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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. They can still communicate with the Voyager space shuttles which are way beyond Pluto. They are billions of miles away from Earth. To give you an idea it takes 12 hours to send a command to the Voyager and that is at the speed of light. There have been rumors that there is a 10th planet. I might have to look into that more but I am sure there are other planets out there. The universe is so big I wouldn't be surprised if there is life out there.
  2. Wow I didn't know the Voyagers were still going I could have sworn they stopped contact with them long ago. Maybe they restarted once technology improved. The plan for the probe is to have it go in at a certain angle so that Jupiter will start to swing it around and then the probe will use that momentum and probably rocket away with all the power it has.
  3. lol The mouse was easy to destroy. That was a fun game. It sort of gets old after a while though. Pretty funny though. I am going to have to save that when I get mad at my computer so I can take it out on something other than my own computer. I still want to be able to use it
  4. Ya there really is no chance of crashing into an asteroid. With the technology we have they already have the whole mission planned out. They can tell where the asteroids will be at what time and all the specifics. They are still up there. They were only supposed to be on there for three months but it has been two years. They have traveled all of seven miles and are still going. Seven miles may not seem like much but it is on average 67 degrees below zero on the planet. They have found that water indeed once flowed on Mars which they were hoping for. They run with solar power and they are lucky that the dust on their solar panels have always been blown off.
  5. If you slice it and then Save for Web you then have a big table as your template. What you want to do is really slice it into areas you want to use and use as little slices as possible so there aren't too many images. After you Save for Web go to the slice you want to put content in and set that image as the background. So for this you would turn this <td><img src="blah.gif" width="100" height="100"></td>Into <td background="blah.gif" width="100" height="100" valign="top">Put your text here</td> That is how you can put text in there. The valign means verticle alignment which puts the text at the top of your content box. Normally it would be around the middle. My site loads fast and I have background images. You should try it. I recommend it
  6. That is very interesting and informative. Well I normally don't click google ads or any ads unless I am on a trusted site anyway. I guess I don't have to worry about that cause I don't gamble and stuff anyway. The person that created the Trojan really must not have a life.
  7. We have gone through the belt before. The space shuttles, Voyager I and Voyager II have gone through that belt before. In fact they are somewhere deep in the galaxy (if anything is left of them) but they have sent pictures of all the other planets I think Pluto included. That wasn't their original job but scientists still had a signal longer then they needed so they took advantage of it. This time they are using more power for everything. It is going to be a tough mission especially because of it's length but hopefully they will make it. I don't think there are aliens out there because 1. We have gone out there before just not as far as Pluto 2. There can't be life out there if there is no place for them to live. Unless they have traveled over from another part of the galaxy with the greatest technology there are no aliens out there. The only possible planet that could have life that is not the Earth would be Mars and there hasn't been a sign of life quite yet. (except for water which is now ice)
  8. Like jlhaslip said that you have to apply for an upgrade. You also have to make sure that you have 30 credits to upgrade. It isn't 20 because you have already made 10, you have to make the 30 all over again.
  9. Ya I don't really think that could work very well. It looks cool and would save space but if it senses when a key is being pushed from when your fingers move over it well what happens when you have your hand oever all the keys as if you are typing like a keyboard. I would think you would be typing words you really don't want to type. I think it is a cool concept but not for me. I would get too annoyed and probably chuck it across the room .
  10. Nice Tutorial...Too bad you didn't have this posted when Kubi wanted my help installing a skin Would have saved me some time, well actually it just takes a couple minutes. It really simple. Now all the people who are new to using PHPBB will be able to install a skin.
  11. lol Yes as it turns out hulunes is correct. Someone has beaten you at posting your own site. Someone posted about it earlier http://forums.xisto.com/topic/31758-interesting-site-has-anyone-seen-this-one/ You have a pretty smart idea I think. It will keep people competing. It is sort of like the Million Dollar Homepage.
