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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. I really want to see this movie and hopefully will soon. Many people gave it great reviews and didn't think anything of it being too early. It has been almost 5 years now and although sacred ground we have other conflicts to worry about. People who don't want to see it don't have to and that's all there is to it. It may be just for the money but I think it will be interesting to see. I saw a documentry on it onces on TV and that was the year after and it was pretty crazy and now I sort of want to see just what it was like that day.
  2. If you wanted to go back you would have to take a knowledge test to see what grade you should be placed in and then you will have to start again wherever the test results show you would be able to start. I'm sure you wouldn't start again in the 5th grade but probably higher up than that. I am not really sure how it works exactly though.
  3. I feel sorry for you. It must stink to have an uncle like that. My brother does the same thing with his money and is constantly asking for some from me when he makes a ton and has a nice car but he spends it all on cigarettes and with his friends. Things are never his fault. Of course I have my parents and what not though. Hopefully your uncle will turn around for you and you can go back to normal but sometimes things never change.
  4. Well you can say the same then for web site development. For a basic site all you need to know is just HTML or CSS. I mean it's really the same thing if you think about it. People can use just HTML for a web site as they can use just Visual Basic. Sure I use Visual Basic and make some pretty decent programs but I can make it more advanced if I wanted to by adding another language. Same with my website, it's just HTML with some images from Photoshop and I can also add PHP to it to make it better.
  5. Pretty nice site although in firefox the navigation box has a few problems as already stated. That could just be an HTML/XHTML problem which can be found by entering your site URL to http://validator.w3.org/ Looks pretty nice other than that though. I like the colors and the banner is nice although I'm not sure about the font. Nice job.
  6. Yes the direct link would be to here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It isn't just for hosted members though it is for anyone and everyone. It's a pretty nice site but it still has to gain some popularity. You can go through the links though and affiliate with those people as well to earn even more visitors to your web site.
  7. Wow that has to stink. My parents always ask me what I want and this year they haven't bought me a gft yet because I couldn't decide. Hopefully your parents are just holding back a surprise or something because it'd really stink to not get anything for your birthday from your parents. Did you have cake or anything and what not?
  8. I use Photoshop to design my site. After I get through with the design I slice it and then save it for the web. I then open it in Dreamweaver 8 to start with the coding. Then when I'm done coding I upload it using SmartFTP and then I'm done. I think Dreamweaver is really the best way to go for coding if you can afford the software. I think it's really helpful overall.
  9. He won't say to rob him, his lawyer will come up with some excuse to why he was there or whatever. I mean he could come up with anything. Oh I thought I saw a fight inside and I went to check it out and then I fell through the window. That is what the lawyer's job is to do, lie for him and help him come up with convicing stories.
  10. Ha you all are lucky. I started not this past Tuesday but Tuesday the 8th (two weeks ago) But that also means I have 172 more days of school. Although next year I'll start two weeks later like you guys in the northern part of the country. But that also means we people in Florida will have a two week longer summer. I get out the 23rd of May this year but June next year.
  11. lol Ya some people are just really sarcastic when it comes to that. I haven't heard it in a while except from my mom when she is messing around or doesn't want me to know something. It's sort of stupid why people would say that but sometimes someone else really does want to know and you are asking for them.
  12. That is pretty useful I might have to try it sometime. Hopefully I can adjust it to work on all browsers and make it more secure. I would post a comment on the page saying that those who have reached the page from the wrong area can visit the site that way people know the link they got wasn't from the creator of the download or whatever. I can use this for my download system. Nice tutorial.
  13. Well I am going to vote for Mich as well. I like the colors and the horses look really cool with that setting you created. Very nice job overall. I had a hard time choosing between Mich and Delivi.
  14. Sounds a bit like mine. I bought a desktop for $200, upgraded to 766 MB of RAM and it already had like a 80 GB hard drive so I didn't upgrade. I then bought a better graphics card. That sounds like a decent computer. Probably good enough to play some games on it, might get some lag online but it shouldn't be too bad. Probably like mine. I plan on upgrading as well if I can earn some extra cash.
