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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. I do think that Nike is the long time favorite and helies might be popular but not that popular they would be everywhere. I myself prefer New Balance. They are comfortable and good for running or whatever I'm doing. I don't think I've even heard or seen any of the other ones. Nike probably still is the favorite but I doubt it will last much longer.
  2. Ya I think I'm already in trouble. I blow off 10 hours of sun in one work day landscaping, or although I don't do it everyday I think I'm in the sun a bit more then I should and if I don't already I'll probably have trouble with my skin in the future because I just turned 15. My skin has already adjusted to the sun though even though I am not tanned but I don't recieve sun burn anymore because I live in Florida so unless I'm out alll day I usually don't get sunburn anymore.
  3. Well that's good. It is sort of like baseball. The four division leaders make it to the playoffs and the best second place record team goes except basketball this is seeds while baseball those are the only teams. I think that's probably the best way to go and they really can't get mad about it because they earned that spot fair and square. I don't know what they'd do though if they had a tie between two records.
  4. Ok so go into your forum administration and look under the General Admin tab and go to Backup Databases. Do a full back up or whatever and then download it to your computer. Then go into the forums on your PHP Nuke site, look under General Admin again, and go to Restore Databases, and upload the file from your computer there and it will restore all users topics, categories, and I think even the theme if it is uploaded.
  5. Sadly we aren't able to use Writely at the moment because they are moving it to Google servers or something like that. Hopefully it will be back and running soon because I am really anxious to use it. School starts next Tuesday and that is when I'm going to need it when I bring my laptop at school and use my desktop at home. I read some more information about it and it sounds like it'll be perfect for me.
  6. Welcome Tanuki to Xisto. Don't worry your english is fine and a lot better than many people I know. I am also 15, turned 15 this past Sunday. lol I used to enjoy reading books til high school came along. I now would rather swim than read a book. I'm sure you'll get along with people just fine.
  7. This is why some people put things from a book into a song. Sort of like for math learning the Order of Operations or whatever. Instead of saying --- Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction people make it Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally or Purple Elephants May Destroy a School. You can do stuff like that. It isn't really a song but you get the picture.
  8. You can also go over to http://www.gamefront.com/ You can upload an infinite amount of files and of any size. You could also go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I haven't been there before but there is no space limit I don't know about file size.
  9. That sounds really cool. I might have to try it out when it comes out because I don't plan on buying a new system so hopefully this will renew my Playstation 2 experience. If not oh well I just hope it doesn't cost that much. I think it'd be nice to try it first though I might look for a demo of a before and after to see if it's even worth it.
  10. lol That stinks. But was he talking into his cell phone for real or messing with you? He might have been joking around because obviously you would probably be more sligh then that. You should have played along though and say ok great lets do this and then call security on him as you leave.
  11. lol That is really interesting. So basically you have to buy two stamps to get your money's worth. I heard once that they would get rid of the penny here in the United States and then prices would have to be rounded to the nearest 5 hundredth or tenth. I don't know why though they would want to get rid of it. I mean the 1 cent I could see but it will take a while to get used to.
  12. Well people think that Google is the best search engine because of all the adons it has but those aren't in your search they are just other programs. I think for searching itself though it is really nice and it seems faster to load for me anyway. I do think though that ask.com is cool because you can see pages before you go to them.
  13. That sounds pretty cool. I would like to try it. That way I can keep my documents in one place as well so I can edit them on my laptop and when I get home work on it on my computer. I'll have to try it to see just how good it is. Thanks for the invite. I'll hopefully get to try it out.
  14. Alright well obviously you didn't read the Xisto ReadMe. It isn't the number of posts you have it is the number of hosting credits. You need 10 hosting credits for the first package and 30 hosting credits for the second package. You can view the number of credits you have by viewing the main page. It is in a box above all forum categories. Once you recieve the credits you can apply in the free web hosting credits. There is a link in my signature to the application form. Make sure you read the Xisto ReadMe as well a link is in my signature. It may look like a long read but you have to in order to post properly.
  15. lol If I was gonna have the same meal all year I would ask for a variety of things because I wouldn't be able to eat the same thing over and over all year. But anyway my favorite meal would have to be Mashed Potatoes, with some ham and corn on the cob. If not ham, then chicken, or turkey. Really fills me up I love it.
  16. That is really cool. You know I saw something like that on a movie called "House of Cards" She took pictures of a card house and then put them on her computer and it made the house again and you were still able to see what was on the cards. It is a really neat idea you can revisit places you saw long ago and what not.
  17. I don't get an Ipod though because I would only use it when I travel long distances and for that I have my laptop so I can listen to music anyway. You really don't need that many songs held because your probably won't even listen to them each 3 times. You will pick only a few that you want to listen to but I guess it also depends on the person. I liseten to them all in order and then go back to the place I left off. I am sure that especially when the Microsoft Zune comes out Mac will come out with a camera with your Ipod to hold thousands of pictures. They already have it incorporated on cell phones so it won't be long.
  18. Well looking at the site now it looks much better. I really like the banner you did a great job on it. Everything sort of falls into place because the bars at the bottom looked senseless without the header. The water droplets are awesome. What program did you make that in or did you make it?
  19. That is really helpful for when trying to develop a new password. I do indeed use my own Random Password Generator but I change the number of characters each time. Ya I really don't think changing my password every 30 days will help because that is a lot of passwords to change and I probbly wouldn't remember all of them and then I'm stuck with totally different passwords for different things. I sort of do that but I change it up a bit and I still have some trouble remembering them. Although for things of higher importance I use high quality passwords. My email though I don't really use the same for each unless it's the one I sign up for everything with.
  20. I might have to try that as long as they are free and not just there illegaly. I enjoy having themed interfaces I just have to be able to put it back when I get bored because I won't wan't it forever. It'd be nice to come to something different when you start up your computer.
  21. That sounds like a pretty interesting place. If I had paypal I would try it. I used http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ which allows you to save points for items. I spent 1000 points on domains but it took me forever to get the points. About 10 hours of typing in the same information over and over. I like the idea of $3 a survey. As long as they don't send me free items or attempt to I'm good to go.
  22. My web site used to be http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and now I have it as http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ They take you to the same place for the time being but plenoptic will expire at the end of the year. Stexel is now a design/hosting site with a forum. Currently under construction though.
  23. Well it looks ok. I sort of wonder why there is a big empty space at the top of the page. I mean you could put a banner or something of some sort. Of course only the Home link takes you somewhere so I can't really see anything else. The design is sort of really plain I would spice it up some towards the top but it really isn't supposed to be much anyway.
  24. Go to the file manager and then go to public_html or www directory and there you can upload files or edit them. Remember that your main page must be called index.html Hopefully you know html and how to make the web site itself. If you would like you can use a FTP manager to upload your files and edit them if you don't like the Cpanel. If you need any more information on how to use the Cpanel let me know.
  25. Well obviously it is the internet. That is what keeps me entertained because it allows me to play games online and I enjoy reading information and looking up info for school. (minus the school part) It is cool to meet people from other parts of the world or talk to my friends without wasting money on phone minutes. Basically the internet is the basis of my computer life. I design my own web site, make money on it.
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