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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Yes, if you are accepted for your 10 credit account and you wish later on that you want to upgrade you can do that as long as you have the 30 credits. Just remember that after you get your hosting account the ammount of credits you have are reset.
  2. There actually is a Sports forum here on Xisto. It is in the section called Life Talk. You may not have seen it because it is a sub forum. Here is a direct link... http://forums.xisto.com/topic/105-sports/ This doesn't count for post count though but I believe you still recieve hosting credits. Sorry I got it mixed up. It counts as a post count but it does not count for hosting credits.
  3. The script is ran every 24 hours so depending on what time of day it is ran you might not have been eligable for the unsuspension. You must make sure that you have more than 4 credits because 4 is the amount you need to be unsuspended. That is why it is recommended that you keep it up at 10 credits at all time. Try to bring it up to atleast six if you can or more and wait another 24 hours and if your site isn't unsuspended make another post in this topic but it should as long as you maintain more than 4 credits.
  4. Well you know I'm sure that Google will probably start taking over the desktops for many people. For myself though I don't really need all those applications. Usually I just use the search engine and I only use the others when needed. It isn't like everyday I'm going to look up a place to go, or translate something (although maybe I will when school starts). I am pretty satisfied with my Microsoft programs and don't really feel like I need to replace them with Google although when Google takes over the world I'll have to (J/K) Unless I really find something I need in Google Applications then I won't be using them personally but I'm sure so many people will be.
  5. That's a pretty cool idea. I added myself. lol You can't see me unless you scroll I wonder though just how many dots would be there lol They could get all bunched up. I just put a general area and my username though.
  6. If you want hosting from Xisto.com then no you won't have to enter an address. To see the form for hosting click the following link http://ww2.forum500.com/?folio=9POR7JU99 and see for yourself. All you have to do is maintain the credits.
  7. Ya there is a topic on here a while back. I used this feature probably 6 months ago and it gave me entertainment. I used it when I was bored but I got rid of it. I did find a few useful sites and I'll probably go back to using it again if I'm ever bored but school is starting and I gotta long road ahead so I passed it on to my sister. She continues to use it in fact she downloaded it again yesterday. I only used it for a few weeks. Have fun though. By the way make sure to quote a list of links.
  8. That's wierd. In my area though I have Cingular and they combined with AT&T and so far we haven't had any problems at all. Maybe the person you spoke with didn't know how to take off the charge or just forgot or something who knows but hopefully the problem is fixed. Although filing a complaint won't do anything you can threaten to leave to Sprint or another network near you and trust me they will take the charge off. I mean don't threaten them really but say to yourself well maybe I'll go to Sprint then or something and see what happens.
  9. On what connection speeds did they test it on though, and how many times did they test it? I would like to know if they tested it on DSL/Cable/T3/T1, etc; or just averaged them all out. I just did a search on the same thing on Google and Yahoo and Google was 0.02 seconds faster for me and on another search it was 0.05 seconds faster. I mean this really varies by day of the week, time of day, if school is in and what not as well.
  10. You know although water is just water I think botteled waters taste different from each other. Like I drink Zephyrhills Spring Water and when I drink Aquafina or Dausani it tastes different like it has something else in it. Of course I like water and of course I drink it all the time. Although I think sometimes I'll drink soda all day and get dehydrated and I realize I haven't had enough water. I sort of wonder though if bottling companies put in some extra stabilizer or something that makes the water taste different.
  11. Well if a site doesn't have links on other sites Google won't find them. Google basically finds a new site by clicking on a link in a site already ranked and it says "Hmm, this place is unfamiliary" and then starts clicking around that new site. The more Google finds links on sites to that design site, the higher the rank for the design site. So basically they need to affiliate and put up some links to places.
  12. Welcome je-ar to Xisto. Yes any type of person is allowed on Xisto as long as they speak english so don't worry about that. Hopefully we'll get to know you better the more you post here.
  13. If you go to the settings on your domain name, you should be able to change the name servers to whatever you would like. So you would set them to the name servers that godaddy.com has provided. So if the nameservers for godaddy.com are ns1.godaddy.com and ns2.godaddy.com then that is what you point your domain to. That will make it so if you go to your website it will take you there. Your nameservers aren't going to be named after your site unless you yourself are a web host.
