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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Pretty much what I did is I bought a cheapo computer and I just upgrade it whenever I can. So basically if your parts don't work you can buy new ones and better for cheap at places like http://www.newegg.com/ (what I use). And if you have paypal or someone else you can trust that does you can sell the old part on e-bay to make some money off it.
  2. Well if you made it in Dreamweaver with MySQL it will work fine I have no clue what NetBeans is I would have to get back to you on that or you would have to wait for someone to respond, whichever comes first.
  3. lol You had to bring that kind of stuff up didn't you. Well multiple IP's can't have a hosting account atleast and I wouldn't mind spending the credits like 30 a month, it wouldn't be that hard for me but you know saving it for the end of the year probably would be the best idea. It really doesn't matter to me either or both works, I could do both of them.Edit:By the way I meant I would only taking donations for end of year so those who win can get more and people can take a bigger part of it by giving something to them. Sort of like all of Xisto is giving them the award. But really it isn't up to me.
  4. lol One morning when the lawn was being cut my dad wacked the wires with the weed-eater and cut em out. lol It was a 90 degree day that day here in Florida so the temperature in the house will rise fast without air and sometimes hotter then outside. Luckily I was gone for most of the day because the upstairs gets even hotter. I came home to a 87 degree house and the upstairs at 91 degrees. lol I couldn't stand to be up there in the humidity. Of course my dad told everyone what happened and we called the Sears to come fix our air conditioning and it was back to normal by the end oft he day. I know how it feels and it really stinks.
  5. Well I don't think the referall system would work out. People will come make 10 posts and leave then unelss they want hosting. I do think though that it would make this place even more active because people will strive for the extra credits. I wouldn't make a 2nd or 3rd place though, put all the honor on that member but you never know. I would give the winner probably 30 credits (enough for a month of hosting) The only problem would be what would the non members get. I can make a banner or someone could to give as well to the winner and if the non member decides to get hosting he can then recieve his reward. If not, he will recieve the banner atleast to be recognized like the hosted.
  6. I think to get rich on a website will probably hard. First you need to think of a creative way to attract people to your site depending about what it's about. If you want to create something new make sure people will like the idea. Then you must think of a short, simple, but rather funny name so that people will remember it. Then you gotta put things into action. Build the site, put up google adsense if you want it and then advertise. You can't get visitors from sitting around and doing nothing. It takes hard work.
  7. I always use Smart FTP to upload my files and edit them and what not so I always just go in there and just right click on the file. Then a menu pops up and I click on CHMOD. Then I just type in what permissions should be added or taken and click ok and move on to whatever else. Pretty simple like Chatz said. I would use gaggu's process if I was in Cpanel alot but I'm not because I really don't need to be. Both good ways though.
  8. Well we have done the Member of Year and they don't have to have 100 posts for the month it would be whichever member was helpful, generous, kind or whatever for that month. I think we already have a way for those to recieve the credits and if not we have a mod. If Buffalo or OpaQue allow it I can set it up.
  9. Thanks for the help, although I found a different way which did have some of yours in there. You see I had items in a list but also extra text before the item name so it was labled "Question 1 = xxxxx" That in quotations is the whole item on the list. I wanted to make it so when people double clicked on the item it would transfer just the "xxxxx" to the text box for editting which I ended up doing with a search and replace script for strings.
  10. Actually I think you should use the colors for the forums for the main page. I don't really like the background color but that is probably just me. Looks pretty nice though, the navigation is easy to find. Not bad overall.
  11. I first had CS and after CS2 came out I continued to use it because I was happy with it. I now have CS2 for my desktop computer but continue to use CS on my laptop so I guess I use both.
  12. Well you know I'd be willing to do this as well if the mods and admins agree. It would help members be more active. Hopefully though it won't go too far into the member's head to make them think they have more power then others and what not and should be mods at that moment although it would look good on a resume (well what the admins look at.) There would have to be nominations each month though which we could start I guess after 3 weeks and have voting during the first week of the following month.
  13. Well instead of the week or month there is an award like that for the year. I started this last year and will continue it. We had many awards as part of the 2005 Xisto Awards and a 2006 will be held this year. I think I am going to take donations of credits so the winners can get as many as allowed. So if you guys can hang in there you will start to see more information about that soon.
  14. Well I'm glad they aren't worried about time and are more worried about the quality of the new versions. I probably won't buy it until I really need to or can afford to because there really isn't a point. I don't think it is as accessible as Windows XP anyway.
  15. If it says this folder has already been deleted then yes it should be gone just log out and back in using the FTP program and the folder should be gone. If not try to click on it and if it won't allow access to it log out and back in one more time and see what happens.To delete the database go into the control panel again, click on MySQL Databases, and next to each database name there are controls (Delete, Check and Repair) so click delete there and you are all set.
  16. Well I tend to think that it would be easier read with white on black unlesses bolded. I think the text just looks better on the black. Interesting design you have there. I can't say I've seen something like it before. The navigation isn't really center in the navigation box just to let you know. I think you should have a mouse over effect with each link, it would look good with the brackets. If I could read it I would be able to tell you more but that's about it.
  17. No I don't think you can recover credits when you lose your hosting you would have to start over and begin again. If you are trying to do it in CPanel I would recommend downloading an FTP program. All you have to do is when you log in to all your directories, go into your public_html file and right click on the forums directory and click delete and that should work. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ SmartFTP
  18. Very nice site you got there. I like the design, the banner seems sort of empty except for that logo, you might want to try to do something with that. I like the colors they fit in nicely. Nice job overall. Hopefully everything works out for you.
  19. Welcome Sonic to Xisto. I am looking forward to seeing some of your graphics as is many other people. There are plenty of people around here that also make graphics including myself in which you could share them with and get comments, and advice.
  20. Ya like I said earlier there was a recall on batteries but they never said that that is what it was related to. My laptop also looks like that but it is an Inspiron 1150 (non continued) and it gets really hot after a while but hasn't blown up yet. I don't think it will, it seemed like a once in a thousand chance.
  21. Well if your site is already suspended already, just back up the files and once you get your hosting credits when you come back you can start over again which would be the same anyway because you will be down just as many credits. I don't think that the staff will be able to make an exception becasue if they do they would have to for everyone. They say everywhere to not let your credits to get that low in the first place for that reason that you should keep it up to atleast 10. I don't know maybe if they are in a good mood they might help you out but that would make it unfair to others. Hopefully you will understand.
  22. Ok so I have a list and I am trying to make a click event that transfers the value of that item on the list to a text box to edit it. The only problem is I have a label for each item as Item 1: Item 2: etc; (not item exactly). So what I want to do is before the transfer is made have it select the "Item #" part and delete it so it is just the item name itself. It is sort of confusing but I was pretty sure it could be done. Any help would be appreciated.
  23. Not a bad job. That looks similar to a ranking system called Aardvark Top Sites. Is that what you used or base it off? Very impressive overall. I like the design but I would personally use a different text in the banner.
  24. Well only the new version of Windows Media Player 11 interested me. I can use Firefox until the new Internet Explorer comes out. I was really curious what the new WMP would look like so I downloaded it. I must say it looks really nice. I like how they organized the songs and how it is all alphabetical based on what you want with a larger view making things easier to find. I like the interface, they seemed to make the screen bigger which is nice.
  25. I use mine really for all three. I use it for entertainment, make money by sellings things on there, and I program.1. Visual Basic 6 Coding2. Listen to Music3. Build Web Sites4. Talk on Forums5. Play Games (America's Army, Nitto 1320, etc;)6. Talk to Friends7. Tons more
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