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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. It is a pretty nice site. Looks really promising but could use a bit of improvement. The banner you are currently using is cool. You could use some more color though. The navigation mouseover is cool but I think you should change the colors up a bit. Don't have just white I would make the whole left navigation bar a different color and then use the mouseover. It'll make it look a bit more organized.
  2. I like the web site a lot. Very professional. Expandable content is always good and I like the active link being green with the bar and what not. I like the colors a lot the logo is really nice. If you don't mind I might use it as an example when I design a site. I'm not going to make it exactly the same and what not just use it for features.
  3. I think it is rather funny how they always seem to do this no matter how advanced and more secure the more kids want to be able to hack it. They will spend all this time thinking of ways to avoid getting bad grades when in that same amount of time they could have been studying and recieve good grades the right way. I mean it really doesn't pay at all especially when you are caught or you have to get a job requiring better knowledge. I mean you think your own teacher won't notice though that you went from an F to a B? They would have to notice and if they don't shame on them.
  4. Well if you read the topic there are jetpacks have already been made and flown. It won't be that hard just take practice like flying a plane or learning to ride a bike. It just takes time to learn the controls and get used to it. They probably will be come less expensive in time like computers they will get smaller and easier to make.
  5. Alright so like the topic said I want to be able to have two different sites with the same name. I am signing up to become a reseller but all I get is a store and I don't get any web space and what not. I want to be able to use that though for my hosting site and also be able to have it go to my design site and forum on Xisto. Is there anyway I can do that? Have two subdomains one for design and one for hosting? I figured I could use a redirection if I can't so when you type in the url for my host it goes to the sit but then the url will change and people will think it's not the same site.
  6. That's really a cool way to take pictures. I really like the ones that you made. It probably would take some practice though working with the sunlight and what not. Who needs to pay $60 for pictures of your kids when you can take them at home. I would probably edit them myself in Photoshop and just print them out here at my home with some photo paper.
  7. lol You joined in July of 2004 so the forum is still the same just the design is a bit different. Someone found a site that'll flash you back to that moment in time. Xisto has come a long way in two years and hopefully I'll be here for many years to come. Sorry I'm a bit late but Happy Anniversary to Xisto and Good Luck in the future.
  8. I have tried something like that before. It made my computer look pretty cool but it is way to expensive to use all the time so I removed my theme because I didn't want it stuck on there forever until I bought it so I put it back to normal. I think there is probably a way to change your log in screen without using that software I just wish I knew how. I enjoyed doing that kind of stuff.
  9. Ya I have heard of the jet pack you guys are talking about. I saw it once while watching Myth Busters because they were trying to make one. I think it would be crazy to spend that much money on a jet pack but you know if I won the lottery I would buy it. Even if you can only use 20 minutes you can get rather far in that time but you can't really park it anywhere you sort of have to carry it around with you so no one will steal it.
  10. That is a really cool idea. That way no one can frame another person in a shooting because the gun won't fire unless the owner is holding it but you know they could always force the owner to hold it to and what not or find a way to make it work without having proper owner holding it. I like the idea though and hopefully they will perfect it. Enemy lines won't be able to use our guns lol. I think that hopefully this can help find more real bad guys in cases involving framing. Although expensive that is probably the type of technology I would want with my gun if I were to buy one because you know that will also keep children from being able to fire them off as well.
  11. Well it isn't 50 years old quite yet but it is just about. I think it's amazing how small the computers are getting these days yet somehow bigger in memory and more advanced. It's funny to think that 50 years ago almost it would cost them that much money when hamburgers were 20 cents. It's really something to think of what it was like back then compared to what we have now.
  12. lol How ever interesting that sounds I think I'll pass. So many people can hear your little knock for your password and I think your the screen would get damaged by this because of overusage. I mean sure it's probably durable but think about it. You enter your password twice a day, five days a week for two years. I don't think thatit would really be able to withstand all that. I think I'll stick with what I have.
  13. lol Well you know, people are expected to stare at people that look uncommon or are dressed in something you normally wouldn't wear everyday. It isn't really that big of a deal but ya you normally don't see people walking around in karate outfits anymore unless they are on their way to the gym or whatever. I know it isn't nice to laugh and what not but they just want to get on your nerves so you respond so just ignore them, and if you really are good at karate you can go show off some moves.
  14. I have heard of this site but hadn't actually visited it before. I might have to try it out when I need some sort of entertainment. It looks rather nice. I'm glad it's free. It is sort of like one of those sites that you visit with nothing else to do. Or atleast that will be for me. I like the wide variety and how you can put up your own videos.
  15. I agree. Although I don't know if I would use it for my house water that comes off the fridge because those filters go bad and you don't know what your drinking. I would drink it out of bottled water because it would have to be clean or you could sue the company. This would be a nice way to recycle water and save it for other reasons.
  16. Well I have never heard of the Hyphy Movement until now. It sounds a lot like many rap songs and what not. All the slang words though make it like a gang like music. Sort of seems like it'll cause a bit of trouble though by promoting negative behaivor but I guess that is probably the point.
  17. I don't know. I wouldn't trust this site I would go for one that looks a bit more proffesional. I mean this place has a nice appearance and has some sort of organization but it isn't the most business like of the bunch. I think it could look better graphic wise and I've seen a lot better Referall systems. It doesn't look like the greatest payout either.
  18. I don't think it is really the hotel company and what not, but I think it is the area and how much money they spend on the hotel. I mean if you are in no man's land the Holiday Inn isn't going to be something special, but if you are on the beach well then you will have free breakfast and what not. I mean I prefer Holiday Inn for some reason but I like Best Western, I'm actually in a Marriot right now, really nice. Took the day to visit my cousin.
  19. The site looks pretty cool. I didn't register but the banner is nice. The site is pretty well organized. I like the team list. I don't think it really needs much improvement. The colors all blend well although it doens't have much color that is ok atleast the banner makes it look rather nice.
  20. I would probably use a brighter font color in order to make your site easier to read. Let's start with that. I recommend white. You could put in a banner and that will get you started. Your site is nice and organized it just needs some color or graphics of some sort. Your mouseover is nice I think you just need to add more graphics.
  21. If you have Photoshop CS or CS2 you can download a plugin that allows you to save a file as .ico and you can then use it as an icon. That is what I did with my programs anyway. Other than that I think you would have to pay money for a program unless you can find one free online or find another program like Photoshop you can use.
  22. I've used Google Fight before. I thought it was pretty interesting but there isn't much a point to it for me. I mean I have no use at seeing what finds more results then others. If I ever do though I'd probably just search both and see how many I find. I did find out though that Xisto has many more results than Xisto and my website.
  23. I think I have seen the green one before at a science museum a few years back. I have always wanted a laser pointer to mess around with especially since my older brothers had them but I don't think I ever did. lol Although I would like to have one now especially that you can see the waves I probably wouldn't have a use for it and they probably are a little expensive although I like the idea.
  24. You have to make sure that you delete the original index.htm file that was there. I'm not sure but I think it is .htm and when the server looks for an index file it uses the first it finds starting with .htm then to .html and so on. Make sure that the only index file in your folder is the one you uploaded and delete the other one(s).Edit: Your site seems to be working fine now. I guess you probably figured out the problem or just need to refresh the page.
  25. lol Ya I know what you mean. I will start as a sophmore next year (i start in a week) and I have to read Poland (616 pages) and then another book. Poland I have to write 2 different essays, one 3 pages, and one just one. Then I have another 200 something page book to read and do some stuff for that as well as a postcard and 11 journal entries for spanish. I hate it. I thought we were supposed to enjoy our time off.
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