on what type of games you like.
  4. It isn't the number of posts it is hosting credits. You need at least 4 hosting credits to be unsuspended. It takes an hour or to to become unsuspended. Bring your hosting credits up to 10 to make sure that you don't go under again. If you are at 3.99 hosting credits when the script is run your account will remain suspended. So make sure you are well above 4 credits so there is no chance you are under when it is run and you will be unsuspended within an hour or so
  5. Yup that's right. We youngens are smarter cause we do learn from mistakes of earlier times and we have a more organized and better way of teaching and stuff cause we are learning how to do things from other things we might have done wrong. The only problem is the smarter person is the less common sense they have so I hear. lol Anyway, ya the world has more to offer to kids like me these days. It is for the better though I believe.
  6. That's not very nice. I thought you had some Sprite for me to drink Oh well I guess these will do. Nice find SM. Lots of good renders for me to use here.
  7. I have never been to Epcot sadly even though I live in Tampa which is only about 2 hours from Disney. I have only been to Blizzard Beach. Everyone else in my family of seven have gone though either for school or with friends. It sounds like a cool theme park. I love thrill rides, and technology so it seems like a cool place for me to go. I might have to get my parents to take me some time.
  8. If it is a two week vacation though you might want to get 18 instead of 14, maybe even 24 just in case you can't get back on Trap after you come back or if you end up staying longer. You don't want to come back to a suspended account. Like Avalon said it isn't that hard, if you can't find a post in the all the forums and subforums here, then make your own in a catergory you like.
  9. Very interesting. I knew some came from gods but I didn't know about the ones from the Roman calendar. Good to know. I will probably be learning about it sometime in history I am sure. Now I can show off
  10. You never know. Technology is getting more advanced every day. Might find something for immortality. That's pretty funny. My sister's birthday will be 24 hours and 1 second this year because her birthday is New Years Eve. That means I have to wait one more second before I put off fireworks I would like to see all of a sudden a delay on atomic clocks. Ought to be interesting. I don't remember the last time they did it because I was only 7 and too young to care. lol
  11. I don't have a PSP but I have played burnout before and although I haven't played the new on I have played Burnout 3. I would go for Burnout Legends. The entire Burnout series is great. All the crashing and racing is the best. You won't find anything better alltogether like that.
  12. Well now that it is officially Christmas. MERRY TRAPMAS, CHRISTMAS, CHANUKAH, QUANZA, ECT; lol I don't know when Quanza (let alone how to spell it) but I know Chanukah started today so that fits. Happy Holidays everyone. Let your days be merry and bright.
  13. Lol very funny. I also believe in Santa when I was a kid it was fun. When I turned eight my parents pulled me to the side so my little sister wouldn't hear and she said "You know that there isn't a Santa right?" I told her ya I sort of figured that . I had figured it out before then though. I always planned on video taping my parents to prove that there wasn't a Santa. But they also put the From Santa. In fact they still do, they do have some from them though instead.
  14. Well even though I know that there isn't a Santa, I like to sometimes around little kids and stuff. It is fun to think someone comes through your chimney and stuff and flys around the world in one night. I like getting into the spirit of Christmas. I sort of figured it out a long time ago when my parents would be in their room all day wrapping all the presents. They wouldn't let me come in for some reason I do like to play around sometimes for the kids and stuff. It is sort of fun. St. Nickolas I do believe was real though even though now he has passed away but I do think he was real.
  15. Can you access your Cpanel? Maybe your nameservers are down. You need to do the forgot your password or something to make sure nothing has been changed or hacked over the long period of time.
  16. If you just changed your domain it can take up to 24 hours to change your dns settings. Make sure they are pointed to NS1.TRAP17.COM and NS2.TRAP17.COM Also make sure that it is either parked, or your domain you are using for your website.
  17. That's pretty cool. I still prefer google but I guess using 2 search engines wouldn't be so bad when you are looking for stuff because you have more of a variety and more results so you can find what you want faster. I might have to use that for school and stuff. Nice find.
  18. No transferring between hosted and non hosted members isn't permitted. You must both be hosted to transfer between accounts.
  19. Mountain Dew all the way. Of course I like water but for a drink that tastes good I would go for Mountain Dew. At first I liked Sprite and other lemon limes but now I am just addicted to MD. I like lemonade too and this strawberry drink my mom makes with frozen lemonade and frozen strawberries. Good stuff.
  20. I can't wait for it to come out. I like it when there are more features in my plater. Windows Media Player 10 is good enough for me though at the moment. All I do is open it play music and minimize it to my toolbar which fits real fine. I'll be happy to see the new features of WMP 11 though. Ought to be more user friendly, which is even cooler.
  21. Well that sounds cool. If you are affiliated with someone should I add them onto the site as in you give me access to that page or do you want me to send the link to you? Since school is over for a couple weeks I will get right on it. This weekend you might not get many people because of the Holidays but I will apply. Can't wait for things to get going.
  22. Yes you can park two domains. Just point both to the Xisto nameservers. ns1.trap17.com and ns2.trap17.com Or you could have one as your real domain and one parked. So if someone types in the link to go to the forums on your site using the parked domain it would take you to the same place as your real domain would. For example, if the link to your forums are http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and you have a parked domain if you were to type in http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it would all go to the same place. You can't have two domains at once one or both would have to be parked.
  23. lol Wow that'll be real cool if they do bring software and integrate it to use online. What would be even better is if they kept it free like all of their other software. Then I am sure they will be the biggest company in the world. Look at all the resources they have now all for free and all very useful. Now they are taking on Microsoft and adding even more to it. Quite an amazing feat. I can't wait to try it out. That would be awesome especially since i wouldn't take much room on your computer probably because it is online. I guess we will have to wait and see.
  24. Well I am Catholic (a type of Christian) I personally am open to all religions. I am not one of the ones that says that my religion is the best because I like reading about other religions. Like I may be Catholic but I am still open to the idea that there is reincarnation. I think that whatever you believe will happen will. So if you belive in reincarnation then you will go through that process. Just because I belive in heaven and Jesus doesn't mean other people should. I just finished learning about Christianity and I belive that the Bible is true even more than I did before because I learned more about it and I BELIEVE it is true. I am not saying my religion is the best I am just saying that is what I believe in. Anyone who doesn't won't be any less a friend or looked upon lower. I don't see why people do that either because it doesn't matter what you believe in. It isn't like it really effects you in anyway. So if you are a Christian, just because your friend is Jewish doesn't mean you are gonna die or something. It isn't a sin to have a friend of a different religion. I don't know why people force people into a certain religion because it is ridiculous. You should believe what you want to believe. My church is one of the churches that does that. They won't push you into joining are religion. You could be methodist and come to our church but no one will say, Hey you should be a Catholic if you go to a Catholic church.
  25. lol WOW! Sorry for my previous post I was really wrong. I was sort of picturing it differntly like something that has like small airplane wings. I guess I should watch what I say. Sorry once again. lol That would be so cool to have. I think it only goes straight up in the air. If it moves it isn't by much. Imagine if it hits the roof, falls and hits your head. That would be a heck of a wakeup. Well anyway, I will definately buy that when it comes out. It looks pretty cool.
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