  15. Although I don't remember what it looked like before this site looks pretty good. Although the banner needs some text or something to make it look more real and explain the site name or whatever. The navigation looks ok, the mouseover is nice but something just doesn't seem to fit. I think it could use more color but that could just be me. The forums look nice integrated in there as well as the chat and teams. Pretty good overall.
  16. Although the site might look good in CSS I think it looks fine already. I like the design, the mouseover navigation, the 3d images, and how you can't mouseover the page you are on. Really the design looks great as it is but if you think you could make it look even better using CSS designs go for it but if you don't know CSS yet I would start to learn and leave the site alone until you get a better grasp at it.
  17. If the police wouldn't listen to your plead for a security watch or whatever then you did what you had to do. I belive you are not guilty because he was breaking into your house. If he wasn't doing it that wouldn't have happened. Although I think a video camera probably would have been better. What's he gonna say though, I was checking to make sure his window was stable? You might need a good lawyer though because they always find a way to make it bite you in the butt.
  18. I never thought that could happen before. Then again I never really had problems with Bandwidth either because my site never really got big. Luckily I don't use images in my signature at the moment anyway because otherwise I'd have some trouble. Maybe I'll have to start hosting my images on Photobucket or something becuase I put my images up on other forums I go to because I make them for people at my clan's forum and they all use it. In fact one of them is a banner. I might have to change the location if it becomes a problem.
  19. Well I can't really rate my country because I haven't been to any other country so I don't know what it's like to live there. Sure I know some about the history of some countries and current events of them now but that's what is just on the news. I do like my country though, I live in the United States as well. I enjoy the freedom given and I probably take it for granted.
  20. Yup, I've just turned 15 a few weeks ago and I don't plan on going through that for a while. I mean there is a lot of peer pressure out there or whatever and you just have to ignore it. Of course I think this post is now sort of a joke because he probably was just joking around but that's beside the point. I have heard people talk about it and what not and many people carry condoms in their wallets but you know I think it's just to look cool or whatever, not that they really did anything. Or it is a just in case.
  21. I have never seen that before. I think that's a pretty neat tool and saves some space on my computer. I realized that I have more RAM than I thought. lol The one thhing I don't think that does show is the amount of space that can be found on my hard drive and how much is used but that isn't a problem because that is easy to do. Just have to hold the mouse over the hard drive symbol.-
  22. I remember the good old days of playing baseball. I know how you feel. I would go to school and then play a two and a half hour baseball game and be beat the next day. Then one night I went to Sea World the night before a game and was up til 4 in the morning, had a game at 7:30 lol. 2 hours of sleep and I had the best game of my life. Then I slept for a while. Baseball wore me out sometimes depending on what kind of action there was. My brother is in band and he can get pretty tired if he does some marching.
  23. Ya I am now in my second year of high school and you know I haven't looked much to the future yet. I figured I have another two years but soon things will start counting down. Of course I plan to go to college so I'll still have school after that but it'll only be a few years depending on how many AP and IB tests I can pass. I have worked already for about a year now landscaping so I sort of have a taste of what it's like. I just wonder what it'll be like alone living and working. It ought to be interesting.
  24. Well Mich it's the least we can do. You made it you should recieve credit for it. I like it a lot so I decided to use it. I might have to learn how to make these in Photoshop so I can use it for my web site once I get it up and running. These are pretty cool but there are so many of them I don't think I can use all the ones I could use. I think I'll just stick with Trap.
  25. It seems that there was a MySQL error. This is the first time it's been back for me and that last time I posted something was at 6:39 pm in the Shoutbox last night (Eastern Time) and today that shout was still there. Hopefully things will stay back up now but luckily this didn't effect the hosting because they are on separate servers.
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