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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Wait a minute, you didn't make an ifram or php include for the content and just made pages with all the images? That could be bad for those who have dial up and have to load those pages every time they click somewhere. I enjoy the colors and it has a really nice design. It is rather professional. I like the colors and the navigation. Not bad, good job.
  2. Well I personally wouldn't go to that site daily because I really have no need. I think maybe once you try and get that going you can expand and add more to the site and just make that like a feature like it is on the forums here. I use the shoutbox here when I'm not posting because it's fun to talk but there is also other things to do. As for the site itself, I like the design, it is a little plain but it doesn't really need more it looks fine the way it is. Nice job.
  3. Ya Global warming really is a problem but you can't expect just the government to take control over that. We can help just as much as they can for the time being until they can do something. We can try to conserve energy and not use our cars as often until they are able to make this switch to ethanol but it is going to be an expensive switch for car dealers and for the government and the oil companies. I am sure they are looking into it but it is probably a long process. I do think that Ford or someone has produced a car that runs on ethanol but I don't think there are any e85 stations near me. Only one I know of in fact is in Connecticut.
  4. lol That is rather funny but who would want to type all that out for an email address. It might be easy to remember but I don't think people would type all that out just to send an email. lol I would only get one just to say that I have one. A business probably wouldn't like it if you put on the application that your email is blahblah@thatwebsite.com
  5. Well if you want more than a forum I would recommend PHP Nuke. You can choose different themes and make your own and it is really like a website with a PHPBB forum built it. You can add on pages if you wish. I think you can do the same with IPB if you can afford to spend that much money on a license for one. I really like that forum but if you can't afford it you gotta look elsewhere.
  6. lol If they cross the bridge though they won't all be on the bridge at the same time so it wouldn't matter. If all 40 cars were on the bridge then sure it would collapse. I really don't think Mobile Phones are really that dangerous. Even if the radiation amounts to a large number over 10 years, don't you think it will excess your body in those 10 years? Luckily I don't even talk that long anyway because I have no need to. I don't think I have ever talked that long except when I was tutoring a friend on the phone.
  7. Well, that is a really interesting bug. I tested it on my computer and nothing happened that I know of. Everything ran fine that I tested and that included the internet, MSN Messenger, and AIM. I don't think this problem will occur on this computer but it will probably be dead by then anyway. I think that like others have stated new computers will come out anyway and no one will have the problem unless your computer can last another 32 years.
  8. Well I think Google might be bigger than Microsoft in the long run. They started as a search engine and now are competing with programs to become better than them. Of course no one would be here today without Microsoft. Not literally, but there would be no Windows XP or Microsoft Word and all these programs. I'm sure that ya someone would have created it anyway and then Google would be competing with them but you have to remember that Google wouldn't be here without them. I think that Google will probably most likely make more money than Microsoft because they are so popular and are enhancing our lives everyday but I think Microsoft probably will have more accomplishments but that might change.
  9. I think there is a tutorial around that you can transfer from Invision Power Board to PHPBB but I don't know how you are going to be able to access the SQL Files to back up and what not. What you could do is just have your site redirect to the forums. That is of course if you have a site in addition but if you just have a forum you might be out of luck.
  10. There actually is a section for Mobile Phones. It is a sub forum in Technology which might be why you didn't see it. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/109-mobility-mobile-phones/ It all really fits into technology so you could post it there in technology and what not if it isn't related to phones
  11. Wow that is crazy. I wonder what people will think of her when she has a kid who is 16 while she is 25. I think people will probably get the wrong idea and go crazy. I feel sorry for the girl if she was raped because she should be trying to live life to the fullest while she still can and now she is stuck with a baby she probably doesn't want and she has to deal with it the rest of her life.
  12. lol That is pretty cool I only watched part of it but I think it is really cool. I don't think this is the only one. If you copy and paste that as if it was a web address it will take you to their web site and I think they have more. That is some pretty crazy stuff they can do. I like it. I sort of wish I knew how to do it. I might have to do some researching to figure it out.
  13. I like the idea of a built in spell checker. That will be really helpful when I'm edditing my site as I view it in Firefox. As for an X to close each individual tag it already had that. It is all the way to the right when you have multiple tabs open. You click on the tag you want to close and on that same tool bar all the way to the right is a little X. I like the idea of opening recently closed tabs just in case it was an accident. I guess this upgrade isn't necessary but will be helpful overall.
