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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Plenoptic

    I Hate School!

    You know you are like the same as me. I am going to be a sophmore as well and although I recieve tons of homework sometimes I still get to make new friends and hang out with old ones. I enjoy all the time I get to spend with them at lunch and you know they brighten up my day. I am going to be taking Algebra II, English, Spanish III, Chemistry and AP European History. Next year I take more AP classes and then some IB tests. The next two years I won't have any extra credit classes but you know I get to skip years of college for going through this and that helps me make it through as well as my friends. I recieve 2 - 3 hours of homework a night but you know with time management I've brought that down and I have spare time as long as I don't procrastinate.
  2. Ya I guess it really does have the shape of a sea horse in a way but that has nothing to do with evolution. It is just a shape formed by islands. Sea horses aren't taking over the world and they aren't pushing the islands together it is just a coincidence. Sort of the potato chips looking like different presidents and what not.
  3. It looks nice but I would offer the feature to host the account at their domain name. I like the fact that there are no ads. The site itself could use some more color and professional look. Atleast have a banner that shows that they are some type of business. Other than that it looks nice. But I'm sure some people would want the forums hosted at their own domain name because sometimes the forums will be their whole site.
  4. Another reason to go to Xisto - Web Hosting I have heard of that web host a few times before. I never really checked it out but atleast they refunded your account. Did they ever say why they charged it to your account?
  5. That sounds pretty cool but WinRar I can still use even though the trial is over. It tells me to remove it from my computer or buy it but then I close that content box and it still works. I downloaded the trial and I haven't hacked it or anything it still seems to work fine so that's what I use until I need something else. I need something though that will unpack .UAG files into their separate .WAV files because Dragon Unpacker doesn't cut it for the files I'm trying to extract.
  6. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/39648-are-we-men-good-or-bad-at-the-end-something-for-the-ladies/= Warning issued for copied content right here. Have you ever recieved a warning before becuase this was a few days back but he might have added the warn and reduced credits today or something happened and it lagged or u just didn't notice that you had a warning. I don't know what it is but that would probably be the topic.
  7. Well I don't know for sure but right here could be the problem... http://forums.xisto.com/topic/39894-what-do-you-guys-think-about-people-who-sleep-around/= This isn't the way of Xisto and you were warned for a reason but I guess the moderator or admin didn't put the notice tag. Check your pms to see if there is anything there. One of your posts might have been deleted as well instead of removing bad content.
  8. Tailson that is ok you just have to say your account username in the application here or make a link in the application here to the one on Xisto. I am not exactly sure how that works. MusicOnly sorry but there is nothing that can be done about that. You were notified of that in the Xisto ReadMe. Users that aren't hosted recieve credits faster because they aren't and Xisto wants people to earn hosting as fast as possible which is why the credits are reset.
  9. Yes laptops can be as fast as PCs but you are going to have to spend a bit of money if you want to use it for gaming. I wouldn't reccomend getting one with an integrated graphics card because then you can't get a new graphics card to upgrade unless you buy another motherboard with it. Laptops can connect to the internet using the cable or using a wireless card. You are going to need a laptop also with a good amount of RAM. My laptop only had 256 MB of RAM and it was slow as can be with a few processes going so you will have to add some more it is still rather slow with only 512. Go for the Pentium 4 processer and that would help to. I would recommend a Dell computer but they have lots of extra processes and what not that make your computer run slower so maybe go for a HP or Gateway.
  10. Yes you have to be hosted to transfer to other members. Transferring between hosted and non hosted is not allowed because that will help people get hosting when they are supposed to earn it by posting. Plus that allows people to make two accounts really easily and the credits are for different reasons.
  11. Well if his original color was that though on Photoshop. It is probably the same color they just got it a different way. I wouldn't be surprised. I mean I don't know how it goes about coding the colors but I'm sure there can be two colors exactly the same but with a different code. I mean if it is off bit the tiniest bit you can't tell.