  12. On January 17, NASA is launching the 1,043 pound probe called New Horizons to Pluto. It is supposed to be a 10 year trip to reach Pluto. They are giving five rockets for power that if they were used to travel to the moon it would take about nine hours. They want the probe to reach Pluto as fast as it can. It is also equipped with plutonium pellets to help it through the radioactive areas. They need to get it launched though before February 2 though. In 2007 when the probe passes Jupiter they can swing around it using it's gravity to pick up speed but if that doesn't happen it could lengthen the trip by a whole three years. New Horizons will be traveling too fast to actually stay around Pluto so they will have it start from five months away and continue studying the planet and it's moons until one month after it passes it. Then it will continue on to study more objects. This is really cool and I can't wait to see this happen. Pluto can tell us a lot about the solar system and as it turns out scientists have discovered areas like Pluto a lot farther away. This could be a very successful mission in giving us information about what is out there and the history of the solar system and the universe. Keep your fingers crossed that all goes well. I found this article here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ iXRJdHeP05CdzKHgsgF;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHVqMTQ4BHNlYwN5bnN1YmNhdA-- Sorry had to cut it because it would stretch the forums if I didn't
  13. Nevermind as rejected just said you have to have a windows server to run ASP, but Trap has unix.
  14. No I believe you can only have servers with Active Server Pages or PHP and Trap hosts with php.
  15. Well that's pretty interesting. I don't see why they don't allow it to be used everywhere. This is what we need to get rid of landfills, and all that good stuff. Who needs to take up space with garbage when it all can be thinned down to a little powder. It would be great to do all that. I really wish the U.S. would allow them to use it. I wonder what would happen to a body going in there of like an animal. Egh... That could help save the world but noo, it defies the laws of physics so we don't like it.
  16. Yes anything not in your own words is plagorizing whether it is little things gathered from different sites or not. I found a list that contained those here and there, if you didn't write it then you gotta quote it.
  17. Ya the different modes are fun but at one point you get so big there is no possible way you can get through the mines. My high score is 810. Pretty fun. I like druggie mode but not bouncy. I accidently bounced off the wall and flew all the way to the other side hitting a mine on the way.
  18. I believe you are correct. The batteries are probably very small in order for it to fly and I think that is why it has a little port to recharge them once you catch it. That is what it looks like from the picture posted. They probably recharge pretty fast too, fast enough so if you set it down pressing the snooze button again it will have enough power to take off once again.
  19. Yes Trap is very secure. When the last person tried to hack Trap never went down and his IP was banned. Make sure to password protect any directories you don't want people to have access too and make sure to have hard passwords so no one would have any chance at guessing them.
  20. I was using Firefox Stumble when I just so happend to stumble across this http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It is an addicting game in which you are a bubble and your have to make yourself bigger by adding small bubbles to you. You have to avoid the mines though. It is fun. I played it for a while. It is pretty entertaining. May sound dull but it's not.
  21. Check your previous posts by clicking your name and click "Find this members posts" look through to make sure that you haven't had posts deleted or been warned for breaking a rule. Sometimes mods will take away hosting credits for that.
  22. I would like to try it but I don't think my parents would let me. I would use my bro's paypal if I could. I sort of want to try it, it sounds like a good idea. The only problem would be convincing my parents
  23. lol Thanks for sharing I guess I really didn't want to know some of that. My brother has already accomplished the second one My sister really does fear spiders more than she fears death. She absolutely hates them.
  24. A new logo eh? lol Keep all your old logos!!! They might be worth something someday. I wish they had a picture of it, I am more of a picture kind of guy. BTW Please quote anything you haven't written yourself, you won't get hosting using someone elses words. It is considered plagorizing (however you spell it) and cheating in making your hosting credits. If you read the Xisto Readme you would know this. Please make sure you go back and read it as well as the TOS (Terms of Service)
  25. The kid was 16, his parents had been born in Iraq so it was sort of easy to get a passport I guess. His mom had given him $10,000 out of the money she earned from stock tips he had given her. He took $1,800 of that with him. He had learned about journalists that live the life of their subject so supposedly that is what he was doing. He wanted to learn how Iraqies lived. He only told two friends until he arrived in Kuwait when he told his parents. He then took a cab and eventually arrived in Baghdad Christmas Day. He took a week off of school to do this. After he arrived in Baghdad he called the AP telling him he had come to do research and humanitation work but the AP called the U.S. Embassy and they sent a soldier to pick him up the next day. Pretty interesting story. Everyone is happy he is home but boy is he gonna be in trouble. For the full story go to http://www.foxnews.com/story/2005/12/30/us-teen-on-his-way-home-from-iraq.html
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