  14. lol I used to play that game with my friends for months. I don't think it ever really go old until we decided to buy the new James Bond games for the Playstation 2. I started to like those better but I still remember dying with the blood covering the screen. My parents wouldn't let me play that game at first. Anyway I am gonna have to say America's Army is my favorite multiplayer game these days. I am in a clan and we strategize on the different maps to defeat other clans and what not. And then there is playing not as a clan but with other random people. It is really fun I enjoy it.
  15. I like the site a lot. The colors are really nice and fit perfectly together. I don't know about how much space you took up with the banner but it does look really nice. Everything blends in perfectly and I like the multicolors. The bottom does seem really empty though I think you should just make it expandable. I think the labels over the shoutbox textboxes I think should be centered or all aligned to one side. Other than that it looks really good overall very nice job.
  16. I always did wonder why the backs of some CDs for the Playstation 2 were blue and why some were still regular. Now I finally know it is for more storage. I like the idea of storing that much more data. Of course it is going to cost more though because it holds more which might also mean the game has some extra quality or just more levels who knows. I like the idea of having 2GB in a CD that would be pretty cool, store a bunch of stuff in there.
  17. I have seen a few transexuals around and sometimes I wonder why they want to put their own children through it if they have children. I think it would sort of be embarrasing to you and your family and friends. How hard would it be to go from calling your friend Joe to Jessica or Mr. to Mrs. You would think they would have a hard time. I never knew though that transgender developed before people were even born. I wonder though if some people just suddenly decide later in life though because that's what they want to do. I am sure some cases are like that.
  18. lol I really don't get what this site is for. I think it is just a site made by someone who is against teenagers using the internet. I mean there are the sites like myspace on there which I also sort of do and don't care for. I think if people use it correctly it is fine but you see those who give out too much info pay for it. I don't use it personally but you know if people want to blog using it that's fine as long as they don't go out giving random people their information. The Ultimate Showdown I think is good entertainment and I guess they are mad they didn't think of it first. I don't know I think it's a pointless site myself that they have there.
  19. Well if you go online to whatever bank you use to hold your money they should have explanations for each account and what you can and can not do with each of them. A lot of banks are different and off different features.
  20. You would have to open up your PSD file in photoshop and click save as and then change the file format to whatever you like it to be. If you don't have photoshop you can email it to me at speoj@msn.com or just send a pm to the link you have it uploaded on.
  21. I am pretty sure that that part of the error says that your password is either wrong or the user isn't assigned to the database. Double check the spelling on the name/database/password and make sure you have the proper prefix for the name and database. Maybe that will help clear up some of the other errors but I don't know what is in the files it is trying to read.
  22. I don't really know. I like to think they will find a cure for AIDS or something to atleast neutralize it to keep it from doing anything. I mean we keep advancing in technology they might find something and you never can tell what is going to come out next. My friend's dad has found something to stop the growth of cancer so I'm sure something can be done about AIDS it might just take a lot longer than one might think.
  23. Ya I think I would go with the idea of a computer as well although it would be sort of hard to control but you know they now have new technology that does what you think and then you could use glasses and what not but really implanting into your eyes would be sort of wierd plus I don't watch tv anymore either. I really would like to know how you would hear it, would you have headphones coming out of your eyes and would you point a remote at your head to change the channel?
  24. Pretty nice forum. That is a rather old skin I remeber having it on a forum I went to and moderated a couple years ago. Of course that doesn't mean it doesn't look nice. Is the banner supposed to say "Blastin' You GFX Needs" I guess you did but I figured it would be better with Your instead of "You" but that's my opinion. I think that you should probably let guests read posts so they can see what users post around there. You don't have to make it so they can reply but if they want to they would register and this gives them more of an idea of what the forums is about before they join. You don't have to do it to all sections but maybe the SOTW, and show offs.
  25. Ya I would sort of like my death to be fast and easy so there is no suffering involved. Although if I wasn't on death row I have always thought about skydiving out of a plane naked without a parachute. I don't know why but I figured that's how I want to die. lol Don't ask.
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