  14. Well isn't that sort of what they created laptops for? Why don't you bring one into your car and use a mouse it will save you a ton of money. You can get a really nice laptop for the price you would pay to integrate a computer into the car itself. I think it would be easier as well. As for GPS you don't need a whole computer for that just take out part of the console and put in a GPS system instead of a whole computer. You don't want to get distracted while driving. Cell phones are bad enough.
  15. Ok I think I can help you out here. One person is not allowed to have multiple Xisto Accounts with similar or different content alike. See Buffalo's responce on two users same IP. Two different IP addresses and similar content is allowed but it has to be two different people and you can't be trying to help that person by telling them what to say. You sort of have to use common sense. If you want a second hosting account I think you can start an account on Xisto and start fresh there as well but I'm not completely sure. I guess you are trying for two hosting accounts?
  16. Alright guys I added some new features. You can now save the password to a text file. It is like a regular program you can choose where you would like to save the file. It also now has a help section in which it explains exactly what to do. I hope you enjoy it and please let me know if you have any more ideas for me. I plan on continuing the program and add better graphics in it and more features if needed. I also changed the link on the top of the page because I added a download system to the website. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  17. Ya I know but I meant in the actual program but I realize what you are saying now. I can make a menu bar on top that will have a help section I guess or something like that. Ya the more I think about it the more I think I should put that in there for an extra addition in case someone wants it. I made this in Visual Basic 6. This program is hard to find to buy for cheap but I got it for free from my brother's school. It really is cool once you get the coding down and whatever you don't know you can find out on Google. I remember a while back looking for tutorials over at http://www.pixel2life.com/
  18. Well I can view this site fine and even though it doesn't matter I am using firefox. I don't have an idea on why it wouldn't be working. If you switched domains maybe people need to clear their cookies and cache in order to be able to see them again. Or they could just have an old version of an internet browser that doens't let them see a certain type of coding.
  19. Well Mich I was going to make it so you could save it to your computer but then anyone who uses it can find your passwords. Sorry if it didn't explain itself much I tried the best I could. Thanks for the comments, by the way you should probably write down the password so you won't forget it.
  20. Well you can't resell with this host. If you want to become a reseller you can purchase a reseller package over at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You can purchase hosting paying monthly and it comes with WHM (Web Host Manager) and you can create your own packages and sell them on your website. You can make a small profit out of it. You could actually get a dedicated server which would probably be more profitable and it comes with basically the same thing but more space. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  21. Well I got bored last night during the 6 hour trip from New York to New Hampshire so I decided I mine as well make a program I could use. (Although I started it in last 20 minutes of ride). Anyway I created a Random Password Generator that allows you to choose how many characters long you would like it to be, and it will create a password of numbers, letters (upper and lower case) of however long you would like. It then has a copy and paste button. Please tell me what you think. By the way this is only for windows. Of course this probably has been done but oh well. Here is the link... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Edit: Now able to save the password to a text file and has a help file explaining what to do.
  22. That's pretty interesting. It is sort of like the eye toy for the Playstation 2. Of course I wouldn't really buy the game I probably would actually prefer the original Pacman. I wonder if the people in the Pacman are scary. I think that would be pretty cool. I take it you are probably running on a treadmill or something like that because you cant' run around chasing cookies without running into walls or do you just use arrows and stand and it acts like you run around. Probably that one but I think it would be good excercise to do it like that.
  23. The site I must say is not that great. I think the navigation would look really cool but only if you made it smaller. Sure the width is fine but I would definately make the bar smaller in height. You don't need it to be that big because that isn't the main part of the page. People will look for the navigation at the top and will see it. The content is what you want to get across. The little banner up top is ok. I would reccomend some different colors though. The content I would use white text, I think it would be easier to read.
  24. That is pretty amazing. I think it is really sort of sad that people would do that just to get rid of a rivalry between them and another business. Wouldn't you think though that if it is too much to handle the people would put an end to the PPC ads if they aren't getting money off the customers that come to their site? Really interesting how far people will go today and what they will think of. I am glad Google has the 10 - 15% forgiveness rate because that is the only one I would use for my web site.
  25. Thousands of people already use it, maybe millions. They just started doing it in my area there is one store about a 20 minute drive. I might go check it out. It is used in many places around the U.S and more opening every week. I don't think many people recognize that it would be easy for people to steal something but you know I think they do have a PIN number of some sort or something to keep people from using your fingerprints.
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