  12. Search the gaming forums and I'm sure you will find a few games you can play. I personally play Nitto 1320 online drag racing game against the computer or other users. You earn money can upgrade or buy new cards that are used in real life. There is the Honda Civic, Acura RSX, Subaru WRX, Toyata Supra, Nissain Skyline, Mopar Drag Car, Dodge Viper/Chalenger/Charger and then premiums. You can race for pink slips as well. http://www.nittotire.com/ If you don't mind the download you can get America's Army as well. An online war game where you work with your team to obtain an objective or kill the enemy. There are many maps that you can play as long as you have gone through the proper training. https://www.americasarmy.com/
  13. I have no idea why people do do that but I guess it's so they don't have to keep track of money. If they were to do that though I would buy an American Express gift card so you can use it anywhere you want. The only time I buy gift cards are when I want to buy something online that they don't have in stock or I want to get it for someone for Christmas and they are at the store with me or whatever. I really don't use it at any other time. It's usually only Christmas.
  14. lol Poor Albus. Well you know I used to like country music and I can still listen to it every one in a while but then I moved on to other types of music like rock. My whole family really got into country music and they continue to listen to it so now I don't really mind listening to country music but it really isn't my favorite anymore. There are really only certain artists I would listen to. I can't stand a few of them though. Now I listen to rock and what not. Albus if you don't like it though that much why don't you bring a CD player or something or other like a walkman so you can play your own music?
  15. Ya why wouldn't it be indexed. Mine always have been. If google clicks on the link it's put in their system. It is the same as a dot com and what not. It finds new sites by going through already indexed sites and clicking links. I wouldn't say it's faster I think it is just how fast the link gets out.
  16. That is how it used to be and that is why the edit button had been removed. But now they have the mod set that when you edit the post the credits are subtracted accordingly. It takes out the number of credits your originally recieved and adds in what you should now recieve so no this isn't cheating because it doesn't work so I wouldn't suggest trying it but thanks for your concerns.
  17. Well they already have had out phones that has Itunes on them and you can hold music and what not. My brother's girlfriend has one. I figured it wouldn't be long before they came out with a cell phone themselves. I guess that is one less thing people have to carry around with them because now they will have the Ipid and cell phone in one. I would trust the one made by Ipod not the others that just have the program integrated on it.
  18. There are many programs you can use like Anim8tor, or AutoCAD, Blender 3D, BodyPaint 3D, Bryce, Rhino 3D, Swift 3D. I have used Cinema 4D personally but I never did get the hang of using that. If you need tutorials for the programs go to http://www.pixel2life.com/ and they have even more on a list of 3D programs to use.
  19. You can start your computer in safe mode by pressing F11 before the windows logo shows up and starts loading . When you start your computer in safe mode it has an admin account that anyone can use. I don't know if you can change your password without knowing your old one but you can create a new admin account and delete the old one while saving the files.
  20. I think all of this stuff is fine as long as they can return back to whatever else they want to see. So just make sure you have clear, easy to find navigation. Of course you don't want to have a huge list of links though that people have to read through in order to find that one section so break it off into bigger sections and on mouseover have it expand or something like that into smaller categories in that section. Sort of like for Community you would have it expand to a list including forums, news, or anything in which people can interact.
  21. All you have to do is this for HTML... <body background="http://imageurl.com/image.jpg">Or this for CSS... <body style="background-image: url(http://imageurl.com/image.jpg);">
  22. That looks really cool. It looks like they expanded quite a bit. The other day when I went to take my test for my permit it was a touch screen but the mouse followed where your finger touched and if you tapped it would click. This they took it a lot further but sort of like the same thing. I don't know what you would do about photoshop but I think you can resize things anyway with the onscreen keyboard.
  23. I have played a game like this once before. It was called Star Kingdom and it was a bit bigger than this site. You had scientists research, and people can go attack other worlds. I might have to try this out if I can find the time. Although in Ogame I guess you can attack and conquer the colonies you get so that would be pretty cool. I always have been interested in running something like a world or a business.
  24. Som of these really ar the best moments in life. Last year throughout the school year all we did was laugh for a whole class period or during lunch. It really brought us up after having a bad day all we needed was a stupid reason and we would laugh forever about it. I think another best moment though would have to be being a role model or looked up upon by someone like a little brother or sister or even a friend.
  25. I really don't see a need for this either. People will probably just want one or the other and they can just go download from the separate sites. It will save download time and web space because they will sneak in a few other things I'm sure to be installed that you don't need.
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