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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Wow I hope he can do it. I would do it too if I had that much endurance. Maybe a few years down the road I could do it with him. I think that's really cool how he's trying to do that for people. I wonder if he took pledges for every like 100 miles he does or whatever. Hopefully he will be able to pull it off and really show the people something. Only the third link works for me as well.
  2. lol Although maybe useful for some I probably wouldn't use it. Sometimes I minimize things when I open them because I have something else to do at hand but want that ready but then sometimes I want to use it on spur of moment. I think I'll take the extra second and just click the button myself. I really don't think that it is necessary, just another program to close before I open up the online gaming.
  3. As I told you in the shoutbox you can view your credits on the main page. http://forums.xisto.com/ Under the shoutbox and under the ads you will see a box which shows Hosting Credits: ##.##
  4. Very good resource you have here. I like the free online resources. I really need these sets that coudl be used on colors for a web site. I can't always seem to match my colors with each other but this should help. I might be able to use the html tag reference as well. I added this to my bookmarks. Looking at the listing of the country codes I've only been to a few out of the many. Who would of thought there would be so many domain country codes.
  5. Typo there are many reasons why people would use this. You could have a riddle and hide the answer and after someone guesses they can click to show the answer, or like I said before instead of showing a huge article they can hide it there and people can click if they want to read it (of course still in quotes) or if there is a spoiler to a book that would give it away people can hide it from those who just want to read the other information or they could use it for some content that younger users should not read like Albus' Joke that you replied to earlier.
  6. lol Ya the admins have seen it already obviously with the edit by Buffalo. Although he forgot the quotes again. That is why he used the click to hide thing with a warning in case it is inappropriate so those who shouldn't read it won't click on it.
  7. I used MSN the most before Google. I remember using GoMamma a few times but I didn't use Ask Jeeves that much. I think the only reason why I began to use Google was the fact that it was easy to remember and there wasn't any ads or whatever to get in my way of searching. I used Yahoo sometimes when MSN failed and I figured MetaCrawler was too long to type so I didn't use that much.
  8. Yes I've had the beta for a few months now and I really like the interface (GUI) I do wish that they bring back the mini bar that appears when you minimize it like in WMP 9 I think it was. I mean they could have it as an optional feature. I found that very useful. Anyway, it's pretty cool I think and I recommend it.
  9. I'm sure someone will like your original colors. Buffalo made one of his own as well but I still like yours. If I can remember when I get home from school I'll add it to my signature.
  10. Ya now we can hide the part of who dies and what not or whatever if people don't want to know. People can use the hide for quotes and what not as well like talk about an article and say to view the article go here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or just have it in quotes. [hide=Plenoptic] [/hide] So I guess BBCodes are just like other scripts made into something simpler? Anyway that's cool, good job Buffalo.
  11. lol That is really funny. I was wondering where you were going with that.
  12. Well I have two computers, a laptop and a desktop. The laptop I bought from Dell brand new, cheapo one and I have had that for a year and a half without problems and continuing on. My desktop which I'm using now is six months old and still going strong. This one is actually used sort of but the old user never used it. They aren't anything special or anything just regular computers I use every day.
  13. Ya I have used that before but the Control + C still usually works for the ones I have tested anyway. I don't know if there will ever be a fool proof script that can keep people from copying but that does help. You just have to find a way to stop from the selecting of text on a screen like making it into pictures but that would take too much time.
  14. That's a pretty interesting site. Although I think some people probably join and rate their own site just to get it some publicity. My only problem would be when someone who isn't interested in the topic and has no clue comes on and rates a site based off stuff they don't know about. I really don't think something like this would work for me but I might try it out sometimes. Maybe I'm wrong.
  15. I think your post was a bit of spam, use the reoport button if you feel it necessary. Anyway, which navigation are you talking about? The website, forums, or both? If it is the forums I don't think too much can be done. Everything is in the General area like programming languages is in Computers and SOTW in the Graphics. Can you give an example of what can be spruced up or what you have problems with?
  16. Well you could use Xisto as your free host if you earn enough credits. Or if you don't mind a few ads you can sign up at Xisto.net I don't think there is really many other free hosts out there offering no ads.
  17. Maine I belive the one you are talking about is the one that says "View My Credits" which is on the index page of the forums which is why it takes you there. All of them work fine or atleast they do for me.
  18. Trust me I know about procrastonating. I did the same for my summer assignments. I tried to read a book in a day and wasn't able to finish it. I only finished half but luckily it wasn't due until a week later. I didn't really procrastinate until last year when I entered high school. I sort of put things off saying oh that won't take long but it didn't work. I still do it but I am going to try a lot harder to get things done so I can then hang around and do whatever.
  19. What you can do is you can make the post giving the link to the game itself (not the referall link) and then make a side note telling people that if they would like to give you extra gold to pm you for the referall link. That way they can go to the site and then if then if they read your explanation on how it helps you they can pm you or email you and recieve the referall link there. I would only do this though for the game I wouldn't do it for anything that gives you real money or whatever.
  20. Ha just kidding BH I just realized. I guess I missed that. I went and searched the site too and just couldn't seem to find it. Jlhaslip, on the site there is a donation page that you can donate. I think that is quite amazing how that little can do so much. I guess the ads do a lot to help as well. I'm gonna try and get my Mom to let me make a donation. Maybe I could just mail in money even though it says checks they should accept it. I don't need the tax deduction but that's ok. I have told everyone I know about the invention and they all thought it was a great idea.
  21. The site worked perfectly fine for me. I recieved my activation and I logged in pefectly. I did notice though that the email was sent to my Junk Email account so some people might have it skip their email altogether. I also noticed you must activate the account within 24 hours and some people might not be doing that.
  22. Alright so I figured out that the reason why the border looks messed up to us is because we are using Firefox or another browser. It may look fine to you in Internet Explorer but in other web browsers it doesn't meaning it wasn't something you have done but there is something wrong in the coding and unless you can find the bug you really can't fix it.
  23. I play video games online all the time. I play verse other people in America's Army as well as Nitto 1320 and when I get bored I'll go to a gaming web site and play some games like at Addicting Games. I really play America's Army the most. I think it's pretty fun.
  24. I also understand about the screaming babies. It is part of the responcibilty of having one that you should probably not take them to the movies or a place that should be quiet. That's what the DVD is for. You can get it when it comes out. Of course we all were babies too and would scream and what not but it is the parent's responcibility. If you are gonna take them to the movies do it at a time when not people are there.
  25. Ya as rvalkass stated, with that border missing it sort of ruins the design. The banner let alone doesn't match but it could use some more excitement in there. I mean it is just text and a car with a white background. I would spice it up a bit. If you were to go to your forum without the banner you wouldn't know it was car related. The banner is very important and it should catch the eye. I mean not catch it by making it stand out because of color but have some more detail.
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